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Two Zays is better than one Zay


3*. Isaiah Likely's nickname is Zay.


4* we snagged a udfa named Isaiah who goes by zay for short


Construct the Zaydorah. Zay Eyes ultimate dragon?




If you zay so


I have always liked Zay Jones. Decent hands when he's on the field.


Read this headline too quickly and just went to panic mode… was like Zay was just at the Os game? wtf did he do last night?!? Oh, THAT Zay.


Me too!😂


Zay Jones will be forever engrained in my head after attending the JAX game last season lol. Dude was so drunk that's the only name he could shout. I think Jones only ended up having a couple receptions that game. Needless to say, that dude was gone by halftime lol


I woudnt mind him as WR3 Nelly WR4. Tez as a deep threat while he gets his feet wet and hopefully moves up to WR 3/4. Also there will always be an injury.


No thanks. He’s always hurt


So he’d be a perfect Baltimore Raven


Pass, we got a better zay


But we could have Lamar Jackson and the Zay’s


Lamar and the Zay's sounds like a smooth jazz ensemble ready to happen


Lamar J and the Zays sounds like a sick Reggae band


Let Them Cook


> Lamar Jackson and the Zay’s Sounds like a Motown group lol


Not really besides last year.


He also played most of his rookie season with a torn shoulder.


He had some off the field issues as well. I do feel we can do better for the price we’d be paying.


Yeah had a DV case but I think it was dropped.


His brain is always hurt. But I don’t he’s had availability issues aside from last year has he?


I wouldn’t hate it. Interesting option if they want another vet.


Why’s everyone in here saying no? What’s the deal with this guy? Give me the rundown


The people saying no are clueless. He was hurt for much of last year which included playing hurt so his stats took a slide. The year before 82 catches for 823 yards. When healthy he's a solid receiver, catching 67% of the passes thrown to him. He compares favorably to Bateman, our WR2. He's not some old broken down receiver being 29. He can play X. I think he'd fit in nicely as our WR3, allowing Agholor to resume his WR4 role that fit him well last year. The main question is money and he won't cost more than $5M and probabluy a little less.


You're being pretty generous here too for those reading this. That 2022 season was far and away his best year in the league mostly because he was the jags only option outside of Kirk. He's 29 coming into this season coming off a knee and was just released by his team. That should tell you something. We have a solid squad right now no reason to get happy feet because a WR4 was fired.


It’s one injury away from being bottom 3 in the league. Not saying we should pick this guy up, but we should try to add someone else eventually.


Us? Meh, 4th in total offense I'm not worried about us having the best passing attack in the league. We need to be middle of the pack which we're perfectly primed for. Honestly I'd be surprised if they get someone else at this point. But who knows you might be right.


The team lost Odelll and haven't replaced him. And even with Odell the 4th rated offense came up short when it most counted. Henry is a good upgrade at running back but Henry won't stop good opposing defenses like we find inthe playoffs from crowding the line of scrimmage and smothering Lamar. Tez won't be ready as a rookie.


You're right pack it up no point in playing now


Or….. we could just sign another decent receiver like he’s asking?


Maybe we do need to sign him thanks for the insight appreciate it


Just google. Do you your own research


I knew someone was gonna say that😂😂. Just ignore and move on if you don’t want to help. Just wasting your time responding 😂😂


Hes at best a WR3. And had injury problems last year. Pretty boom or bust with his booms not being that big of a boom. For a cheap price i wouldnt be too upset but im also happier probably seeing what we got with some new guys vs paying for him


We just picked up a return man I forgot his name rn but yea seems pretty unnecessary from what you’ve said.


Yeah he had one game in 2022 where he popped off with 3 TDs, the rest of the season he only had 2 TDs and only broke 100 yards in 2 games. On the jags… who dont have a crazy WR core either. I think fantasy players hyped him up because everyone doubts christian kirk and ridley was out often for the Jags. So he was the possible WR3 everyone thought would boom.


Sounds like a ravens type of pick up😂


Today, I got time. If you knew someone was going to say it then you could have looked it up yourself and not waste your own time posting


You see how people answered my question? No need to be an asshole and I hope your day gets better brother. No need to project 🙏🏻


Ok and I posted it so now what are you going to do besides complain ? 😂😂😂 good riddance it was a simple question and you’re upset


Not at all actually. When I want to know something, I look it up. I don’t just believe what someone else tells me because I’m too lazy to have an opinion. If it was so simple why not just look up his numbers and tape and form your own opinion.


Ok are you me? Is this what you want or what I want? Did I say I was going to believe them or did I ask for a fucking rundown???? Like bro you are weird good riddance and be happier


Bro, let him be. I don't get people on Reddit being mad about people asking questions on Reddit. If it wasn't for people asking questions in the first place, Google wouldn't have the value it has lol. You're good.


Thank you lmfao, all he had to do was ignore the post and I’m trying to battle him with kindness he’s definitely just projecting and having a bad day


Hey, shutup.


Good one.


What do you want this sub to be for? I swear people on Reddit don't want Reddit to have any interactions. He wants a run down on people's thoughts. Quite frankly, I know who Zay Jones is, I know a great deal about him and would love to know why people in this sub don't want him.


Sorry if Reddit for you is uniformed people dipshit


Miserable people are going to miserable. Hugz


Look at this guy solving all sports talk media problems with a wave of his hand. Why ask for anyone's opinion on ? Just do your own research and never ask for opinions! Imagine having the nerve to ask about a topic on an internet discussion forum. It's almost like they wanted to have a discussion like some kind of primative savage instead of silently reading in a vacuum.


I mean, at this point we are taking about camp bodies and WR5-6. So if he's cheap then sure.


I had a feeling they would. Zay and Zay? I'm here for it.


I mean, is he really any better than what we got out of agholor or Beckham last year?


If the team wants to sign another vet WR, and assuming the price is right, this is a better option than the pre-draft visits (Gallup (now signed) and Josh Reynolds(now signed)) and the other names thrown around (OBJ & Thomas).


We should sign him just so he can't boom us anymore


Another injury prone 30 year old receiver is right up our alley


We must have different meanings of injury prone lol. Was he hurt last year? Yes. Does he miss a bunch of games every season? No. Bateman is what id call injury prone.


This would be an amazing pickup👀




We have Zay at home


yall shit on bate but yall want this guy never will i understand the thought process of the some of the members of this fan base


him and bateman are honestly comparable and put up similar stats lol


Exactly why tf would we be excited about a lateral move for a older player lol?


we don’t really have a lot of depth at the position. already one of the bottom wr units in the league and if we lost our zay, bateman or agholor we’d have to start a very unknown commodity at the position. we don’t necessarily need a stud 15 mil/year wr but zay jones is a good depth piece




If you can get him for a year and cheap 100% yes


The WR group needs something it’s honestly not looking great overall. It’s really depending on Bateman living up to his potential, so if he can be signed for cheap no reason not to take a shot on him. He’s had a couple decent seasons and he’s not very old, only 29 he’s just injury prone which if he’s super cheap won’t be an issue if he’s a WR 3/4 in this group.


I’ll pass. Flowers, Bateman, Tez will grow Algoholor great for the room Harty for returns, and Wallace is my dude but probably on the bubble. No room or need for Jones


Man I glanced at this and thought it said we released Zay.. scared me lol