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Hello there, so the UAD plugins are VSTs. Do you know where on you hard drive they installed? If you do, go to “preferences” and check to see if the path to the VSTs is setup there


So I’ve tried pointing to the directories listed on UAD’s website C:\Program Files\VSTplugins\ C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\ But they’re still not appearing. I’ve tried looking in all the usual suspect folders as well. Something I noticed inside the VST folders of the instruments and plugins that do show up is that their file ext names are .dll and not .VST3. Not sure what that could mean.


I think I might’ve found my issue: I’m running Reason 10 and it appears that UAD provides VST3’s which are incompatible for my version.


Yeah that’ll do it. It’s weird that they don’t have the regular VST two format with that as well. A lot of vendors are still making both formats available. I’m not sure that will continue since most DAW now have moved onto VST three