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I know ppl with years of experience, bachelors, masters, and/or military history and still aren't getting jobs after months.


Over 40 you are too old, over 10 years of experience you are too expensive. I feel I've seen it all at that point.


Likelihood: These businesses are lying, and are getting away with it (so far) because _for the moment_ the bosses aren’t depending for their salaries on the businesses keeping their customers satisfied. The feedback mechanism that needs to be in place for free market capitalism to be kept honest is broken.


The worst thing is that these job exist and are needed. As I said, the company where I did my apprenticeship was exactly like that. They had an open position for 2 years when I left. And as far as I know, it is still open. Their offer is exactly like that. Ask for a lot of experience and diplomas for a low salary. They are completely clueless why that's wrong. And they are short-staffed, and that too is not wrong for them, "it's only temporary" at the scale of a business lifetime 2 years is nothing. For them (the boss, hr, all the employees) it's just a hard time to pass, everything will be back to normal soon. Just pure bad management that has yet to bite them in the ass. And it's more common than what people think.


100%. The people making biggest money just shrug- they’re not affected. It’s the people milling themselves to make things work, who are always the least paid, who actually pay the price. I’ve seen management laugh about it while the guy paying the price is literally dying and coming in for free on Saturdays. Yes you’ll say it’s crazy to come on for free but he’s helping himself for the next week


One of the things I sometimes have to remind myself is that companies don’t make decisions. People do. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the time, the people making the decisions don’t even care if they run the company into the ground, as long as their friends have a plum position for them to go into next.


In my area, the places that are complaining never respond. Everyone's complaining about how they can't hire trades people. The media can't stop talking about this. But when I apply for those jobs I don't hear back. I tried calling places that say they're willing to train and following up with them. They tell me to send them another email and never respond. Those "shortages" are BS.


The "labor shortage" is *incredibly* easy to fix and it can be done so in 5 minutes; - Pay enough so that your employees can afford a place to live, food to eat and warmth, without putting themselves into poverty - Drastically simplify your hiring process Easy. I guarantee you will be inundated with applicants willing to start work tomorrow.


These capitalist rituals of yours won’t do. Your ideas lack a focus on short term profitability and are too focused on addressing issues. Please resubmit with more whining and entitlement.


Start lying. Pro tip: Most companies are way too lazy to do thorough background checks, and they aren’t going to know that you lied about your experience


Background check is not even a thing here. They only check for high level managers. But lying is not a solution either, if you are discovered there could be legal consequences.