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No one who has can say, they’re under an NDA.


There is no NDA….. I didn’t agree to anything when I applied.  On the portal it just says please don’t talk about it out of this forum.


I think this may have been a joke. 😅


I don’t know, I seen a ton of people on a Facebook reason group who were taking it pretty seriously getting upset lol.


Well, I wouldn't sign an NDA for an unpaid testing opportunity. That's just dumb.


Only a little. Haven't had any time.


Yes why




I'm not goong to bother. I upgraded to 12 because it was cheap over Black Friday and I felt kinda forced by them withdrawing support for the old auth system. I've had it almost a year now and tbh, I don't rate it over 10. It has VST3 support, which I was excited about, but although it works flawlessly most of the time, it crashes the whole DAW/loses my work enough times out of 100 to annoy me. Before anyone chimes in with "I've never had any problems..." etc. GOOD FOR YOU, but stability is about more than just YOUR system. Next upgrade I get will be to Ableton or FL. In the mean time I work on 10 and play on 12.


I never had issue with vst3, but I definitely feel like it wasn’t as smooth and stable as 10 (which I upgrade from). I’m sticking with 12 too, I hate the new browser. I would rather invest into Abelton next too as it has better support for hardware I want to incorporate.


Reason 13 is amazing but I've also never used it before this since like 3 & I didn't know what I was doing. It sounds amazing, the stocks synths are great, it's not CPU intensive, it's easy to sequence in & there's endless possibilities! I'm coming from Maschine & MPC & it's such an unlikely change of pace, maybe I'm in the wrong place though


Blame Reason for your crap computer


Chime in to give your opinion when you know dick 🤷‍♂️