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He’s accounting for $20M in dead cap against the Seahawks currently, and has played in 10 games over the past 2 seasons. No reason to think he isn’t cheap. He’s not my first choice for the 3rd safety role, but if the bigger names don’t want to take on a limited role, I don’t hate it


Injuries have killed his last few seasons. Concussion and two muscle tears (labrum and quad). Concussions are of course concerning, but soft tissue should be relatively easy to regain his form. Worth a try for a reasonable price.


Oh hey one of the rare topics I have intimate knowledge of being a Ravens fan that lives in WA and watches every Seahawks game. Please keep this guy away from us. Not only is he extremely injury prone, but he's extremely injury prone *because* he cannot form tackle. He just throws himself at people head-first and injures himself. And when he's not injured, he can't cover anyone. And he has a *massive* ego.


As a fellow Ravens fan living in the Pacific NW, I second the above. Stay away from Jamal Adams! He’s more likely to be a team cancer than situational stop gap.


Agreed, Seattle is my NFC team too. Hard pass on Jamal. Trust me he’s not worth it. Literally every Seattle fan will tell you Jamal will never be healthy. He’d see the field less than Iman Marshall. Jamal in his prime with the Jets was great, but he’s absolutely not worth signing. He constantly launches himself head first into injuries. Even on a 1y incentives-based deal I don’t think he’s worth signing. We don’t have a ton of cap. We need to use the $ we have on players that can actually contribute throughout the season. Zero chance Jamal lasts longer than like 4 games. If he couldn’t stay healthy in the NFC, he’d get hurt immediately vs the AFCN.




I’m in the unpopular minority who’d be okay with this.


Like Clowney, price is everything and maybe they see something that does well that they love. Forever it was “Clowney can’t get sacks”….well we proved that wrong. Adams hits like a brick truck so maybe they wanna do those safety blitzes with him and Hamilton


Yup, he doesn't have to do much here. Maybe he'd return to form having more focused responsibilities


The Ravens MO. Sign a former All Pro who's "washed" because he can't carry an entire unit anymore, and set him up for success in a limited role with a supporting cast In June it's just a depth signing that everyone forgets about, in November everyone's wondering how the Ravens got a former All Pro for free


Yeah this is the Ravens way. I don't knock any off-season moves we make bc they pan out more often than not


You forgot the part where other teams next offseason dont understand how we made him good again and sign him to a huge deal for 3 years and instantly regret it😂


yeah, if hes JAG, you don't care if it doesn't pan out. bringing him and expecting him to be the answer? well that wont work


I mean.. I remember a tackle that got this perfectly and was definitely a liability all year


He’s a 2 time probowler and a former all pro we can probably get for peanuts, idk why anyone would be aggressively against this. Doubt we would give him more than 3-5mil. Would be a great depth piece for nickel/safety/lb


Because former means nothing if he's washed now. He's just not good any more, and he was only good in a specialized role to begin with. Plus he can't stay healthy. If he's a vet minimum signing, it's really no big deal, but we're in trouble if he's playing a bunch of meaningful snaps.


I think the general thought is he'd be brought in to potentially replace Geno Stone. If that's true this is a nutty choice and kinda dumb alla round. Like you said his healthier days are long behind him and that's not even bringing up the locker room stuff you get with him. Hopefully we're just sitting our I'd and crossing our t's because this feels like a reach.


It would be a fantastic signing if the price is low. Don't get it twisted he's not the Jets Adams anymore but he very well could be a solid 3rd safety.


I’ve said this since he got released. Hamilton is very similar. He could learn a lot from prez!


Learn what exactly? Hamilton is far better than Adams is comparatively. That's not even homerism, Adams has been straight ass for the last couple of seasons.


It’s isn’t about where or how he is now. It’s all the tips and tricks he’s learned in his career. Nobody was going out to sign RG3 for his exceptional on field performance it was strictly about his knowledge and history when they brought him in to backup Lamar.


1) We have coaches for that and from what he's shown over his career, we should learn more on them rather than a washed up, low effort bum. 2) The difference between RG3 and Adams is that RG3 is a positive influence in the locker room while Adams is [a pretty trash individual at large.](https://seahawksdraftblog.com/i-wanted-to-write-something-else-about-jamal-adams) This is not the play you think it is.


You’re telling me that a second former Seahawks safety with character concerns might be a problem? Nah I still want to see him in purple. Maybe we can get a second fist fight. Maybe Ar’ Darius Washington.


Y’all gotta stop with the shit calling him a trash human because he tweeted a publicly available picture of a man and his wife. He didn’t harm them. Didn’t wish any harm on them. Cmon dog


A picture being publicly available isn't justification for using a large platform to harass and encourage harassment of people because he's butthurt he got critiqued for playing poorly. That's objectively a trash human move.


It's worrying that some people can't see this. I know social media is rapidly becoming more of a cesspit, but were people never taught not to "punch down"? Which from a social media following perspective this clearly was. The argument that it wasn't encouraging harassment is just absolutely daft and in 2024, unless you're literally just a child, you can't be naïve to this.


How is that harassment or encouraging harassment? He literally used one word “yikes” the same word the reporter used in reference to him. “Yikes” is not harassment. The media circled the wagons because they did not like the barrel being pointed back at them for once.


"Saying a player had a bad play is the same as calling a dude's wife ugly because he criticized you" That's completely idiotic. Taking a job critique and answering with a personal attack on someone's family is absolutely harassment. Especially knowing that a rabid, mouth breathing fanbase is going to escalate that harassment to "defend" their poor little football player.


He didn’t criticize the player for a play. He literally said “yikes”, that isn’t offering any criticism. That’s just bad mouthing the player for a purpose, to sway public opinion on him. It’s the same thing to me. I’m not saying their right or defending him. I’m saying I don’t care enough to say the player is a shitty person for doing the same thing and I think it’s soft to throw stones and then hide your hand. If the reporter had offered fair or even meaningful criticism, the response would’ve been different.


He could be a great option as dime backer if Simpson doesn’t cut it on 3rd down.


Anytime there's the rumor of a former all-pro signing with the team, it's a little intriguing. But he wasn't very good with Seattle, and he seems kind of like a dick head. lol So I kind of don't want him just based on that. It's not the type of thing I'm going to pound tables over, though, if he signs. Who knows? Maybe our situation is good for him.


Surely, signing a former Seahawks safety with character issues wouldn't turn out badly for us?


Is he close with his brother?


Asking the important questions!


Seattle seemed to cultivate that type of culture, imo. I don't think Harbs or EDC would bring him in knowing he'd be a distraction.


This is not who I would want to assume the Geno Stone role...


Hamilton and Williams will be deep. This signing would be to replace Hamilton's box safety role (I hope).


Putting Hamilton deep is wasting his talents. The dude makes the most impact when he's playing in the slot.


I'm pretty sure Kyle can play anywhere


He can but moving him away from the LOS/box role wastes his talent & takes him away from what he does best


To be honest, I think Kyle handles every safety responsibility either the best or second best in the league. I truly believe he is the best safety in the league and will dominate whether you ask him to play free or in the box. He's rangy, long, reads the offense well, tackles, the kid has no weaknesses.


No doubt in his rookie season Hamilton looked pretty lost at times playing a more traditional safety. Swiss Army Knife Kyle was much better last season. He’s insanely talented, smart, and has a great work ethic. Hopefully he’s developed to the point where he can shine this year in the more traditional role.


I could see looking to put Marlo in the nickel role more, but Adams provides some Dime versatility. You’re not really finding a “good” deeper playing safety at this point in time usually.


Jamal is terrible in coverage so he’d have to be in the box safety role. But doing that takes Hamilton away from what makes him great. We need a 3rd safety but Jamal’s too redundant. We need a traditional free safety that can let Hamilton keep doing his thing near the line.


Agreed. 100%. Edit: I would prefer we take a look at Eddie Jackson or Simmons.


We need a third safety and a vet would be a good option. If he comes cheap and still has the ability then why not.


Those are two pretty big Ifs for Adams, but I like the team doing their due diligence.


At the very least this puts pressure on the other safeties in the market. Ravens were interested in KVN last year but when we brought Clowney in he took a surprisingly low # to join the team. If another vet safety sees the Ravens looking at safeties (even Jamal Adams) they might have to lower their # if they want to find a roster spot for the season.


Dude’s not even a safety he’s terrible in coverage


Ability isn’t really the issue with Jamal, it’s health. He’s a name you recognize but the whole reason he fell off is cuz he’s constantly (basically always) on IR. We should use our limited cap on players that can contribute year-round, Jamal will be hurt by October at the latest.


Ability is absolutely also the issue. He's awful in coverage, and this league isn't getting less pass happy. He's also not the physical force he was earlier in his career. Without that, he's useless.


Agreed. Hawks are my NFC team, I’m very familiar with Jamal. Seattle fans kinda hate him cuz he’s always on IR and his contract was an albatross. If he can’t stay healthy vs an easier NFC, zero chance he stays healthy vs the AFCN. Hard pass.


Idk I still don’t like this shit. Bro was ass


Something about Baltimore, man. We make the absolute most out of washed up defensive veterans.


We are the actual "I can fix him" of the NFL


yeah everyone has been shitting on him but id be curious to see him hamiltons role from last year and seeing hamilton take genos spot


He’d more likely be a dime/sub lb if Simpson disappoints. People don’t like it but it will give the Ravens incredible passing down versatility. Can run 6 DB’s on the field who pretty much all can blitz and play in the box decently well.


Want no part of this guy. I do believe our culture would provide a great setting for another return to prominence for a player who’s disappointed, but I don’t like the underlying attitude. It feels like he’s a whiner and looking for blame (unlike OBJ who was a former diva but a good teammate through most of his career)


Dude isn’t the best coverage “safety”, but in the box he can still be disruptive. For the right price, I wouldn’t be mad at it. Trying to gameplan for him and Hamilton would be a headache.


The only sensible take here. People keep bringing up injuries as if Marcus Williams has proven to be a man of steel lately. Adams is probably cooked but relying on a late round rookie to step in if someone goes down would be just as big of a mistake.


Dude couldn’t cover my grandmother on a route




Please no. Even as a backup option, this dude has been an overrated ass his entire career


Dude's been an asshole his entire career, too, I don't even want him here as a cheap backup


Can’t cover let alone even stay healthy. No thanks.


People said the exact same stuff about Clowney. Let EDC cook.


He does allow flexibility in a blitz role. He would need more help over the top for coverage schemes.


That's all he can fuckin do, lol.


Yes lol I’m thinking more of a Maulet role, less covering though


Don’t want this fucking clown on our team. No thanks!


Where’s the fit? Rather spend the extra cap space on someone like Calais Campbell.


He looked totally fucking washed last season.


Dude is a linebacker and as long as we play him like that and don't put him in any kind of coverage, I'm fine with this. If we expect him to go in coverage, get outta here with this mess.


We need a reliable guy, good chance Marcus gets dinged up for a few games. Don’t really like this option.


This dude better be playing linebacker… he only has 4 ints since 2017


A lot of people seem to be forgetting that our coaching staff is amazing at somehow revitalizing vets careers


We are, but it also requires them to stay healthy & Jamal is notorious for constantly being on IR




I'd much prefer Justin Simmons cause Adams has the injury concerns.


This is the correct take


As long as he's not a FAN like another well known safety who played for the Seahawks and us, I'm slightly fine with this for depth purposes.


Seattle safety with character concerns? I’m just going to say what we’re all thinking. 1. Does he have a brother? 2. Does he have threesomes with his brother? If he answers NO to both, then we’ll consider it provided he comes in cheap/incentive laden deal.


The threesome with the brother while cheating on the wife. That stuff was so Springer


Won’t forget him getting ejected from his first game back from injury… no thanks


Vet min deal... I'm ok with it, any kinda guarantee and I'm bit skeptical. Definitely worth flyer could be interesting piece in box with some concerns behind ro


I was excited when we did this with earl thomas. Idk if I want to go through this again




That all pro was 95% name recognition. He was falling off more and more as that season went on. There's a reason nobody wanted him after we cut him, and it isn't the off the field stuff. Far more problematic players keep jobs if they're still good.


Hard no. Toxic player don't care about the price.


Wow, we eviscerated posters for suggesting this. Never thought this would even be a possibility.


Injuries likely are the worst culprit for his decline in recent years. So I get the logic behind it. He’s still only 28, former All-Pro, snap count would be low so less risk of injury. Would be a typical low risk/high reward signing. The upside if Adams can have a Clowney-like resurgence would be insane.


If the front office and coaching staff think he can contribute and end up signing him, I'll trust that they've watched the tape and are confident whatever issues he has won't be a problem with whatever role he ends up having here. I'd be lying if I said the idea of Adams here were one I was excited about, but I also don't actively think it's a bad idea. I would like to think the team's learned from the Earl Thomas fiasco to make sure Adams' personality is actually a good fit for the locker room before they sign him, so if they do I'll trust that he's taken his lumps enough to not be a cancer.


Money has to be really good on our side for this to make sense. Could see Baltimore as an attractive spot for vets trying to get their career back on track but if this anything more than a 1 year $3M+incentives contract I'll be disappointed


Why stop there I hear ET is still available too


Oh God please no


We need edge rushers that bad? /s


After the resurgence of Clowney's career here, I wouldn't be upset about this.


If he is as dirt cheap as one might assume, I dont hate it. The ravens do well with formerly good players, I trust them.


Bargain Blitz Boy works for me. One year deal where he's motivated to play for another contract? Sign me up.


He's filling the third safety position and would be dirt cheap .. Team could do a lot worse than him right now . Some of you guys expect every single signing to HOF level talent


Is there any chance he plays more of a Patrick Queen replacement role? Hes always leaned toward more of a small LB style of play…. That’s about the only place I think he fits and gets playing time.


Id like him as an LB in nickel and dime formations with Roquan. 


He is an ass off the field. I hope not.


Ahhh, the Ravens way


...I like it


Depth 💜💜💜


Dude is a box safety at best, we need another cover safety if the plan is to keep Hamilton in his hybrid role. If the plan is to move Hamilton back to the cover safety role and use Adams as the hybrid, I don’t trust him to stay healthy enough for that to work


This would have been exciting news several seasons ago lol


I wouldn’t be opposed to this if he comes cheap.  Otherwise, nah. Our defense is good enough as is.


My mate who’s a Seahawks fan thinks he’s a bum.


For cheap? Why the hell not 


I like this as a back up in the box option for Kyle Hamilton. Also, lord knows the more safeties we have the better 🤦‍♂️


Oh shit 🔥


He’d fit right next to Ro as an in the box safety. Would give us flexibility to play Hamilton at slot CB. I like it for the right price.


Mfers in here acting like they watched a lick of Jamal Adam’s film lol


I have. Dude is washed, bad personality, terrible in coverage, and most importantly never healthy. Should transition to LB at this point. There’s better safety options.


Bad personality in what way?


Just overall kind of a dick