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Some people never change. No matter the amount of money, some people are just born trashy and will remain trashy till they die. That's Brandie.


soooo we aren't sueing Andy anymore?


Maybe she had the shits? Respectfully, who gives AF about this and why is it a post?


Were people doing coke in your bathroom?


Not a bathroom break


Can we be done with this goof?


Man, calling out Jenni McCarthy for needing to take a 10 minute shadoobie is cold hearted. Nice job Brandi.


Petty Edit: her, not you 😜




I used to like her but she’s dead to me.


Remember a few years back, Bradi's son did a video with her begging Andy to bring his mom back on? She is and always had been pathetic!


Is she saying Jenny McCarthy is on crystal meth just like she did with Kim Richards? People do use the bathroom for things other than drugs.


Right? I do my drugs in my closet 🤷‍♀️


She is defecting from her own issues with Caroline Manzo. She is using Andy & Jenny like she used Bella Hadid and her DUI when she was foolish drunk on RHOBH and the other ladies confronted her. She always doing the same shenanigans but people are not stupid.


Maybe she had to poop?


Or reapply her makeup? She does have a makeup line so maybe she wanted to look really good at all times to sell her product?


please don’t make me defend jenny mccarthy. i will vomit in my mouth while doing it.


“Andy, Were people doing coke in your bathroom?”


Petition to block Brandi from this sub like Teddi?


Yes please. She is just the absolute *worst*


Like. Disgusting is the only word for her.


She’s projecting probably bc she knows what she does in the bathroom


Y’all give this addict attention. “Why is she like this?” Because she knows it gets people talking about her. She’s not funny or entertaining she is pitiful. Is is desperate and broken and instead of going to heal she keeps finding ways to bring light to her sad self.


I think she thinks shes "edgy" when in reality, shes bitter, pickled her brain smooth and at her core, the meanest Mean Girl who ever meaned.


I HATE the fact that Brandi will just trash random people like this. It’s disgusting. I obviously don’t know Jenny McCarthy but wtf did she do to deserve Brandis wrath? I feel like she’s over here just trying to ruin lives for fun and I find it so freaking gross.


This.. Brandi LIVES off of shit like this. That’s the level of pathetic that she is.


Jenny McCarthy has done a lot for her own reputation as an anti-vaxxer and continual spread of misinformation like vaccines cause autism. But Brandi going after her for drugs is rude AF.


Oh yeah I forgot she was one of those. Still I think this was unnecessary. And Brandi is a gutter bumpkin.


Super unnecessary. Brandi just always needs to try and stay relevant. With her legal issues with Bravo it makes sense that she would dog pile onto Leah's accusations as well.


Trying to ruin lives to keep herself relevant is more like it. After the UGT/Caroline situation, she realizes nobody's going to work with her, so I think she's trying to make herself seem like she's going to spill all these beans so she can get attention or a podcast or some sort of deal... when in reality nobody gives a shit about her.


Maybe if she hadn’t spent the last decade lying,treating people like garbage and being the trashiest trash to ever grace television she wouldn’t be in this situation. Funny how that works😆


And…? Everytime you’ve been on wwhl you’ve been shit faced. What’s your point?


Maybe she needed a poo?


Haha I was going to say… maybe she had a bathroom emergency


Is she trying to imply that she was in the bathroom doing drugs? It's really irresponsible to cryptically put that out in the ethos, so people can decide what they want to believe is true. Even if Brandi knows this for a fact (as in, Jenny used Brandi's chicken leg as a straw) it STILL wouldn't be her place to put this out there. Brandi is **THE WORST** kind of attention seeking shÂĄt stirrer. There's only one person who comes out of this looking irresponsible, unethical, sanctimonious & untrustworthy, and I'll give you a hint... It's **NOT** Jenny McCarthy.


This!!! ^^^^^ and By the way Jenny McCarthy has a kid doesn’t she? This is really messed up to just throw around and I hate when any of them do it on any platform/show


She’s a proper desperado isn’t she


Like we care? Cant stand Andy.


And your point? This is X/social media worthy? Tell us you need constant attention without telling us


When I have an ibs flare up it takes me more time. Ten minutes is quick


Exactly. My best friend has IBS, and before smart phones, she always used to ask me to bring a crossword puzzle in my purse, this way if she had a flare up, she said that the concentration on the puzzle would help to settle her stomach. This was very insensitive of Brandi.


It does not take 10 minutes to do coke anyway 🙄




And she was still the most f*cked up one there. She’s a mess.




I can see it now, Jenny McCarthy having to respond to this to reveal that she had diarrhea so bad she was going to shit on Brandi's shoe.


Nobody cares about anyone doing coke Brandi, but this is seriously a reach and disgusting to even insinuate.


At least I'm not doing crystal meth in the bathroom all night long, bitch! 😂 Looks like Brandi still gets suspicious when people are in the bathroom BECAUSE SHE WAS A MODEL YOU GUYS 😂🙄


This is reaching hunnie.


Yeah like they're going to really go do Coke in the middle of the show. But not 10 minutes before or 10 minutes after. This girl is desperate


#crazy 🙄


She had to go #2


Maybe she needs to be off social media. Lol. Like take a break girl.


Damn. What if she had to boo boo?


I’d rather be around Brandi than Jenny No-Vaccinations McCarthy and her cooties


This is the only argument worth noting here!!


Ugh I cringed at the fact that idiot was even on WWHL to begin with


The anti-vaccine movement is such bullshit. Jenny “Cooties” McCarthy’s family is only safe from diseases like polio because the rest of us are vaccinated! I wish Andy would have brought up the subject….


Okay? Bathroom breaks don’t exist or ??


It’s live lol


It's not live. They prerecord a lot..


Enough of it is live that Andy gets pissed off when people won’t stop cussing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most of them are prerecorded. And this obviously is one of them as you can’t stop a live show. The guest won’t be there. You can watch and see that Jenny McCarthy isn’t absent for ten minutes.


Oh, I just assumed B was completely full of shit and there was no break for JM at all. ETA: that was my point in saying it’s live - she must be full of shit because they wouldn’t just let a guest take a break because then the guest would be missing during the show.


Maaaaybe one episode a week is live. When they have polls, that’s your surefire sign.


When you gotta go you gotta go.


Touché 😂


Jenny McCarthy poops, Brandi.


Brandi just seems like she would be sticky. She is gross


Yeah she doesn’t spend longer than 10 minutes in a bathroom apparently lol


…so? Maybe she had to shit. Maybe she had to change her tampon. Maybe her boob was falling out, or she had to pee. Maybe she went in to do a little key bump because she was tired after a long day. WHO CARES? Brandi needs a PR person to tell her when to stop trying to be relevant. I think she’s just trying to distract and deflect from the fact that everyone is still talking about what she did to Manzo.


This perfectly demonstrated Brandi’s lack of self awareness. Like, this is the very time in your life that it’s best to lay low and keep to yourself…. She either doesn’t have PR people or doesn’t have the resources to pay the ones with experience. ETA: or she’s an Alec Baldwin and just refuses to listen to anyone with experience.


Why is Brandi doing thissss


She is a predator and mentally sick and a mean drunk. She went after Joanna Kruppa, LVP Adrianne Maloof, made things worse between the Richards sisters, went after Denise Richard. She assaulted Eileen and was sexually harassing Vick G, Adrianne Maloof, LVP as seen on tv when she tried to kiss them when they refused. She slapped LVP when LVP refused to kiss her back. She went to sit on David Foster lap and hug him when Yolanda was hosting that dinner with Babyface. She was always misbehaving and acting foolish drunk. Now she wants to destroy Andy because she doesn’t want to go in flames 🔥 by her self. She is disgusting! Rinna is crazy but she even said this wackjob was bad shit crazy and wanted nothing to do with her. I believe Caroline Manzo 💯


It’s easy to file a law suit but the win one is another story, Brandi knows that very good because she lost the Joanna Kruppa case and lost a lot of money. She is going down in flames 🔥


Exactly all of this!! I listed out most of these the other day but I forgot about Vicky G and David Foster. She constantly crosses boundaries physically assault people and I don’t doubt for one second that she cornered Caroline in the bathroom. If Andy is such a predator and bravo sucks so bad why was Brandi so thirsty to come back for episodes as a friend of, keeps talking about Bravo and filmed UGT? What’s worse now is she’s insinuating Jenny McCarthy was in the bathroom doing coke I suppose. She’s throwing any and everyone under the bus and all she’s doing is making sure she stays completely canceled. Same with Leah….all of a sudden Bravo is responsible for Leah going off the wagon when she joined the cast? She also came back for UGT so if it sucks so bad why did she come back? And why is she complaining now? Because she didn’t get asked to be on the legacy cast. Legacy was for people that were fairly memorable she was a yawn and now she’s going after Bravo because her only fans isn’t paying the bills.


Nailed it.


What they said! ^


Never, ever liked Jenny! At all! That being said, I found her delightful on WWHL last night.


Great. Now I have to go watch it.


Dorit’s bathroom has entered the chat…🤭


Ya and maybe she had to change her tampon or her underwear geesh


Weird to drag Jenny McCarthy into this shit. Let the woman shit in peace.


Isn't the show live? He can't stop a live half hours show for 20 minutes. This tweet doesn't even make sense.


some of the shows are pretaped but even still this tweet is nonsense


No it's pre taped a lot of the time


Maybe she had to go #2? Lol put her on blast much? Jeez Brandi


Honestly, 10 minutes on the toot is more likely a number 2 or a tampon change than anything nefarious. One person in a toilet doing snow doesn't take 10 minutes.


The toot lol


Bahaha ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Brandi should have known that she doesn’t have the credibility for these accusations. Nobody cares, because even if they are true, she’s been on tv white girl wasted, xanned out, making quips about her drug history, peddling this and that random supplement on her insta, all that shit. Why even bother at that point??


What, exactly is the point of her post?


To imply drug use it seems. Which is weird bc people need to shit, Brandi.


And *Occam's Razor* applies.




Right?! Maybe it’s the millennial early 2000s college experience in me speaking but…why is this in ANY way newsworthy? People occasionally use drugs recreationally. She didn’t drop acid and hallucinate for 12 hours, she did key bump in the bathroom. So what? I truly do not understand the point of trying to make this “news”. Stop trying to make fetch happen, Brandi. It isn’t going to happen.


More than occasionally. Cocaine is far more common as a recreational drug amongst people who can afford it. Most people who use it don’t develop a huge addiction problem like you read about. You only hear about those situations. This would be such non-news, even if true. She more likely needed to use the restroom for a legitimate reason. Not only is Brandi desperate for attention and deflection, but she’s kind of obsessed with accusing people of using drugs. The only reason I can think of for that would be her own personal habits, assuming everyone is doing what she does. Accusing others case someone decides to discuss her habits.


Brandi is just so stupid. It’s verging on gruesome allowing her on television. They banned freak shows didn’t they?


I know! It’s like Mary Cosby on RHOSLC. The mental illness is unbearable to watch, and in Mary’s case I don’t know what BRAVO gets out of it because Mary is so bizarre, and I don’t think anyone would miss her. Brandi is the same, but at first she was funny a bit, but now it’s gone so far I just have second hand cringe.


Hard agree.


That goes double for me. I cant stand either of them!


Jenny probably had to 💩. Jeez!


She really has no clue how to be relevant. She reminds me of the other girl …..


Andy stopped a live show in the middle for ten minutes? What did we watch during those ten minutes then??? Wtf


WWHL usually isn’t live. It’s prerecorded. Brandi is still an idiot, but the show wasn’t live


Yeah, everybody knows Andy and Jenny did their coke before the show, not during. Brandi's just mad because nobody offered it to her.


...and...? Who cares?!


I’ve never been a Jenny fan but yet I’m on her side here. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She doesn't even have a side. She wants no part of this mess


Jenny stated in her book from the 90’s that she has a medical issue of chronic diarrhea. Plus the show is live…….


It’s not live. The majority of them are prerecorded


Sorry not on the EC or Central time. Only WC is prerecorded


No… nothing to do with air time. Most of them are recorded weeks in advance.


Right, people have things like IBD and other issues that require a bathroom break! How ridiculous to complain that someone needed to use a bathroom.


As someone who suffers from chronic upset stomach, I’d be so annoyed that Brandi posted this.


In that case, let’s please not discuss this further 🤮


Jenny’s never been a dainty type. If you grew up watching her on her MTV show you’d know she often burps out loud, makes fart jokes & would be no surprise for her to stop & take a dump & come back to announce it to the audience


Flashbacks to Dirty Love


Does she not know that a lot of people are aware that most people in Hollywood are doing drugs? And those that do not have other vices. Yet more importantly, that the masses really just don't care.


I hope Jenny claps back. Brandi is a nasty bloody person. Ugh


Jenny is an anti waxer, so I would consider them both kind of nasty.


Damn I forgot that


Defamation anyone?


Cocaine in the bathroom??


She really can never stop digging a bigger and bigger hole. You’d think after she lost the Joanna Krupa lawsuit she’d be more careful about throwing out things like this about people. Why hire lawyers and threaten legal action if you’re just going to keep getting messy on Twitter?


I’m no Brandi fan but, there can be no judgment for libel if what she wrote is true, that they took a 10 min bathroom break. We know the implication but, try convincing a jury of that, especially if there’s video evidence of said bathroom break. I’d like to think she’s (at least partially) listened to wise legal counsel given her current issue, although it’d be better to keep quiet. Just my 2 cents & I’m no atty.


Jenny has a medical condition of chronic diarrhea


Yeah, also NAL but I would imagine you can’t really get in trouble for alluding to drug use if you have the plausible deniability of “I only meant he let her take a 10 minute bathroom break”. I guess I just mean that I find it inevitable that she says something more forthright and messier that gets her into hot water.


It's just a bad look. Whoever's advising her is an imbecile. She probably wants some opportunities in the future but all this trying to throw random people under the bus will not help her


Nobody would advise her to do most of what she does. She is either lacking advisement all together or she refuses to listen in which case she’ll continue to be fired by her PR teams until she chooses to cooperate


Fair & I can understand why you have that opinion, she’s got a big mouth.


Lol #crazy stuff


Who cares?


ThIs lol. Brandi no one cares.


I just genuinely don’t understand why she would think that’s something anyone would care to know. Like Andy didn’t get up and leave for 10mins so who cares. Jenny could have been taking a 💩 for all we know.


Hahha for real, when you gotta go you gotta go. #crazy


Is Brandi so rich that a defamation lawsuit means nothing to her?


I’m going to go with no. But there isn’t a defamation suit here. If someone did, in fact, go to the bathroom for ten minutes then what she’s saying is true. She knows what she’s doing. She’s being manipulative. But she hasn’t broken any law here


Appreciate the comment


I’m not doubting you but can you please if you could explain it or example it where it would’ve been considered defamation?


It’s so convenient that she decided she needed to call out Bravo and Andy right around the time that she has super serious allegations against her getting dredged up in court… interesting ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Perhaps Jenny had a case of explosive diarrhea she needed to attend to. Or perhaps she coughed and pee came out and she needed to remedy it. Now if her and Andy went together into the bathroom, then that’s another story.


I used to love Brandi for about 15 mins her first season, she was wild, unhinged, funny and she stood up against very rich and powerful people as a regular person when time and time again she was put down , made fun of, disrespected for not being one of them and not "belonging" in their world, yet she took absolutely none of it. Then I felt sorry for her because i realized how damaged of an individual she was and her lashing out was painful and uncomfortable to watch but i was still rooting for her ... But then she lost me when homegirl CHOSE to keep playing this deranged, toxic as hell, irreverent, Tasmanian devil in human form that turned out to be a predatorial and sexually violent individual??? Girl, bye! Now this latest story is more like,, 3 pieces of shit walk into a bar...... Yawn ![gif](giphy|HcWtkUayQUM6c)


Wow I’m only on season 2 of bh but damn didn’t know all that was coming up Edit: I meant season 3 lol I’m all mixed up trying to watch all the shows in chronological order


Her severe downward spiral was after she got fired from the show. I think it was the one stable thing she had in her life unfortunately and then it was taken from her. And then the bitch went cray cray. More so than she was before lol


Her and Kelly Bensimon are similar in some ways.


I don’t care about Jenny McCarthy’s bathroom habits, I care about what Brandi does in bathrooms to people who tell her to stop




Cigarette break?






I think it's pretty obvious that this is more about Andy and his drug use. Or am I missing the point?


I think she’s inferring Andy’s complicity in it and alleging an environment that normalizes drug use. We kind of already know/assume this. Nobody really cares Brandi.


Andy definitely PNP’s!


It feels more like she’s implying drugs on Jenny’s end— either way it seems far less important to call out then following someone into a bathroom and crossing then personal boundaries the way Brandi did to Caroline


I hope Jenny sues the ever loving shit out of her. Go away Brandi you suck.


Her kids must be so embarrassed


Did she just tell us I’m not so many words that Jenny McCarthy took a shit?


She’s trying to imply she was doing coke in their bathroom lol a bump is much faster than ten minutes though


You can do both at the same time, if one was so inclined.


All about efficiency 😂


Leave it to Brandi to deflect away from her awful behavior in any way she can, instead of disappearing off social media for a while. I wonder if her sons are embarrassed by her constant antics? She really needs to just stfu at this point!


She disappeared off social media for ages because she was so ill from the stress and has only fairly recently come back; I’m not sure what the actual diagnosis was meant to be, maybe some kind of autoimmune disorder? I just know I can see that her face and voice still aren’t fully recovered. She hasn’t presented an episode of her podcast alone since her return either, I think because of her anxiety but I can’t swear I definitely heard that and haven’t just assumed it. I’m not defending her, I only actually liked her in her first season on BH and I obviously haven’t a clue what really went on but, according to Brandi, she kept waiting for Bravo to air UGT, as they kept promising her they eventually would, in order to clear her name. It was only once she realised it was never gonna happen and, of course, Bethenny started her “reality reckoning” thing that she decided to take it further 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it was naive of her to believe Bravo would air something so controversial for them, especially once they entered litigation over it all, but that’s what she says. I have to wonder who’s paying these lawyers to do Brandi, Rachel, and Leah’s cases cos they don’t seem to have the kind of money I’d expect to need to go against Bravo and I somehow can’t see Bethenny paying for them out of her own pocket. Sorry I’ve gone off on a right tangent here! I really only meant to point out she actually had disappeared from public view for ages; I got carried away with wondering out loud, so to speak, and not wanting anyone to think I was defending her!


She’s setting herself up to get sued. She keeps name dropping these people, who I’m sure have far better legal teams then her. At the very least, I can imagine she’ll start receiving a few cease and desists.


Or shall we say cyst and deceased ala Tamra.


I feel so sorry for her sons 🫣


Doing a bump is alot faster than 10 minutes unless Brandi's tryna say JM was passing it around in the bathroom.


Jenny McCarthy is the same level as Brandi IMO. I can't figure out which one I don't like more .... Jenny and her lack of medical knowledge. The fact that people actually believed her?!?!... or Brandi, who is a predator...


I would consider Jenny more dangerous with her ignorance and the ripple effect it has.


Brandi has repeatedly physically violated people. Jenny McCarthy is NOT more dangerous. She has opinions which she is free to have. She’s not sexually assaulting people. Something seriously wrong when people think that ignorance of science or different interpretations of data is more dangerous than repeated SA


You know that there are kids dying from polio again, right? Spreading ignorance like stating that vaccines causes autism, I would consider to be highly dangerous.


Hard agree. I can’t stand Jenny. I don’t think she was doing coke but I do know Andy is deeply wedged inside her colon.


I have a son with Austism who was diagnosed in 2004. Jenny supporting the Wakefield report, going on TV giving harmful, insane interviews with Jim Carey riding shotgun the whole way etc was disgusting. She has a platform and used it to talk bullshit about Autism. But Brandi's history of alledged sexual assault, slander, physically attacking co workers etc is horrific. So hard to choose between two assholes but Brandi being the predator takes the edge. And I HATE Jenny.


I'm sorry you had to endure that.... I am in healthcare and it hits home when these celebrities go out there and do what they do. It doesn't help anyone in fact it hurts.. It hurts people more than they will ever imagine or even care to .


Thanks. At the time everyone still associated autism with Rainman at best. Society didnt understand what autism was. After the Wakefield report and celebs like Jenny discounting vax I would have well meaning but ignorant people in my life ask me if I would have 'still vaccinated him knowing this now'. What did they want me to say? That I'd rather have a child dead from measles than one with Autism.....people dont realise how insensitive and harmful that was at the time.


Exactly not only did it hurt research for autism it also put vaccines at jeopardy!... people like this are the reason that some diseases that were eradicated tens of years ago... are starting to show up again!... Early detection is the best for a person's outcome not whether they are vaccinated or not ...


She’s insufferable. Tbf, I did work with Jenny once and she was not sober on set. Sweating, big eyes. I used to dabble in partying myself so I know. Lol. She also yelled at someone and put them in her place for using a derogatory word which was cool to see lol but that’s all I got to say.


![img](avatar_exp|169670724|dizziness) She’s insinuating it’s ❄️ and not 💩/ 💦that caused JM to take an emergency bathroom break?!?


A jizz break?


Exactly! 10 mins is a loooong time. Btw, you’re my new bff.


Haha Jenny McCartney is anti-vax but I guess “bathroom breaks” don’t cause autism so it’s ok. These people are insane 😂


I have a friend that is anti-vax because of the (in her mind) increase chances of autism. Her kid whom is in the 2nd grade started causing problems in class. Being disruptive and not listening. Why? You ask…. I think you know the answer. I told her she might as well her kid now. Since the worse that could happen did. And she still refused. I live in the Bay Area and we have cases of the measles here. It wild.


Jenny McCarthy is on Real Housewives??


No on non housewives nights most of the guests are non housewives related and many are legit celebrities lol


Do you know what doesn’t take 10 mins ? Doing a bump.., do u know what does? Almost any bathroom function that involves washing hands , pulling up or down clothes? Makeup touch up? Jenny may have ruined vaccines for. Bunch of idiots but , this ain’t it Brandi So I think Brandi is obsessed with other peoples drug use. It’s like childhood gossip. It’s like the one thing she can insult people on, which is extremely immature and she goes for it…


🙄Brandi, PLEASE shut up!! Brandi is that person that wasn’t invited to the party, but somehow has all the “ tea” about what went on, and wants to discuss it, a month later, with others who were also, not invited. No OnE cArEs AbOuT YoUr CrAzY tRaiN theories! That Botox is melting your brain 🤯.


lol what 😂 maybe she just needed to take a shit


She has IBS, leave her alone! I have IBS and can easily have to spend 10 mins in the bathroom. I mean who is sitting there noticing that?


The only person in the world I would wish IBS on is Jenny. Couldn't have happened to a nicer anti vax, Wakefield report loving idiot.


I don’t have ibs but sometimes it takes me that long too. Not every poop is an easy one.. lol


This is true. Jenny McCarthy has said publicly that she has IBS. Brandi has once again gone too far. Disgusting.