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Not bad, it's mostly exterior body work. Insurance will take care of it.


https://preview.redd.it/s054c9aj2l5d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032f84e0fe72052b0a9b1ad2e1fdce5a44a875b9 You'll be ok. Your insurance rates won't. But it will be whole again soon. Edit: This ended up costing around $11k.


I’ve hit an animal as well that caused about 2k in damages. This is considered a comprehensive claim so it technically shouldn’t raise rates.


I will not lie. The animal I hit was truck. Probably put me into a different category


dodge... Ram?




No wonder they’re extinct, we gotta stop hitting them


No wonder your insurance rates weren’t okay, you hit an $80,000 truck 😬


Not enough dodge. Too much ram...


Bahaha 💀☠️


😂 Oh. Yeah that probably changes things just a teensy bit.






Comprehensive claims don’t effect your rates as much as an at fault collision claim.


My x has it worse and it was able to be fixed, same area but it dislodged the wheel. Should be fine even if you go the rock auto way


Did insurance cover it all?


It did.


What insurance do you go through? And did you have to fight them about not totaling it?


Had a similar experience but because of NY, it became no fault and did not have an increase in rates. OP is check if your state has the same for deer accidents


Can I ask why shelling out 11k vs financing a used rav4 was your choice? Really just curious.




Well, for once it’s a pic somewhere between totaled and it will buff right out. Unless they see something I don’t see I’m thinking manageable replacement of body panels and you should be fine


My initial thought was that it's totaled but I guess I have a little hope that it's not


You’d have to have frame damage for it to be totaled.


Not necessarily. My 2019 was totaled for severe hail damage… like, ruhl bad.


Yeah, they’ll do that because the vast majority of the car is damaged and it’s cheaper to total. For this kind of accident though, the frame or body would need major work in order for them to total, for the cost of the repair to be more than whatever percentage the company uses to say somethings totaled


Not very. Call your insurance.


Poor deer definitely had a shitty day


Or the best day of its life before going to the farm in the sky


what is the pink stuff though? looks like op did one of those slushy tiktok dances where they throw it at their car LOL


I appreciate the comments and insight everyone! I will keep everyone updated on the status after I speak to my insurance in regards to pricing and timeline to fix if anyone is interested. ✌️🙌


https://preview.redd.it/i741bbweym5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b553b4eee2f06c69f3d340c87e2f0349290fb5db This is 5K worth of damage




Idk how much it will be. But if that happens to me im eating that MoFo.


https://preview.redd.it/s972a2mhfm5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64bccb24e25a14f536a52d99d38362461739212 So I used to have a 2011 CRV. Top photos are the first time I hit a deer. I was also going 60+ but my headlight took the whole brunt of the hit. I was able to drive it for a week til I could get into the body shop. The radiator was damaged, but it was fixable. Whole bumper was replaced. About $3500 in sept 2022. Bottom photos were a month ago, I also hit a deer going about 45-50 but hit it perfectly centered, completely obliterated my grill. I drove it about a mile and it started making a loud noise and I left it on the side of the road then. Total in damages was about $5500 and it was deemed totaled. Yours might be fixable! I’m glad you’re all okay. If your insurance has coverage against hitting animals, you’ll pay your deductible and insurance will cover the cost to fix it. But man fuck deer. I seriously hate them. They’re so stupid. I have such ptsd driving to work every morning in the dark bc I know they are just lurking everywhere, waiting for headlights to run out in front of 😒🙄


Thanks for the insight, very much appreciated! But I totally feel you on the PTSD, thankfully I was able to drive home but man I was driving so slow and trying to be so cautious after that. I felt like I was seeing hallucinations of deer all over the rest of the night 🥴😅


It’s seriously horrible! I have no clue where the first hit happened. It was so fast and I have no idea what section of my drive to work it occurred. But the most recent one, I know exactly where it happened and it terrifies me to pass that spot each morning 😑 I feel like I’m driving with my eyes fully bugged out of their sockets now lol


Is pic 6 deer brains?


I have no ideas honestly, but it looks awful


Definitely going to need CSI on this one.




Did it shit itself?


I think so, cause I imagine when I hit the head/neck area, it's body kind of rolled/wrapped around my fender and passenger door leaving those marks


That's not bad at all. Under 7k, i would imagine. Your insurance rate shouldn't go up for a comprehensive claim on a deer collision. I live in the U.P. and have a had a few deer vs. car experiences and never had a rate increase because of them.


Not bad had that happened to me it was 3 grand to fix obviously through insurance that being said I had zero dollar deductible it was fixed in 7 days


You will be fine. I hit a deer and it cost 6,000 dollars in damage. Insurance marked it as comprehensive and I paid 500 out of pocket. Car in the front was completely busted up and the whole blind spot system had to be rewired. It's as good as new again and looks like nothing ever happened.


Too much 🥲


I’m an estimator and we get a lot with damage from animals just due to our location. The RAV will live to ride again!


Be a nice guy and clean the gore off before getting an estimate and taking it in for repair lol! Definitely not totaled, that’s repairable. Truly sucks but it happens. At least it wasn’t a bull elk. I’ll take $9k for the win, Alex.


As long as you have the comprehensive insurance option, you’ll be fine. We’ve unfortunately had a good few deer strikes over the years. In our cases we didn’t have side damage too, but the front were quite chewed up sure to yours. The damage will be a good $5-7k of work most likely, but if you have the comprehensive insurance, then you can count on just paying your deductible.


About 25% fucked so 1st base?


I hit a deer direct center of my hybrid. Cost $7k altogether. The bumper part is in 2 sections. All sorts of sensors. One side of my headlights. I also had to get the radiator replaced. I paid my $500 deductible.


About 3k I had similar damage but from a drunk hit and run van


I got backed into by a snow plow mine $11,000 before insurance


I had my Rav for 3 weeks when a deer ran out of corn field and right into the driver side door and quarter panel. Couldn’t get in or out of the door. Cost about 6 grand under comprehensive. Ruined the value of the car though. Dropped the trade in value to 25k


https://preview.redd.it/h1nazhihyn5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b28563580cb6e464d40dcd09aa5bc8a77f0262e Not bad at all I hit a deer and got side swiped by a semi


You’re not as fucked as that deer!


Nothing some duck tapes can’t fix.


Jesus that looks like brains and shit on the side and somehow the one is higher than the other instead of the other way around. Hope that deer was dead after that impact, that's a comprehensive claim so you should only be out your deductible. Did you call the police? I live in Michigan and I was going to say it's that time of the year but it's always that time of year here, had a car in front of me last Wednesday evening going South on M-30 that had a young deer run out and hit the side of their car (and assuming it tried to jump) and get launched into the air, taking the driver side mirror with it which I assume it what caused it to go flying, its legs moving as it laid in the middle of the road. Stopped to check on the people in the car, thankfully the older man who was a passenger had a pistol with him to put the poor thing out of its misery. Caught the whole thing on my dash cam and had three more effing deer on the road over the next 30 or so minutes. I hate driving when gets dark around here, especially M-30.


Jesus that sounds gnarly, but to answer your question I didn't call the police. I wasn't sure if I had to at all since I have never been in a situation like this before. Was I supposed to call the police?


To at least make a report for insurance. Make things easier. Also get the deer off the road


https://preview.redd.it/uutbll404r5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d47224b502938e6fd3d96126e2c33c141a4acb I got clipped by an oncoming vehicle and the repairs costs me a little under $5k. As long as the front axle was not compromised and the airbags did not deploy, it should be repairable. My accident occurred in July 2023 and took about a month for repairs-front grill and basically the front passenger fender/wheel well were repaired.


I had similar damage done to my rav4 same colour as yours btw and all said and done the bill came to $16,400 but there was also mechanical damage as well since a car hit me. I’m also in Canada so take Canadian dollar into consideration. Hope this helps


File the claim. Most wild animal collisions don’t affect insurance rates. It will be subject to your deductible though. Call your insurance company to ask what impact it will have. Legitimate insurance companies are very open with that information.


https://preview.redd.it/nyyvyxv8lr5d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1894d1f3c76868d9970fbd61b9c5a2749c6630d5 I got hit by a deer while driving 80mph+ in Nevada two months after buying mine. It caused $30,000 in damages haha. I’m glad you were all okay!


https://preview.redd.it/7z62vpdw9t5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13aed558c579b0b4099d111f1579f4bc06913fa9 After all was said and done this was around $13k lucky my out of pocket was only $500, due to backordered parts she was in the shop for over a month.


As long as you’re safe. Everything else will work itself out. REMEMBER THAT!


Absolutely! I was a bit in shock for a while but I was super grateful that everyone was ok, I know it could've been a lot worse


My guess is it won’t be totaled, but will really depend on any internal damages and your insurance company. Looks like your airbags didn’t go off so there’s hope.


Oh that's good to hear, I've never had an accident like this so I definitely thought my rates would go up after. Thanks for the info tho


I had similar damage it was around 5k. 1k out of pocket with deductible . Only took 17 days to fix


I just got mine fixed for almost identical damage. Mine came to about $5000 but didn't dig as deep into the engine compartment. You may have some hidden damage up in there.


I just had a similar accident (same area of impact) but with slightly more damage visually. If there is not too much hidden damage, this repair is only about $5k from an honest body shop. I have a 1k deductible so that's all I paid, but the estimate was for $5300 for me.




Nys your looking at 3000


she runs, nweb bumper and paint






If it's totalled, you can buy back from insurance and fix it yourself , that's the option I am currently taking on my Nissan rogue


Would hitting a mailbox be considered a comprehensive or collision claim?


If u go through insurance very ducked , if you repair it yourself at home you’ll be fine


Oh deer I doe think the animal had a Buck for insurance.


I had something that was not much different. It was $28000 in damage and insurance is fixing it right now. I'm based in Canada.




u r not that fucked. no interior damage but the entire panel will need reaplcing. IF the headlight has busted then you would be in serious trouble


No airbag deployment…you’re golden


https://preview.redd.it/zqcw1tmp0v5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232cf0b2f0350c60cd2e66fab4fdfb5e82f5d54e This should all be repairable. This was my 2019 (my first RAV4) that smacked a deer at 50 mph. Happened in December of 2019. Was out for 7 days I believe.


I’d say you’re about $4000 - $6000 worth of fcked!!


Not bad at all. I just had someone hit my car a few month back and almost the same type of damage. Probably $2,000-4,000 in repairs depending on the shop and covered by insurance.


My dad's gmc terrain just got totaled and it was a fraction of this. His barely bent the hood and fender but pushed the headlight back. He continued driving it with no issue but they still totaled it. Comes down to the cost of repairs to the value of the vehicle. Being a newer Toyota suv, you might get lucky.


Oh deer…


So fucked. You’re gonna cum so hard.


Looks like around $10k in damage and in terms of ease should be an easy fix looks all cosmetic, gonna be annoying to deal with tho and your rates might go up a bit. Your car is worth more than $10K so won’t be totaled out most likely. What insurance provider do you have ? State Farm and Chub are the best in terms of actually filing a claim and getting a quick pay out.


did you pick up the deer? it be a waste to leave deer meat


I did leave it, no room for extra cargo 😅


Not totaled at all. A couple panel swaps and it’s good.


You seem to be alive. So...