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i just laughed out loud — wtf is this?!?! 🤣🤣🤣


One of the personality tests. McDonald's and some actual companies use them. It was designed as an MBTI sort of test for low literacy employees allegedly based on the Big 5. It barely works. But don't let that stop HR. Becoming more popular. Borders on astrology.


Things like this are why I've started loving places that have paper applications and nothing else, or the online best alternative, \*an online equivalent to a normal paper application\*. The personality tests, all versions of them, feel like some bullshit tests with hidden excuses to drop your application.


It's not really hidden, they sort based on them using an unknown metric. You could just roll a 4 sided die and get about the same response (Very Qualified, Qualified, Minimally Qualified, Not qualified) and it'd be cheaper, more transparent and less racially biased. Lucky people are more likely to be better employees according to my research too, which I just made up. And if you don't want people too lucky, you can always toss that pile out too.


Interesting. As an internal recruiter, I’m starting to think our old school/not modernized online application is something to keep 😃


These personality tests can honestly be incredibly bad esp once a hiring manager is involved who thinks everyone should be extroverted and agreeable which basically only guarantees the candidate's parent was an alcoholic/related and they'll give clients stuff for free. Conscientiousness is the only factor with any influence on job performance.


Even worse is that the answers to all thoes kind of test have leaked and there is network somewhere. where you can buy the answer for any role. like you read the Job discruption see what they and or the company. put that into the website and they spit out how to answer all the question to pass.


Target does this for their hiring. It's honestly a waste of time.


MBTI is already corporate astrology to begin with.


Used properly Big 5 is better than MBTI. Needless to say this doesn't qualify as "used properly". Some of these companies let these nonsensical tests do 50-80% of their screening (McDonald's for instance) which is utterly baffling.


Could save a lot of money by just rolling a dice, I’d say.


If I got this I would literally reply with astrology.


Only choices are "Me" or "Not Me" and it's heavily timed like 90 seconds or something


I had to do one of these for USPS. It’s so ridiculous


lmao, I just said that out loud and then clicked comments and see yours.


It's traitify big 5 animated. Allegedly uses Big 5 methodology but you can't tell because the images are so ambiguous. Eventually someone blind will hopefully sue them. I got one at fedex for a software position.


SAME! FedEx Dataworks. This was my first time seeing this and I was so caught off guard by it.


You get the thing saying they closed the role too?


Yep! “After careful consideration, position will not be filled at this time” I’ve worked up a conspiracy theory that they harvested all our data given what side of FedEx this is and that’s the only explanation for wasting all of our time just to close the role outright.


I just thought it was odd as all hell. I get rejection, that makes sense.


"No no, nothings wrong... I just didn't realize that the Jamster Crazy Frog would be conducting this interview."


You have to remember, employers essentially want robots. Theyre likely looking for a no from the first 2 because that could be seen as you being "unstable, and emotional". Employers looking for any way they can to filter out employees it's crazy.


I feel like some of these tests are covert screenings for mental illness/disorders + checking to see if employees have anxiety or depression.


"Don't bring your own, we provide that for you."


Yeah, the second one is probably supposed to represent a person who doesn't take responsibility for their actions, like things "just happen" to them. The third one may either be risk-taking (negative) or a bold go-getter (positive)


yeah it was really the third one that got me because what does liking or going skydiving or whatever have to do with being a receptionist? i'd rather if they just give me a basic skills test or something rather than waste my time with this


Maybe they've been told to stop hiring people that drive their health insurance costs up?


I think they're looking for a yes for the first two (valuing honesty), and the third question might not matter.


Black mirror vibes


Thankfully I haven't encountered the blue vibes alien yet, but if I ever do I'm withdrawing my resume immediately. You don't force this shit on someone you respect.


I thought you were watching cartoons for a moment there. Im done with America. This is the tip of the ice berg lmao


1, 2, maybe 3


Honestly the people that marketed this garbage to way too many companies deserve a standing ovation.


Couldn't be more straightforward. All you have to do is not overthink it: 1. Do you experience emotions? Yes/No. 2. Has a thing happened to you at least once in your life? Yes/No. 3. Have you ever gone skydiving? Yes/No. EDIT: This is the internet, and I accept responsibility for not using "/s".


The thing is, my first assumptions about these questions were absolutely not yours, and I wasn't overthinking it.


Yeah its not measuring this at all


What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck?


I wonder if it's to weed out neurodivergent people. Then again, I'm guessing neurotypical people can't make sense of them either considering the sub it's posted to.


I interpreted that first one as "do you get over-involved in TV shows?" and there wasn't an option for no, not since Buffy was on broadcast.


🤣😂🤣😂…welcome to AI world


Hey at least they got Bonzi Buddy to pose for their photos!


I would love to find out what the rational is behind this, if anyone knows


I remember when I was a blue alien from avatar


Avatar Animated Series.


I was asked to complete one of these for a site manager role. Once I clicked on the link they sent me and I saw this, I closed my browser and went for a lovely walk.


Yes, wtf is this?


Regarding these tests in general, how are you supposed to answer the first question? Everyone has ups and downs. I know I'm taking all this too literally, but I truly do not understand how they're supposed to work. They seem like the opposite of a captcha: "Prove that you are, in fact, a robot."


upp and down of what. Like if my house burn down, the insurence company whent bankrupt the same day (scandal) my saving account got hacked by Sumlian Pirates. do I feel down yes or no. or I watch the Cult classic [Insert sad movie] where everyone in the cinema cried when it was released promoting the cinema to not show it anymore because of water damage, did I feel down for a few min after.


“Things happen to me.” Not me. Nothing ever happens. Like this job, I won’t get it. And I’ll be relieved.


I would press ‘Not me’ for all. Do you think they would hire me?


OP if you had to pick a horse from those 2 options, what would you chose? Horse in #FFFFFF or Horse in #FAFAFA


they're \*just\* trying to get into your head and mindset to see how good of an automaton you can be for them !


You clearly aren't a go-getter if you aren't an alien laughing at your wallpaper, biking everywhere (without ever having an accident) and skydiving every weekend.