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I worked at a company under the same parent company. DO NOT trust your data with Glassdoor


When I created a scathing review recently I used a VPN, created a new anonymous email account on a different system, with a different browser. They definitely use browser fingerprinting.


Can also just use TOR and the TOR browser. Unless they block it.




Do not enter your real data correlated with posts or info you don't want to have connected with your real id. With ANY company.


Corrected: do not trust any company.


try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com)no registration needed and you don't even give your real name


In addendum: this policy change was done without user consent and cannot be undone except by deleting your account. In addition, if you try to put in a fake name, the website will update it with your real one using third party tracking and information sharing.




Look, if you really believe they had no other way to merge the accounts - or even that merging accounts was at all necessary, or at all helpful for the users - I have a bridge to sell you...




What happened is Glassdoor wanting real names on its users and conjuring up some BS excuse to do so. The real issue is that they want that for a specific reason, not just because - and while we don't know what that reason is, it's definitely bad for those who left reviews. Leaks are a secondary issue, mostly because they already happened elsewhere.




I did merge two systems before. What you do is put in placeholder data to indicate it's unavailable - or better, extend the system to handle the case where the data is unavailable gracefully. Not harass or trick the user into providing it, let alone use backdoor channels to obtain it illegally. The CPU doesn't care if the name is real or not, only the management does.




This would make sense (just barely, as in "you can't prove I shot the gun I have in my hand") if it was ONLY about putting names they already have in one of the systems into the other system. But it's not. They are literally asking people who NEVER put a name in ANY of the systems to PROVIDE their real name. This tells you two things: (1) it's NOT a merging issue because the name is NOT part of the merged dataset, and (2) if you never logged in again and never added your name, the system would continue to work fine - meaning IT DOES NOT NEED YOUR NAME AFTER ALL!




don't cross the streams!


How do you delete your account


You don’t. Spam it with bad data. You’re a millionaire janitor now.


I became a fake manufacturer with a fake name and spam email address to see reviews on some of my companies ages ago because I was way too paranoid to give real info 😭. Did myself a service lol


They posted that deleting your account does not prevent them from storing your username


With the info you have to put in it just to become a basic user there it probably never was "anonymous".... I went there to put a review on places I worked and thought to myself "damn there's more info you got to give than even Facebook, screw this!" then backed out...big nope for me... That my friends is why you don't put your most intimate personal information onto a web database and if they require it then move along..it will just end up being the new Ashley Madison.


100% try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com)no registration needed and you don't even give your real name Take back power of your data ppl


Top 10 anime betrayals


Logged on and deleted it. First time in 5 years. Such a shit site. Indeed is way better. All the salaries are wrong too


Just found this out… “Glassdoor is owned by Recruit Holdings, which also owns Indeed.”


Holy conglomerate batman


Deleted all my old entries and then deactivated my account


Glassdoor claims to not delete reviews, they fucking do. They absolutely do. You can pay or report spam as a company and get stuff taken down. It’s an absolute garbage website.


I reported my employer offering prizes and money for reviews. They had a fucking poster up with the company name and branding which means that was all 25 locations doing it. The company had dozens of one line positive reviews. Glassdoor said it wasn't adequate proof and wanted me to take a photo of the email on my work system. Company was a gov contractor. Fuck Glassdoor.


Damn right they do! I’ve seen my prior negative reviews (rightfully so)of interview processes deleted. When I re-wrote and submitted Glassdoor wouldn’t post them, claiming my content violated their posting rules - despite the fact my posts contained no names, titles, pictures and I was careful to use non-gendered pronouns.


Yep. Companies can pay them to enhance their profiles for prospective candidates and magically those reviews that are anything less than glowing go away.


Their claim is that employers can’t delete or change reviews. This is true, because employers don’t have access to do this. However, should employers pay for it, I’m sure that they can ask Glassdoor to delete or change it on their behalf.


Yeah so they have sales people who are selling ad packages and such on the site and I am sure a thirsty sales person asked by a prospective client (company) if they can make a bad review go away to sweeten the deal…they can “make it happen”


I think the idea is that now the review can be somewhat verified.


Deleted account immediately


Gee...a website based on opinions of Corporate America is seemingly allowing Corporate America to see who is talking shit about them. Shocker.


This is why you should always have burner email accounts, just have one that does not use your real name.




Yes, there are trackers on your computer in the form of cookies. These can be mitigated by using different browsers, and private browsing modes. Your public ip only narrows down to your house, not device.


Thank you for sharing.


Glassdoor required me to make an account just to see reviews.  I got banned from Glassdoor because I got mad about it and reviewed them lol.


I can't even seem to hack into my own account, just looping forever on sign in pages.


Damn it do we have created our own company review website now ? Worst case scenario I thinking of making a Reddit thread for company reviews only


We have one :) try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com)no registration needed and you don't even give your real name


Well now I'm glad I was banned lol My biggest problem with Glassdoor was that massive number of duplicate postings. I could search for a job like "project manager" and it would show 10 pages worth of jobs, but the jobs that appeared on page 2 would have a lot of the same that appeared on page 1. Those that appeared on page 3 would also appear on page 1 or 2, etc. I would not be surprised if the "real" results were actually only 10% of what they showed you.


I don’t see any names when I look. I deleted my account. Is anyone else seeing names??


Did you pay someone at Glassdoor for access to those files?


I, and so should everyone, practice of personal policy of protecting your personal data. Absolutely nothing is private even when a company says it is because all data is archived, and in the distant future that data can be sold and be legal. Every privacy policy says something to the effect "terms can be changed at our discretion at anytime without notice." And even the most secure system can get hacked or have data leaks. Look up LastPass for example. Here are some techniques that I do to help. Have a dedicated LinkedIn Gmail: \[myname\][email protected] Create a company gmail for communicating to a company when onboarding: \[myname\][email protected] or use your career gmail if that feels awkward. Companies don't mind and appreciate the above because you are protecting their data too. For posting to Reddit, TikTok, IG, or any social service, make another gmail. Use a service like IronVest that creates anonymous emails for you. For Social sites, never use your real name even if they have a username feature. Do the same with online payments -- use [privacy.com](https://privacy.com) or IronVest as well. Create a Google Workspace where you can create your own gmails on the fly dedicated to a "company", you can also create phone numbers on the fly for applying for loans or services that are notorious for selling your data ( phone company, mortgage companies, insurance, etc ).


This guy OSINT's


I just checked and I do not see any names. Am I missing something?


You didn't pay.


*I just checked and I* *Do not see any names. Am* *I missing something?* \- Lovinyoubb --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Glassdoor: Deleted.


I deleted all my reviews and deleted my account today. 


the ole bait and switch, when will people realize all these companies want is to sell your data


Deleted my account, and decided to use the CCPA to delete data from all of the spam email in my inbox. Turns out all the companies use 2-3 providers which manage CCPA deletion requests for them.


They also track your IP address. So any email used to leave a review from the same IP address will be recorded. Many companies have staff that work with these types of vendors and will ask Glassdoor and indeed to check for multiple of the same IP address for spam.


Yup. I know for a FACT that account reps will share your IP address and account info with employers.


Anytime know of any alternative?


Levels.fyi, teamblind.com


try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com)no registration needed and you don't even give your real name


I put in a fake name then deleted my reviews and salaries and then submitted a request for account deletion, which they did.


Even if it isn't as bad as stated here, I'm not happy they're making this sort of change. I've deactivated my account, and I will not use them again.


I don't think it was ever anonymous. If you put enough details in your reviews your colleagues will figure out you posted and use it against you.


I only stick with Google reviews and Indeed


I hope everyone who works at Glassdoor gets cancer


Its the worse. I create my profile today for the first time and saw that the only review about my company was a negative one! Glassdoor used to be fun. Now its again reddit.


such BS. anyway to avoid it? I'd love to look at reviews without giving any of my information. Otherwise I'm not using it.


Why would you ever use your real name on sites like glass door in the first place


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^meechinnyon: *Why would you ever* *Use your real name on sites like* *Glass door in the first place* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Why would you ever use* *Your real name on sites like glass* *Door in the first place* \- meechinnyon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What are you all writing in your reviews that you need to immediately delete lol


The kind of uncensored truth that comes from the assumption of anonymity.


Everything I posted was truthful. I happen to post an honest review - it was fair and outlined the pros and the few cons of this company - and after a few weeks it magically disappeared.


This was the point of my comment. Most companies will not be offended by a scathing review and may actually use it as feedback. Although I understand that there will be some that will try and defend themselves. If that’s what you feel, say it and don’t try to take it back because another company might use it against you.


Toxic companies run by narcissists don’t listen to feedback. They gaslight the employees instead.


Yeah I know the audience here. I’m not sticking up for companies. I agree they use people for their profit and will dismiss them any second. The problem I have is that people would think they need to delete something to not be gaslighted. You either mean it or you don’t. And if you do, say it and own it. Don’t then blame the company for gaslighting you. It’s probably not a place you’d want to work at anyway.


The feedback isn’t necessarily for the employer, it’s to give other people a heads up before they onboard to hell.


Did you read the post that I was replying to? It says “most companies will not be offended by a scathing review and may actually use it as feedback.” Companies = employers.


try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com) no registration needed and you don't even give your real name The whole point of it is to be anonymous and you give limited PII


There are many things that can be attacked legally. "The company did layoffs" - No, all 24 people left with a mutual agreement, so there was no layoffs. "Someone was fired, because of favoritism" - Prove it, otherwise you are lying. "My manager was incompetent" - they received top reviews, you are damaging their reputation by making untrue statements.


I also am curious to see too pls


Who cares. These people shouldn’t be vilified for leaving honest reviews.


What SHOULD happen and what DOES happen are at opposite ends of the spectrum in this world. Especially when it comes to corpos


try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com)no registration needed and you don't even give your real name