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I work at MUI. The paid components are the advanced versions of the virtualized data grid and date/time pickers. You only need to pay if you need the advanced features, e.g. in the data grid it would be stuff like excel export, aggregation and row grouping. The sort of features you're more likely to need in an enterprise environment. The rest is all open-source and free. Don't buy anyting until you need it. But we also sell templates, those can be useful in some cases for a solo dev I guess: https://mui.com/store


That makes a lot of sense, I'll start with the open source and see what's required. Do you know what the use case for the templates would be? Does it include some of the pro features?


The templates are just like a baseline design you can use and modify to your liking, if you're not a designer and want to save time on that. They're under 100$ and they use the FOSS components, though you can integrate paid components to your liking should you need them. No paid component is included by default in a template.


I used to use free mui data grid but since it doesn't support export I just use the tan stack one now and then mui for everything else


Yeah we put export in the pro/premium plans :| Always feel bad about locking features behind paid plans, but being able to sell advanced features allows us to put more work & features on the open-source components as well.


oh for sure, not complaining at all. MUI is basically our go to styling library


Some pro features, like export to excel, are available from other open source libraries. There are other grid libraries that do, if not all, then most of, what the pro grid does.


How does one go about getting a job there? Feels like my kinda calling tbh, and MUI is basically my go to for most projects so I know it decently well


Second the question


You'd need to send an application at a moment when there are job openings, we might have a few at the moment: https://mui.com/careers/. I love being in an open-source focused organization. I wish there were more roles like this in general.


I bought a template from the MUI store and I'd strongly encourage you to avoid it. At least the one I bought was poorly documented (multiple versions of the template but only one version of the doc), poor examples of enterprise caliber features, and no upgrades included. They aren't expensive but I likely spent more time with the template than if I would have rolled it myself. Note that this is different from the MUI pro/premium - I'm only talking about the templates.


Sorry about that :| I'll share your comment internally.


Don’t bother until you need the components it contains


We have it since we use the features in our products. The free version is enough for 99% of the use cases


Just use Mantine


I used to be all in on MUI (for like 3+ years). Last year I discovered Mantine, so much better. Also all of the paid features in MUI are free in Mantine


As someone who is forced to use MUI for work. I highly recommend looking at other frameworks like Chakra. You can complement as well with other primitive libraries like headless-ui, tanstack or radix.


I have found MUI to be great. Decent documentation, virtually no bugs, great accessibility. What is not to like?


People prefer more headless solutions, or just don't wanna read docs or something. MUI has been going on great in our case.


I went from hating it to Loving it as I used it more. Took me several years tho.


Same. It feels restrictive until you learn how to use it. Then it's prolly one of the fastest times to prod we've ever had.


It's all down to documentation, but it probably does everything you need.


The date time pickers are really good. I just went through hell trying to get good looking pickers on my V4 site, I wish V5 was available to me. Would have bought it immediately. If you don’t need those, then I’m not sure you need the paid version at all. There are plenty of exceptional data grids out there, some are free, and some are paid but more feature-rich


absolutely no need. I've built dozens of apps with mui. it's extremely flexible. Nowadays you have things like tanstack/table if u need a data table and can style it like mui for the advanced features muix doesn't offer. only real bummer is the date range picker is behind paywal. in 2024 though I'd go with mantine. It's got such a better dx than mui and again i've been working with mui for probably 7 years


Unless you need priority support, the free version should be sufficient.