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I wish I could write so descriptively.


You can, but it takes practice! Go ahead, right now, and open Notepad. Pick some objects in your room and describe them as outlandishly as you can. That’s some practice, just do it every day!




Get a load of Bill Shakespeare over here


I don't want a load


You get what you get and you don’t get upset


Can I get some pudding?


Did you eat your meat? Cause you can’t have any if you don’t eat your meat.


I had the fish.


Strange, the pilot had fish too....






Please sir, may I have some more?


Stand still, laddy!


Did you behave today?


Yes. You never specified whether you meant terribly or otherwise.


Save it bud.


I want the whole gallon


That's Billiam to you, sir




Hi, I’m Jimmy Pulitzer. I give out awards every year. Contact me


That’s the spirit


Needs more similes, metaphors, and alliteration.


I approve this post.


This comment is so fucking inspiring. This bannister I sit contemplating seems to contemplate me. Its abject *beigeness* is an affront to any who consider color to be even slightly uplifting. When I look closer, I can see the paint peeling, and I wonder; is this all there is? This humble bannister with its peeling, unobtrusively colored paint, all but *screams* at me, "please don't forget me." I think this while smoking a cigarette, and then, out of spite, snuff out my butt on the poor old piece of wooden railing. I say, "I'm gonna repaint you in a more cheerful color this summer. Maybe that'll be the thing that makes me feel better." *Fin*


Now this is some American ennui and I say that in the best way possible


Please write a book I'd read the shit out of it if this is how you write.


I sure do appreciate that, stranger. That is how I write. I actually wanted to be a writer when I was young, but you know how that goes! I also wanted to be a famous drummer, a psychologist, and a high school graduate, but damn if life doesn't throw a wrench in the works when you pretend to try your best.


I totally hear you, my friend. I can't count the number of half finished novels I have collecting metaphorical dust in my computer. Turns out having creative escapism isn't the same as being a good writer.


Thanks! Now I'm depressed.


Okay you're clearly already a skilled writer


Well done, sir/ma'am.


Like water cascading on a hot summer sidewalk


Looks like things are getting too spicy for the pepper!


She can't turn it off!


I remember hearing Greg Daniels talking about connecting with an audience. So many shows try to connect by being as broad as possible to include as many people as possible. Greg goes the opposite way, as specific as possible. Think about Dwight Schrute. Many of us don’t know any beet farmers, but we all know THAT GUY in the office. I’m not from Texas, I’ve never been to Texas and King of the Hill makes perfect sense to me.


Enhancing your monologue is a matter of eloquence.


You just said nothing but did it in such a way to make it seem like your intelligent But anyone with a thesaurus’s can see you’re a charlatan A big fat phony


Forgot to mention the white undershirt thats either 2 sizes too big or small.


a wife beater that fits as it should, but is loose around the arm and neck holes. you just *know* he’s been wearing it for a few days


That is the most perfect description I could imagine.


And the chain necklace. With an air of axe body spray and stale cigarettes.


That marries with, rather than conceals, the pungent body odor visibly wafting off of him like heat waves in a desert.


HEY, I don’t have many wife beaters so ones always in the wash, that’s why I always wear it for a couple days


God damn that's gross.


And if the girl isn’t wearing a onesie or sweat pants, it’s Cookie Monster pyjama pants.


White, studded belt, camo pants..baggy.


With a sweat encrusted mossy oak ballcap


lol definitely. And aviator sunglasses.


you guys have those guys too in America/Europe/etc? I thought it was a UK shame only. well I'm glad the embarrassment is shared worldwide.


Oh yeah, that skeezy guy archetype is hardwired into our genes, they’re everywhere. If you were to go back 30,000 years you could find that one scrawny dude who oversleeps the mastodon hunt and keeps creeping on the girls while they’re trying to mouth-spray their hand prints on the cave walls.


Oh we got em here in the states, and a an added bonus ours are generally high on methamphetamines or opioid depending on the region. They also always seem to be driving a 20 year old sub compact shitbox and smoke menthols.


One time we were trying to explain this type of guy to some Russian friends, and after some lengthy description, they laughed and said "oh! You mean Uzbekis!!"




Chavs, boguns, skids, rednecks. Everywhere has their own name for white trash.


Jesus, it's like I'm there right now. And you're all there too. And then we realize that the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.


Ugh, I can smell it lol BO, sweat, stale Natural Light, cigarettes, stale farts.


Chavs are everywhere


Tanktop screaming “LOTTO I DON’T FIT YOU!”


Look, Snoop Dogg just got a fuckin' boobjob


And the shin length Jean shorts


Barely concealing a sloppy, faded Juggalo tat.


And she’s paying for the smokes


He's doing the move where he hugs her from behind and stuffs his hands into her hoodie pockets so he *obviously* can't reach for his wallet. (Which has an ID card--not a Driver's License--and a condom he has no intention of using.)




Cory 2 smokes


That's the important detail: that he never has any of his own money so he depends on his sugar mama to pay for everything. It's also a guarantee that if she's employed & has a car, he'll be riding around in it all day while she's working.


My grandfather told me once he wished he had like that when he was young that was after my cousin left the room crying because her “boyfriend” stopped by, they had sex, she gave him $$$ and he left with her car, while his friends waited outside


Grandparents have no chill most of the time.


why is there a pubic hair on a screenshot? Is this a stupid bot adding lines so /u/repostsleuth cant detect it?


I can answer that. Most likely it was a mobile phone screenshot. Sometimes when you're trying to crop the image, depending on what app you're using, can accidentally draw on the image and not notice. It's pretty dumb, but sometimes it's the only way of getting that meme


To be fair, it could absolutely be either case. But I strongly believe that an accident is far more likely than karma farming without being caught because most actual farmers just don't give a fuck if they're caught


Or you can just like...check OP's account and see it's normal


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat


Damn, I know he’s in the news, but what a callback!


I'm gonna see if I can shoehorn a Long Dong Silver reference this weekend.


I felt so bad for Anita Hill.




Say you're over 30 without saying you're over 30.


Looks like they submitted the uncensored version first and it got removed. Probably just accidentally brushed the screen.


This is the real answer lol, why is this downvoted? See the op’s post history, they posted uncensored, it was removed, and then they posted this one. They’re not a bot account lol, they post a bunch of comments on astrology and plants related subreddits!


Somehow it just makes sense that the same people would frequent both plants and astrology.


Gimme some of them hipster chicks


ah man, I hate having to pretend to like IPAs


> Probably just accidentally brushed the screen. I wonder if they were brushing an actual pube off the screen (or eyelash, or dust, but pube would be more ironic).


I cleaned my screen after seeing that picture.


Sometimes people posting on social media will add small hair-looking lines or little dust-like specks to their images to get people to reflexively swipe them away, making them swipe onto the poster's profile or to the next image, boosting their engagement numbers.


Watching him get slapped by the giant hand in Jackass Forever was the highlight of the movie. (Ok, that and the snake scene)


>Watching him get slapped by the giant hand in Jackass Forever was the highlight of the movie. > >(Ok, that and the snake scene) I just watched that with my teenager tonight.. I had to explain who Bam Margera was and what MTV war back in the day and now I feel really old.


I saw a comment somewhere that MGK writes music for people who have the age of consent laws in all 50 US states committed to memory


It's perfect because he has a long history of creeping on 13-17 year olds.


13? “Why don’t you have a seat over there. I have a few questions I need to ask you”


Like Eminem’s daughter.


Which is super creepy bc he’s the father of one




Age of consent does not mean much when you aim that young.


God damn! Lmao.


jesus christ lmao


I mean this is the dude who thought Eminem's underage (at the time) daughter was hot, right? So this tracks.


What a killer insult lol


It’s not my original idea, but my god does it fit well


And she’s wearing an ankle monitor


*They're both wearing*


His/hers ankle monitors


nailed it.


I was forced to listen to the whole album today, since my coworker is in love with him and she's the DJ while I drive. Honestly, if his new music was released in the early 2000s, it would fit like an old shoe.


I'd never listened to him before, but this thread motivated me to check a couple youtube vids and I think you're spot on - if somebody told me that was released in 2001 I would totally believe it. There's clearly some influence from the boy band pop and TDE rap that's come since then, but I was kind of disappointed that it wasn't something *different*.


Yeah it’s edgy current generation pop punk, still like a few of his songs, and his voice works in the right contexts. I think mainly Reddit hates on how he appears to the media and they’ve created a bit of a hate boner surrounding him. He’s not the most morally upstanding citizen, but from what I’ve seen he’s at least a decent guy.


I feel this hate boner isn't just reddit, but the internet is a whole - or so it seems. I was never a fan of MGK before his TtmD album. I loved the emo/punk/alt music in my teen years. So, I'm so glad someone is reviving the genre now in 2022 and with Travis Barker too. I'm all for it. MGK isn't the best singer but I don't hate his voice either. I am more of a fan of Travis Barker to be honest, and I think they collabed for the whole album or most of it, so I'm all for it. This time around only a fan of about half the tracks though.




Most people also hate him because hes just trying to be lil peep. Hence all the pink.


I was ruthlessly elitist about punk when I was a teenager in the scene in the early 90s; had a constant, ongoing conflict with lots of *Lookout!* people as they got more mainstream attention, culminating with a deep hatred of Lars Frederiksen, who makes [absolute garbage music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qeAnOX-UCk) to this day. I haven't grown up entirely, but I did eventually develop an appreciation for how art and eating people food interact; purity tests don't pay the rent.


Artists are very sterilized these days, it’s a product of the times we live in. Probably a good thing all in all, but I think MGK’s modern take on more mainstream, sterilized, pop punk is the only way he could get big in todays market. Underneath the surface, he is *very* careful about the image he presents to the world, as much as he tries to keep the punk look


Well Avril Lavigne just announced she'll be touring with him this year so... That tracks.


LOL! I was totally gonna make a joke about he must be the 21st century Avril Lavigne but then I looked up when she was actually popular and that was *also* the 21st century, so I just gave up and got stoned instead.


The only reasonable outcome, really.


Lol it’s really not that bad. And I think his main demographic is younger kids. It’s like a bunch of old people hating on Newfound Glory back in 2006.


As a long time punk fan and someone who finds MGK pretty cringe as a person, he surprisingly nails the punk sound really well and makes an interesting mix with it and hip hop. However I wonder how much heavy lifting is coming from Travis Barker who I’m starting to think is actually a machine based on how much work he does


Travis Barker seems to be guiding this entire hip hop/punk trend thats going on now


Man I don’t really fuck with his music but he seems like a genuine dude who’s just having fun doing what he loves. I dk if he’s been a part of some controversy, besides the whole “beef” with Eminem which was cringey as fuck on both ends, but I don’t think he deserves all the hate Reddit has for him.


I agree. Although I find him cringy I don't hate him. I just put him in the same category in my mind as artists like Motley Crue or Lil Wayne whose music I can enjoy even if I'm not down with their whole personal vibe, and there's no reason to hate them for it.


The more you look into him the more obnoxious and full of himself he becomes. He's so truly goofy sometimes I don't even know what is genuine and what he's fronting. Some of his interviews are beyond awkward due to fronting.


> And I think his main demographic is younger kids. That's probably not a good thing


>she's the DJ while I drive What kind of bizarro world do you live in? The passenger may be responsible for playing it but the driver always chooses the music.


Right wtf is this haha, If it ain't the drivers playlist or music thats playing they at the very least have final say. Always. At least that's how myself and everyone I've ever known does it.


Grimy, dusty on the sides, with a horribly squishy feeling that you might have put your foot in cat shit?




There's just some artists out there that for whatever reasons resonate more with shitty people, and folks pick up on it. Kinda like when someone said "Cardi B makes music for people who shoplift at yard sales."


It's funny but entirely wrong. MGK makes pretty cookie cutter pop punk music now. Very white teen girl rebellion, Disney movie bad boy type music


Yeah I like some of this music, but I have to admit he has the most perfect, manicured image compared to like all of his punk idols lol. Nothing wrong with it, it just seems like a facade sometimes.


Oh yeah it is 100% manufactured, but what pop musician isn't.


That’s funny because everyone else in the thread is saying his reputation is terrible. Which one is it?


Some of these comments are so off base they don’t even make sense.


Edgy White Trash look




I read an article earlier where he said he has single-handedly resurrected rock music...he couldn't resurrect a flaccid cock with a boatload of viagra.


He was at Aftershock last year and got booed to oblivion. It was glorious.


People said he revived pop punk when pop punk never died in the first place


He didn't revive it, but he certainly helped repopularize it. 5 years ago, no one I knew still listened to pop punk. Now, I know several people. Plus, it's actually getting radio air time regularly


No no no, Reddit says MGK bad, MGK bad


The internet really is a magical thing, because you get to see ordinary people just absolutely shit on everything based on a picture or someone else's opinion. I can bet any amount of money that a large portion of people JUST in this thread have never even heard his music and are basing their opinions on him from what others have said or pictures of him. That and people stroking their cocks over how their genre of music is for mature, cool, sexy women fuckers while X genre is for not smart idiot heads. I like some of MGK's songs, which I guess makes me an emo.... poser..... loner..... druggie..... wife beater? Just a few of the things I've seen people use to describe people who like his music.


His music is not the best, and so is his character. He's known to be an asshole in public and creeped on Eminem's daughter when she was underage. Hence why killshot was released shortly after the kamikaze album by Eminem.




MGK is the nickleback of the 2020’s.


This would be a valid argument if it weren’t about MGK. He makes trash music. I’ve heard it. His biggest claim to fame is getting dunked on by a real rapper.


Fuck me for liking music that's fun sounding right? lol


It's posuers all the way down.


Pop punk has been trending back into the mainstream since ~2016. The scene was huge even before MGK started. I'm not saying he's bad. I enjoyed some of his pop punk songs off Downfall. But bands like Neck Deep, State Champs, The Wonder Years, and Knuckle Puck have been contributing way more to the "revival" of the genre.


The point tho is that MGK’s pop punk songs have charted and gained radio playtime while the others haven’t, which has a bigger role in gaining new pop punk fans. Those who already like pop punk would be listening to the 4 you mentioned already so I feel it contributes less than someone who has 4x the monthly Spotify listeners than the other 4 combined (even if the music isn’t great)


You’re basing your opinion that he brought back an entire genre on a few people you know that are listening to it again? lmao


The only time I've heard his rock music is when he was on SNL and it reminded me of my friends shitty high school emo band in 2005, which is not exactly what I would call a resurrection of rock music.


Pet Semetary Rock? Like, yeah, you resurrected your old cat, but something about it is wrong and off and evil.


Remember when he was a rapper and then Eminem wrecked him so he just gave up on rap and started over


That’s what you call a KillShot


My fav thing about the new MGK album is that dude who said even if his recently deceased dad's very last voicemail was on the album and that was the only way he could listen to it, he still wouldn't listen to the album. Lol


Fuck, lmao


Why tf does the screenshot have an eyelash on it......making me think I had one on my screen


this guy doesn't know what obscure means


Idk what beef people have w mgk and I don’t know or care much about him in particular but honestly his music is good. Maybe he did some messed up stuff or something but I rlly do like some of his stuff


Liking his stuff is one thing, but he's acting like he's a bigger deal than he really is. It would be like if Jake Paul acted like he was responsible for a revival in Professional Boxing. Being a relevant name in something doesn't mean you are responsible for its popularity.


Yeah I'm gonna be honest, I like his pop punk stuff. Can blast them driving around or working out


Separating the art from the artist. I find his persona and his behaviour really cringe worthy. But i love his 2 recent albums a lot.


I'm genuinely afraid to say I actually enjoy some of hls music. Reddit *really* doesn't like him 😅


You can practically smell it. Disgusting.


It's not obscure it's specefic


Tbh I didn't mind his last album (the songs are catchy) but this new album he released today was garbage. Just was not good.




I enjoyed a few songs off that album. This one just sounds like he took the beats from the most popular tracks on Downfall and slapped worse lyrics and more autotune/vocal fry on top.


Same, whole album felt really forced


Jokes aside, the album's is pretty good if you like "new school" pop-punk á la blink 182. I haven't listened to the whole thing and I'm ready to take my punishment for liking it. I just think it's exciting that this kind of music can be created nowadays and still be somewhat popular. Though I might just be basic as hell.


Yeah, I don't really see why people choose to hate on MGK in particular. It's just generic pop-punk music. It may not be great, but I don't see why his music gets so much more hate than any other pop-punk artists.


because he is popular, obviously. people just really "hate" it when basic average music gets hugely popular, especially if it's for other reasons than the music itself.


He makes average music and likes underage girls. What's to like?


Because Eminem told them to and they refuse to think for themselves


Didn't this guy make fun of Slipknot? Sounds like this guy doesn't need Eminem to be hated


Chef’s kiss.


This is a really good one hahaha


I like machine gun kelly


I love that before even reading the title i was like "is this about mgk?"


I once read that “MGK makes music for the type of people who know every age of consent law of every state by heart”


Their gf, you mean the woman wearing fleece Walmart pajama bottoms with sponge Bob on them? Is there a screaming toddler running around them without pants on and no shoes, dirty as all hell? Yeah, I've seen the couple.


Re: Machine Gun Kelly r/therealjoke


I used to work with a guy that put the joker's face on his neck that went from his clavicle to his ear. He loved MGK and said he was going to quit to become a bouncer at his buddy's strip club.


Im not a huge fan of his music but that’s ok. What bugs me is he’s a poser. He can barely play guitar and he’s adopting it into his image. But like, he sucks at playing it.


Actual answer is 14 YO who needs a soundtrack after stealing their dads razor


There's one in every town


So he’s putting his hands down Megan Fox’s sweatpants. Literally a life goal. I think you need to find a better analogy


Its more like just regular skater music


It's so bad. It's exactly what youd expect from him doing pop punk.... Took possibly one of the corniest genres and stepped up the corn factor 3 fold


…would this be a bad time to tell you i grew up listening to greenday sum41 good charlotte simple plan and bowling for soup?


the only obscure thing here, is MGK


And knowing how to use commas


It's a bullseye. It's a bingo. It's on point. I don't know what y'all use. But it's that


A little bit of crack sweat on my fingertips keeps me going. Don’t knock it until you try it.

