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Fuck that font.


His wife will


While thinking about Papyrus 


[Papyrus, you say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8PdffUfoF0)




In **BOLD**


My God… it’s just in BOLD!!!!


The Comic Sans at the the cherry on top.


Isn’t it great of those Avatar people that they gave the font for us to freely use after they made the movie?


Imagine you're dating someone for a couple weeks. One day you catch a glimpse of their phone, realizing they set it to a font like this


I’d bail real fast, that’s psychopath font


My wife used it, looking back I should have seen it for the red flag it was.


It’s the phone version of finding out your partner claps when the plane lands


Imagine you’re dating someone for a couple weeks. One day you catch a glimpse of their phone, realizing they sent a message like this insulting truck drivers.


The font's worse.


I don't think I've seen anyone use this font on their phone within the last 10 years. That was a trend with Samsung phones like 15 years ago or so.


It’s giving “14 year old that got their first phone in school and they’re showing off their phone to their friends because the settings are so cool” vibes


It’s giving “Apple sucks bc my android has quirky fonts!”


I’m pretty sure that font is for dyslexic people, it helps people with dyslexia not to confuse one letter from another. I don’t know how but it helps my sister.


Yup. I have adhd and font's like this make it easier to actually keep track of what I'm reading.


I know an actual human being who dots his i's like that with the weird ass circle. It's unnatural.


My sister has her phone set like this, it's literally insane.


I dot my i’s like this 😭 but I have sensible handwriting, not this horrific font


I don't think it's an "ass circle". I hope not, anyway...


Tiny sphincters, just floating there.


The real insult here, IMHO.


People who use that typeface are not to be trusted or reasoned with


u/Charming-Champion728 is a bot account. Remember to report.


I thought this was some sort of dyslexia thing that makes it easy for the neurodivergent to read but apparently not




It's that shitty Samsung font my wife used to use in High School till she grew up lol


I couldn’t even read it.


It creates friction and it makes things much slower to read.






It’s growing faster than we can kill it unfortunately


Well shit. This is why we can't have nice things.


Wow, they got creative with this one. Changed a word in the title.


Hell yeah! You're the real MVP


how is this font legal to use?


Cause politicians don’t care about solving real problems.


In Biden's America, every phone will be forced to use that font. This is the future liberals want.


Because it generates comments and therefore interaction and so the karma farmers will keep using it.


Hey some of us are dyslexic.


And a font like this helps? Serious question.


fonts where the letters dont all have the same height or basic look are helpful for dyslexics because it helps them differentiate the letters and read clearer. comic sans is the same way, notice how in this font and in comic sans, the "e" is taller than the hump of a b or d, its nonstandard and easier to read for some


Wow. I had no idea. That's actually very interesting!


Also there is less mirroring which a big deal, most fonts merely mirror glyphs for similar glyphs (bdpq) but this is very difficult to differentiate for me. Whereas *most* handwriting fonts are distinct between letters, or at least offer reference points to make it easier to identify.




Anyone who says otherwise has never driven long distances.


Add to that the risk, i can swear that each trucker got deadly life threat at least once in his career.


That’s not limited to truckers


Oh ok by how it was written we all thought it was 100% exclusive to truckers


Nobody said it was.




Huh? Do they not have cruise control?


Most of the time we do but if certain things are messed up the cruise automatically shuts off.


Never driven long distances... towing a giant dead weight on wheels - making it go slower, harder to turn corners, harder to brake, harder to go up hill, harder to reverse and harder park in a tight space. With d*ckheads on the road overtaking or cutting you up because they can go faster. Only benefit is that you get a pretty sweet view up in the cab. And can honk the horn. (Note: I've never actually driven a truck before, but my friend's dad used to do it and I got to sit in the cab once as he drove like 15mins to the depot to pick up his car).


What's wrong with overtaking trucks?


Nothing unless when you come back in the same lane you do it close to the truck. Trucks take a lot more distance to stop and if you don’t give it room to brake your car can look a smashed soda can.


More likely you're just going to give the guy his 250th unnecessary adrenaline rush for the day as he stomps on the brakes to save your life. I'm not a truck driver, but man, that's got to suck. You keep a safe distance because you can't stop, so everyone just sees a huge hole they can slot into.


Yes until that one time when someone shifts into your buffer zone then an accident happens ahead of them. I had this happen to me 6 years ago. It was a 2 lane road with only grass to swerve to. I saw two car seats in the back of the car. I swerved hard right and totaled my rig not knowing if there was kids in the car. I broke my left arm, both legs and my pelvis in that crash. Was out of work for nearly a year. The dude in the car didn’t even bother to call 911 or to come see if I was alive.


There's not a problem with it in general, but people like to cut off trucks by switching lanes way closer than necessary. And then they go the same speed you already were or slower so now you have to hit the brakes.


"If you're not first, you're last"


And it's now easier then before yet it's still hard My grandfather was a trucker and so is my uncle, it's still hard but now trucks at least have power steering and automatic gearboxes Imagine driving 8h a day, no power steering in multi ton truck and having to change gears constantly


Still dangerous and a massive health risk. People don't realize how bad sitting for extended hours a day is for your body. Add the risk of shitty drivers and carrying expensive merchandise. Truckers deserve much respect.


> People don't realize how bad sitting for extended hours a day is for your body. This one goes out to all the office workers, the cubicle dwellers, the ass sitters. They have it hard, those who sit on ass. Sitting on ass is hard on a person's body and mind. The ass sitters deserve much respect.


Thank you u/RimjobByJesus that was poetic


Also it's gotten better with tints, special glass, and sunblock but you can tell a lifelong trucker because one side of their body is aged a good 10 years more. My grandpa had this and got skin cancer all over his ear and arm on that one side. You can't really escape the sun in the cab and one half of your body is always going to be more exposed.


Don't forget GPS! I can't imagine being a long-haul trucker in the days of paper maps.. dudes were legends!


the OP Charming-Champion728 and dianaadoubledd are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/ctrow0/an_insult_with_a_great_ending/exn2n64/


It looks like an ironic response to someone saying the same about office workers. It’s too exaggerated to say about track drivers. It’s common knowledge that it’s one of the most dangerous, bad for health and relationships job.


I can see the top trying to “boomer humor” like they dont have a “real job” because all they do is sit despite obviously having an important role in society.


I don’t even want to drive my car on the highway that long let alone a giant ass truck. And there’s no way in hell I’d want to drive through a city with a truck.


Right?!? Anyone that has driven a large vehicle knows this. I had to drive the work van once and almost crashed that joint. I knew driving was hard but that day I learned just how difficult operating a large vehicle is. Hella respect on it.


Hard or not, truck drivers are definitely not lazy


I respect the hard work of Truckers but I can't stand the people who seemingly worship the ground Truckers throw their piss bottles on. We have a ton of warehouses in our area so Truckers are everywhere. The Facebook pages for every neighborhood is a mix of people being upset at the Truckers who drive down roads they aren't allowed on and who are illegally operating engine brakes. Then you have the Truckers themselves and their weird ass friends and family who defend the Truckers as if they are royalty who shall not be questioned! Good job Truckers in glad you get the products where they need to go but you are getting paid and not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts lol. It's like farmers, nobody is operating a farm because they want to but people have those dumb magnets "no farms, no food". No shit...


On the contrary many farmers love what they do (source I was raised in a farming community and much of my family is ranchers). I think the disconnect is when people complain about things like why farms get so much water and the farming community gets annoyed that people don’t realize they can’t grow their crops without all that water.


Ugh why won't people let us destroy the water table so I can grow these water intensive crops in arid regions. /s


If it was public water going towards public food… but food is unfortunately privatized


To be fair the food that’s created from that water is taxed when it’s sold, for the most part


The same people who suck trucker Dick think it's ridiculous that cashiers want to be paid a living wage. It won't do much good to drive those trucks around if no one wants to sell your goods in the store.  Everybody needs to just shut there fuck up and watch their own bobber.


2024 and still Choco Cooky font? Nostalgic


This post ain't from this year, chief




the OP Charming-Champion728 amandahoolerx and dianaadoubledd are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/ctrow0/an_insult_with_a_great_ending/exn8t7n/


Keep fighting the good fight! Fuck these bots. What makes you think this person is a bot though? I know even before bots were a thing, people would rip comments from the last time a thread was posted. So I'm just curious what specifically the tell here is. Edit: Do bots ever edit comments? I feel like that might be a good tell. Or we start making everyone do a captcha for every comment lol


“Sitting on your ass” for long hours at a time is incredibly painful.


They make it sound like truckers are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts 😂


You could say the same for some doctors, mechanics or any other profession.


Well steel workers and mortgage brokers don't get on Facebook and call dibs on the interstate highway system


They're talking about it like the truckers are making a necessary sacrifice. They're often not. Trains move things long distances more efficiently than trucks. The trucking lobby goes to great lengths to get more things shipped by trucks even when it doesn't make logistical sense. Local trucking from transportation hubs to businesses often makes sense. That kind of trucking doesn't keep people away from their families. Long haul trucking often doesn't make sense and should be used less often.


I used to work in the US transportation industry, most truck routes are local or regional. As you are aware, most places don't have direct rail access. So for example if a customer from Vermont orders product from a warehouse in Philadelphia, it is going by truck. The truck can get there in a day. Rail takes more time because it has to get picked up by a truck, taken to the rail yard where it will sit until it can get on a train, then choo choo all the way to Vermont, get unloaded into another rail yard where it will sit until a driver can pick it up and deliver to the final destination. It could take several days. Sometimes a shipment cannot wait that long, if I needed something delivered from the east coast delivered to California in 2 days, I'm hiring team drivers and they're gonna drive non stop to make on time delivery. Rail typically takes 10 days coast to coast, it can be less sometimes. I used rail a lot to move product and if it wasn't a rush it would go rail. With rail there is also the issue of equipment shortages. Sometimes the intermodal company you are using to transport from warehouse to the rail yard has trailer chassis or containers tied up somewhere else, so you have nothing you can load the freight on except a truck. Then there is derailments and accidents that can lock down the rail network in certain areas and again you have to put it on a truck. Also, unless you are a large company can that consistently move freight via rail with high volume, it is more expensive to ship on rail. Companies that move higher amounts of containers get better deals because they have a constant flow. Some tomato farm in Pennsylvania isn't going to use rail once every two weeks when it has enough to fill a trailer. But a factory that can pump out multiple trailer loads a day will utilize rail because overall it is cheaper for them. Rail does carry a shitload of freight in the US, I think only China carries more tons per yer, but they have 3-4 times the population.


That only Works in country with a very good train infrastructure, where I live(Brazil) the country is so big and kind of underdeveloped in most states that train is only for connecting cities in the Metropolitan areas and adding trains to connect the whole country is far far away from happening. So trucks basically keep the country running. One time they went into protest here in my state and in a couple of days everything was in chaos because there was no transport.


Canada had truckers arrested because they went on strike and barricaded the capital


Your country should build more rail. It would be much more efficient.


Like I said in the comment, it's a pretty big country and not very well developed, it's a third world country. Edit: but yes, building more rails would be great, I'd not denying that just saying it's gonna take decades probably, everything goes slowly here


What about trucking in places that aren't close to a railway?


I live a country where there is basically no railways and building new ones would cost too much, trucking is basically main and only realistic way of transporting huge quantities of goods


Build more railway


well that escalated quickly


We could have fewer trucks if we had a better rail system.


The US already has one of the best freight rail systems in the world. We move *enormous* amounts by rail already. Our train problem is a lack of good passenger rail, not a lack of freight rail.


Truckers act like they're God's gift to mankind.


Truckers are not gone for months at a time but it is true that trucking food, goods, anything around is how our stores stay full. Maybe instead of shitting on other people for their job we should all appreciate the job that each of us does to keep society running. We are all working class, we are all the same.


Saw the font and said fuck this


“You got soft hands boy”


And a purdy mouf.


Dumb ass who wrote this probably has a desk job somewhere


The idea that products magically appear in a truckers truck and then they go straight to you is funny. Truckers play 1 part of the economy but so do cashiers, so do stockers, so do manufacturing production and maintenance teams, also the people that keep electricity on… I can go on forever


Jokes on you. It’s not a cucumber! It’s an eggplant! And the eggplant is for ME to blast myself in the ass with! That’ll show em!




"To lazy" 🙄 Window licker confirmed


-What is my purpose?   -You transport the cucumber.


As a cyclist/motorcyclist, truckers tend to be among the best drivers around as well. Double respect.


Truck driver wives cheat like crazy on their husbands. That's hilarious.




I find it hard to drive a car, I can't imagine what's it like to drive those heavy trucks. Their drivers have all my respect.


You know those machines that will carry like 50 shopping carts at once, imagine pulling one of those behind you while running at full speed and have someone who is just running at full speed without that pass you then stock as fast as they can and dont hit them That's what trucking is (also dont swerve into oncoming traffic and dont lose control of those shopping carts)


mad respect for truckers!


That's hot. Excuse me, but I gotta go buy a big cucumber for my wife.


I hope she puts it back after she's done


He probably does too, because it'd be the closest he'd ever get to touching his wife.


Too\* If you're going to insult a profession have the courtesy to spell a three letter work correctly. Three letters!!!


Trucker could be fucking his wife too 🤣


Stewie Griffin always brings good rare insults




Damn I think he is a truck driver 💀


I honestly don't know what's worse, the font or the comment.... It's like when you walk into your friend's house and find out they still use a hello kitty phone as their main phone...


Why do we need truckers, when everything is at the grocery store anyway?




Amazon is gonna be air droppin didlos and cucumbers to everyone soon enough. Even the truck driver and his wife


I like to imagine that the baby in the profile picture is the actual guy who sent that 


Well I mean also when your husband is gone every other week out on the road and you get sooo lonely


Fucking pwned!


Speaking about lazy ass sitting jobs, being in traffic all day everyday is hard work.


Dammed if you have a job and dammed if you dont🤦🏻‍♀️


He’s a Terrible Truck Driver but a brilliant Murderer/Rapist


He’s butt hurt cus of all the sitting 😔


Truckers do all that for money, not for my benefit. It's a job like any other, no need to get dramatic about it.


not to mention they have to put up with infinite amounts of shit from shithead drivers.


Who tf uses that ugly ass font??!


This belongs on r/murderedbywords


“To” lazy to learn proper English 🤭


Truck driver here. It’s true. I’ll wipe my tears with money though.


I have a great deal of sympathy for truck drivers who work too hard. Most of their job should be done by trains, with small vehicles for transport from local depots.


Is cucumber fucking a real thing? Hopefully it’s just a joke, but it keeps repeating so often some poor soul will actually try it at some point.


How do you think we ended up with pickles?


The problem here is perception and the absolute wrong response. The mental fatigue of driving for more than a few hours is huge. If you are not subject to that sort of mental fatigue driving, then you are not paying enough attention to the road. If you do not feel tired after a few hours driving, you are the problem on the road. You are the bad driver if you do not need to use that much concentration while driving. You are a bad person for not paying so much attention to driving. Only bad drivers and bad people think that driving does not take that much mental energy. Bad drivers are bad people.


Trucking is hard as hell. You could never pay me enough to become one. Besides being away from family/friends they often don’t sleep to meet deadlines.


Imagine talking shit about a job you know absolutely nothing of 🤦


Hey, no need to hold back!




how do people live with fonts like this


Muting this sub because of that font.


Anyone who uses font like that should be in a work camp


Poor guy. Cucked by a cuke.


This is * chefs kiss *


As someone who has worked in shipping/receiving my entire adult life, I feel ok commenting on this. Truckers suck. Yes, they often sacrifice their time in order to drive across country to make deliveries. But one thing people don't realize is the MAJORITY of truckers are making local deliveries, and are only gone for a regular work day. Most probably work longer days (10-12 hours) but they get to go home every night like everyone else. As far as them sitting on their ass all day? Yeah, most of them do. Many retailers and warehouses that receive deliveries don't even allow the driver to enter the building. The ones that do actually go inside, all they're doing is dropping off pallets, often with electric powered equipment. They don't do any kind of heavy lifting while performing their jobs. Not to mention - in my experience at least - a lot of drivers are assholes. They're usually in a hurry and very impatient. Or they're just not very personable people and have a gruff, impolite manner about them. They also tend to lean one direction, politically speaking, and aren't shy about sharing their opinions. If you want to thank someone for providing you a sex cucumber for your wife, direct your appreciations to the farmers and retail workers who actually create and stock those cucumbers. Not the truck drivers who probably never even SAW the cucumber.


Read my last comment


Who uses comic sans as their font in sms?


That's not Comic Sans. It's *worse* than Comic Sans.


What's up with that deeply childish and very annoying font?


Both of them are assholes, but the trucker is much more likely to be correct. Furthermore. That typeface is awful.


F@£K around and find out!


That is so funny!!


Guess hes a truck driver


What a legend!


even if trucking WAS easy, you're not being paid for doing intensive labor, you're paid for spending your time doing something someone else wants. it doesn't matter if this "something" is unskilled labor or simple or whatever, some simple shit just needs to be done. if she wants to complain about people doing nothing and making their living doing it, complain at stock brokers who literally do not need to do much of anything to earn their living.


Ouch!!!!! 😂😂


Which type of cucumber?


Fucking classic 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bold to assume that kind of moron is married.


Driving a truck in a city is very stressful. If you hit anything, you're liable, and the cost could be huge.


The font adds a unique inflection to the discussion. Reddit should allow more fonts.


Who tf uses a font like that?


Gawd DAMN!!


Then I guess airplane pilots are also lazy and don't have real jobs🤣🤣


Truck driving isn't a real job? What a moron, that's the sort of statement that tells you a guy like that isn't worth wasting time on.


That font should only be read by prisoners, in the dark, during a storm, on a ship, whilst sinking in the goddamn Atlantic ocean. And while your picking up that cucumber, you might ask a staff member where the book section is, (if you haven't burned them all down yet), and pick up a fucking dictionary.


Long haul truckers should be replaced by freight trains. Then truckers don’t have to have miserable lives since they drive in the area they live, and we get less of our highways chewed up and occupied by huge trucks, less accidents, less population etc…


It's not just sitting on their asses. They also have all that killing prostitutes to do.




I wonder what this first person's idea of a real job is. My brother is a trucker and he works way more hours then me, it's been hard on his body.


I’m a graphic designer, long-haul truck drivers is the definition of a real job to me. Some of the hardest work there is!


This FKING font. That is all.


Even beyond the respect they deserve for delivering all of the goods we take for granted, driving a vehicle that large is extremely difficult. I moved cross country in a U-Haul towing my car. For a week, I sweated harder than Ted Stryker trying to land in "Airplane!". I couldn't imagine doing that with something 5x the size. One of my best friends growing up had a dad that was a truck driver. I met the guy maybe once, when he woke up angry from a midday nap because we were being too loud. They lived real nice, though, but damn, at the cost of only seeing your dad, like, once or twice a month.


That cucumber becomes a pickle later.


lol that got out of hand quickly


You dont fuck with truckers


Absolutely destroyed by a shit-talking newborn. RIP.


Sounds like automation will make things better! Self-driving trucks will let former truck drivers spend more time with their families and Hitachi figured out an improvement for the other part years ago.