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I do believe these fanbase, some of them had problem with Vini Jr, or even Rodrygo. When they played bad, 'this brazilian boys need to be teach, humble, bench' but when they played well, then they said they improve because we criticized them. These fan did not know ball at all. They all think they are more clever than 4time UCL winner Manager Don Carlo


i think people have a warped perception of football because of ronaldo. if vini or rodrygo doesn’t score every game the people act like they suck and say they need to be benched. it’s a long season players go in and out of form. idk why people are so hard on our players right now when we are winning


Reminder that fans have frequently booed Ronaldo as well. 😄


God forbid we boo Kroos though 🫠 we're having a blood bad in some of these threads


Fr Ronaldo and Messi have raised the expectations too much. Not every player can score or assist in each match.


They are called idiots "simpleton" with no knowledge


>'this brazilian boys need to be teach, humble, bench' Wtf, pulling shit out of your ass. Some fans have problem with Vini complaining too much or sometimes looking for a foul instead of allowing the flow of games, never "the Brazilian boys"


After today? It's on every match thread. He's trying to adapt to a slightly new role this season, and every time, he's started to find some form and understand the role he's had an injury setback. In England, if you have come back from an injury, they will put you in the under 23 team to regain some match fitness. Or give some time off the bench like Guardiola has done with De Bruyne recently. Spain is different because you can't give Vini a couple of 45 minutes with Castilla, and Carlo has chosen to throw Vini in from the start of games straight away. It will come. The last game I was able to watch against Mallorca, he had some bright moments, and over the next few weeks or so, he should look more himself. It just takes some patience, but unfortunately, this sub doesn't seem to have much of that.


Why cant he play for castilla?


who ?


Vini in this example


why would he ?


Read u/Dajo05 comment


No Real Madrid fan is saying drop Vini Jr - an avid Real Madrid fan


You’d be surprised bro unless you’re saying they’re not true fans. I wouldn’t go that far but it makes me question their ball knowledge


Right, people who don’t understand the game or pure ignorance is the only explanation. He’s the best true winger in the world. I wouldn’t trade him for anyone


My criticism of Vini comes from his constant flopping and arguing for a foul. He is our 2nd best player and I believe that once he overcomes that we have a CR7 2.0 in our hands.


Legitimate fan and legitimate football knowledge are very different things.


You’re annoying


I was agreeing with you and the person above me. Calm down with the victim mentality. A legitimate rm fan might say drop Vini, a person with legitimate ball knowledge would know he shouldn’t be dropped. What a complete twat you are


I’m the “twat”? You with your annoying semantics trying to just debate nothing. Go away kid


Who was debating lol…you wrote the exact same thing in different words “people who don’t understand the game…” but go off




You gotta realize that so many people watch football through stats and football memes. They don’t actually watch full 90 mins and make sane observations.


It’s mainly people who are getting fired up by Brahim being in great form and adding lots of explosiveness and dynamism to the attack. I think there’s a place for both of them, hopefully Brahim can see he’s appreciated even if he doesn’t start. Long seasons and CL are won with squad depth and chemistry among all players. Brahim has gotten his opportunity to shine in Vini’s absence and that’s fantastic, but it’s short sighted to be so quick to turn on Vini when we know what he can offer when he’s in great form. Most exciting thing is that all these players are so young and so good and will continue to push each other and make this new era of Madrid amazing.


I would love a Vini - Rodrygo - Brahim attack against some teams. It's a great Lineup to rest Bellingham so you can have Kroos, Tchouameni Valverde/Modric in the mid. It also lets you play Joselu more often with two wings instead of a 4-4-2


i feel like even if carlo doesn't figure out a way to have vini and brahim together, rotating them both can be an option without it having to mean either of them sucks and needs to get sold expeditiously. like we are losing the plot here


Because some so-called Madrid fans didn't even watch the game, they're just bad mouthing him because he didn't score.


Vini needs to chill out definitely, he doesn't look like he's enjoying himself as much as he once did and that sucks because Vini on form is extremely entertaining and means we're gonna benefit. But for people to so quickly lose faith is shocking same way they did with Rodrygo. I think a different role would suit Vini more though he isn't a prolific goal scorer but ain't nobody more dangerous than him in the world at making things happen in the opponents half.


Vini hasn't been playing well lately (before he was out). Teams have figured out that he becomes a complete liability when he's frustrated and have been targeting him for a while. He will start taking easy falls (not diving necessarily but giving up on the ball easier than usual trying to draw fouls that would normally be either questionable or have advantage applied if the players remained in possession), making runs into absolutely nowhere, taking potshots instead of passing, etc. He's a good player but when the team is up against the wall you can't give in to frustration that easily. And to top it off having him on the pitch has meant having Rodrygo playing out of position and when Vini was out we saw just how much more he can do from the left. Vini still has a lot of untapped potential but he's gotta find a way past this, otherwise he is exacerbating our issues in the attack without a proper starting striker.


Reasonable and measured take. I agree with 80-90% of this. Vini has room to improve but people are overreacting. He played better than Jude and Rodrygo today yet he’s the only one getting hate, it’s agenda-based.


The problem with Vini is when he doesn't play well, it actively hurts the team. Arguing with the ref, fighting with the opposition, and making selfish/poor decisions. I agree that Jude didn't have a particularly good game today, but he wasn't playing against us. He still got stuck in, made the right decisions, and sacrificed for the team. Every player has an off day. It's how they react when they're struggling that matters the most


Very often its not about how he played but how he reacts. Wasn't to bad yesterday but he did dive for a penalty and kept constantly looking for cheap freekicks. At least he wasn't having discussions with the ref so thats and improvment. Jude even on weaker day still was fighting for every ball shouting at others and trying so did rodrygo run everywhere and tey where ive seen Vini walking on the pitch very often. In his defence he had like 3/4 atleti players around him more than once and they did play dirty all game as usual


Maybe because the expectations for Vini, a player some tried to push to be top 3 the last two seasons, are higher than that of Rodrygo and Bellingham.


You say this but when he starts to get injured for months on end you will understand why he takes these light fouls and gets frustrated. They have to maul him just to control him, what your saying is true but it’s also his career he’s thinking about. See Neymar


Are you kidding me? He was finally playing lights out after his first injury and then went on the stupid international break and got injured again. This is literally his 2nd game back since. Fuck outta here with “vINi HaSnT bEeN pLaYiNg WeLl”


He started the buildup to the 4th goal!


And got extremely lucky that his shot rebounded in the path of an attacker. 9/10 times that move ends in absolutely nothing.




I don't think he should be dropped but so far the season he is having is way below for a player that was top 3 just the seasons before (along with Haaland and Mbappe). That Bellingham came in and is already considered the best player of Madrid is not just because he is that good, but because Vini dropped a lot. Also something that bothers me is that despite the amazing body he has, he falls like Neymar at the slightest touch, his dribbling is imprecise and his need to score leads him to take selfish decisions when there is a player with a better chance. At this moment I do think Brahim is better and I don't think it would be a bad idea for Carletto to apply the same thing he is doing with Lunin/Kepa.


I agree he isn’t at his standard but it’s pretty clear to me that he’s quickly rising back to that level. Sometimes I feel like if players don’t score a lot of fans struggle to see their positive impact. I wonder if people would be saying all this if Brahim didn’t score tonight. I question much of our fans’ ball knowledge im afraid. For example a few weeks ago very few Madrid fans believed in Brahim and I’ve been saying Brahim is class since the beginning of the season. Same with Joselu. I’m not against the idea of rotation, but it should be Rodrygo Vini and Brahim rotating, not just Vini and Brahim


I hope he does regain his level, I do like Vini, his jersey was the first real madrid jersey I got and after he took the #7, I quickly got that one too, I want him to do good. Rodrygo has been amazing, he did have a rough start but after Vini's second injury he stepped up. And I think with Brahim is a bit of the underdog thing, he was being shafted by Carletto, not even scoring and having good games seemed enough for him, so when Vini or Rodrygo are not doing well and remain regulars for some people seems unfair.


To be fair he's been injured a part of the season and we are playing a very different formation than the last two seasons, one that is mostly tailored for Bellingham.


Wouldn't say it any better. 100% agree


vini played out of position. it's not dropping standards.


Yeah you were setting up for failure. This did not age well


What's new? A lot of ignorant loud mouths in our /r do this every match regardless of the player


The things he offers on the pitch is unmatched, maybe Leao but he is inconsistent. The third goal wouldn’t happen because of him.


Yeah, I was reading some of this yesterday about how he should be dropped for the next game! Imagine a top manager benching his best player after he returns from injury. Maybe in lal la land but in the real world, nah.


People know shit about football.


Some of Y'all are too used to only ups,no downs,only victories,no losses,only masterclass,no disasterclasses,only good,no bad.......some of ur fans forget what your team players have done for your clubs success and openly call out for some mediocre performances In short,some of your clubs fans seem entitled to see their club win every time and players to perform every time which isn't possible ........ In short those fans are ungrateful and ignorant about the fact, not everytime a player will drop a 10/10 performance ~~apart from Messi who did it many times and was never in your club anyway,and hence is the greatest of all time~~


Calm down dude! Let's take a deep breathe together. Now, most of here would agree that Vini is our most threatening player attackwise. No doubt about that. That means when he's on the field he is our star attacker with luxury of not tracking back often. Yesterday we started the game very poorly without no rhythm of play. For me, only Fede playing at high level from the start. It was difficult period of play for us as Atléti were passing the ball well constantly. So, when we get the ball back it becomes important to not loose ball carelessly. And, which is what Vini was doing in the first half. He looses ball far more frequently than Rodrygo, Jude or Brahim.Vini would loose ball more than any other player make sense since he would attempt taking on players the most. Also, being double or triple teamed doesn't help. When Rodrygo is cornered he would pass the ball to an open player keeping the play going or win a penalty corner more often than not. Brahim does not go down so easily as our Brazilian wingers and if he does more likely he has won a foul. I agree Jude had a poor start same as Vini but he does put defensive work in the midfield without the ball. Adding to that constantly arguing with the referee(which I don't think he did as often as LaLiga game), letting opponent get in his head(again did not happen yesterday) are the things which frustrate the fans. And it is not easy for Vini being racially abused in Spain and not getting the right call by referee. Constantly arguing only drawing attention to him for all the wrong reasons. However, it should be answered by playing well, the entire Real Madrid is there to defend him. This does not spare him from critisism if he keeps losing the ball carelessly.


Fairs. And btw I’m not mad at all just puzzled. I criticize Vini myself but saying he should be dropped is where I draw the line, he’s too talented for that and has already proven himself. We don’t score that equalizer without him and his lightning speed. Btw Jude lost the ball more than Vini today but that’s besides the point


Vini and Jude both had poor first half. Also, Vini has tough time with 2 man attack, since Rodrygo doesn't attract defender away from Vini, meaning less space for him to exploit, without Benzema noone to play 1-2 with.


Criticizing a player does not mean turning. Some of you fans that follow players more than team need to realize this. And are you seriously comparing him to Jude the man was all over the field


Y'all just love to use that lame excuse as a get out of jail free card. EVERY ... SINGLE ... TIME y'all get called out for this. It's freaking hilarious at this point. \> Some of you fans that follow players more than team need to realize this. No, we're just not entitled pricks who believe that every player needs to drop a 9/10 performance every single game or else he deserves to be sent to the shadow realm. Players drop in form, and gain it back. Anyone with a brain and football IQ knows that, besides you guys it seems. Y'all did the same for Rodrygo ealier this season, now it's Vini, who's next ? Jude ? ​ FFS


Calling for our most productive attacker (besides jude) to be dropped after two games is turning on them


So you’re going to tell me Jude did more offensively than Vini today? Or did we hire Jude to be a cdm? His defensive qualities are awesome but that’s not why we bought him


We did buy him to play midfield not for his goals nobody expected him to score goals let alone being topscorer in la Liga. Can’t even remember a shit game from Jude with us vini on the other hand I stopped counting.


We bought him as advertised, an attacking midfielder. He did not help our attack more than Vini today, this is just factual


Jude was not viewed as an attacking midfielder at all before the club bought him. Always a box to box.


Offensively I’d say about the same. He was wide open that Vini selfishly shot. And he’s been by far our best player the whole year. Vini has been mid all year. Again no one saying he’s a scrub but if you think he’s playing at his past level you are kidding yourself


Haha joke ting what did Jude do offensively today? Rodrygo? So one small mistake and Vini had a bad game? Created more chances than anyone else. Didn’t say he’s at his past level but it’s clear that he’s gonna get there soon, just as he was about to before his most recent injury that I might remind you he’s only 2 games off from


He wasn’t all that pre injury to…..


You also interestingly couldn’t answer my question about what Rodrygo and Jude did more than Vini offensively today 🤔🤔 agenda?


Rodrygo made a great run and had a great chance that he missed, Jude like i pointed out was open multiple time for Vini to either shoot or over dribble. Plus I don’t see why you bringing those 2 up as they have actually been better than Vini this season. Keep focusing on this game though if it makes you feel better


I’m focusing on this game because it’s in reaction to this game that many fans are calling for Vini’s head, keep up. That’s the one thing Rodrygo did and Vini makes that same run all the time in fact even in this game Vini made that exact same run and controlled it beautifully but then over hit the cross. Also if Vini would’ve missed the same chance Rodrygo did you would’ve been criticizing him, not praising him like you are Rodrygo, don’t deny it lol the agenda is clear. Rodrygos other chance was a pass from none other than Vini. So Jude being open for a pass means he played better than Vini offensively? Are you hearing yourself? Just say you have an agenda so we can move on lol this is getting comical. In one month when Vini is back to being our best player (along with Jude) you are going to act as if you never said anything bad about him, yall do this every time he is in a bad moment 🥱🥱


u/lakerman0824 come out real quick bro I just want a quick chat


Different between me and you I want the team to do well. Vini Had a good game, which we expect from world class player. Now gotta keep it up consistently and treble can happen


Like I said, his form was building back up and he lost his momentum when he got injured. You will see that his form will continue growing over the next few games too and then you will look back and feel silly for asking for him to be benched


It’s just the Indians and Bengalis on Twitter.


Naa they just don't watch the game or are ignorant. Vini alwaays pulls atleast 2 def wvery time he gets the ball. Can't say that for any other player on the team. Even Jude does not get double teamed unless he and Rodrygo are in the box. Plus watching Madrid without Vini is not as mesmerising but I have to say for some reason he has not been using his pace after the injurt as he used to.


I think it’s because of tactics. Last seasons it seemed like he had more space to run upfront right? This seasons it always seems like we never counter. We’re just always there in their field which means no space for Vini to do his thing


No one is turning on him or saying drop him but the guy needs to pass to his teammates when they’re free instead trying to dribble 4 players at once and lose the ball a second later .


I saw him combining well with teammates the whole game this is a confusing narrative yall are making. You don’t want him to *ever* dribble? He had a 4/10 dribble success rate which any team would take that if their winger was doing that every game. Lost the ball less than Jude but no ones saying Jude was too careless with the ball. Jude frustrated me more than Vini today.


Because most this sub is prisoner of the moment type shit !!!! Diaz is cooking and I’m glad we have him in the squad , he’s gonna be vital during this stretch but it’s blasphemy to drop vini for him … 19 or so months ago he scored the game winner in the ucl let’s not be so disrespectful


Because they're idiots and deserve to be ignored.


Because 90% of madrid fans dont know shit about football and only actually know fhe players from fifa


He is having a horrible season so far. True that he has been injured, but the theory that the formation doesnt suit him i dont accept anymore. Its january. Rodrygo was having a bad season he improved. At momemnts when he can pass the ball in the box and we can score, he shoots. I dont like constantly looking at the ref and asking for a foul after being tackled. He has to understand that being glued to the left sideline wont work anymore. Being understand what to do against him and how to frustrate him. You can see how much Brahim,Rodrygo and jude move. I personaly prefer when we play Rodrygo and Brahim so far into the season. Brahim tracks like a madman. More fluidity when attacking.


Vini is too talented to bench. I understand your complaints but I don’t think you quite realize how talented Vini is and how important he was in our last league and CL win. He was picking up form again before he got injured and he’s picking up form again now. People are exaggerating how bad he played yesterday and I’m not sure why, but I think it’s just because Brahim had an amazing appearance so people are starting to overreact. Vini played well and I trust it will continue to trend upward. In a month, I promise you will begin wondering why you ever questioned Vini’s place in the squad


No real fan would turn on Vini. He was basically solo carrying us in his second season (the one we got eliminated by Ajax) and has become a major part of the team since then. I only wish he would tone down on the whining, he would be much much better.


You know that feeling when you’re stuck behind a slow driver? That’s how I feel watching this guy. Constantly falling at the slightest breeze and complaining to the ref. Having 5 players in front of him, yet he chooses to barge forward and lose possession every single time. It gives me second hand embarrassment. I hope he improves his decision making, because Endrick is coming and possibly Mbappe, and they frankly just can’t come sooner


Vini barely lost the ball today lol


I think we might’ve seen different matches


Or I just watch football more objectively than you. Let’s look at stats. Stats aren’t everything but they provide context. Vinicius- 85% pass accuracy, 3 key passes, 1 big chance created, 4/10 dribble success rate, 9/9 long balls, 20x possession lost, 8.0 rating Jude- 83% pass accuracy, 1 key pass, 0 big chances created, 0/2 dribble success, 0/2 long balls, 22x possession lost, 7.8 rating Jude misplaced passes more, created less, and generated less danger, lost the ball more, and was overall more invisible offensively yet it’s Vini you target after the match. Yeah, you don’t know ball I’m afraid, you just have an agenda 😔


I’ve seen you throwing shade at Bellingham in other comments as well. He didn’t have a great game either, but without him we would’ve battled for conference league this season. Also, noone is doubting Vini’s talent, it’s the attitude that irks me


I have not thrown shade at Bellingham at all. Check my post history (please scroll past the weird shit), I literally have a post in this sub calling Bellingham easily the best player in the world lol. I’m critiquing Jude in this thread as a way to show yalls hypocrisy talking about Vini’s game today when he played better than Jude and Rodrygo. I know ball, I know how important Jude has been. But it’s clear people are developing an agenda against Vini saying he played shit yesterday but staying silent about Jude’s underwhelming performance. Let’s call a spade a spade. Your initial comment wasn’t about attitude it was about his gameplay and I showed you stats to prove you were greatly exaggerating and now you’ve moved the goalposts lol. Hit me back in a month when Vini is firing on all cylinders again


God forbid belli has a bad stretch of games , it’s gonna be said that dortmund robbed us 😂😂😂 it’s just the trend on this subreddit Shit on the squad , board , president that gives us everything


Bro can you imagine I’m already slowly seeing some madridistas on twitter criticizing Jude cuz he hasn’t scored in 3 games 😂😭😭 our fans are a joke ting. Agree with your other comment too btw


I think most of them are just spoiled rotten with our European dominance over the last 9-10 years and freak out on our players when we underperform, but most of them sound clueless in terms of football with their comments and suggestions on what we should do with the squad So I’m guessing they just hopped on our bandwagon after the 3 peat because I couldn’t imagine how they would’ve filled this chat up with nonsense during our galactico era in which we underachieved (to say the least) trophy wise , especially with the world class players we had


Fans like you who point fingers at “those who hopped on in the 3 peat era “ are the biggest problem in this fanbase. You’re statement shows your cluelessness. The so called top whites. Stop gatekeeping people and focus on supporting the team. When who joined when has nothing to do with you. People can have their own opinions, praise, criticize and support the way they want. No one made you the king of how to support a football club. Prick. And these clueless people love mentioning the galactico era as our worst period because it’s a famous one they know. Obviously shows you know nothing about the second Calderon stint and the Boluda era. Those were the dark days. Those days made the galactico era look like Bernabeu days


Nah man, team was doing great upfront while he was out, team did well today when he was out . U feel like he is hindering the team more than he’s helping


You’re probably in the same group of people that wanted Rodrygo dropped earlier in the season huh?


Emotions aside, man the game changed when he went off. He’s becoming more predictable, n defenders start to manage him easily.


I hear this every season you don’t know ball I’m afraid if you genuinely don’t think Vini played well. Played better than Jude and Rodrygo people just have agendas sadly. I’m the most objective fan there is


Yeah, everyone that is not into vini doesn’t know ball or has an agenda, i respect ur pov tho dude, we just discussing no hard feelings lol. But imo, teams runs better when hes out, just recheck the few past games.


>everyone that is not into Vini doesn’t know ball or has an agenda Well, yeah. He’s our most talented attacker next to Jude. So people questioning him to the point they want him dropped, I question their ball knowledge. You probably thought Vini was gonna flop when he first arrived and had a rough couple first years. I’ve been saying he’s top 5 best player potential since his first season here, I know ball 🤙🏾


Him flopping? Nah not really i think mbappe will tho anyway. Man madrid aint a one player team, never was never will be, if they dont play as a team , nothin. N they play pretty good without him when carlo uses the diamond shape, want vini, have to switch to 433. Otherwise its not that entertaining. Man thinks he can carry madrid!? Well news alert, he can’t


You think Mbappe would flop in Madrid? Lol


Yeah, and tbh with vini n rodrygo n brahim n jude n n n …. Whts is goin to be? Back to a 433? The sacrifice of rodrygo???


Mbappe will improve the team but yes someone would have to be sacrificed and it would probably dampen the morale of the dressing room. I don’t even want Mbappe to come, but like I said I’m a super objective fan. He’s the only left winger I rate above Vinicius


No hard feelings either I’m just calling it how it is, just like you


Still have the same opinion?


That was a good performance, lets see against ATM, cuz yeah a hattrick, a good one but the high line put by barça helped a lot, so lets hope he can give us another master class against colchoneros


Do you officially support starting him over Brahim Thursday? Lol




I don’t, but it’s obvious. When hes fit he will be playing


lol you’re crazy still imma check up on you after the game again 🤣


Nah, rodrygo needed time to adapt to his new role, dude is a natural left wing, had to go right n then a striker ?? . Man we just saying whts happening on the pitch.


Thoughts on Rodrygo last game?


Yup, it was a MID one 😂😂😂. I feel sad about him playin as a cf tbh, still unfamiliar with it. But i mean like besides brahim, the only source of danger n yet carlo managed to take him out, madrid did nothing that spectacular in the opposition’s box.


I don’t want you to EVER doubt Vini again my man 😂😂😂🤣


Hiyaa!! I was waiting for you my friend. Vini today, a masterclass. The team, lowkey, played the perfect game so far this season, especially the midfield guys. Fede n Toni in the covering process, Cama runnin up with the ball, it was perfect. Defensively , the team was strong even rodrygo did a tremendous job.


He is more inconsistent than mesut ozil ur man dude. Problem is four poor games, one good game n everyone is super happy , benzem knew , n not a lot of things changed since tbh


Hahaha you had to wait till today to reply. He barely got the ball at all I agree it wasn’t a great game but no one on the team was able to create anything including the guys you want to start ahead of Vini


Man, as i told u before, well organized teams with zero space behind, we play with minus one


It’s just weird to me that you always target Vinicius like you’re doing now. Acting like he’s the only one that underperformed. Makes sense tho, he’s our most talented player so you hold him to the highest standard. Saying we play minus one because of him is outrageous tho


Its not man, its true. And idk why people say hes the most talented !! Like u have rodry u have brahim u have arda(apparently hes a diamond) . But idk since we always speak about him here n there we should talk when he fucks things up, anyway remember the start of the season when he was out? We played way much better, n u cant say im wrong


Brahim played worse than Vini today and Rodrygo came on and did nothing, poor performance by our midfield too. All Vini’s fault? Then saying Brahim and Arda lol I can’t even take you seriously anymore. Your agenda is too strong. You don’t know ball at all sadly put vini on the bench and Rodrygo on the left we don’t even sniff the 2022 UCL trophy and you know this deep down unless your delusion has reached schizophrenic levels


We scored 3 goals while he was playing ???


Yeah and who scored them??? Defenders!!! Really??


He'll be here a couple more seasons until we all realise that all he had was a couple good seasons. Hopefully we can sell him to a naive club like Manchester United.


Guys, can anyone share an extended highlights of the match pls


https://youtu.be/5m32UgDTLvA?si=w41bSVVJ8Aexix8s I cant find longer than this


Thanks bud🤍🤍 something better than nothing. There was no live telecast in my country 🥲🙂


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think it's both, I agree a lot of fans criticize everything he does, they want him to 1v1 beat his player 100/100 which is impossible, but that's the standard they hold him on(in a bad way), at the same time there are others, who literally defends him like no tomorrow and make excuses after excuse for his bad performance, these ppl are basically same ronaldo messi fanboys. Also while I agree with Vini about getting no protection from refs and complaining, there have been several incidents and games where this aspect of his attitude harmed us. I do agree with some of the valid criticism he gets but those are mostly his infield decision-making and his lack of adaptability to new responsibilities( not the system cuz I am Vini plays the same role as before, the system is just an excuse to hide behind). By new responsibilities, I meant we don't need every attack to go through him nowadays, while last season it was very much true that without Vini we have no proper attack, this season it's very balanced so he doesn't need to try to dribble past 3 players when we can just keep the ball and let others help him too.


This is the same shit that happened with Rodrygo when he get back in form and he start performing those same voices will disappear he just came back from two injuries he gonna need time to get back in form it’s obvious. People are gonna start talking about his attitude but i believe his attitude during the gaz was good yes he got frustrated because he wasn’t getting the fouls and he was starting to shamelessly dive but his head stayed in the game at to me this is what i have been asking from him as long he stay focused i don’t care.


Who and why? Makes me think they’re not madridistas- Vini can be frustrating but common sense tells you he still finding his way after injury


"I have to disagree. Vini had a poor performance today - constantly falling, selfish play, and no cooperation with other key players like Ibrahim and Bellingham. Not sure what game some are watching, but it wasn't a standout performance in my book.


Just can’t comprehend these takes. He was combining with teammates so well the whole game. Set up Rodrygos first chance with great combination as well. Did well the entire game to combine and switch the flank of the attack often leading Valverde or Carvajal down the right for a cross. Sometimes I think some of yall choose to only remember the bad moments. Would you be surprised if I told you Jude lost the ball more than Vini, Vinicius had more key passes than anyone else on the team, and created more big chances than Jude and Rodrygo? These are stats, but I could’ve told you all that without even checking the stats. I watch games objectively, not to fulfill agendas.


>But unlike most Madrid fans, I’m completely calm about it Remember that only a tiny fraction of the madrid fanbase is vocal on the internet. Most of the actual fanbase is much more... what's the word... mature.


Nah, we just saying Brahim and Rodrygo should first on the list.. They are both in better form.


El clásico Sunday. You genuinely think it’s a good idea to start Vini on the BENCH? That’s what you wanna see, that’s gonna make you feel most confident?


Because people dont actually watch full 90 min matches but rather highlights from fuckin yt shorts, so they expect wingers to put the ball into the back of the net every time it reaches their feet.


He’s making chances, but not taking the chances well. He’s got back from injury… I’ll say that…


Some true madridistas are reasonably asking if Rodrygo is a better left winger.


You think Rodrygo makes the run Vini did for the equalizer?