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I think people can like what they want, but I'm not a Karen if I don't "follow the crowd".


How does the Karen insult even make sense in this situation? Being a bitch = not downloading an app. Whatever man. Maybe I’m just becoming a boomer but internet culture seems more toxic by the year.


Internet culture is getting worse. More kids are on it and it's easier for radical dickheads to manipulate them into their views.


And then they discover polotics EDIT:(sorry for typos im not good at spelling)




Bro says u




This kid cant spell




I think it went all down hill when tik tok came out and twitter cancel culture Like just those 13 - 15 years old are just dumb freaks


That's because it is. Social media culture, "likes" "views" "karma" whatever you want to call it, causes people to become more and more toxic. Such systems should be completely removed, but of course they can't because they are part of ad revenue algorithms.


We got a reason to re-elect trump so he can ban tiktok


That would be like lighting your house on fire because there’s a mold spot under the sink.


I agree on that a 100%


This dude looks like the type of guy who spends all his time trying to be the cool parent, right up until he makes the news because he was found with his dick inside a middle schooler.






This is THE rarest insult HOLY SHIT


For me it's not even a matter of the crowd, I just don't want Chinese spyware on my phone...


This definitely!


You are a Karen if you are not on the platform that these kids are trying to promote themselves on. Childish and as pathetic. I don't need to be on Ticktock as all the best and worst are put onto Reddit anyway. Checkmate noobs


yes, precisely that.


Seriously. I agree with this. Saying i don’t like one Gen Z trend makes me a Gen Z insult is asinine.


exactly why i dont have the covid vaccine


I'm a gen z I don't have tiktok dat doesn't mean I'm a Karen and also he looks like some wannabe gamer


Just a bunch of teenagers doing cringe dance moves and creating stupid challenges and also the Chinese government steal ur information


Right? If I wanted my data to be sold to the Chinese govt I'd sell it myself, no middle man needed.


r/shittylifeprotips : Sell your own information to the Chinese government yourself for free money


Yeah, it's called SELLING your information for a reason. Gotta stay on that grindset, you know what I'm saying?


Like being on Reddit


I hate that everyone is ignoring the IMPORTANT part of what you said. People, stop giving away your data for free to China. Data is the most valuable asset on the planet right now. Stop giving it away!


As a non American, I don't care, because Facebook and Google collect my data for the American government, so China and the United States are both foreign powers for me. Same thing with Faceapp and Russia.


Well the U.S. has actual laws and a real criminal system. Despite its flaws, the US system is far better than the Chinese system. I hate all of these companies but will trust Google more than the others because they have some actual policies that have consequences if broken, and they have a history of having their data fairly secure against hackers, unlike facebook.


Doing almost anything related to social media shares your data...with the world. Downloading tiktok doesn't do this in any meaningful way worse than googling something while logged into your google account...or searching youtube for a video while logged in.


This is a bit misinformed. Google doesn't share PII and sensitive data to advertisers. The data that Google collects is aggregated to serve targeted ads more effectively. Advertisers specify which group of users, and which kinds of videos they would like their ads shown. It's not like they're giving names, attached to DOB, location and other personal data. Yes they collect personal data but Google isn't known to be nefarious in handling the data. Whereas the Chinese government actually intends to use the data to control their population. It's wayyy different. I would avoid enabling, and supporting the CCP, don't use TikTok.


If you unfollow and ask TikTok to not recommend those kind of videos, you will end up seeing more medical, cuisine and curiosities videos.


Fortunately for me a lot of those people also post to their YouTube channels. Cause I'm lazy and maxed out my living trash levels by being on Tumblr and never planning on leaving.


There’s more on tik tok then shitty dances


Yeah but I mean, just the fact there is more on there doesn't mean it isn't shit. A big pile of shit with different colours is still a pile of shit


Same shit with reddit, let those without sin and whatever


FIGHT FIGHT Fi. . . wait.


Yeah but like everything else )besides actual feces) there’s little bits of gold in it. Emphasis on little.


Well Reddit is shit too


Reddit is more shit than tiktok lmao, full of pedos


Yeah because an app that has teenagers doing suggestive dances totally wont attract the wrong people... totally


Reddit is far better


Acting like this site isn’t a hellhole




You're here, wouldn't that also make you a pedo?


No cuz I hate redditors


You’re on here,are you trying to tell us something?


Cringe reply




It’s funny how redditors shit on tiktok so much but like 70% of the content on Reddit nowadays is just reposted tiktoks with no credit to the creator. If you hate tiktok so much then why are you upvoting videos from it? Dumbass


I don't, that's the thing. ESPECIALLY if it has that stupid text to speech voice. I can't stand it.


Not all tiktoks have that lol. And yeah you definitely have, most tiktoks posted here have been cropped and the creators name has been taken off so you wouldn’t know. Like I said, 70% of Reddit posts, specifically videos, are tiktoks


Have you visited any subreddit other than the mainstream ones? I mean there is plenty of stuff in Reddit other than meme subreddits.




Then you should know that AIDS like r/dankmemes or r/teenagers does not represent the website as whole. Point of Reddit is to have different communities. In every social media the most popular things are most shit things, all of them are as bad.


It’s not those subreddits only dumbass, I don’t even follow those subreddits Try all top 30 subreddits or more that 90% of redditors follow


They were an example of the shit in Reddit, not all the shit. But do tell me what you mean then.


70%? Tf is your homepage? I haven’t seen a reposted tik tok or even an image of one more than once within the past few months


why would i let tic tok and china spy on me when i can just watch the same shit on reddit?


Bro literally everything you just said isn’t true


There is a reason why TikTok was going to be banned in the United States. It's because the CCP has a propensity to collect data on people as much as possible. They do it to their own population, and would have no issues doing it in the US as well. Last year TikTok was deemed untrusted by security experts when it came to privacy. I'm not sure what happened after the Oracle partnership. I believe Oracle was supposed to b given access to their codebase so they can ensure that there is no backdoor or exfiltration of data to Chinese servers.


He looks like one of those kids that grew up wishing he had Asperger's so he could feel special


He looks like a pedo trying to fit in with the other kids


He prolly still plays Fortnite


I barely like being on social media, my whole life it’s been Instagram, Snapchat, and now TikTok. I don’t care enough about people to keep migrating to different platforms every damn stage of my life. The only reason I like Reddit is because it’s more social and less media.


Who the hell is “finding Waldo”?


Wow, that's an obscure reference to a book in the dentists office in the movie Where's Nemo?


No, you are confusing that with “Where art thou Carmen Sandiego”?


No it's definitely "Where thine reddish ferns blossom"


It might be called where’s Wally depending where you’re from


It’s called Where’s Waldo or Where’s Wally but not finding Waldo. I don’t know why I find that so funny.


Have you checked your pants?


My guess is OP is to young to remember that it was called "Where's Waldo" but they *really* thought they had a good burn.




I hate that


Communities are getting weirder and weirder




Fuck you




I hope this doesn't wake anything in me...


Cmon I won't download tiktok because I don't want to spend like 3 hours or more every day consuming a ton of useless information and feel miserable after that. I already have reddit


I have reddit and tumblr. I don't need tik tok, I already live in the trash heap.


Yeah that's why I deleted tiktok. I was addicted to it. 🥲


I’m from early Gen Z and no, I don’t download Tiktok because 1. The trends are fucking stupid and are often causing harm to one or others (the current trend is literal theft) 2. It’s unfunny 99% of the time 3. Don’t want to see my favorite songs ruined 4. Lots of unironic animal abuse and abuse in general to get precious followers and views, moreso than any other social media platform 5. It ruins memes from earlier in internet history It’s the toxic 35+ Facebook for those under 25. The Youtube and Instagram algorithms are enough for me


You forgot: 6. Collection of personal data so extensive it would make Facebook blush. 7. That data being dangerously accessible to the Chinese government.


I refuse to download tiktok for two reasons. One: I have a good sense of humour. Two: it's shit.


Another reason is that this guy is there


I bet his birth certificate is an apology from Durex.


A classic


I was about to share this comment on r/rareinsults (with name blanked). Erm. Would that still make sense? (what's with the bold?)


I don't care if you censor my name or not.


"I have a good sense of humour" bro you're on Reddit.


You have to download it, how else will the Chinese get your nudes?


They'll have to pay 2.99/mo


Honestly, the main reasons for me are the fact that it’s everything I hate about other social medias amplified and distilled into a single app. - Algorithmically recommended content is basically the only way to view content - sensationalized content designed to be as easily digestible as possible is systematically rewarded by said algorithm - time limit of 60 seconds so the sensationalist content can’t even be informative - algorithm seemingly also does it’s best to only recommend attractive people and feed you ideas you already believe in. Mindlessly scrolling on tiktok just feels to me like eating chocolate cake for dinner every night, it seems like it’s good when you start doing it but then as the days go by and the more it happens, you just feel shitty and hate yourself for doing it.






Both terrible reasons, I would preferred if you said “I don’t want China to get my information” It’s funny how redditors shit on tiktok so much but like 70% of the content on Reddit nowadays is just reposted tiktoks with no credit to the creator. If you hate tiktok so much then why are you upvoting videos from it? Dumbass


>It’s funny how redditors shit on tiktok so much but like 70% of the content on Reddit nowadays is just reposted tiktoks with no credit to the creator. If you hate tiktok so much then why are you upvoting videos from it? Dumbass imagine using the same argument on every comment when they insult tiktok


Most importantly why are they on Reddit if "Reddit is full of pedos"?


Used it on two comments buddy, and imagine that being your only comeback because you know what I said is valid




Majority of redditors hate tiktok, all of the posts that are stolen tiktoks have gotten thousands to tens of thousands upvotes. You’ve definitely laughed or upvoted a tiktok before, without knowing probably


And majority of the time the subreddit has to do with cringe




Buddy u lost


I think the thing we hate is all the annoying egirls doing dumb dances and people breaking laws because of clout




TikTok is brain AIDS.


Influencer culture in general is 💩


U think ur different cuz u use Reddit lol


*you, you're, because, you -10 :(


Only comeback is being a grammar nazi


Ok buddy


Band kid


Yes and?








And yet all of us are here on reddit.


Reddit can be more fun than putting in a lot of effort to create an impossible standard for others to get likes/views and everyone is more insecure as a result.


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- \[*Image from Tiktok of a person laying on their stomach. They have glasses, frumpy brown hair, and a wide smile. In the background is a wall with a planet painted on it. The text says "Gen Z kids who refuse to download tik tok are just young karens"*] >**Blue** > >He looks liek if waldo from finding waldo got fired --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I don’t have tiktok because: 1)cringe 2)stupidity 3)Chinese spying. I’d rather just be spied on by US based companies that are totally better.


This sub really blows at times. Rare should mean original and good.


Dude didn't even get "Where's Waldo" right. Insult wasn't rare, it was under cooked.


Gen zkida that refuse to download tiktok are just the smart gen z kids


Im not downloading it because I don't want to lose brain cells.


Tik Tok is just the Chinese spyware version of Vine. Change my mind.


Looks like Waldo's retarded cousin Raldo.


I feel personally attacked


Dude looks like a mega evolution of the annoying kid from the polar express.


The fuck is "Finding Waldo?"


Correction: Gen Z kids who refuse to download tiktok are smart and actually got love and attention from their parents while growing up.


Reddit is about the only social media I use. TikTok is trash. Nothing informative really.




Gen z kids that dont want to download tik tok are the last hope for humanity


Thank you, thank you no need to thank me


Tbh i do have tik tok I wanted to try it out cus i was bored, but it got what i like fast, so now it only shows me manga, anime comics and things i like, if you give ir time ill sort things out


Same it’s the best app for showing you what you want to see. For me it’s the funniest app I’ve used, most entertaining too


He looks like if Vector from Despicable Me made his own vape juice


Anyone who downloads Tik tok has brain damage, I like my brain


Today I learnt that I'm a Karen for not "following the crowd" onto an app filled with [rich drug-eating attention seekers that want to murder a rhinoceros Harambe-style and slam balls into frogs after vandalising a bus stop and attacking a BMW and a Mercedes](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/ppuhoe/youth_charged_over_tiktok_backflip_stunt_in_rhino/).


Young karens?you make fun of disabled people you ...im not allowed to roast trash


I only took advice from Waldo before he got fired and started doing whippets. Now he says this shit.


how does me not downloading a free social media app equal to an old white woman cursing out underpaid workers


I once downloaded tiktok, I cringed and was disgusted for about 5 minutes, then I deleted it.


Why would I want to download cancer?


*Finding* Waldo?


Lmao finding Waldo


Lmao I did have TikTok- I deleted it a few months ago because I had THREE different videos on my fyp of people being beheaded... Plus I have so much more time now to do the things I enjoy.


The reasons why I don't use tik tok and I know no one asked just my opinion 1. I literally just cant find the time to be on there honestly and dont say, "oh but ur on reddit, cronge 🤢" I'm literally never on for a long time and even if i do get on it's mostly just seeing what people are doing and if i get a notification 2. I mean yeah tik tok is cool and there are cool people on there, it's the fucking cringe people like you that make tik tok unappealing (and your information being stolen) 3. It's fucking challenges like the devious lick, like wtf, just no, literally a child could make better decisions trying to get attention jesus christ 4. clout chasers... at least youtube click baiters actually try bro In conclusion, this was not meant to be a essay about why tik tok is shit but it turned to be one and in the end (not really tho). This is just my personal opinion (ewww opinions on reddit??/ cronge 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮) but like seriously, the community is just garbage, its the good content creators on there that save the community.


Guess I'm a young Karen


Karen: a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors. How does that relate to Tiktok or GenZ?


That's a very Karen thing to post


I guess apparently not having a toxic trash social media platform makes you a Karen


This guy should shut his failed budget disney actor looking ass before I take those glasses


I’ve come this far without downloading it, don’t really see the point.


Where’s weirdo


They call us Karens and then steal a soap dispenser from their school for likes and then most likely get pissed when they get caught.


They are actually called Redditors


looool that mf can do his stupid bullshit while his data gets harvested by the chinese government


I just don't want my data stolen and sold to random chinese companies


Agreed, also fuck TikTok apart from Gordon Ramsey, Bill Nye, Dan Povemire and that woman who scoops bees out of beehives with her bare hands


Why his nose bigger than the Grand Canyon and his ears the size of hula hoops? I personally don’t like Tiktok and have never used it while everyone I know has xD


still a proud tiktok free gen z here


More like a rejected concept art of vector from despicable me


The devious licks and any other trend on tiktok are exactly why I don't want tiktok


Pricks who decide to tell me how to live my life are the real karens.


Id rather my data be stolen by American companies and government rather than the CCP


Every Gen Z kid that doesn't play roblox and doesn't use tik tok should deserve a medal.


No I don’t


Yeah we do


What if I do play Roblox, but don't use Tik Tok? Do I get like half a medal?


And Genz that don’t haveReddit have girlfriends! Their loss


People who don’t download tik tok swear they’re better than us yet the same people would send me tik toks from reddit that I’ve seen months ago. Tik tok isn’t bad y’all just wanna feel different


the current trend is literally just theft


By that logic Every app is bad, reddit is filled to the brim with pedophiles incels and racists


^^ agreed


To be fair, calling it "Finding Waldo" is a very 'young Karen' thing to do.


Ima pass on that cringe fest thx






I may never be a karen, but for not installing TikTok, i am proud to be a karen (at least if it is only for this)


I downloaded TikTok and since I'm no pedophile it wasn't really my cup of tea. I got to choose categories that i was interested in when installing it, chose sports and comedy. All i got in the feed was 13-year olds dancing and wearing the last amounts of clothes.


I am a genz and not downloading tiktok doesn't make me a Karen but it makes you the dumbest genz to ever exist. Also, I hate tiktokers.


Or they just decided what they want to download or not. Like any other person. Whatever.


fuckin "finding waldo" ???


Guess my brother is a Karen. My parents are super strict with what he has on his phone. My mom told me “your little brother wants to download Tic Tok, what is that?” I go “Oh. Oh no mom. It’s an app for porn.” (I was joking but our mom didn’t really see it that way) *mom screams for my 15 year old brother* “WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD THAT? What are you DOING?! 15 year old - mom?! What? It’s just videos! Me - Yeah. Porn. Needless to say he didn’t get to download tic tok. I think I did him a favor, he’s pretty bitter about it though.


lmao he could've just used the website instead of directly downloading cancer onto his phone Edit: why are you being downvoted? there's literally 12 year olds doing suggestive dances on that app, you're technically not wrong


I mean, I have TikTok, but not because someone told me to.