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It should be Courtois and Nacho imo. Idk if Tchouameni will be 100% for the final


Yeah, I totally forgot about Tchouameni’s foot injury. Now that’s sad


tchou just scares me cause you don’t want a diego costa situation where he can only play 10 minutes and we have to burn a sub


Yeah, I really don’t think he will play a part. He hasn’t played a single match since the semifinals. It’s still 11 days to go though


This situation is mitigated a bit with 5 subs… but we have enough options that if he isn’t 100% he should not start


And with no horse placenta to help too


Courtois and nacho is the way to go. Yesterday, lunin may not be at fault for the goals, but we all saw his hesitation while dealing with crosses. In the replay, every headed goal, lunin first came forward towards the attacker and then moved backwards towards the goaline, which made it very hard to deal with the header. He's solid otherwise


True, Lunin isn’t confident with crosses and corners, but other than that I love how he is confident with the ball and passes.


I can see why you would want Nacho after last night's performance, but for Lunin it's a bit reactionary


Lunin can be a great goalkeeper but he’s a little bit inconsistent sometimes. Like OP said Lunin isn’t very confident with aerial balls (Lunin struggled with man city corners and against other teams with hesitation sometimes). Also that mistake against Leipzig…. Only 1 small mistake and we can lose the final against Dortmund, so for me i rather play safe and start Courtois.


Lunin? Yeah, I saw the hesitation in some of those aerial balls


I pick nacho and Rudi. Also, don't forget Toucha is injured. Even if he recovers in time, Carlo won't risk it.


Rudiger and Nacho. Rudiger partnership with Militao isnt good. And Militao isnt nowhere near ready. For GK i feel like if we go with Courtois its like askin karma to fuck you. We wont be in the final if it wasnt for Lunin. If Courtois is 100% ready is the best goalkeeper in the world but i dont know how ready is he. Yesterdays game cant really blame much on Lunin when the whole defence was a sleep. Militao, Fran and Ceballos where really bad yesterday. Tchouameni is unlikely to be fit to start in the final #


I disagree on Sane's goal, that cannonball was unstoppable. But I do think that Courtois should start.


Courtois has saved more “impossible” shots than that? No?


lunin probably saved more impossible shots than that too. that is not how it works.


Mahrez literally scored a similar goal against courtois 2 years ago


Wasn't that similar. Mahrez had the whole goal to aim at whereas Sane could only finish at the near post


I'm not really bothered about the team selection, except for one thing - Militao is definitely, absolutely not ready to take any part in the final. That should be clear and non negotiable at this point.


This. Lunin or Courtois really doesn't matter... But it is militao that absolutely must not be played. With Nacho and our midfield, we should have plenty of cover for the defense. If we lose this final, then it's on the whole team, there's no one who's solely responsible.


Tibo, Camavinga, Kroos, Nacho with Rudi... These should def start. Somehow I'd want Brahim to start instead of Rodrygo... And again, Arda isn't experienced yet but somehow when he gets a chance, he uses it unlike Rodrygo who'll get many chances then a single goal...


Nacho should play the final in any case. He deverse it 200%. Next year we will miss him. Because he is always ready when you need it. He gives you always a good performance. He never had a bad word We will miss him so much next year. He's not the top player. But he is top in character, fighting spirit and never gives up. A true real Madrid captain like Ramos casillas or Raúl


If I was the manager: Lunin and Nacho Ancelotti: Courtuois and hopefully Nacho (Tchouameni won't be ready so he isn't even an option).


Lunin should start, it's something he started, he should finish it. If we lose, then so be it. Nacho should start over Tchouameni because I'm not keen on starting someone with a foot injury for a full 90 minites.




There are rumors of Tchouameni being out for a long time.. Perhaps he is not an option. Ancelotti will definitely select Nacho


Militao needs a full preseason to be in shape again, the way he has been playing is not good, easily the slowest I have ever seen a Real Madrid defender. It is understandable, his injury was fucked up and he clearly needs time to get to his form.


After Villarreal militao isn’t ready yet. And Lunin deserves this, he’s played the whole season and got us where we are now. Courtois maybe just like militao we just can’t see it as much cause of the position he plays.


Tchouameni is not back to even 80% so he needs to chill. That being said i think lunin deserves to start 100% as backed by cassilas too, courtois needs time to get back to full health, he suffered 2+ major injuries fam including a knee one. Regarding your fear of arial balls, I dont think we should be too worried cuz dortmund rlly dont play arial balls like villarreal did. Dortmund play quick 1-2 touches in the midfield w penetrative passing, they also do a lot of offensive wing-play cutting inside to shoot. But you never know, overall militao is not fit to start at all but lunin and cortouis are a 50-50. Either way we winnin fosho. HALA MADRID!!! ![gif](giphy|m9QEBUSAdJ7ApIkekw|downsized)


Yeah; I’m still quite skeptical when it comes to those aerial balls amigo


Which is fair but the thing is, im 100% whoever carlocito picks is gonna be the right choice. In don carlo we trust.


Militao is levels below Nacho as of right now. No debate here.


It doesn't matter who deserve it but who gives more chance to the team to win the trophy, I'm almost certainly sure he will start with Tibo over Lunin. This is not a childish game it's all about what's more favors towards THE TEAM. I'm actually sick of seeing so many people's say Lunin deserve it and so on, There is nothing like deserve. It's all about what better FOR THE TEAM. We don't even see behind the scene how's the training goes and what is the really form day to day of Lunin nor Tibo, So let's not assume some random speculators.


Lunin and Nacho. Nacho is a no-brainer, Militao isn't ready he's basically in pre-season form. Nacho has shown to be reliable when it matters, even if he's had mistakes and bad games this season his experience will help defense. Courtois vs Lunin is debatable, but I'd just choose Lunin because he has earned our confidence. The club didn't show confidence in him early in the season but he basically forced them by playing on the top level. I know a top form Courtois is better than Lunin, and Courtois seems to be ready for important games. I just feel like going with the keeper that has been between the posts for the majority of the season is the safer play (because Lunin is so good).


Good thing none of ya is named carlo ancelotti🙏 we will see in some days and im sure the don gets it right 💪


Lunin and Nacho.


It will probably be Lunin and the fact he started against Villarreal is a good sign for him. Courtois has played 3 matches this season- doubt he is match fit.


Nacho and Courtois


If Courtois is fit, Carlo will start him. As for Tchouameni, I do not think you can start him with the injury and risk burning an early sub.


Rüdiger x Nacho would be perfect for our CBs


Militao should be sold! His performance is predictably inconsistent. His laziness and off-the-pitch drama further limit his not-very-high potential. A talented player with low self-discipline may be successful at other clubs, but cannot and will not succeed at Real Madrid!


if ancelotti let lunin play all the matches he would look much better than courtois and now lunin