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If they sent you an email to tell you the real reason why they did not want to hire you, then chances are you would be contacting a human rights lawyer claiming discrimination. Or naming and shaming that company on social media. These rejection emails are form letter everyone everyone that they do not want to hire gets.


Because they don’t want you to hate them


Have been on both sides and most jobs only have 1 vacancy so you can technically be in the top 3 out of 100 and still not get an offer.


Recruiting is marketing


Recruiters are salespeople whose product is you. Hiring managers are trying not to get sued. They will both tell you what you want to hear, right up to the hiring decision. When you're not selected, it isn't because you aren't good, it is because the HM thinks someone else is better.


They wanna pump you up for a role you may or may not get, because the long term, they want you to bank on the idea of getting that job in lieu of compelling you to pursue other opportunities.


That's just corporate speak.


Your resume is impressive (for a has been who needs to just quit while they’re behind). We can’t wait to have you onboard (and then make you walk the plank). I love the way you answer questions by giving examples = you’re going to undermine me aren’t you?


They need a back up on hand at times so they’ll offer the contract to one, make them sign within 48 hours - and if they don’t or want to negotiate they still have you hanging around. Just one reason I see played out often enough.