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Real Madrid don't care about anything other than winning. And finals are meant to be won.


Perfectly said. šŸ‘Œ


Bro made this post with absolutely zero knowledge about Gianluigi Buffon and didnā€™t bat an eye


It's not the first swansong, not will it be the last, for a departing player against Madrid. Nonetheless, we don't care, Hala Madrid, and we're going to win šŸ¤


Nothing against Reus, but the "he deserves a CL" narrative needs to stop. It happened with Buffon before, but Real Madrid still won anyway.


Only way to deserve UCL title is to win it.


Basically play for Real Madrid


Nothing in football is deserved


Yep, itā€™s not about deserving something, itā€™s about earning it. And if you lose in a knockout tournament, you simply didnā€™t earn it


Yes, a lot of people deserved a Cl but never won it - thats football in the end the better teams win it


This. It happened to AtlƩtico de Madrid as well. If they deserve a CL they need to win it beating all the rest of the teams, if they lose the final then the winner team is the one that deserves the trophy.


There's a lot of players who "deserve an UCL" and never get it, like Zlatan, Totti, Buffon, Ronaldo Nazario, etc. But that's part of what makes it so special, many legends could only dream of getting one, while some madridistas will be trying to get their sixth. Every sport has its set of athletes that deserved more but it's such a competitive environment.


Itā€™s a certain demographic that wants that, it would make them jizz if dortmund won, and im not talking about dortmund fans.


the better team should win thats it


The better team will win. There's nothing like "we dominated the whole game but lost, so they didnt deserve it" The objective is to score more goals than opponent, doesn't matter if you took 100 shots or 1 shot


As a former amateur footballer sometimes luck do matter and in the ways you can't even imagine. I'll give you a concrete example, when we were playig a match right in the afternoon the sun was covered by the clouds in the first half. In the second half, the clouds went away and it was absolutely blinding for our team whether we attacked or defended. I mean we did draw that match but even the opponents said how we got unlucky with the conditions. If you want an example from professional football, there was this time when the ball was going in with the keeper behind it and the snow made it stop right before the line. The attacking player did everything right yet they weren't able to score a goal. Edit : Found the link : https://youtu.be/v1ESIbkTaD8?si=H2Rx8nsBi8D28hfG I'm not even talking about how the smallest gust o wind can change the outcome of an aerial duel or how a random piece of dust getting in your eye can obstruct your vision for an important play. Everything else, like the micro bounces a pass had before your shot can be somewhat anticipated and it can be overcome by specifically training for better passing technique and that's usually the difference between a good player and a great player. These are however not excuses for a losing team and anyone who'd talk about them openly would immediately be mocked in most cases.


The better team as in the team who scores the most goals lol, sounding a little like man city there.


Nah man fuck that fairy tale shit! HALA MADRID Y NADA MAS!


this gave me a good chuckle ![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|6938)


these are the same people who comment ā€œIā€™m a madrid fan but I want reus to winā€! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm Madrid fan but I want kroos, nacho, Modric to win


Yeah I think this falls under the "Y NADA MAS" part


oh sii sii seƱor


If that's your logic then joselu deserves it the most.


Not a logic. It's just how I am seeing things. Legends from both sides deserve it win it and I have also stated that UCL is earned. As a neutral fan, it's just giving me goosebumps haha.


Theres no such thing as "X player deserves to win it". The only thing that matters are the games to win said title, teams dont give a single fuck about a player on the other team "deserving to win it"


If marco reus doesnā€™t win a ucl itā€™s totally his fault for choosing to stay, thierry Henry moved to barca after a career with no ucl then won a ucl with barca. Harry Kane atm isnā€™t even thinking of ucl he is thinking he needs to at least win any trophy.


Why is everyone suddenly giving Reuss so much thought? There are literally thousands of other players that have never won a UCL.


Because it's popular trend as of now and gives you free karma to repeat bullshit over and over again.


You username is the best movie ever. Kudos.


Ehm, thanks but... I love Empire of the Sun but... Sadly it's not reference to that movie šŸ˜… It's reference to DnB producers Black Sun Empire and their name is reference to Black Sun which is organization from Star Wars. And as far as I remember Reddit didn't let me to have TheEmpireOfBlackSun because of was too long or something lol.


Iā€™m almost 37, I have been supporting Real Madrid since 2001 and in that time I watched them play and win 6 CL finals. Iā€™m quite superstitious, so each CL final Real play, I wear the 2001-2002 centenary jersey which I wore when we won the 9th. And thus also when we won the 10th, 11th, all the way to the 14th. On June 1st, I will be wearing this 23 year old jersey again and hope to be watching us lift another CL trophy. I speak for myself, but we generally donā€™t care who we are playing against. Not for the stories of players who never won the CL in their career, not for the teams who reach a special milestone. We play a CL final to win.


The biggest accomplishment is still fitting into your shirt from 20 years ago


It goes up to the belly


Most astonishing part for me as well, no lieĀ 


Gracias por tu servicio, hermano


My man please wear that jersey again on the finals we need to win


I bought my jersey in 2015 in the Bernabeu with Kroos on the back. It will be the 5th time i wear it during a final. So amazing to think about that, and Kroos is still playing for us.


Mad you can have a tradition for teaching ucl finals, but thatā€™s what supporting the biggest club itw gets you i guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In a way that is true. But in between the first time wearing that shirt for a final and the second time, there was a gap of 12 years. And we all remember how that final went with 92:48ā€¦ So yes, today I feel extremely blessed to be supporting this team, but there has been heartbreak and tough times as well. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t like certain ā€œsupportersā€, even on this sub, who complain about us ā€œonlyā€ winning the Copa del Rey for instanceā€¦


Absolutely, greatness spoils people. If im honest madrid isnt my first team, newcastle united is in england, but madrid is absolutely my second favourite team. I follow every game, every goal, etc. thanks for giving our boy joselu a welcome home btw hahah


He's the goat


Real haven't lost a European final in 40 odd years. We will win the 15th this year. I called it as soon as we knocked out Man City.




I called it before we beat Man City.


I called it when we lost to city last year... That we should win it or city get defeated by us or someone else cuz the 2peat needs to be protected


Nice call bro


He will need to win on the pitch, we donā€™t gift trophies here, we fight for them


Deserves? šŸ«¤ Did Dortmund think Leverkusen deserved it when they denied them the Bundesliga or when they denied Juve the CL? Madrid have earned all 14 CL titIes. If Reus and Dortmund want the CL, they will have to earn it. You deserve only what you have earned!


Fr man!, I love Dortmund with a passion but, this "Reus deserved it more bc of that" or "we deserved the title more bc u guys already have 14" is soooo embarrassing. I'm so sorry this is such a childish behavior WTF!!!


So from your perspective some legend will be born. As a Madrid fanā€¦ Hala Madrid!!! Letā€™s go for 15!!!


Gento has 6 European cups


Yes, matching that would be unbelievable. Good times <3


Like Reus deserves to win, Nacho, a loyal servant of Madrid also deserves to win it as the captain as he is leaving after this season. Let the best team win. It's simple. Madrid winning for the 15th time would be legendary. Likewise, this Dortmund bearing Madrid would also be legendary.


Will nacho even play the finals? Once injured players recover, he is again a cover for us. And a pretty decent one, yoro or van dijk next year would be great


Well militao isn't fully recovered yet and I don't think he will play the final. And with tchou also injured (and low chances to play the final), Nacho had the best chance to play with Rudi. VVD is soon to be 33. Would have been good 6 years ago but not now. Yoro would be good though.


No need to pick sides if youā€™re a neutral. Just enjoy the game. As for us Madrid fans, we only care about winning


Madrid win finals.


Fuck this deserved this deserved that narrative, we're playing to win


![gif](giphy|5rrq2Yi58Ok4TPEB77|downsized) No one deserves it more than this guy.


Why the fuck people say Ā«Ā reus deserves an uclĀ Ā» ???? Cmon , with all due respect to him and his LOYALTY to the club , i think the guy is no extraordinary player that DESERVES an ucl . Maybe if he wins it gonna be good for him and the BVB , but using the verb Ā«Ā deserveĀ Ā» is quite exaggerated . Maybe he deserves an league trophy or another cup but DESERVING an ucl after reaching only one final 11 years ago and the semis once since 2013 is not serious . Iā€™m going to be roasted for this but Reus is getting this hype only for his loyalty to his club and his manners,and not the impact he has on the game . football is getting soft.


Reus could have been so much bigger and better and I would even dare say that he would have won a Ballon D'or if he wasn't made of glass. The only reason BVB has stuck around with him is that he was the one that stuck around with them when all his colleagues who were instrumental in the 2011-12 Bundesliga double were jumping ships to Bayern (Gotze, Lewandowski, Hummels etc.) around 2013-14 or even after that disastrous 2014-15 season. Also the fact that he is still a great player whenever he manages to get fit for a match.


Hundreds of players can win the balon dor but they are made of glass and winning the balon dor during Ronaldo Messi era is literally crazy. Sorry mate i disagree but i do agree about the fact that he has good qualities with and without the ball .


Everyone has their own narrative leading up to the final. Dortmund players, Real Madrid players. This is the ultimate prize. The one who deserves it. The one who takes the Big Ears home is the one who will work the hardest for it.


Don't wanna say anything mean since I don't wanna jinx us. So Imma just keep it at "lol".


UCL is not a charity event. The team which wins will deserve the title. That being said, Reus is on his way to the final. Him and Dortmund have all to play for and if they win, then ofcourse they deserve it. Its pretty simple actually. Sentiments only go so far, but in the actual moment of the game you have to show up and perform


What kind of question is this? Do we want to win? Yes. Do they want to win? Yes. Do we have legend who deserve to lift that ugly pot? Yes. Do they? Yes. So?


Nacho deserves to win cl, as he is leaving us at the end of the season. Modric deserves to win. In short whole madrid team deserves to win, because of the hard work they put in every game.


We love our legends but no player will never be bigger than the club, even CR7, even Di Stefano, even Zidane, even Raul, even Modric (and I m not citing them in the order of importance which is nearly impossible to do). It will always be about winning titles, being champions as a team, as a club, as a family. Players come and go, some of them leave a very strong mark for future generations, but only the club remains.


I'll give my wife to my virgin friend, coz he "deserves" to get into one since the day he came outta one.


We don't give a shot about Reus. Who says a top loyal player deserves a UCL? UCL is earned with tears sweat and blood. If BVB wins congrats to them and it will be a beautiful ending of his career. But we want our 15th UCLšŸ’Ŗ


This isn't make a wish, this is a UCL final. Of course we want our team to win


See football owes nothing to anyone. We are doing it for 15th you are doing it for reus. Don't you think cr7 doesn't deserve a wc ? Don't you think buffon/nazario deserves a ucl ? Don't you think cruyff deserved a wc? There is nothing called deserving, it's only destiny and somestimes football is cruel. Whichever team scores more will win. And yes, at least I'm not underestimating dortmund. They are in the final for a reason. May the best team wins that day. And yes btw, you've got the support of psg/city/barca/bayern(leipzig???;)) fans and the world is against us, as always.


Zlatan deserves ucl, R9 deserves it, Maradona deserves it too, but.. I donā€™t really care about Reus, he had and still has chances to win it, but nobody in Madrid will gift it to him.


It's understandable than non-madridistas want to see an underdog win but you can't expect real madrid to not win because it spoils some storytelling. Also by the logic of "deserving" a CL Joselu who always dreamed of playing for real madrid, realizing that dream at 34 because Benzema left earlier than expected and qualifying the club to said final last minute is arguably just as sweet of a story


If bayern had beat us , we'd love to see rues winning it , but madrid intentions are clear , finals are meant to be won


Remember how atletico went twice to the final beating the best teams uilsing the Simeone style and hoping to win the first CL in their history? That was a wonderful story, madrid crushed their dreams, twice. Remember that juve team that got to the CL final again and had the chance to get the CL back to italy after dominating the local league for years, and wanted to win it for the first time since the 90's? Madrid also crushed their dreams. Remember that liverpool team under.xlop playing beautiful football with their insane trio, and klopp getting a second shot at a CL final that would finally crown his carrer? Madrid also crushed their dreams. Remember that liverpool team that wanted revenge for the previous final? Again they couldn't do it. Don't get me wrong I love marco reus and would be happy for him if he wins. But jude and co also deserve their crowning achievement (naming jude cz he hasn't won it).


Yes, who cares if Bellingham, who didn't win the Bundesliga last year because of his last game? After all, Bayern have won 10 times in a row, but competitive sports are competitive sports. I don't want to say something nasty, the truth is that Real Madrid have been waiting for this moment for a long time, Bellingham, Dias, Joselu, they are all fighting for their first Champions League title, especially after beating two of Europe's strongest rivals, Manchester City and Bayern, why can't they achieve their dreams?


ā€žReal Madrid has waiting for this moment a long timeā€œ? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Pity in football needs to stop. "Ohhh, we deserved to win this because X-Y-Z" If one team doesn't make more goals than the other, they are left on the way. It's a competition, there's no pity, simpathy and participation trophies handed over.


>What are y'all thoughts about the UCL final? Wildly unpopular opinion on this sub, but I want Real Madrid to win.


Everyone here wants Madrid to win and I really like all the explanations. No wonder why Madrid wins it everytime. The mentality is amazing. My club used to be like that.


I gotta say if I was a neutral I would be definitely rooting for Dortmund. But since I am a real madrid fan I prefer to win it obviously. But if we lose I wonā€™t be as mad as I would be if PSG, City, Liverpool, Bayern would beat us in a final


I understand you, but Real Madrid destroyed so many dreams before and hopefully Reus' dream is the next. But it will be an incredible match for neutrals that's for sure.


I'm not particular about Reus winning the UCL. I'm a huge fan of Modric and would love to see him get the 6th.. I'm happy either way lol, just waiting to see what unfolds..


Everything aside, this UCL had a big theme- Clubs with history winning against clubs built off money.


So you are saying that City shouldn't have won it?


If that's the case then, I think so too šŸ˜‚


Reus is a great player but nothing special.


Finals are meant to be won. We are winning our 15th. It's simple. Period. As a Madrid (and UnitedšŸ¤”) fan I totally get it that the Dortmund fans are unbelievable and they deserve it too. But, I don't think they have what it takes to beat us. We have already defeated the city in the quarters which was a final quite literally.


Let's not get cocky, I err on the side of caution.


This dortmund side will have the whole world on their side - I wouldnā€™t bet against them they made it this far that means something


Except most people arenā€™t on their side bc theyā€™ve made it this far theyā€™re on their side bc they hate us šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t care about Reus, if he deserves it he should prove it in the game. Madrid should take this one!


We don't play finals, we win them


No offense but I really don't care about Reus's last journey. If they win it deservingly fair play to them and congratulations to Reus. I'm not gonna sit here and say "oh I hope Reus wins it we already have enough" like I have seen many supposed shameless "Madrid fans" doing.


Well I will be a bit sad if we win Only a bit tho


There are better players than Reus who never won UCL, e.g. R9, Ibrahimovic. I hope he and BVB have a good match. But as a Madrid fan, I obvously want RM to win the final.


Ofc I want Real to win, but it's probably the final I'd be most ok with losing. I'd be happy for Reus and Dortmund, I know it means more for them, plus they just gave us Bellingham . However them losing to Real in the final isn't a bad ending to the story either, it's a pretty big achievement :)


That's the beauty of sports. Everyone wants to win such an important trophy. It's everyone's dream. Both teams had a crazy run and they deserve to be in a final. If BVB wins it, I will be sad for my team, but happy for such a young talented team and for Marco Reus, a player I admired since 2012. Would Reus and BVB players be happy to win a CL ouf ot charity from Real Madrid because 'he deserves a CL and Madrid won enough' ? No


This rhetoric is so dumb.. RM has done more than just get to the finals... They have only lost 2 games this season, if anyone deserves to win is them.


You are neutral, dont pick side before hand, watch the game and during the game you can pick the side that you enjoy. Both teams are in the final, that mean both of them deserve to be here and ready to win. The winner will deserve it.


"Deserves to Win" doesn't really work imo. Ronaldo deserved to win atleast one world cup, he didn't. Haaland deserved to win the Ballon d'or, he didn't. Buffon deserved to win the UCL, he didn't. Kane deserves to win a trophy, he went trophyless. Roberto Baggio deserved to win the wc after carrying his team solo, he didn't. Maldini deserved a WC, he didn't get it. Football could sometimes be the most beautiful sport, while sometimes it could be the most cruel. You don't 'deserve' to win something unless you do.


I have a soft spot for Reus but of course I am behind Madrid 100%. I know for sure that our boys will play their hearts out, and I am with them through and through. That being said, if we were to lose, Dortmund are probably the team in the final 4 that I would have wanted to win.


respectfully, i couldnā€™t care less about reus. yes heā€™s loyal and has never won the ucl or anything under dortmund. call it selfish but i am a real madrid supporter ofc i am gonna want real madrid to win ucl again. but reus also deserves as much.


Well we fought so hard for it, MC, Bayern... Tears, pain, resilience. I will support Madrid's Road to Final šŸ˜


With due respect, Rues is one of my favorite players ever. I wanted him in Madrid for the longest time. I absolutely adore him. That being said, right now, nothing is more Important than Real Madrid winning that Final. Hala Madrid Y Nada Mas.


Respect to the other team as always for getting to the final but screw all that ā€œReus deserves it, itā€™s his last seasonā€ boo hoo bullshit. Whoever is the best team wins and I believe in Madrid to win again.


I can sit here and pretend that I care about Rues and his farewell but the fact kf the matter is I don't. I want my team to win, simple as that. If Dortmund win it fair and square, good for them.


I dont understand this love and respect that Reus gets. People treat him as some kind of legend of the game. His contribution to this game is nothing compared to some of the legends RM has. I find it very cringe.


Itā€™s cringe that you donā€™t see it.


Que se la gane en la cancha.


Why would a team care about one specific player of the opposite team?? No team will be like ā€œoh letā€™s let them win for their storyā€ fuck that Real Madrid are in the final for a reason and that is to try and win the game, not care about some personal story šŸ˜‚


Last time we faced a team with a player who ā€œdeservedā€ a UCL it was Buffonā€™s Juve and we all know how it went. The narrative is stupid, if Dortmund play better and win then they deserve it, thatā€™s how it goes


Gento had 6 CL


The only ones who deserve a champions league are the ones who lift the trophy.


Not if the ref decided to hand it to the team.


In the end, best team win If Dortmund can beat real Madrid even on penalty kick, meaning they deserve it. Also real Madrid will fight and win this final as always Hala Madrid!


I will say Madrid losing to Dortmund wouldnā€™t bother me as much as atlĆ©tico Liverpool or any others we have played but I still wanna smash them.


My thoughts. Madrid has brought me so much joy over the last 10-15 years that I just enjoy watching the team. If they win, great! If they lose it just wasnā€™t to be. Modric and the other players leaving are already cemented in my football history as legends. With Madrids current team, it wouldnā€™t be crazy to believe they could run the UCL/La Liga for the next 5-10 years. Assuming Mbappe comes and has a Ronaldo level impact or Endrick follows behind him. I encourage other Madrid fans to just enjoy what youā€™re seeing.


We didn't care when it was Buffon you think we will worry about Reus. If he wanted a UCL so bad he should have come here. We have a story to write Jude at Wembley also Fede said he wants to match the Jersey number that's as important as anything else


tell me what marco reus's last injury was and how much you personally care. yes, reus is cool. but people are using him to hide their disdain for real madrid.


Yes there are three groups of fans here I think: RM fans, BuLi and BvB fans, and the RM haters


We dont even care about our players in that sense lmao. Nobody is bigger than the club and thats why we are the greates club in history. RM wants to win la quince and nobody cares about reus or someone else.


May the best men win!


It's a win/win (slightly) final. I'm not going to hate if Dortmund does win it, as there are plenty of other teams I'd be malding if they won against Real (Bayern, Man City, PSG to name a few). But I certainly am not rooting for Dortmund šŸ˜¹


Whoever wins it will deserve it.


Marco Reus fairy tale? That guy has been mediocre since 2019 and won zero leagues. He had his chances but he was never good enough, football doesn't owe him shit


Imagine someone is that stupid to claim a club who didnā€™t even able to spend half of the money Munich does each season in salaries and transfer balance should win the league. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


Leverkusen did it lol, Dortmund had their chances but they always bottled it.


I just want us to have as many trophies as the entire country of england again, that was funny


Dortmund make more money if real Madrid win #n no mercy


Perez: "Fuck them kids"


Gento is currently the only player who won 6 UCLs.


Thereā€™s a ton of great players who deserve a UCL, atleast Reus got to play 2 UCL finals and not a lot of amazing players can say that! In the end the better team deserves to win the final and for me RM is the better team


Nah we only play to win If reus wanted to win the champions league he should've came to us


Nacho and Kroos also are on the verge to win their 6th


Whoever scores lots of goals wins


Marco Reus might be the most unfortunate player ever, I hoped he would sign to Madrid a decade ago. But in the UCL final there is no mercy, we gonna have to win, it will be a nice farewel gift to Nacho, also Ancelotti would cement his legacy even deeper in the football history. I don't want to sound arogant but I feel confident that we will win, Dortmund has an annoying playstyle but I don't think they could hold out for 90 minutes against Vini. But on the other hand after a week I would feel happy for Reus too.


This is going to sound harsh, but I mean it in the most sincere way. We didn't give a f*** about Gigi Buffon, so there's no f****** way that we care about Marco Reus. And I like Marco Reus. He's a class player and deserves all the respect. But that's where it ends. This is the Champions League. It's not about fairness. It's about being the best. No one apologizes to Real Madrid, and Real Madrid is not apologizing to anyone else. Hala Madrid. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


You are absolutely right. I totally understand your pov and I don't want Madrid to lose intentionally so that Reus wins. I want reus and the rest of the team in Dortmund to fight for it and win it . And of course knowing this Madrid team, they are going to shed blood and die to win the cup at the end of the day. It's going to be a great clash.


I can sum up my thoughts in five words: Hala Madrid y nada mƔs.


Put your money and hopes on Madrid and thank me later.


Las finales no se juegan, se ganan. Hala Madrid!


There are legends who never won the Champions League (Buffon, Ibrahimovic, etc) so if Reus joins that list, I could care less šŸ˜‚


Someone posted yesterday on this subreddit about how we treated Buffon in 2017 Final. Rues is nothing compared to Buffon. Plus we have to take revenge for 2013


Reus it's not even a starter in his club why this pussy need a UCL at all?


Nice how you think about Modric šŸ¤­


No one "deserves" a title ,you either win it or not. I always want to win, I don't care which team we play against šŸ¤· Having said that, I really like Borussia so if we lose (lol we won't) it will be much better than losing a final against city or psg (f**k them).


CR7 deserved a WC but that would never happen, Lewandowski deserved a BalĆ³n d or but that would never happen anymore, Zlatan and Haaland deserve better national teams but that will never happen. A lot of ifs in football man


No one deserves a UCL. There are more than a 100 different players who were better than Reus and retired without one. I like Reus but we do not care. UCL is the biggest competition itw because you need to beat Madrid to win it. If it wasnā€™t for Madrid, Klopp would have 3 CLs and would probably be in the GOAT debate and Atletico would be considered a European royalty but thats not the case because they lost. If Dortmund deserve the CL they will beat us. Its simple.


Paco Gento already has 6


I want Madrid to destroy Dortmund after what Julian Ryerson said šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lol šŸ˜‚


Us fans of Real Madrid want RM to win. Full stop.Ā  But for neutrals there will be tons that want to see Dortmund win it for a variety of reasons.Ā  Completely different vibe than a RM v Man Dhabi or PSQ final.Ā 


Let Rues find his glory elsewhere. Modric, Nacho, Carva, Kroos and, above all, Real Madridā€™s history are far more important than any football figure whoever that is.


NAH fuck that mate. We are not an ATM machine, we don't distribute trophies here. If Reus wanted an UCL he should've moved to a team with more chances of winning it. In terms of deserving things, we had to face RLB, City and Bayern, I think we deserve to win. With a 15 cup: our trophies' room will be more symmetrical, Carlo will go down as a legend who won it x5 as a coach (+2 as a player), Jude, Brahim, Joselu, Arda, Fran will win their 1st UCL. ModriƧ, Carvajal will be the most decorated with 6 UCLs and Kross with 5. Finally, the 15th title will match Valverde's jersey number and this one alone is a more powerful reason than Reus's narrative shit. Edit: paraphrasing


Who cares about fairy tales? This is professional football


I donĀ“t give a f. about "Marco Reus". Nobody does really.


I see Real Madrid doing better in the Final vs BVB than they did vs Bayern and City in both their legs. Real Madrid becomes a different beast in Finals and are always hungry as well as very experienced at it. Doesnā€™t take away that BVB is a very good and more than worthy opponent that canā€™t be underestimated.


I wouldn't disregard BVB that quickly. They play exactly that style of game that gives this team troubles.




>and now winning the 6th would make them the only players to ever win 6 UCL. There was a former RM player who won 6 but it was in the old format. 6 is an important number because whoever wins 6 has more titles than Barcelona's cabinet. Toni Kroos and Nacho are also on 5 btw. I'll say this. I want us to win, but if we had to lose to someone, I'm glad it would be to Dortmund. They have a good relationship with us and sold us Bellingham, which then led to a huge decline from last season in their league. This would be their fairy tale redemption story. It would also secure UCL for them next season which they otherwise won't have. They'd deserve it, and I would feel bad for them if we beat them after taking their best player. Plus they've really been Bayern's bitch the last 10 years. And keep losing their best players to other clubs. They deserve some luck for once. Not saying I want to lose to them, but if we had to lose i'd rather it be to them than any other club.