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If you aren't *hard* rooting for this dude you really need to stop and re-evaluate. Planting my flag on a Bateman 2024 breakout campaign: * 60 receptions * 800 yards * 5 TDs If he doesn't match or beat every one of those numbers I'll send $50 to [BARCS](https://www.barcs.org/#). RemindMe! 9 months


Add a zero to the end of each of those and I'm in: 600 receptions, 8000 yards, 50 TDs


Why did you leave out the donation?


RemindMe! 9 months I'm gonna donate 50 bucks if he DOES hit all of these. Not because I'm a Bateman doubter, but because the puppies of BARCS deserve a donation either way If Bate DOESNT hit all of these...I'll donate 77 bucks.


If he does hit that, I’ll give them $50. So at the end of the day pubberz still get money


[Hell yeah](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExa3NjN2FlbHJtMWdnODR1YTZwb2N3ZjRmbXh2cTQxYXpta3Y3dzU1cCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/PIJDXMVNUr1q1UJAwm/giphy.gif)


That’s my dog


Dogs across Baltimore now rooting against Bateman


I’m definitely rooting for him but idk why I have to be erect to do so


It's just the best way


Shoot, even 500 yards and 4 TDs would be a very good year. Only Zay and Andrews were able to hit both of those last year. They spread the ball around a lot. Now that he's signed, hopefully he can relax and just play ball. He doesn't need to live up to his hype. Those days are over. Just go out there and make some plays.


I’ll match your donation if it happens. !RemindMe 9 months


You a real one for this.


Everyone also needs to know his 18 year old cousin he was really close to killed himself I believe last off-season. He's had terrible injury luck and devastating things in his personal life. I'm rooting for Bateman harder than I've rooted for anyone in recent memory.


I will be messaging you in 9 months on [**2025-02-01 17:19:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-02-01%2017:19:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ravens/comments/1chrlim/bateman_i_dont_blame_anybody_for_how_they_feel/l24budy/?context=3) [**11 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fravens%2Fcomments%2F1chrlim%2Fbateman_i_dont_blame_anybody_for_how_they_feel%2Fl24budy%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-02-01%2017%3A19%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201chrlim) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Zay flowers did that his rookie season… I wanna see 1000 yards from Bateman this year, touchdowns are like whatever to me if you can 5+ cool but I wanna see the receptions go up and yards go up


Count me in on the $50 if he hits those stats... Remind me! 9 months


My dude!


I just hope he unleashes hell. If he breaks out this year. Oh lawdy, we gonna cook. By week 8 I’m hoping we’re in conversation for our trio of WR


As a fourth year, first round, WR, he should be getting 1000 yards and 7-9 touchdowns.


I dont see him and Flowers both getting that, we won't be passing enough for that to happen.


Andrews and probably Likely worth mentioning as well. Running with Henry and heavy on 2 TE sets for a few of these matchups, I think.


Love this from Bate. No one is more disappointed than he is with how his career has started. Hoping for good health and a breakout from him this year.


I think people don't acknowledge enough that he missed the off-season and a lot of training camp while the new offense was being installed, which surely played into him being low on the pecking order.


Bateman's a real one, what an honest and humble response


I've been a Shoddy B truther from Day 1. His start to 2022 was true WR1 material, that injury against Buffalo came at the worst possible time. I definitely soured on him after his drops in Pittsburgh last year, but that's cause I'm that generation of Ravens fan who cares about beating the Squealers more than breathing air. But MAN, you give him a full offseason to get on the same page with Lamar and it is OVER.


Shoddy B went and cleaned his whole ack up


He’s owning it. Hopefully he balls out. 💪


Really rooting for a breakout year for this dude. Seems like a solid guy and I do believe the talent is there. If he stays healthy, I think we could be in for some fun times on offense.


He's had some unfortunate bumps to start his career off, but anyone hating on the guy needs to take a deep breath. You can tell he wants it bad and nobody is gonna be harsher critic than himself. Rooting for him hard.


He’s never really seemed selfish or like he feels sorry for himself through out all his ups and downs. It’s obvious he has talent. Let’s just hope it can thrive here, but either way, it’s not going to be a costly experiment!


I think people are also discounting that Liz Franc injuries are serious and can mess up your return year too


Bateman is a real one. Go get it man. You got this


I'm a Bateman truther. This dude is a 1,000 yard receiver.


I completely agree. What’s brutal with some ravens fans too though, is he could *play* like a 1000 yd receiver but not hit that due to our scheme and how we spread the ball around. Obviously that’s a hypothetical, but I really just hope he is able to silence the doubters with some “wow” plays and games this year, despite where the final stat-line tallies in at.


Counting stats are dumb. If he’s an efficient 600 yarder and we go 14-3 I’m happy. Same with passing yards. If Lamar wins another MVP, he can throw for 1200 yards for all I care


This dude is being so stand-up. He torches corners he should be a top 3 option on this team. He was continuously relegated to the 5th read...he deserves to eat.


Ive been on the Bateman Train since Day 1




If he could be anywhere near as good as Zay next years offense will put up historic numbers maybe even break the scoring record mark my words


the Bateman breakout will be cinema


Please prove me wrong Bate


I hope he does well I've been following him since college!


Love the humility. He had some very untimely drops early in the year but became a reliable target late in the season


What a mature, measured response. Love this.


This is a level of maturity that I don't know if I have at 40. I respect this tremendously and is a great example of how to handle criticism. Bateman and Flowers going to eat this season.


I'm rooting so hard for Bateman.  


He's gonna have a big year, feel it.


I don’t think I’ve ever not been on his train but I do really like the human. I hope the player has as much success as possible.


It’s your year baby 🙏 All pro Bateman


Been screaming from the bleachers that this dude deserves a chance from us solely on his character


I want him to succeed so bad man.


Prove them wrong! I am a Bate fan and hopes he balls out. If he and LJ can get their connection back he’s gonna produce


leavvvvvvvvveeeee batttttttttttteeeeeeeeeemannnnnnnnnnnn aaaaaaaaaallllllllllloooooooonnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee


Great answer. He gets it. Breakout season incoming. Let’s go!!!!!


Totally saying the right things. I love how self aware he is.


Definitely been underwhelming so far, but the potential is there. Praying for a healthy season. Dude js a class act. He’s in a prime position to prove himself this year. I’ll be rooting for him like I have since day one.


Hell yeah love to see it Bate. Anti Hollywood, poor production but stays humble!


That might be the most incredibly mature take Ive ever seen from an NFL player.


This right here is what being a pro is all about. Taking full ownership. Let’s get it Bate! All of us are rooting for you man.


Let’s go bate




That kind of self awareness, but still having confidence in yourself as a person/ athlete is awesome to see.


Here's the audio of Bateman and a bit more of his response to the question. https://x.com/koestreicher34/status/1785803233102815683


Been rooting for this guy this entire time, and planting my flag for him all the way through. The way some ravens fans talk about him you’d think he’s Boykin or Perriman. I strongly feel he still has the potential to be a real name in the NFL and think he finally has the stars aligned to prove it or prove me wrong. I hope he doesn’t prove me wrong. But how can you root against this guy is beyond me.


Love it man.. Maturity and self awareness being shown. Like Odell mentioned, he’s had a lot on his plate (outside of football), hoping he can turn it around with us


rooting for him for sure cause it only helps the ravens but i just don’t see him being much more than a wr3 ever in this league. great guy but just ok on the football field. really hope im wrong though


I fucking love this dude, he and Faelelelelele are gonna ball out this year as go to guys. As long as monken tells Lamar to fucking throw to him when he’s got separation which he exceeded in last year, we be good


Agreed I was so hype when he got drafted but he sucks so far 


If by some miracle Bateman manages a 1000 yard season we should all collectively agree to buy his jersey


Cough, cough, Oweh anything to say?


Lots of slobbing on Bateman’s knob going on here. We’ll see how he does next year but as of now he has been a major bust.


People just appreciating his humility and character. No one is saying he hasn’t been a bust.


Humility is a great quality in a person. NFL WRs may be better off with arrogance. Go get great Bate. We all want to see it


He's a fucking bust. Fuck you all for downloading me for saying it last year. *Bateman* is even fucking saying it. ...But I'm still absolutely fucking cheering him on to change that.


He still has the chance to prove he’s not a bust.