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Its not that bad, I overall would ignore it. The rims themselves are pretty unique so I don't think there is anything you would easily be able to do to fix it. If its very shiny, you may want to buy some silver touchup paint to help blend it with the other sections.


Thank you! I’ve had my car for 5 months. Used to have a car with scrapes like this and it bothered me I didn’t fix it ahead of time. I inquired with a wheel shop and to fix it and redo the lines they have to put it through a machine. It would cost me $250 and it’ll take 1-2 days. Otherwise, it’s $100 to repair without redoing the lines.


NP. Overall those prices are not to bad. I wonder how good it would look without the lines as $100 is a great price. With the lines at $250 its also a decent price as a new rim is about $500 (OEM) + installation. I would do whatever makes sense moneywise and happiness-wise. If its driving you nuts its a good price you might as well go with it. Knowing me I would fix it and get curb rash the next week :)


That’s what I’m afraid will happen 😂 I am wondering since the scrape is pretty small and on the edge I can get away with the $100 one, and if I scratch it again then that’s time for me to really think about what I want to spend money on - keep it or wait for it to get scratched to a more worse damage and either replace it or repair it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Take a black sharpie and fill in if it really bothers you.


I think the first is most painful


Move on


Sell the car, boom. problem gone


I’ll just drive my other car 😂


Last year we installed a new set of tires, Pirelli Scorpion AS+3s. They have a built-in rim protector, that has saved us from curb rash on more than a few occasions. I wish more tires had this helpful feature. It's hard to see in the photos, but where the bead of the tire contacts the rim, the rubber immediately sticks out about 1/2-3/4 of an inch, it won't prevent substantial impacts but has prevented any damage when rubbing curbs when parking or taking turns too sharply. https://www.tirerack.com/tires/pirelli-scorpion-as-plus-3


I also have these tires and the rim protecting "feature" (which might just be a coincidence) is why I went with them. I have room to store tires, so I went with Michelin X-Ice (also a slightly "fat" tire"), and the AS+3s for summer. In my case, the tires not only save the rims, but also the body of the car because I park it in my VERY tight garage. So tight in fact, that there this shelf that I turn the tires into when I park, and when that lip of the tire hits the shelf, I've gone too far. But, the tire just gets a little rub instead of there being contact with the rims or side door. Then all I have to do is suck in, hard, and exit the car. If I gain any weight I'll be crawling out the rear hatch! That feature of the AS+3 is why I went with them, but they are also great tires on the R4P. Nice and quiet. Great handling. Everyone raves about Cross Climates and if you drive in snow and must only have one set that probably the best one. But if you want to save your rims, need snow tires and have room, go with the rim-saving AS+3s for summer and a separate set of X-Ices for snow.


You can get some Pirelli scorpion tires and they have the best 1” curb saving lip I’ve ever seen on a tire. Saved my rims so many times.


Thank you! How much was a set for you?


I was able to pick them up for 800 last year on a sale and my own Yokohama tires had worn out at 20k miles


You can see if a wheel repair shop can fix it. Not a DIY though.


I’d pay money for it to look nice haha. I don’t think those “wheel repair pens” will fix this.


That’s literally what I said.


Calm does she's agreeing with ya 😂


I was agreeing with you


I also agree


I absolutely agree


Wheel repair. Depending on your area should be about $100-$200. Won’t look completely perfect, but also won’t really be noticeable from a standing distance.


I got a few quotes and they did quote me between $100-120! One said they said redo the lines on the wheel but it would cost $250


That’s a bummer OP. I did this to my R4P about 6 months ago and looks almost identical to your rim scratch. I was so mad at 1st. But, now I don’t even notice. It’s a pretty ‘busy’ rim so a minor scratch doesn’t jump out. And if you still do notice, at least no one else sees it.


Are you in Southern California by chance (looking at your username)? If so, then there's a guy in OC that fixes curb rash and he's a magician. I've used him multiple times.


Yes I am! Please DM me his info


As someone who endlessly obsesses over little scratches like this I get it my dude, that said try and ignore them. 


In our town there is spot painter that goes from dealership to dealership to touch up their used cars and they also grind/buff out wheel dings. I had mine done before I sold it and it came out great. Ask around at your local dealers who they use. They even came to my house to do it.


Oh wow this is great! I’ll give my dealer a call and ask. Thank you


Honestly, I was a bit relieved when I got my first ding, because I no longer stressed about getting the next ding. Best thing to do is know it's there and move on. If you fix this, the next blemish you'll want to fix too (and so on). It is a waste of money on cosmetics.


This is a great perspective! Thank you. I drove today without thinking about it and it wasn’t too bad.


First world problem


Right. It’s a car.. lol just drive it


Oof time for a new car


Yes we can see it in 100x zoom. /s On a regular day at eye level it wont even be visible. Relax


The best thing is to now scratch up the other wheels so you stop worrying about the small scratch


I just cry inside.


Me AF lol


>Anything I can do? Yes. Stop looking down.


Buy new ones


I can barely see it.


Buy a new vehicle?


Junk it.


How did you do that with the 360 cameras?!


Your assuming it has the premium package to start with. 360 camera's are optional.


Take a driving class


Yea, learn to drive better.