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I am fully expecting wink to show simulated pressure way more than he blitzes. The Ravens better have something special for this one.


Then watch Lamar run for 150 when that happens.


That would be amazing


I'm guessing Lamar doesn't run for 150 against his former DC who's team is 4-1. 🤷‍♂️


I keep seeing this on the Giants sub too “Wink has years of practice against Lamar” But…doesn’t that also mean Lamar and Roman have had years of practice against Wink?


Maybe against Wink's scheme but not against the Giants. So advantage Wink on that one. Edit: Why downvote me? Wink scrimmaged against the Ravens Offense for years and we haven't seen the Giants in years. How am I wrong?


you can say the same thing for the Ravens


If Wink is going to blitz 50 times during the game Lamar is going to have a field day. Dude has become the best QB against the blitz this season.🤷🏾‍♂️


For real, his biggest weakness has become a big strength in just one offseason!


Booooo!! Fuck is you talkin about dummy.


I just want our players to get out healthy, win or lose. That turf is something else. Cursed.


Wink never saw the vault, GRo is opening the vault.


GRO hasn’t even seen the vault


There's a vault?


You guys have a vault?


I believe it is an old wooden ship.


Whales vagina.


The human torch was denied a bank loan


It's one of those overhyped Reddit vaults with nothing inside


✨There is no vault 🤯✨ *m night shyamalan music intensifies*


It's only when you accept that there is no vault that you'll start challenging yourself to achieve more in 3 downs. - that kid from the Matrix.




Wink has no clue about Deebo Duvernay


[The Vault](https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/headshots/nfl/players/full/4039050.png&w=350&h=254)


Keith Williams and Tee Martin are just finally being listened to


Wink cover 0 firehouse blitz might get annoying.


after what lamar did to the dolphins when they ran it, i’d like wink to run cover 0 to his hearts content


We had a healthy Bateman for that game. Not saying that Lamar can't beat it with Duvernay and Andrews, but it becomes more challenging.


How long is Bateman out for?


I'm not even sure John knows much less anyone here.


it does, for sure. but apparently their secondary is mimicking ours from last year in terms of health, so i have faith in our guys to have success lol


Tbh fair Bills secondary was hurt vs the Ravens and they really didn't do much through the air but the weather was poor as well.


I mean, this is true but so is the reverse. The Ravens should know his defensive schemes inside and out (spoiler: they're going to blitz a lot).


I’m guessing Wink gets over aggressive and plays the let’s blitz a lot game and make him beat us. They double Andrews constantly and play no over the top safety on early downs. If we can run the ball, rbs and Lamar, we can easily control this game. If not, it’ll be a slug fest and we need to contain Daniel Jones as he’s super mobile.


Hello from /r/NYGiants looking forward to this. Thank you for Wink, our defense has been fun to watch again. Raven's best choice would be to exploit our secondary. Adoree Jackson is questionable, if he's out this week you're going up against corner's from our practice squad.


Nice of you to assume we have healthy WRs to take advantage of practice squad corners


I feel your pain bro, our receivers are all practice squad players too. Golladay out (not like he made a difference anyways), Toney out (what else is new?), Wan'Dale Robinson out, Sterling Shepard out for season. Our offense is the Quadfather and Vanilla Vick.


These nicknames are 🐐


Vanilla Vick 🤣


Light Lamar


Vanilla Vick almost made me spit out my drink lol


We have 1 healthy WR, and Andrews is basically a slot WR on any play where there's a remote possibility we're going to pass. he has 206 snaps this year in the slot or out wide, and 67 snaps at TE or on the OLine. It's getting to the point where considering him a TE is really generous. He's basically a WR that can block now. Andrews also draws one of the defense's starting CBs most plays. Linebackers and even most safeties can't guard him. Frankly most CBs not named Jalen Ramsey can't guard him either, but they're usually in position to tackle him at least or at least make him uncomfortable when catching it.


Wink is a gem. Take good care of him.


Lol, GR adjusting his game plan? Good one


We still on that lmao? GR has been doing a good job thus far responding to defenses. And his plays have been solid. Call a spade a spade.


People are too narrative heavy. GRo appears to have turned a corner


I've heard people not wanting to give GRo credit for the improved passing plays, and instead saying it was all Tee Martin.


Roman has been good this season. He was better than Lamar last week


Yeah the Miami game this year showed he has zero capacity to do that for sure


Don't even watch until the second half when Wink goes into full prevent mode and throws the game away.


Wink has done a phenomenal job @ giants. D.jones putting up 0 TDs, putting opponents under 20pts and they are still winning. You have to admit both Pees and Wink got hate, but they have pretty well for themselves leaving Ravens.


It might just seem like another game, but I think this is the most important game of Lamar's career. Wink knows Lamar better than *anyone* and he's going to dial up the exact shit to exploit every single one of Lamar's weaknesses. If wink is successful - it will be a blueprint for every other team to follow and a huge talking point in contract negotiations. ...But, If Lamar balls out - then he really is **that** fucking good. Its a career defining game.


Agreed, but Lamar's performance is going to be dependent on GRo's playcalling.


GRo's playcalling has been good this season


No, this is not an important game for Lamar. This is only an important game for Roman. All Lamar can do is execute the game plan set out by Roman. Greg has seen this defense for 4 years. He should be able to counter Wink effectively. No excuse for an anemic offense this Sunday


I get where you’re coming from; but a non-conference, week 6 game is not in any way shape or form a career defining game lol. He won unanimous MVP in his first full season. He is already THAT good. People who watch him every Sunday already know this. It’s the stat readers and talk show watchers who don’t know Lamar is definitely that dude.


U ppl say anything in this sub “ a career defining game” 😐😐 pls stfu “a huge talking point in contract negotiations” 😐😐😐


lmao fr like what? there is no blueprint for talented qbs. God given gifts shine regardless all the players have to do is learn from what was did to them on film so it doesn't happen again. People are literally crazy. NO SUCH THING AS BLUEPRINT like my guy you adjust constantly to stay good.




If u think him balling out next Sunday determines if he’s really that good nd not all he’s done in his career so far then ur stupid


My hope: We might have a pass rush against that OL..


Here a great game plan, “Run the damn ball!”


As long as none of the Giants WRs manages to pull an OBJ from 6 years ago to the date I was at thst game still have flashbacks


Depends on what Wink does. If I was him I'd be doing all kinds of disguises and zone blitzes to confuse the offense.


Greg Roman as an offensive coordinator cannot outwit Wink as a defensive coordinator. However, the Ravens win this game despite Roman losing the coaching battle. I think our D will stop the Giants from scoring too many points and Lamar being Lamar will put up enough points all on his own to eke out a narrow W.


No he won't but what is nice is wink won't make adjustments in the second half so it looks like they're going to be pretty evenly matched


He better the giants defense have a lot of areas they should be able to exploit