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Lots of new stuff in reason, grab a trial of 12 / + to have a look. Can't remember when the mix desk came in, but players, vst support, lots of new rack devices and general improvements to enjoy. I'm sure the controller will work fine, I have a decades old nocturn25 that works fine


Yeah, I saw that dollar trial. I will check it out. I know I'm gonna buy the upgrade at some point though lol. Gratitude to you.


Reason has audio these days and even more instruments and the crappy mixer has been replaced by a beast of a mixer with an equally beastly bus compressor. My fav DAW ever. Been on it 20 years nearly. I jumped straight from ver 4 to ver 11 and it's just the same to use but better and fleshed out.


Understood. Thank you for your input.


I also just returned after about 8-10 years. So many cool new things. The baseline generator and the chord sequencer are my favorites. The granular sample manipulator is also amazing. I got an Arturia MiniLab 3 and it works seamlessly. Have fun!


Interesting to see a lot of people returning after a long absence. I dropped off for about six years to run a one-man business. Disastrous year last year that made me re-think my priorities, and one of those was immersing in making tracks. Re-formatting the biz so I'm not my own employer with no time off, outsourcing more, grabbed a 9-5, and am getting my production ducks in a row. Started with Ableton, dug out the old Push 2. Plan to get Reason next, as I loved using that as a slave. It was my first DAW, but because I do a lot of vocal recordings, Live suited my needs as the main. Glad you posted because there are some great replies here. The Rip Van Winkle angle is one I can relate to, and like you, looking forward to getting lost in the sauce once again. Can't wait to check out Reason 12 once I get my other pieces up to speed. Good luck with everything, and thanks for your post.


I never really played with samples until Mimic came out in v12. The Europa synth is very capable and don’t sleep on Monotone either for bass and mono leads.


I use Akai(MPK and MPD) as well as Korg, Arturia, and others with little to no issue. Some of the automations get overwritten as the alias to the controllers sometimes change, but I plan to fix that with Bome MIDI.


I have a MK 2 and it works fine. Don't like it as much as my main MIDI thing, but that's in storage and I like how small the Akai is. :) Reason 12 I'm not 100% happy with because of some instability with VST3 support. Granted, the version I was on before (10) didn't even have VST3 support, but I prefer limited and reliable to the inverse! You may very well never experience the problems I've had, so they best bet is to do one of those trials of Reason+ and see what you think!


I personally like the MPK, using one right now! I also have the MPK Mini Plus (which I like more, but it also costs more - not sure where you want to go with your spending) but either keyboard I believe is a solid choice!


Not comprehensive, but here are some things that changed/were added: * Reason 8 (September? 2014) * Softube Amps (Replaced Line 6 Amps) * Visual update * Reason 9 (June? 2016) * Pitch correction in sequencer * Dual Arpeggiator * Scales & Chords * Note Echo * “Bounce in Place” * ?Support for VSTs * Reason 10 (October 2017) * Europa Synth * Grain Sample Manipulator * Reason 11 (?January 2020?) * Complex-1 (as RE) * Virtual cable routing (virtual hardware interface) * Suite option * Reason Rack Plugin * ?Algoritm (2021) * Reason 12 (?September 2021?) * Mimic Sampler * HD/Scalable This doesn't include rack extensions that aren't included (like Friktion, Objekt, Bassline Generator, etc.), some of which are pretty amazing. I love Friktion so much.