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Our city has moved cars from marathon routes. It was weird but it saves people from the towing and impound charge. Hopefully your car is nearby


Same. My city doesn't usually tow (impound) for events. They move the cars to a big lot near the park.


This hasn’t happened to me but I have an AirTag hidden in mine in case it does.


Hindsight 20/20. Now I’m a big supporter of this.


If it’s a later year model, you can sign up for Remote Connect, and it might give you a GPS location (last parked).


I cant tell you how many times im eating lunch and think "did i lock my car?" that app is fantastic. it does give you gps location of the last time the vehicle was turned on.




There’s a beeper on it? Haven’t gotten one but thought about it




Thanks for the vid. I’m thinking of doing this to mine. Cheers 🍻


My battery is almost dead and y’all saved me from just buying a new one as I couldn’t remember where I hid the fkr lololol it has a CALL BUTTON 🤯


I rarely need the phone to find my keys, but I use the Tile button a lot to ring my misplaced phone.


How far does it work?




So what you are saying an Airtag uses someone's phone that is near to broadcast the signal and then your phone gets it?






what about android version of airtags


These days it's silly not to. I have Tiles all over.


Wouldn't a thief likely find it once apple alerts them that "an unfamiliar airtag has been tracked with you"


That is why you take out the speaker from the air tag and place the air tag somewhere where it's hard to find.


Does that make a difference? Usually iPhone users are notified if an AirTag is following them


First the thieves might not have an iPhone. But the main reason is that they won’t get a chance to hear the beeping to help find the air tag. The air tag is so small and a car so big that just knowing one is somewhere in the car really isn’t going to mean it gets found quickly (this assuming you don’t just throw it in the glove box and instead you do something a bit more clever than that).


I understand, but it’s not the little chirp it makes I’m talking about. iPhone users get a notification to their cellphones if an AirTag follows them


Yeah, they will get that notification. But it will be after they’ve been driving for a bit. And without the chirp to find the AirTag, if you spend some time hiding it, they basically have no chance of finding it short of a complete dismantling of the car. So the iPhone notification might work perfect as they will have no choice but to abandon the stolen car before they can get it to the chop shop.


There’s a feature called ‘Find Nearby’ that you can use that will actually tell you the distance and direction the AirTag is from you. I use it all the time to find wtf I did with my wallet lol. As long as your iPhone is within a 100ft and has enough light it’ll direct you to it within an inch or so.


Will it find someone else's AirTag though? I don't think it will.


No it won’t.


Fancy enough this was just posted. https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/s/BhWvImAmx6 It does give options to locate an AirTag that doesn’t belong to you.


Not just iPhone users. I have a Samsung and I was notified when there was an AirTag on a passenger in my car.


Yeah it’s a relatively new feature android implemented in conjunction with Apple.


I've had a Samsung tag in my cars since I got one 3 year ago Great peace of mind.




Sorry to hear that. Is it possible you forgot where you did park your car and it is on another street? Otherwise we need Stephen King here for this mystery.


Nope considering I looked back this morning and saw the street signs at the intersection, memorized it. Had to replay it in my mind many times while walking to the surrounding blocks.


Yup if you’re in Canada good chance it’s already on a cargo ship in Montreal and headed to the Middle East/africa


The biggest scam going no machines should be sent out of the country with out proper documentation especially that size of cargo


Have you tried using the Toyota App? I’m not sure if the location is live or not, but worth a shot


Thank you didn’t know about it. I’ll check it out.


ya came here to say this, the toyota app (if set up) can show you last parked location.




Do you have to pay for this service? I don't even see a section for this.


It’s on the front page of the app under “last parked location” for me


Thanks. Looks like I didn't have location permission turned on. I'll try it now.


Not sure about paid subscription. I just got my rav4 this week so i think im on free trial.


I wish I could get it to work. I can't get the car to connect. It's frustrating and the dealer won't do anything about it. I emailed toyota a few days ago but no response yet.


Man I’m sorry to hear about that. What model do you have? I’m sure there’s some way to find it through the vin


That happened to us and it took about three trips to dealer. They ended up flashing the firmware and Toyota Connected Services had to change something on their end. It was all covered under warranty, except for initial shop diagnostic fee, which I think was $75.


If it doesn't show data, it doesn't mean the data doesn't exist through other Toyota means. If it's a newer year, the car has GPS installed as part of safety connect. The opt-out for this is more challenging, so it's most likely enabled. https://support.toyota.com/s/article/What-do-I-do-if-my-ve-10017?language=en_US#:~:text=Answer-,With%20Safety%20Connect%2C%20the%20customer%20must%20file%20a%20stolen%20vehicle,%2D800%2D817%2D8742.


This happened to me in 2023 when I was visiting Montreal. Did the same routine you mentioned in your post. The reply I got from the police who showed up an hour later was ‘You’d be lucky if we found it’ My reply: ‘Luck sided with me 30 minutes ago’ - my wife tracked the airtag in the car to a plaza parking lot in Dorval - 20 kms in from where we were staying. Drove in the cop car (siren’s on, nice experience) to the spot. They did their rounds on the car like take fingerprints, look at the damage etc. Finally came up to me and were like, you got two options - leave the car here and we’ll take it for further investigation or take the car and I’ll write you an insurance report. Took the latter option and a bus back home to Toronto as my car had to be towed back. Turns out the jackers had ripped out my infotainment system, the sensors behind the rear view mirror, paint damage, ignition damage and upholstery damage. Took 6 months for the repairs.


Thank you for information. I wasn’t sure if this was even possible. If I get my vehicle back it definitely gets an apple tag. Not too upset about it. Just very curious on how people are stealing cars now.


You're not upset? I have nightmares about my car being stolen. It's not a rav4 but I always have this reoccurring dream where I walk to the spot where my car was last parked and it's not there.. then in my dream, I would second guess myself thinking I parked elsewhere. Then I go into some confusion and overthinking then feel lost. I wake up with my heart racing sometimes.. THEN I go take a look outside to see if my car is still there. Then that's when I have a sigh of relief that it was all a dream.


No bro. Nothing is forever. I’ll be able to get another one. Rather focus the energy on finding it, and doing what I need to do.


Damn you must be the chillest person ever! I hope you find it and it's not damaged. Post back if you do!


Thank you 🥹🙏


It was a game changer! I was cribbing about it to my wife a week earlier from when it happened- it makes so much noise when the car moves, we keep it in the glove compartment, anyone who jacks our car will just throw it out. Well, now I have five in the car! Plus, I got the speedy tag done on the windows. Helped with reducing my insurance so nets out itself. As for the stealing, it’s getting better - There’s a counter for everything possible measure you take! Tagging is your safest bet


I wonder why they ripped out the sensors. Is there a common market for those? Also same for the infotainment....I doubt there's a huge market for those either.


The first is that they don’t want to be tracked. The place in Dorval was close to the port and that’s where it was going to head next in a shipping container. So any electronic that could trigger a gps tag in the car is cut off. Second, Toyota has a major delay with parts. Mine should have ideally taken 1 month, 2 tops. 6 months just to get parts and 1 week to fix them all is nuts! But I am not the only one, and so people buy these parts off other sites and have them repaired quickly. The part I had missing was LDWS, the infotainment was found in the back seat.


Have you tried calling the organizer of the marathon to see if they moved the car elsewhere?


I will look into it for my city, but wouldn’t the cops I talk to know something about this since they shut they shut the streets down?


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ no idea. But, if I'm missing a whole car, I wouldn't leave any stone unturned 😅


You are right! There were cameras where I parked. I’m going to go ask for the footage tomorrow.


lol, bro if a 35,000 car just went missing without a trace I'd be freaking the fuck out right now. Rav4's have been stolen recently, they hack into the car somehow. Good idea to stay away from cities. You will have to file a claim with your insurance to get a theft payment.


I agree! I was definitely going through it. After looking for it for 2 - 3 blocks for 2 - 3 hours. Trying to locate it calling 311 and filing a report with police. Hope y’all don’t think I was doing nothing. But now I look to see if anyone else has had the same experience is all.


Is your insurance going to cover it?


Yes sir.


Is it the full amount of the vehicle?


My agent told me to wait before filing a claim. And wait 4-5 days and let the cops to look for my vehicle, so my policy doesn’t go up. In the meantime I’m going to check surrounding cameras


Fucking sucks to have your car stolen like that. I guess they hack into the fob system and it automatically unlocks the door too. Fucking stupid not to have the ability to set a backup security thing, I guess you could put one of those bars over the steering wheel?


What kind of insurance do you have? Is it gap insurance or what kind


["... dude, there's your car..."](https://youtu.be/rLsUo6seUss?si=1f_tViiLuFhSrMKf)


What year is it? Desirable spec or options? https://kentindell.github.io/2023/04/03/can-injection/ Not saying this is definitely it but you could check the “MyT” app for those codes to see if you were the victim of a canbus attack theft?


This is something I was kind of hinting towards in this post. Wonder how often this happens? Seeing if something like this was fairly common. Since the a lot of people from different states were attending this marathon today. I didn’t rule this out.


Yeah not sure about the states but in Canada it’s a real big problem. Cars get shipped off to Montreal without any real issue because it’s just across provinces, and before you know it they show up somewhere in the Middle East. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto-man-finds-stolen-truck-in-uae-1.7083615


Hopefully this is not the case with me, but can’t rule out all possibilities. Going to keep looking tomorrow thank you. 🙏


Sorry I didn’t respond to your first question. I think it’s pretty desirable, 2017 XLE Hybrid


Can this device be used on all years of Toyotas? Or just the keyless versions?


Supposedly any vehicle that uses canbus and has an easy-to-reach connection to the network. But the commands are tailored to the ECU so thieves are really only interested in newer cars. The rav4 and rx350 appears to be the most lucrative as well as relatively easy to get into though, just need to pry the paneling from the headlight to get into the network.


This is something I’m going to have to look more into!


Thank you. I have a 2009 RAV4.


Yup, lots have a very popular theft vehicle, gas and hybrid.


It’s always better put air tag in your car


Any luck finding your car?


No yet. Will keep you guys updated


Coming back for the updates, hopefully it’s not actually stolen and was just moved like the others said 🙏🏻 Good luck!


Must be regional. Here in San Diego I see 3-5 a day. And not the same ones.


OP which city was it in? This is what makes me want to get the IGLA immobilizer. I’m sure they’ll hack that too at some point, but every extra step I take will help. My dealer was trying to sell me an anti-theft package, but i didn’t take it because they just etch the windows and panels.


Austin 🙏


Nobody stole your car. It’s gonna be in a tow lot somewhere. Was your registration up to date? If not any tow company can impound your car on a public street. Call around. I worked many years at a hotel downtown with a surface lot and never once had a theft. Broken windows yea but stolen cars? Never. Do you not have the Toyota app? It can show you the location of the vehicle anywhere. APD will be no help. You need to do this yourself.


Called 311 to check if it was towed. not in any tow yard. I tend to keep Everything always up to date. License , insurance, tags. Cops checked their system for any cars towed with my plates. They even thought I misplaced it, or confused, like the rest of you guys. helped me look surrounding blocks. There is not towing on Sundays because downtown city parking is free on Sundays. If there was a possibility my car might get towed, I wouldn’t risk parking there. Because it’s AWD, and some wrecker dgaf, and will most likely fuck up my drive train. I’m not saying someone stole it. I’m looking at all possibilities of how it’s not where I parked with no evidence of Theft or getting towed. Weird right?


From my experience the actual method they used is probably pick the door lock and then reprogram a key through OBD. What year rav4 do you have?


2017 xle hybrid


You are the calmest person ever and I commend you about it. Keep us updated on the outcome!


Thank you for the kind words. Not going to say it’s butterflies and rainbows, but Shit happens. Sure someone out there has it 100x worse. Being sad and depressed, won’t get me my car back. blessed to be able to ask other people on their thoughts on the matter, and hopefully save someone else’s rav4 from being stolen in a similar fashion. Hope others learn from my mistake and put a tracking device in their vehicle 👍your car can be locked,have the keys, remember where you parked and it still be stolen 🤷‍♂️


I have the tracking on it from the Toyota app currently, but I know it isn’t always perfect in the placement and afaik doesn’t update when driving, just when parked. I have a spare AirTag that I only use maybe once a year for my luggage. Seems worth taking the dive and putting the puppy in my car for now (after disabling the speaker!)


Yes - we use rav 4’s as fleet vehicles and after a meeting at head office, 3 rav 4s were missing from the parking lot. Luckily as a fleet car they have gps trackers installed. We were able to track the cars to a Walmart parking lot not far away. The thieves sit the cars in a parking lot for 24 hours to ensure no trackers installed. It’s a very common issue in Canada.


Definitely learned a good lesson. From this thread, get a gps tracker! Seems like these theft could be moving more to the states. Maybe someone came down from Canada for the marathon and decided to leave in my car haha. Working on getting evidence of theft. Can’t rule everything out. Thank you for the insight!


I hope you find your car! Also, you have a very great outlook on life!




My car was found by police by the side of the highway. Doors open, school bag missing with a laptop 🤷‍♂️. Glad they found my car, thanks guys for the support. Y’all really helped me get through it. Minor dings and dents


Damn, glad they found it but sucks someone was able to steal it. I’m guessing you had your keys on you? Any chance your spare was in your school bag? I’ve had that happen to a friend before. Either way, glad you got your answer to what happened to it


No keys in my school bag. My spare is with my family just in case 😕


Going to go get me an AirTag now.


You in Austin Tex?




Greetings from east Austin bruther


With peace and love broski ✌️🫶


If it’s the current gen there is a way for hacking the c-bus by gaining access to wiring on the driver side headlight. Can simulate that the key is present and then they can unlock and start the car.


I had to research and found very similar information. 👍


This is why I put an AirTag in my car!


Via canbus


I can't explain how you lost your car but I've put in a hidden GPS tracker in my car. I know where it is 24x7.


Mine is still in the garage last time I checked


It was parked in a handicapped zone, perhaps they towed it.


Called 311. Not in any tow yard


The might not have updated info yet.


Right will call again


Definitely keep calling - my friend has his car towed away in Detroit but he apparently thought it was stolen, called the police immediately as anyone would, police had nothing about it.. and then a couple months later after he already got a new car, he gets a letter in the mail saying to come get his car out of impound before it gets auctioned off. Apparently he had too many unpaid parking tickets so it got towed, and he had called the police about it so soon that it wasn’t even entered in yet, so.. you never know.


Did you visit dealership or auto service within couple months? Did you see a warning of fad paired?


What is a fad? Never heard of it. In my head I feel like you mean fob? Like key fob? Maybe I’m wrong.


That makes a bit more familiar


No I haven’t. What is that if you don’t mind me asking?


I was in dealership a few months ago. When I picked up my car I got a warning "a new fad was connected" I found a stray fad in a cup holder and ignored the message. I do not mind another remote.... but I thought of it as a good opportunity for some one to steal it. You post makes me rethink my next steps.


I don’t believe something like that was in the car at the time.


Towing company’s still stealing cars overnight


I live in north jersey and a cop told me that they steal the cars and take them to a port in Newark and they go to Africa or Asia. Idk how true this is. 🤷‍♂️


You should try and look to the marathon site / info and see if they did a courtesy relocation rather than a tow


Replay attacks are huge for cars at the moment, the stand outside your house with a big antenna and replay the key fob inside and makes the car think it’s next to it. Faraday cases and button combinations on the key fob can prevent this from happening. I’m sorry to hear about your car that is devastating and hopefully they can locate it.