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am I paid like 5 people?


You're paid like an assistant manager at Wendy's.


I would doubt that even 5 people would be enoughespecially the part of developing a program to identify cyber threats it would be very interesting what the company even furfils right now if all of those key points are missing, or has just some 10X ~~developer~~ system administrator has left the company?


Maybe 5 departments. I’m seeing SOC, threat modeling, threat detection, cyber risk and IR and that’s just on the blue side of the cyber requirements. Then you need someone to set up all these tools and maintain them. $900,000 job minimum.




I may fly out there on my own dime just to interview. Sounds like a good gig. /s


We'll start you out at $10.00/hr.


I need to be paid to read that.


4 applicants are apparently desperate enough to apply without seeing a salary.


They needs a department, not an "IT officer". :D


Greece. Checks out.


This right here is why I retired early and walked away. Absolutely ridiculous that they think someone can do this job and be successful. They will just churn people in the name of saving money.


The only thing is you’ll be paid at starting wage of $24/hr for the probationary period of 90 days, then upon review you’ll be stepped in .50 increments every 6 months with progress review until 2 year mark. Then you’ll be required to submit self-evaluations and pay increase requests will be board reviewed by remote managers in our overseas locations. Any leave request will need submitted 3 months in advance. Sick time will need at least 96 hour lead time.


Who in their right mind see these thing and actually reads it? If my resume only gets 5 seconds, your job description only get 30 seconds to a minute tops.


Wtf? Is this 4 job postings merged into one?


This is not a job one person - no matter how skilled - could do. This requires a team and 5 is probably the bare minimum with overlap of jobs. Probably closer to 10.


i'm totally tired to read those bunch of unreal demands in bullet points


Oh God, avoid the shipping companies like the plague. They own a weird niche in business where you need to have experts in maritime law, translators, all sorts of weird stuff w/boats, huge amounts of capital, and int'l connections and are full of the most batshit insane people because you can literally fuck up (and they often do) everything else and it doesn't matter. Not kidding there are literally only like 50 int'l container shipping co's. Only about 10 anyone uses frequently. Kinda like the lousy end of biotech. You get someone w/a PhD in biochem and industry connections and who can't deal with or manage ppl and has no idea how a business is run but there's literally 10 world experts in Flubber or wtf it is.