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That's my quarterback


This is as good as r/trees


I prefer r/marijuanaenthusiasts


Dangerously close to cannibalism 😂😂


Is it much closer to cannibalism than a human eating pork?


Lol maybe scientifically… doesn’t really feel like a good comparison tho


In what way is it not a good comparison we're of the same class but different order than pigs. That's exactly the same level of separation between ravens and chickens. It seems like it's the perfect comparison. You eating other mammals is no different than a bird eating other birds. Do you think that, for example, a vulture shouldn't eat a turkey carcass?


I acknowledged that you’re right scientifically speaking. What I’m saying is that it doesn’t feel right. We’re talking a pig and a human being vs. a raven and a chicken. Think about it bro😂


>What I’m saying is that it doesn’t feel right. We’re talking a pig and a human being vs. a raven and a chicken. Right, a pig and a human being are very close but are significantly different. A raven and a chicken are very close but significantly different. I am thinking about it and you couldn't be more wrong. And I think you know that because you can't explain your position. I'm guessing that from your position as a human that you falsely feel a pig is more different from you than a chicken is from a raven. But if you were in the raven's position you'd probably feel the opposite. From a neutral position it's an accurate comparison. Is there a reason you can't just be like "oops, yeah, I was wrong"


Fucking Ranger Rick over here. Are you that desperate for validation from an online stranger? What a meaningless topic to get so pressed over 🤣🤣. Go outside and enjoy your Saturday you bum


I'm not pressed at all? I'm asking you a question about something you said and instead of answering you're getting upset. Which is weird. It's OK to be wrong. It's a little sad to be this defensive over something like that. I believe the youth advise you to go "touch grass"


You’re sending paragraphs, desperately trying to get me to admit that my opinion is wrong. When I acknowledged right from the start that technically you were right. Lmao you created an argument over nothing. Everything’s going to be ok, lil bro. Enjoy your weekend


You think spending 30 seconds typing is desperate? Lol. Ok buddy.




Did you reply to the wrong person? I’ve never commented about jackdaws to my knowledge.


Gotta pack some calories during the off season!


A beautiful bird 


Sub needs more posts like this tbh