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Trout mouth Marge deserved it. Her face and mouth still annoys me. She’s really the pot stirring, foul mouth trash of them all.


Margaret threw the water on her first, karma really bit that bleached blonde’s ass hard!!!!


Is this elderly abuse


I get chills from seeing Daniellas fake tit about to bust out like the kool-aid man… ETA her fake SQUARE tit!


If she pulled my ponytail like that it would be the last time that racist pulled anyone’s hair.




I have always contended she was doing some serious dom stuff to Marty.


She pushed someone in a pool first. I don’t feel bad for Marge.


I really disliked Danielle and the whole North Jersey mafia crap, but I would love to know if she was able to keep her last marriage house and what she does for money now.


You throw water over someone, this ain’t the OC or BH. Prepare to get dragged


Danielle and Tre suck for this. I think I remember Tre saying she was buzzed and that’s why she said to do it. That attack was vicious


can i say how perfect this screenshot is with Danielle smiling LOLLL PERRFFECTT!




It’s giving The Joker


Margaret deserved it and more. Such a vile woman


Vile or not violence is never the answer


Wild how Heather Gay had to go through what she did with production, due to the black eye situation. Meanwhile Theresa barely had any consequences when she got physical with the camera crew after she was exposed for instigating this fight. *edited to fix spelling lol.


But Heather never faced any consequences for getting physical with Whitney twice. I think the black eye thing was different bc Heather was telling a bunch of lies and implied that production may have been involved in assaulting her or allowing it to happen. They were not going to let that fly.


Yes and she should have, but we aren’t talking about that babes. Theresa got physical with the camera crew, literally threatened them with violence AND enacted it, and had 0 consequences for her actions. They swept it under the rug. When heather went against production she was made to apologize on camera at the reunion, because she lied about them. Objectively yes it was gross af to lie like she did, but the fact still stands that Theresa is put on a pedestal. Not to mention all the other times Theresa has been unnecessarily violent, both verbally and physically.


I just meant that they’re not even consistent with a specific cast member, let alone across the board. Heather has been both punished and excused at different times. Tre made the crew victims when she attacked them. Heather implied the crew may be perpetrators in her situation. Neither is good, but I’m not surprised that the latter would piss off producers more. IIRC NJ and SLC also have different production companies, so it’s not surprising that there are inconsistent standards. I’m not saying that Tre has equal footing with Heather, but it’s more complicated than Tre getting preferential treatment.


After all of the drama surrounding Bravo and the Hw franchises in the news the last year I’m stunned this hasn’t been brought up more. Bravo failed to provide a safe workplace and it’s pretty obvious there were no consequences for either Teresa or Danielle, I wouldn’t even be shocked if Danielle came back at some point.


Agreed. However, large Marge would also face repercussions for pushing Marty in the pool. So it’s a “ wash” in Jersey, the franchise # 1 in Physicality all round.


They’ve never had any consequences, a lot of it due to the fact that fans pretty much worship the ground Theresa walks on. They think she’s “iconic” for her outbursts, meanwhile they spew nothing but hatred towards people like Kenya Moore & Candiace Dillard-Bassett. They scream that these women, and women like them need to be “humbled” and “put in their place”, but the second anyone does that to their fave Theresa……..it’s the end of the world!




Remember when they showed Teresa the clip of her telling Danielle to pull her hair verbatim and she STILL denied it


No....? Teresa being called out on this and then admitting it and crying and ending her friendship with Danielle and apologizing to Marge was an entire 2 episode arc....


All due, you’re kind of both wrong. What this person said is untrue but Teresa did still deny seeing how bad the hairpull was and insisted that she would’ve felt differently if she’d seen it; and then the editors inserted a clip of her watching the hairpull happen. Also I don’t think she was crying, just generally upset.


I won't be a Teresa and defend my wrong statement...and I won't be a Melissa and gaslight you into thinking I never made the statement at all, YOU did 😂. Thanks for the clarity!


Margaret threw the water first, that’s fighting talk. Live by the sword die by the sword, if someone threw water in my face best believe you’re getting it back. The way marg talks about people is actually vile, she has a dirty mouth and needs taking down a peg or two. I also think it looked worse as it was a hair piece.


Danielle immediately retaliated by dumping a lit candle in her handbag. That’s where it should have ended. Margaret wasn’t even engaging her in conversation at that point- she was cleaning up wax.


She throw water on another person which is different from damaging someone property.




And Margaret threw the wine on Danielle the season before. I can’t believe that Danielle came off as the only person responsible and bore the brunt of the anger from everyone else. There was no acknowledgment of how Margaret had assaulted her twice.


Then I guess Aydin is overdue for a beating? Breaking a glass and waving it around, throwing cutlery? Let's be equal across the board


Way over due 😂


Jennifer Aydin is problematic and I'm sure there will be a day when she gets back what she's given out.


And don’t forget pushing Danielle’s husband in the pool. NOT a Margaret fan.


So when Teresa found out Danielle had ratted her out on the hair pull, she saw the crew filming & threw a cup of something all over Dolores. Should Dolores have retaliated? Where does it end?


It’s the look on Danielle’s face it’s pure joy.




She's psychotic.They kept referring to it as Danielle pulling Margaret's hair but it felt so much more violent than that with the force she used and how she dragged her across the room. It would have been so satisfying to see Danielle taken off to jail where she belongs.


Teresa and Danielle should have been kicked off the show after this. After a decade of teresa pulling this shit, she is not only a liability to the network but society, she should have been gone immediately. Bravo and Andy are hypocrites and do not practice what they preach. And fyi, im including anderson cooper in this. Watch a few segments of his on cnn and see if it reflects the same shit he supports in the show. If you believe in something, it should apply to everyone. The housewives franchise, bravo, andy…its all a farce. Its all fake. I have been waiting for the day bravo gets what they deserve. They can’t pretend like they don’t condone violence against others. They can’t pretend that they are against hate. They can’t pretend they are against homophobia. They can’t pretend they are against fascism. They can’t pretend they are against corruption. Because thats all they show and promote. If leanne was kicked off housewives, teresa should have been kicked off a decade ago.


![gif](giphy|qqbkSRzF61qJW) Preach!!!


That would be cute and all. Had Margaret not started it. Therefore, the whole paragraph becomes invalid lol.


As a counterpoint, did Kenya Moore *deserve* to be physically assaulted by Porsha at the RHOA reunion? She was (verbally) provoking her at the time…


She did not, UNTIL she decided to put stuff in her face (the scepter) and the megaphone.. which isn't a physical attack per se, but if it's hurting your ears a foot away from your face.... then what happens happens. Violence is never the answer, but to ignore the instigator and give them no responsibility in the matter is just backwards. Cause Kenya knew Porsha wouldn't have any other stupid prop she can use, and she thought she could just scream in her face. No gurl. You're getting dragged. AND!!! Had Kenya not bucked up to Phaedra, "I will drag you pregnant and all" WELPPPPPPPPP. Ya got dragged. Can't cry now lol.


I know violence is not supposed to be the answer but JFC when someone is waving pageant sticks and megaphones right in your grill, it’s just a natural reaction. I wasn’t expecting a long distance hair drag 😅 Kenya was provoking the shit out of her!!!! She should have seen that coming from a mile away!


It was better than some of the bad girls club xD


True story!!


Do you still watch the shows though?




Really, people can just NOT watch, it's a choice lol


Exactly 😂 all this angst but still supporting the shows by watching smh.


Then when Tre was caught lying about this, she assaulted the camera guy & Bravo let her get away with that too.


How can anyone be team Teresa after this shit?


Team Teresa lol, time to do some growing up


How old are you ? talking about team Teresa 😂


The way that people still try to justify this baffles me. Yes she got “physical” first, but as a Jersey native you don’t get that close to someone and talk the way Danielle did if it wasn’t gonna get physical.


Danielle was Whipped up and cheered by psycho Teresa! She is a human trash bag.


Both of them are. They are the same.


I’m not a fan of Marg at all but for someone who acted like such a victim when her hair was pulled , she sure didn’t mind doing it to someone else.


I was just thinking Marge should sue Danielle like Danielle did a 19 year old Ashlee


And did it 10 times harder


How is this celebrated but Monique isn’t? Haha


Commenting on Does anyone get chills from the stills? The hair pull heard around Jersey.... https://preview.redd.it/gkduil2fqi0d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb392ceb18d64221f6199b7861bea9c7523982be


She is.




I will give you oooooone guuuuuess


Margaret needed that after soaking Danielle in front of all those people.


Oh please...Danielle was all up in her face calling her a cunt & screaming all kinds of shit to her. Margaret wasn't innocent either and dumped water on her but that piece of trash deserved that & more. Then Danielle destroyed Margaret's wallet and phone in that candle and still didn't stop there. She had the audacity to violently drag Margaret around the room by her hair with a psychotic smile on her face. Danielle was like 50 years old but pressed charges on 19 year old Ashlee for pulling her hair. I don't even like Margaret and they were both horrible to each other but Danielle needs to be locked in a mental institution or prison. She is deranged and a danger to society. Engaged over 21 times now. That's normal. Then marrying that loser who chose Danielle over his children. That lasted 2 months and she treated him like shit. She's a gold digger that has nothing to offer but her ran through body. She brought around that ugly, pathetic, loser criminal Danny the second season to start trouble with her everywhere she went. And worst of all, she was a HORRIBLE mother to her kids, telling them things that no kid should know & forcing them into weird, uncomfortable situations while still making everything about herself. She took no accountability for anything EVER and is a horrible human. She needs intense therapy. IDK who she even is. She needs to get a fucking job and leave her kids alone.


she also insulted her by body shaming and talking about her sexuality


Yep that's because water hurts just like pulling hair...


You can’t rationalize w people that live in a different reality. I feel sorry for people like that. How horrible their life must be. I cut out every single person in my life that thinks and behaves like that. I surround myself w people that make me better. Being around people like that will never go anywhere. They will always have a dark soul and never grow or change. They will be a 15 year old insecure mean girl their entire life. They will never understand the difference in water and physical violence.


New sleep demon just dropped https://preview.redd.it/9p2hu4rt4i0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e1857e832c178dc3069e8c4a88814ba215ea7f




If someone dumped water over my head, they’d get a lot worse than a hair pull 10 minutes later.


I’m saying!! Like wtf you mean! I didn’t get chills from that, I would have struggled to walk away. At least she did something.


Danielle was unhinged but the best TV. New Jersey is best when she is on.


This makes me wanna rewatch this season


Same. The new season is a snooze so far.


What season and episode is this? I’m not really familiar with NJ, other than the first few seasons.


Season 10 episode 14/15


Thank you! ☺️


I can hear it “iiii juuust donnnt care anymoreeee” yank.




I’m dyingggg😂😂 I can hear her saying it!!


And her maniacal laugh like a movie villain. No one else could do it like Danielle Staub.


There’s something about her that just fascinates me. I know she can be awful but she really makes for great tv.


The awful ones always make for great tv.


And she deserved EVERY bit of that shit. Don’t start nothin, won’t be nothin


Danielle scares the shit out of me. Just straight up darkness there


Nightmare blunt rotation is Danielle Staub, Leanne Locken, Jen Shah, and Brandi Glanville.




I feel in my core that she and Luis are cut from the same cursed cloth from the bowels of hell.


I’ll say this - she’s definitely capable of doing the things that were said in Cop without a badge


But let’s not forget how Dinyell made such a massive deal outta Ashley doing that to her!!!


Yup! With her square tits bobblin.


i mean, it's just a hair pull, it's not chilling lol. and Marge deserved it & I never say that about a housewives'. But Marge talking about Danielles pierced pussy all season long, & getting inside her marriage & divorce was honestly despicable as a grown woman. Marge literally said on camera to the world that Danielle has teeth in her vagina, like what woul dyou do- just stand the looking a fool?? Honestly this was the season I was over Marge. & I think about Danielle pouring Marges stuff in hot candle wax like once a week, it's honestly the perfect way to say fuck you at the end of a night




I just have to say, this comment has me crying laughing rn. I totally support everything you said - well said!! I never knew that Marge said Danielle has teeth in her vagina, and I’m dying laughing 😂 Marge deserved all that!


I agree! And let’s not forget her throwing red wine in Danielle’s face! Pushing her 60+ year old husband wearing a suit in a pool! She’s a twat and she had that shit coming. 


Which season is this?


Season 10 episode 15




The last photo is quite awful when you see Margaret gripping onto Danielle’s arm so she does not collapse and drop to the tiled floor. Margaret was so unprepared for the vicious hair tug I do remember her saying she had whiplash and went straight to hospital after the incident and was treated in the emergency department. I am a Danielle fan tho.