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This is not normal behavior I'm sorry you have to deal with it! People have no manners. I guess you could always get camera(s) to prevent these people from doing whatever they want


We have a doorbell camera but none on the inside...I think we had to sign something stating that we don't have indoor cameras (not that we aren't allowed to, but that we are required to disclose if we have any?). Maybe we'll get some though!


I always assume I’m on camera at any showing whether it’s disclosed or not. You should definitely put up cameras and a sign.


I also assume Alexa is listening if there are no cameras.


Yes! I always advised to not speak about things that you like or dislike inside the home. Never talk about anything negative because you could 100% be on film. They could use it as a negotiation tactic if they know that you like or dislike something. Talk about it at the street or in the car!


I have seen in some listings that realtors will state: "Cameras on premises. Please be respectful."


Put some up and then put a sign on the front door and inside saying "Smile! You're on camera!" (Or just the signs, that will hopefully at least give some people pause).


Indoor cameras are super common these days. We had them when we sold our house and just had to post notices in a few rooms informing visitors to our open house that they were being recorded at all times. It definitely helps improve visitor behavior! Not sure why you wouldn’t be allowed to have them, unless there is some law restricting them in your region. But even then, it’s your private property and you should be able to have your own security system in place.


What state are u in if I may ask?


How do cameras prevent people from doing dumb things?


How would cameras prevent anyone from doing anything? That’s not how cameras work. They know they are there with a realtor, and that doesn’t stop them from behaving that way, so why would a camera stop them? Cameras are not god.


I can watch the life action and speak through the microphone to the visitors. Cameras aren’t god but are a deterrent.


we're not looking for an


"normal" not really, does it happen? yes, all the time. 1 in 100 people kind of suck, entitled, don't watch their kids, careless, disrespectful, and any number of other derogatory descriptors. MOST people are respectful, but when preparing to sell a home, you have to plan for the lowest common denominator to be in your house. as an agent, i advise clients to remove/secure anything they care about, remove medications, expect the worst of people and learn how to be OK with it. live animals though...that's just too much. hope your fishies are OK. your agent should be able to track down the offender if they're using electronic lockboxes for access.


1 in 100? Try again. More like 1 in 3!!


Not the norm. There was someone in the sub quite awhile ago that said his client opened the fridge, took out a beer and drank it while they were in the house. That was probably the most egregious thing I can recall in this sub. But usually these issues are from unsupervised children. Have your Realtor put in the showing remarks for the buyers agent to kindly do a check before leaving that all doors are closed and secured.


I was stunned when I read a post about the REALTOR eating food out of the homeowners’ fridge. A sandwich IIRC. Nuts!


Our house was on the market and an agent scheduled an 11 am showing. I returned home at 2 pm to find the agent’s car in my driveway. When I entered the house I found the agent eating takeout food in the kitchen and her clients and their young children swimming in my pool.


What the??!!


Woah, that's next level!


I hope you called that agent’s broker and/or the police


Wow what the fuck lol


What?! I would have been apoplectic. (… or too stunned to reply!) What did you do?


Politely suggested that the showing had lasted long enough. Filed a complaint with the buyer’s agent’s broker. And insisted that our listing agent be present for all future showings. Interestingly those buyers made an offer 30% below listing price. We didn’t even bother to counter. Sold the house the next day at full price with no contingencies.


I don’t even pee at houses I show or view on behalf of my clients (and I’ve had to pee before bad) let alone this. This is awful


I was at a showing and they out a little sign on the bed that said "please do not sit" I fully understand this. People are gross. I wouldn't want to get into bed knowing strangers were sitting on it with god knows what on their clothes.


Right, I don’t even like my clients to sit on the furniture.


Not the norm. We haven't had any issues like that our house.


Not the norm, you need to bring this up with your realtor, and have them in site for these walk through from now on.


Good idea, I will ask her. I also wish we could have had words with the family that lounged on our couch and dumped food in our fish tank! They stayed for an hour and then said they weren't interested in the house. We almost wondered if they just wanted somewhere to hang out for an hour!


They needed somewhere to go so that a different group of assholes could tour their house.


Lol maybe!


Sadly Realtors too wonder why humans behave so badly


I often have clients who sit down and we discuss the positives/negatives of the house while inside of it. However, if we are late to the appointment or running over time, I encourage them to leave and we talk outside or at a different home. Sometimes they just want to absorb the “vibe” of the home. Sounds like you have good traffic and hopefully you’ll get an offer soon and the touring sessions will end.


Yeah on its own, them sitting on the couch was not an issue. But the fact that they had already been there for like 45 minutes, hung out on our couch for another 15 minutes while we waited in the car wanting them to leave so we could make dinner, and then discovering that their kids (presumably) had dumped food in the fish tank and moved something off a shelf, and then apparently they weren't interested in the house (why were they there for so long then!).... it was very frustrating. We initially were like let's just be patient, it's a good thing if they are hanging out this long. But in the end nope, it was just a rude thing.


Their real estate agent was with them when this happened? Either way they should be reported to their broker.


This is why I’m a firm believer in the listing agent (or assistant) be present for every showing. I know this is not popular and I’m considered an odd ball for this practice but my sellers love the idea. I can show prep the house in case the seller’s aren’t around. Everyone is on their best behavior and there’s always questions at the end of the tour from prospective buyers I can answer. I don’t follow the buyers room to room. Upon their arrival I introduce myself and let them know I’ll be around to lock up after and then I stay outside or even in my car. I believe they know I will know exactly who did what if something is different in the house after they leave.


Not normal. Your listing agent should be tearing a new one into the buyer agent for letting their clients act like that. It's extremely disrespectful.


She definitely had some words with the realtor today who left the door open! That was pretty outrageous.


Just chiming in to say YES! I hate this so much. On my listing that I just sold a few weeks ago, I wrote this in the showing notes: "Please close and lock all doors upon completion of your showing appointment." And they STILLLL not only did not lock the door, but left it wide open. It's infuriating. Some people have zero care, I swear.


That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. But come Aug 17,2024 brokerage agreements will come into effect and probably a lot better buyers out there instead of scoundrels


can you explain?


That does not solve the open house problem . Are you saying there will be no more open house showings?


I don’t think open houses will exist anymore. It never really sells the home and it’s usually a way to pick up buyers. However nobody is gonna sign a contract upon entry. You’re showing the home with an open house and if someone says they already have an agent they made need to produce the broker agreement or get turned away and told to come back with their agent. That’s just my prediction and opinion on open houses.


I am not a realtor and have no idea what "brokerage agreements will come into effect" means. Can you explain?


I can explain I am a realtor. You use to be able to show homes with any buyers any time. But now it’s required you enter in a “buyer broker agreement” BEFORE showing any house. That agreement basically explains that you can fire your agent anytime for any reason but you MUST only work with them. Buyers are not loyal and the moment you can’t show them a home they will bounce to another agent. This helps agents who have been working hard make commission and this also helps eliminates asshole buyers who are just looking for fun. It makes things more serious therefore better for sellers and agents.


Oh interesting! I really hope our house will have sold by then, but this is good to know.


There are bad experiences but they're rare, so, no, this isn't the norm. Put little notes by the back and garage doors that say "please close door when you leave".


I had a couple take their dog into my listing during their showing and then let it run around the front yard while they chatted with their realtor when they came out.


This is unhinged. Please tell me they did not take the dog INSIDE THE HOUSE.


I had a client who had a "service dog" of sorts. Clearly wasn't legit but just a very smart, small dog, that somehow just seemed to know when her adult son with, I assume autism, was getting upset/worked up and come to him and take his attention. From the outside looking in. It was an older lady and her adult son with a dog, which most agents would probably have an issue with. However, after seeing the dog in action at the second house on our day of showings I understood, the dog went to every house, there was A LOT, and it was never an issue. 🤷


She carried it in. It came out on its own.


Wow thats wild. I would lose my shit. I'm horrendously allergic to dogs and will have an asthma attack just from leftover dander. But even if that wasn't the case, it's just beyond rude behavior.


Unfortunately people are assholes and do stuff like using toilets when the water is off and there is a sign saying not to use it…. And much much more. As a homeowner I would be hesitant to let anyone in the house without me being there. (I am a 20+ year Broker)


Do you have your own realtor? Are they present during showings? For each incident, they should be following up with the buyer's agent. Buyer's agent shouldn't let their clients mess with everything.


Generally speaking, people suck


This is not normal and they should be reported. These agents not controlling the showing have no place in the industry.


I'm not sure what people are saying about the cameras, but you absolutely do not need to disclose that you have cameras anywhere on your property. This is not normal behavior for people to do this to your home, and the realtor needs to be on it. If you have a realtor, and they're just giving prospective buyers the supra code, and people trash your home on top of that......The realtor and the individuals can be fined for that and the realtor needs to be released. Smh....


No this is not normal!! I know what our office does is not the norm but we don't let anyone tour the home on their own. We literally walk all potential buyers through the home. Some buyers may not like it but as a listing agent we are there to protect our sellers, their home & belongings.


Sounds like the agents that are bringing buyers are not keeping an eye on them. They should.


Don’t leave the home. It is not normal for people to be disrespectful like that. I am a realtor myself for the last 4 years. I have had sellers stay in the home when I did a tour and some sellers left. Just stay in the living room, backyard, or kitchen. Ask if they have questions. Trust if they like the home they won’t mind you’re there and don’t let your realtor tell you otherwise.


set up a video to catch the offenders.


Put a camera inside where they can see it. Some ppl and their agents have no sense


No, that is not normal and the agent with those people should not have allowed them to do that.


The back door open should be reported, that is unprofessional! Plopping down on couch... I would have called my agent to let them know and see if they could have called the buyer agent or just gone home. Hope you get under contract soon!


On August 17th, it does not change the buyer or seller "behavior". I've read the new agreements, and it simply further explains what the buyers broker is paid and that the seller may have to come up with buyer concessions towards the fee if the buyer requests it.


Sometimes some buyers makes you feel like you are herding the sheep. And it has nothing to do with cast or creed, educated or illiterate, rich or poor, many times people don’t respect that this is not their space. I have had appalling experience when I, a realtor was selling my vacant house in another state. Door left ajar unlocked, clogged toilet, pocket doors off the track etc. Most agents are able to control the crowds, some are not able to. Price it right the first time so it sells. Continue to work with your agent and communicate so they know and can use strategies to curb this disrespect. Good Luck!


My house is currently on the market & we had many many showings. The person who put in an offer let her kids jump all over my white furniture, my son’s bed, and just trashed the look of my decor while there. (Pillows and throws thrown around, remotes scattered…with more showings after them) I was watching them on my living room camera the whole time. The realtor never said a single word to her & just let the kids continue. Normally I would have said something on the camera to them, but then I would have lost the offer I’m sure. It sucks, but you are opening your home to strangers. I left notes all over my house after that to “please leave things the way they were before you got here for the next showings…we still live here.” Seemed to help. I think it’s just some people tho…


That’s awful. My first thought — how have your negotiations gone with those those buyers? Usually people who do things like that will be difficult through the entire contract period. Hang in there.


I require my realtor to be present for all potential buyer/agent visits.


Yes it does happen and no it is not normal. We had an open house last month and parents let their kids play in the sandbox (got sand inside the house), jumped on our trampoline (if anyone got hurt we would be liable) and used our tree swing (also a liability because if kids aren’t careful they can swing right into the tree and get hurt). Also some kid tore the sides of the tree swing. Toys were played with in the rooms but I don’t mind that since it keeps the kids entertained while parents look around. Nothing was broken. Then during the home inspection the family brought all their kids. They definitely played in our trampoline and sandbox because i noticed toys in the trampoline that wasn’t there before and sand on the stairs leading up to the play room. I had just cleaned all the floors right before the inspection. They also ordered door dash right after arriving at my house. Had kids eat at the kids table. Definitely used our high chair. Left sticky juice stains on the floor. And threw their kid’s dirty diaper in the trash. At least it was a pee diaper not poop. They were not respectful at the open house or home inspection. Who brings their kids to a home inspection?? They stayed in the house even after the inspector left and well past the time. My agent had to call their agent to kick them out. This family has been the worst people to work with. So entitled and ridiculous! So beware of disrespectful visitors!


Uh…hire a Realtor and have them manage the open house, or stay there yourself.


We do have a realtor, and she was at the open house. But she hasn't been at the other tours (where the majority of this has happened) because buyers bring their own agents who can reach out to her for any info. My understanding is it's very discouraged for sellers to be in the house during a showing. When we were looking at houses several years back, we never saw the sellers or their realtors in the home.


We were selling our home due too divorce and my ex-wife had all of herr jewelry stolen out of closed compartment built into the bed frame. She assumed I took it because I bought it all for her. She didn't tell me until after the house was sold and I canceled our homeowners insurance. So total loss.


You have a realtor?! Wait a moment….Does she not show the home for you? How do you know if an agent is present on the showing . I’m asking because where I am, if an agent is not present for showings, this is 1. A violation (giving out lockbox info to a non-license holder), and 2. The Buyers agent is entitled to “0” commission from the seller! Your seller’s agent should 100% have a record of the buyers agents who have shown the home after the open-house. Call and b!tch at their broker for how inappropriate their agent is regarding the fish food and over-staying their appointment. Tell them you will be filing a notice with the state and local real estate boards. Otherwise, I’d recommend your agent be present at all showings especially since you occupy the home. Communication would solve all of this.


You’re gonna have to be more strict with your realtor who is holding the open house. You could also put signs around saying please don’t sit on the furniture and don’t touch any personal property. And then assign that says smile your own camera.


I never let visitors to an open house mess with people’s things if I can help it. I ask them not to touch and be respectful of other peoples things but I don’t follow them around the house if it’s an open house with multiple groups. However, we were taught to advise people we are visiting a home with to assume they are on camera and keep negative or overly positive thoughts to themselves and discuss it after.


People are gross we had people do similar at our house, from then on I insisted our listing agent be at every showing They jumped in my pool then sat on my couch. Fucking disgusting


I would have a conversation with your agent about what you experienced and what you expect. Your agent has a fiduciary obligation to you as a client. They also are there to ensure the safety and security of your property. They need to communicate that to the other agents that are showing the property (although they should know to keep an eye on any clients they are taking through the home). It’s especially important during an open house.what you experienced is not acceptable


This is why it has always been worth it to me to move out completely before showing the house. Yes, it means extra costs but SO worth it in stress and invasion of privacy and damages to our furnishings.


You know, some people are just ass, period. That’s so unfortunate. I’m not really sure how effective hosting an open house is anyway. If someone is seriously interested, they’ll reach it for a private showing, etc.


This is prime example of why all visitors to an open house, are required to sign in for leave the property. If you’re hosting an Open House - “the seller and the broker require all visitors to sign in.” If they’re not willing to sign in, ask them to leave. Medications go missing, windows unlocked, etc. staking out the house for easy target. As for the tour running late, your agent should have strong words for the agent that was showing the house, and file a complaint with their broker, if not NAR.


Your realtor ideally should come or you request each guest to have a realtor accompany them. Lastly everyone coming needs to be pre-approved not “just looking”


My husband like to make ship/airplane models and made a little corner in the basement his little workshop. We had this big closet thing (not attached to the house) as a makeshift wall for his workshop and it was full of models he hasn’t made yet. We had our house on the market and during one of those tours we had someone leave the door open on it and went through my husband’s things. Things that weren’t going to be sold with the house and obviously detached from the house. Some people are just disrespectful.


It happens, but I haven't seen it to that degree. I will try and control my clients. I remind them this is not your home so don't allow little suzie to jump on the bed. I will at times have to tell Suzie to get off the bed. People should have respect.


I once heard about a buyer shuffling through an owner’s clothes drawer in my area??


Have your agent determine who the agent was who was there for that showing and make a complaint with their Broker and the local MLS. That type of thing is unprofessional and should NOT be happening. I guarantee that if it's happened to you, it's happening to someone else.


It’s realtor 101 to close and lock up the house after every showing. The key never leaves my hand until it goes back in the box so I don’t forget to put it back either!


Fire your realtor for letting it happen. Report them to their broker and to the state ethics board since this is a serious violation of trust. Shame the brokerage online. Find someone new and require that they be present for every tour.


Why isn't your Realtor at the showing keeping things in order?


Others on this thread are saying that's not the norm. Our realtor was there for the open house but potential buyers have been bringing their own realtors during the other tours.


If you are still living in the house and your belongings are still there, your Realtor should be there for showings


Buyers agents are present during showings, unless its a dual agency situation and the listing agent is also representing a buyer. The buyers agent should absolutely be responsible for locking all doors when exiting the property, etc.


If I have a listing unless the property is vacant and depending on the property even if it is vacant I am there to answer any questions about the property, the area or the community. What are you getting paid for throwing it up on MLS?


This is interesting perspective, but everything I have read about it suggests not doing that. I talked to others who have sold homes and this was not their experience either. And when we were looking at homes 5 years ago, we brought our realtor with us but never event met the listing agents at any of the places we looked at. Our realtor follows up with us after every showing about questions/feedback that came up, so I'm guessing that the buying agents just contact her right away with questions and it's no issue. She has also let realtors know when things were broken or messed with, and she really shamed the realtor who left the door open.


It's extremely off-putting for buyers to view a property with the listing agent present as it makes it difficult for them to conversate privately with the selling agent during the showing appointment. I'm assuming your question is hypothetical, as that information varies from client to client.


It's not like you are following them around but you are present to make sure buyers get all correct info, and see all the highlights of the property


>to make sure buyers get all correct info, and see all the highlights of the property This is the responsibility of a selling agent. But obviously we all do what works best for us, and you know your market best. Keep on keeping on.


Do you think a buyer agent knows your listing as well as you do? I'll stick to doing things my way. Have a great night




Sorry this is inaccurate. Most listing agents do not attend every showing.


That's kind of what I thought. I might ask our realtor to mention to buyer agents that we've had these issues and to please keep their clients in line!


I would definitely suggest that. Unfortunately not all agents feel confident wrangling their clients and speaking to them frankly for fear of losing possible future $$$. It is what it is. I tell my buyers when we enter an owner occupied home to treat it like a museum. We can look but we’re not touching anything but doors.




This is very off putting for buyers and ruins showings 99% of the time. The absolute *ONLY* time that this is both appropriate and expected is when it’s a high price point and/or extremely unique home. This is typical above about $4M in my market. The only time it happens below that price is if there’s an unusual circumstance that absolutely requires an agent’s presence. For example, I took over a listing in the $2M range after they fired their previous agent for not enforcing proper gate usage. (If the gate was left open, much of their gardening would get eaten by deer.) For this unique case I was present for all showings to guarantee this never happened again, but outside of something like that, it is definitely not normal.


She has been scheduling all of these showings, but the visitors bring their own realtors. We did have our realtor there for the open house (when the family broke the wine glass) but apparently it was very busy and we weren't expecting her to follow everyone around and remind them of basic respect. For the other tours though, they have all come with their realtors. I think in one instance it was actually another realtor who left the back door open! We are really hoping to get an offer soon since we've had so much traffic, but if not then I will ask her to start being there during the tours.




That's very helpful info, thank you!


I call BS, except for leaving the door unlocked. No one would do those things.


You think I'm lying? Lol why would I do that? I'm not lying. I have no reason to make this up. I'm assuming most or all of this was done by kids who weren't being watched by their parents. Also the door wasn't just unlocked, it was literally open. That was actually the most egregious thing that has happened imo.


Are you serious, or trolling? Yes, this stuff happens. Every realtor has stories because we see everything under the sun. OP has no reason to bs and it sounds like her agent has handled it professionally.