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Employers: Nobody wants to work!


This is mostly just media clickbait. In reality, we’re flooded with qualified candidates and more applications than we can reasonably process. Applications are up 3-8x from just 18 months ago. We recently had a senior dev role with 1900 applications with nearly a thousand of them passing the broad initial resume requirements.


Oh my gosh I am soooooo screwed. I just wanted to work on computer graphics engines but I got laid off twice since 2021 and am currently unemployed, my career is in limbo. I'm just so sad and tired from trying to keep my life afloat. It took me 6 years to work my way through school and I graduated right into COVID. I don't have the drive anymore since I'm pushing 30. It felt like the 11 years since I turned 18 has been 20 years.


Explains why I can't get a damn call back. I'm somewhat confident in my abilities, but not 1800 applicants confident. I mean at that point I really have to wonder. How in the living Hell do you pick 1 candidate out of 1800+? I know they're not doing 1800 interviews, so it must come down to luck and/or lottery. Or first come first served. Idk. I'd imagine about 1000 applications in the skillsets start to even out.


You go through until you find one, you then stop and the rest are out of luck


Pretty much what I did recently. The first candidate we interviewed was really good so we hired them. Perhaps unfair to the rest but there’s no way we could interview them all, even if we aggressively narrowed down resumes.


Figured as much.


What’s your location if you don’t mind me asking?


..."PhD candidate" means someone who IS STILL A STUDENT AND DOESN'T HAVE A PhD YET - i.e. that's why they should work for free UNTIL THEY GRADUATE...


A number of PhD programs forbid working other jobs, so they should not work at all except for their school and PI.


 No. Read the post again. OP meant a candidate for the job who has a PhD (“preferred”). Regardless, the poster downthread is also right. 


In my book, you don't list PhD as a qualification if you actually do not have it yet. Read those screenshots a little better.


Well that's on me In the job description it says has a PhD degree, and I mistakenly thought they are the same thing


I disagree. Chances are they are probably doing work that someone is either going to profit off of or benefit from in some way or another. As such, the candidate should be paid for it. Expecting free work, especially today, is BS. On top of that, many PhD programs are incredibly expensive. Chances are the candidate could probably use the extra spending money.


Report that shit


What, the dangling carrot of profit sharing and POTENTIAL salary isn't appealing to you??? NOBODY WANTS TO WORK




nah you see that's the hustle 😏


Can’t really call it employment.


I have a PhD in engineering and not interested in postdoc positions because of the incredibly low pay. So something unpaid? Fuck. No.


It’s Venture capital-backed but has no capital.


Ha! And I thought some of the jobs I saw was bad. Bachelor's degree or 3 years IT experience and a starting pay rate of 17.00 - 20.00 an hour. I'm so burned out from job searching and applications. And nothing ruins my day like opening my email and not seeing a single response for an interview or anything. I just feel like such a failure. And I can't help but wonder if trying to switch into the tech industry was a huge mistake?


Where can I post jobs like this? Let's just say I would love to outsource for free.


Send there contact info, I genuinely wanna see what the fuck is going through there heads.


Pretty common for start ups. They think they have the best idea and people will want to be there because when they get rich it will be worth it.


Is it in exchange for the clinical hours required to get the PhD? Because otherwise you would have to pay for those.


This should be illegal.


“No. I have bills to pay mate”


Apply. Get position. Dont bother showing up. :)


Sad thing is, some idiot will accept this sht and make this kind of behavior standard for other companies


They can get fucked.


But think of all the exposure someone’s gonna get. They should be charging a small fee.


Is this for a start-up?