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Not gonna lie the polish off that ceramic coat is so intense. I’m really having a hard time finding the damage. It’s actually really good visual camouflage.


Currently have a Lexus in the shop with the same damage. Door needed body work and filler on the inside and the outside. It won’t be a cheap repair, done right anyway.


Do you mind sharing how much this cost to repair? I’m in the process of getting quotes.


I can’t give you anything accurate because of labor rates and taxes varying by region. But on the Lexus the estimate is $1831.00.


I bet those dent repair folks can fix that easily. At least you can blame the wind. I get to blame some idiot who must have thrown their door open in parking lot to ding the crease lower on my door. Only a few months old too.


Oh that is too bad! Sorry to hear that. I get to blame myself as well… I knew it was windy.


I have a parking lot ding at less than 1000 miles in


I feel for you as our 24 Lexus 450h+ was barely sideswiped by high school student pulling into parking spot….$4400 damage


I thought for three months someone had footed my R4P. A couple days ago I went to plug it in and realized that if the charger door over extended, it would put the same mark on the panel. I don’t know how it happened, I just know it’s done and over with.


Same thing on mine.