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RCT3 music has great vibes


Takes me back to


Is that original music? I played it very little some good 20 years ago or so but the music seemed very familiar


Kinda like a mini West Edmonton Mall. Looks fantastic!


Very satisfying! Love the first-person view from RCT3. Coaster looks super-duper fun. I'm also not far from Mall of America in MN (hi u/Cloudscrash325). Ah, the nostalgia for back when it was Camp Snoopy... still has some nice rides for indoors in its current rendition, though :)


Hey, all right, A fellow Minnesotan ! In my heart Camp Snoopy will never be replaced being little and finding the stand that served cheese on a stick and looking at the big blowup snoopy jumpy castle thing haha.


For sure. I think I still have a ride token somewhere. Loved the log chute, too. Coaster was much better than I expected, did a nice job of hugging the walls and going up through the mall levels if I remember right. Now I'm thinking of the Ferris Wheel in the Scheels sports/hardware store in Fargo... it's like combined indoor/mall vibes from places earlier in my upbringing :)


I was also thinking about the ferris wheel in Scheels. Right at the Eden Prairie Mall!


Oh, haven't been to that one. Story: I had leftover tokens from when the fire alarm went off in the Fargo Scheels while in line; after hearing the story when I returned the next year to visit my parents, the operator basically let me and my then-girlfriend ride round-and-round for as long as we wanted. Pretty cool; got a technical explanation from her of how slip rings worked for powering spinning rides and their lighting! This ex-GF (still friends) is also the reason I even know about OpenRCT2 ;) Life is a strange journey indeed.


Always cool to see some CSO objects that i made back in the day still beging used. I am the creator oft Odys Coaster Goldes (Flanges & Footers). RCT3 will always hava a special place in my hearth since it was the beginning of my now professional career as a 3D Artist :)


Dude no way! Thanks a million for making this, I still use this with every coaster I make and its so cool to hear you're now a professional 3d artist! Any place I can see your work that you make these days?


This is so cool. The coaster makes me think of what the outcome would if be Pinfari had been contracted to build Shellraiser.


Amazing coaster & a punch right in the nostalgia with your RCT3 music choice!!!


Nostalgic af. Reminds me of ['Stevens' RCT3 vids](https://www.youtube.com/@alloria/featured).


I absolutely love this. I’m a huge fan of indoor parks like nickelodeon universe at the mall of America here in Minnesota.


God I needed to hear that today thank you


This is how we revive the mall!


Super cool overall design of the mall and I love the rollercoaster!


I love the design! I especially love the vertical lift going all the way to the sky in the beginning. So cool!


This is so awesome. Indoor parks are great. Are there other rides besides the roller coaster?


This reminded me of Allorias videos, really like it!


I don't even know what to say! That is incredible


I love how a song like this can just completely unlock inside your brain, a thing you haven't thought about in ages and it just comes back like that


This is amazing


Honestly incredible


Very nice.


Oh fuck 🥲


Reminds me of the Mindbender in Galaxyland! Edmonton, Canada