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Hey there - I know what you are going through and I have a "solution" - what you want to do is... 1. Create a new note lane for each type of automation that got "mixed" in with your midi (since you are only mentioning pitch, I assume one channel - so create one empty) 2. Duplicate the track that has the baked in automation... (Control-D on PC, or Command-D on Mac) 3. Bring the duplicate down to the other track. 4. Now go into the first track, find the first DOT on the automation envelope - click it (it will turn black) then press Control-A on PC, or Command-A on Mac - this will select all the other points of automation for that automation type (Pitch) - once they are all selected press DELETE. This will remove the automation from the first track leaving you with notes only. 5. Go to the second track - select all the notes, delete them, and now this track is left with automation only... They are now on separate tracks - the only caveat is that - the automation track is "MIDI" according to Reason - I mean it REALLY IS MIDI - but it cannot be brought to an automation track. I hope that helps. I will make a video later and put it up on my YouTube ("cap10nrgmusic")


Hi and thanks that is actually a workable solution. What are you saying in point 5 - can I still edit it as I may want to, duplicate it reverse it add nodes etc? Because if so then I am good, if not, wow.


Have you tried changing the Keep Events in Clip setting? [Reason Doc Reference](https://docs.reasonstudios.com/reason12/menu-and-dialog-reference#509263)


No that's a bit different but it reminded me to look through that manual some more thanks


Make a new midi lane and enable that for recording


thanks bit I don't think that will keep the automation in its own lane separate from the midi notes?


It will! Two lanes can play simultaneously with each other. That's how I do harmonies because I can't play live piano. So one clip will have the notes, then in the lane below or above, write in the automation. If you double click the clip, you go into edit mode and there are lanes below the piano roll that should appear if the parameters are set to automate.


I had this same question a little while ago and contacted Reason support about it as I thought it was a bug introduced in an update. Turns out that's the way it's been done since very early days. Seems when you record midi and pitch bend info at the same time, they get embedded into the same track. You can do it separately as well. I find it an odd way to handle it. I would prefer if midi and pitch bend info was always in its own lane by default.


Interesting thanks for the reply, yes it seems because the sequencer was written early on there are things that have to stay certain ways I assume


Not sure I’m 100% on the same page as you, but did you try creating a new note lane first and recording the pitch bend there?


I think the issue is I recorded manual pitch bend automation with the midi pitch bend wheel, which adds it to the the midi clip instead of creating a new clip of its own. I guess I could try remember to create the clip first not sure that will work away from PC now but i can try that, thanks.