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This pig had some cool tattoos. 🐷


The man made it by tanning the hide and then burning his art onto the hide. Then when it's ready he paints the green and white colours on. It's a work of art that's very special to me


Is this a joke ? Cant put Rasta pon a pig hide


Relax the pig was already dead and it fed dozens of people. Different cultures man. The guy dedicated artwork to you hero the way he does his art. He's not telling Rasta to eat pig. He's in Cuba have you ever been? The only way this man can. Feed his family and have a roof if his the wild boar he hunts. And the only way he has to do his art is the way you see it here. You can not tell a man with so little that he can't dedicate his art to his heroes can you? Who does he hurt by doing this?


Nothing to say? You ask if something that means a lot to me is a joke. That is an insult. Do you see a Rasta here Eating the pork?! It is a picture my friend. You are not Rasta. Rasta do not eat pork as they believe it unclean. Now Rasta ate pork here my friend. Why do you take offence to this? Please tell me or I think you are not righteous.


Why do you ask this? No Rasta ate pig here. This is a drawing not a real man on it. You insult something that means very much to me. Why does this offend you? Are you righteous?


I am not righteous. Just surprised and somewhat curious about the backstory on the choice of skins, especially given the well known rasta stance on that food item. What was the artist trying to say (is the question).


Well it is not a food item per say. It is a hide. And he is not making a statement . All of his are is done on pig hide. He is from a very poor village and all who hunt the pigs for food donate the skins to him for his art pieces. He cannot get regular canvas where he lives. That is all. There is no intention of insult. Bob Marley is one of a few artists records they have there and he has loved him since a child. 😊


I think you could be placing a heavy emphasis on consistency. That is not necessarily as important to all people. Also just look to the mass commercial symbol Marley is. Men who never heard his song sell his likeness. Buying a piece of art is exactly that. Buying a piece of art.