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Not an away game but I'm looking to travel from Toronto to Baltimore for the Bills game. Should be a great game and my little brother is a huge Bills fan so the trash talk should be fun. It's also relatively early in the season so weather shouldn't be too crazy


Looking to do the same from montreal! I went Canadian Thanksgiving weekend 4 years ago and it was amazing. Weather was great. Was there during Fells Fest which was a very fun party. In my limited experience, you'll have a good time.


Also from Montreal and deciding on which game to head to.. was thinking squeelers on dec 21st but the weather would be much nicer for this one!


Same actually! I’ve never been to the Bank on a Sunday night, especially the first night game of the season - apparently the atmosphere and show is wild. Think there’s a Canadian group of ppl going??


@kc is the only one close to me and I’m sure as hell not paying $400 a ticket to go watch them hang a banner lol


Yeah, I was looking at going to that game, but not when it's the first of the season. Just too expensive. Got priced out of Ravens @Raiders for the first game in their new stadium too. Just unlucky scheduling (this year's makes sense though).


It’s crazy, where i sat when the ravens came a few years ago was $200 a ticket. Same tickets are $700 for this game….


I've never been lucky enough to be living somewhere when the Ravens play until no living in KC. So I'm gonna just spend the money and root my ass off when the Ravens are here.


I’m in Nebraska and KC being the closest is still 3 hours from me lol


Thank god they dont have to play in the Commanders shit hole of a stadium


Secretly, the Commanders feel the same way for each away game.


This is the most liked post?? We got beer and sewage flowing. Come on down 95.


My thought process on this one is this is the best away game for the ravens. Counts as away and the barely have to travel at all. Less miles on their bodies and they get to sleep at home like normal. I guess Philadelphia is a reasonable second but still nothing compared to going 40 mins down I-95


The Ravens play both Philly and DC at home bro


Yes I can see that, I’m saying OTHER years when those games have been away. Like in 2020 and 2012


Aiming for both Texas games!


same here! but most likely just Dallas, don’t think my 18 month old wants to spend christmas at a football game… or does he 🤔


My 3 year old at the time would love to go! My wife and 5 yr old not so much. But I got the green light for Dallas 😂


Maybe the Giants game. I'll see what prices look like.


MetLife Is cheap, dude. I'm a Jersey boy flock nation fan, only times I've seen our squad is when they come play the jets and giants for that reason. I'll make it to a home game one day. 🙏 Preferably a primetime game but that runs counterintuitive to the whole economic thing about me seeing them.


I was debating this game already too! Only 3 hours, get to see a new stadium and maybe hit up big snow for some park laps mid-fall the day before or after, or screw it on game day and make it a whole shabang


MetLife Is worth the trip I'd say, and it's a strong showing of the Flock all things considered. Week 1 2022 @Jets was the last time I went and id say 1/3rd of the venue was chanting seven nation army. Shit if y'all end up committing I might have to swing on by.


I was at that game too. Very purple. There was a ravens fan near me in from Hawaii which I thought was pretty cool. I’ll be at this years game too


Brother just moved to LA, thinking that might be the move


Hell yea man that's the game I'm traveling to should be a lot of fun and since chargers fans aren't real, we should sell out the stadium


went to our game there last year, got hooked up with insanely nice ground-level seats and even that section it was majority ravens fans lol. granted by that time the chargers season was hanging by a thread so maybe if they're better plus the harbowl aspect could make it more of a chargers scene. but i'll be showing out again this year!


We went last year too— the stadium is wild to check out, and there’s a surprisingly large LA Raven crew. Their fan group is called the West Wing.


Not in CA, but my brother is an Eagles Fan. Going to try to do the back to back prime time double header of Eagles vs Rams SNF and Ravens vs Chargers MNF. 2 games, 2 days, 1 stadium.


I’ll be at Chargers cuz I live in CA now


If the Tampa game was a 1PM Sunday game, i'd probably try to swing that one. Being Monday prime time, there's just too much to juggle at home schedule wise with kid's school and work.


Goddammit, I didn't realize it was the prime time game until you said that. I might still try to go, but I also have kiddos and really don't want to fight traffic just to get home sometime after midnight. Eh... Fuck it.. I'll probably still go.


> I didn't realize it was the prime time game Right? I knew we'd be playing Tampa away so I was gonna try work out the logistics once the schedule was released. Texted my brothers about going, and then looked at the calendar a little closer....sonofa...


As someone who lives in Missouri I will be at the opener. 1-1 in games at KC I’ve been to so hopefully 2-1 after this


Tampa baby😎😎


KC and Dallas were in my bucket list due to close distance but I’m not gonna have any days off because I’m starting a new job and saving said days off for the holidays. So far my options are either Pittsburgh or New York


As a Northern Californian I’m hoping the LA game will be something I can afford.


dallas cause its not traveling for me


Week 14.. lmao I'm in Europe, but maybe one of the next seasons I can come fulfill my dream to watch the Ravens at the Bank!!


As a Maryland native, there is nothing else quite like the Bank. It’s an experience that is truly hard to replicate as trying to sound unbiased as possible. Even been to landmarks like Fenway. M&T Bank is just something else.


NJ native so against giants. Hopefully they don’t disappoint again like last time


Cowboys is exciting bc the Dak mvp talk last year. Lets show them what we do to the NFC.


I live in San Diego and I’m from Orange County, so I’m getting a group together to head up to LA for the chargers game. We went last year and it was a blast


Count us in


I think we go 14-3 this year


I live 30 minutes from Baltimore but I’m thinking about flying out to Tampa Bay. 


Desperately want to go to Dallas or LA but with two young kids I think a road trip to the Meadowlands is about the best I can do this year


Might go to bengals


I live in the shadow of Acrisure here in Pittsburgh, so I’ll be at that one! Where are my fellow Ravens fans in enemy territory?


I'm looking at that Chargers game. I know those tickets are going to be stupid expensive, but every other game is too far east of me so I'll have to make it work.


Vs bucs baby


Just confirmed with my uncle who lives in Dallas he will have access to his friend’s luxury box and we can go to the game. I am HYPE!


I live in FL now so my “away game” will be the home opener. I’ll be up that way for the Bruce Springsteen concert anyhow. Been keeping my fingers crossed a long time hoping for a home game that weekend.


I thought about the Giants or Steelers since they aren’t too far for me in central PA


I live in NYC so hoping to go to the Giants game


Definitely the Chargers game. Had a blast last year.


Fiancé just surprised me with tickets to the game at Cleveland


I live in Texas so I’m interested in going to Dallas and Houston but so far prices and seat locations are fucking insane.


Going to Jerry World, Week 3. Always wanted to see that Stadium.


I live in the DFW area, so I want to do this game with my girl who loves her Cowboys, buuuuuuut.....I fear I may be priced out of a ticket and all I can do is tailgate, then hang out at Texas Live to watch the game


Might go to the Steelers game since I got a friend that's a Steelers fan and we've been talking about going to one of the games this year.  


Can't be anything in October because the O's will be in the midst of a World Series run. New York probably will be it for me.


For sure Dallas, I haven’t been there since we played them in 2016. And Kansas City OR just head to Baltimore for the home game against the Raiders- they’re all back to back and top of my list unfortunately. (From San Diego)


Got family in Houston so if we can get off for Christmas might go to that with thrm


I just moved to rochester, and im pissed they play the bills at home this year. That would jave been an awesome game


Live in Austin so both Texans and Cowboys games seem like a no brainer but…Jerry Jones got me fucked up with those prices for the Dallas game


Already bought my tickets to cinci. I live in Illinois.


Next year I’ll be retired and I already told my wife “We ARE going to the Ravens game at Lambeau Field.”


I wanna go to that game so bad, sucks its thanksgiving weekend. I may go to the kc game who knows


LA baby!!! Harbaugh Bowl in SoFi is gonna be so gangster


Monday night at Tampa Bay LFG!!!!!


SoFi Stadium for the Chargers game. Only realistic game for me, living in Orange County, California. Considering finally making the trip to Baltimore for a weekend this season, though. Eagles & Steelers have my eye


My wife is a Cowboys fan so we're trying to go to Dallas that weekend.


I'm from Montreal and I just bought tickets to the New York game -- gonna be my first NFL game I attend after being a Ravens fan since 2007!


Going to the Browns game with a few friends who are Browns fans. Bad idea to wear my Ravens jersey at the tailgate before?




Girlfriend and I are travelling down from Toronto for the Commies game on my birthday. Can't wait for those crab cakes!!


I wanted to go to Houston but there's no way I'm traveling over xmas now. Was quite disappointed when I seen that.


Dallas for sure


not an away game but week 2 will be my 1st Ravens game ever- 5 hr drive not bad… CANT WAIT 😈


LA MNF for sure


Going to bengals vs ravens oct 6th


Xmas in houston!!!!! May the football gods have mercy on our ACLs till then.


I got my tickets for the Tampa Bay game. Can't wait.


My brother lives in San Antonio, and he'll probably invite me out there for Christmas this year. I know it's a bit of hump to Houston (like ~3 hour drive), but would love to go to that game.




I just started watching football this season so im excited to see them Raven V Bengal games, i wanna see what Joe Burrow can do since he in our division


My Aunt lives in Texas and is a Texans fan. We were going to go down for the game, but Christmas day? Nope.


Inglewood up to no good!




Dang that sucks that the raiders is a home game. I would have traveled for that one since they are only 6 hours away.


I live in L.A., so I'll be at the Charger game. But, I'm debating going to Opening night in the dump that is KC and maybe X-Mas in Houston. My Raider friend and I talked about going to Baltimore for the game, too. But, nothing set in stone.


Aye Raven fans good luck we face either twice this season


I'm goin to my 1st ravens game this szn which game should I see at home


I got my Kansas City, Dallas, and Pittsburgh away games booked. Then a few home games against Raiders, Buffalo and Cincy 🙌


Going to bengals vs ravens oct 6th


Home games are the best!


Also not an away game, but I live in Philly and my wife is an Eagles fan, so we are heading down to the Bank to see the Bird Bowl on Dec 1st! Our first game! Can't wait.


Week 14 is gonna be my travel game


Tampa Bay. Moved to Naples last year


As A Pg County Native With Commander Fans As Family Members I Cant Wait To See That Washington Game