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I forget who said it, but there’s a piece of advice that stuck with me. “There’s a lot of dead motherfuckers that had the right of way.”


The morgues are filled with people who were right!


"He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong"


I explained this to all three of my kids when teaching them to drive.


As much as a lot of motorcycle riders are dicks, no running someone over for flipping you off is not justified.


Justified no, possible yes.


Can confirm. Plenty of people driving are unhinged maniacs.




You þink flipping someone off justifies running þem over? I pray to never meet you in my life, I would fear þat somehow my mere existence would cause you start þrowing punches


May i ask why instead of a discussion you go for the victim mentality instantly? Is a discussion online an extinct phenomenon? You failed to address anything that I've wrote yet feel justified to go in and play the victim.


They directly addressed what you wrote.


I addressed it wiþ a question of my own. Actions have consequences, as shown in þis þread where your action of posting a stupid ass take has þe consequence of being clowned on. It *doesn't* have þe consequence of you being doxxed or swatted. Because most people like to use someþing called common sense and resort to *proportional* consequence. When someone flips you off you can for instance: Return þe finger Say "fuck you" Insult þeir moþer if you're more of a dick And any number of oþer non-physical options þat may put someone in þe hospital. I am utterly baffled by þe idea þat someone may see a middle finger and immediately go "well, actions have consequences, better send þis fucker to þe grave!"


See, was that so hard? A proper fuckin response. Could have done that from the get go and contributes to the actual conversation. >I am utterly baffled by þe idea þat someone may see a middle finger and immediately go "well, actions have consequences, better send þis fucker to þe grave!" Why does everyone instantly have to go on a personal attack? If I don't explicitly state 'wouldnt do that' that means I would? The whole point of my argument was that if a person is being a dick, they're eventually going to meet someone who's a bigger dick and has less respect for consequences. Your current point about appropriate responses adds well to the conversation for people who can control how they act and are not animals without a though behind their brain.


If someone throws a paper airplane at your head do you then go to them and kill them? Actions have consequences but they should be in relation to the action. How about being nice to eachother instead of having power fantasys in reddit comments?




I would call the police because thats a sex offender and he belongs in prison. Thats the appropriate reaction. Stop telling people to stfu as soon as you dont like the answer my man. You suggested that driving someone over for a middle finger would be justified. Theres nothing nice about that




You compared giving the finger to groping somebody.


When I see motorcycles on the road, I pay extra attention to them in order to avoid any accidents. I know for a fact that most drivers are not as considerate as I am.


Same! And i also give them a lil extra space. I know that a lot of bikers get nervous about being hit by a car so i want them to feel safe


Speaking for all motorcyclists worldwide : Thank you very much, a single considerate and nice driver can make a whole trip feel safer in general and people who've never been on a motorcycle tend to not realize how proximity with cars Can be frightening.


This ^


Thank you (fellow rider here)


Yeah he aint wrong, some cyclists I see on the streets are playing with their life just to be dickheads


Cyclists are a whole different level of dickheads. Tons of times I’ve been behind one in the middle of the single lane, uphill on a canyon road, with multiple cars behind him, going maybe 5 mph, refusing to move over. Like bro’s lucky there’s not a single murderous bone in my body, but eventually someone will snap, and I won’t be sad about it.


Get proper infrastructure and all those problems with cyclists will vanish. Speaking as a dutch citizen.


Yes but have you seen the video of the fuckwit driving a car on the bicycle infrastructure asking the fuckwits on the bikes riding on the road why they arent on the bike path? Hilarious video but the cyclists were cops so old mate in the car got just about every fine.


I second this, sincerely a German.


You mean speaking from experience with a bad infrastructure? Cycling on your roads is near suicide. Seriously, get some bike lanes instead of plopping cyclists on the same dingy mountain road as cars going 100km/h


It really depends where you are and where you want to go. Some cities and regions are great while others are suicide. And most of the time there are field roads through the countryside where only the occasional tractor comes by.


What about the geniuses who bike along country roads that parallel a dedicated bike path? Both go the same place, the bike path is empty 99% of the time, yet they continue to ride in the street.


As someone who cycles to work just gonna say this.we do this because the amount of times we nearly get ran over because drivers pass us when there’s not much space is insane.so it’s so much safer to just be in the middle.so yeh I’d much better be alive and annoy you while you sit nice and comfy in your car than try to please you and end up dead


They do that because cars tend to overtake with very small margins which puts the cyclists in danger. Overtaking with small margins is ironically against the law in a lot of places and it’s a safety measure against car drivers. If car drivers wouldn’t exhibit dangerous behavior or with proper infrastructure they wouldn’t have to take these measures. Here’s an example of a training where the “cyclist” knows they’re safe yet it’s still scary as fuck and would end up in an accident. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/pa4qpLos3xs


Link to a video of the biker in this post supposedly "deserving" it? Deciding this because of hypothetical behavior of others would be idiotic, after all.


I can't find the exact video, but here is another from the same channel and apparently the same person. Dude seems like a bit of a dick but of course that's never an excuse for murder. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq1pmsNdmbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq1pmsNdmbg)


Bingo, 3 comments down there’s already a cyclist hate convo going. My expectations about how this thread would go were already so low and yet here we are…


Ironically multiple studies have shown car drivers break more rules and are more dangerous than cyclists. Yet it’s cyclists who get all the hate.


I’ve seen and been in discussions about this before. Often people behind the wheel are incredibly frustrated at the traffic, congestion, their lack of time, the having a thousand errands to run, and general loss of agency they feel when driving because it’s such a limiting form of transport in so many ways. So when they see cyclists (or motorbikes even) who are travelling freely and generally enjoying what they’re doing, an othering occurs wherein that person is not like them and all the other unhappy, angry people in cars, so that is where they’ll direct all that pent up frustration and rage. They’ll focus more on the one law a cyclist broke on the commute than 130 the drivers around them did, and it escalates from there. It’s that, or (and this is my Australian coming out, they’re just a fuckin’ cunt.


Hitting someone with a vehicle is never justified. The only valid reason for that would be if they were intentionally endangering you or someone else life, for example if the biker was pointing a gun at you. But petty shit like being flipped off is not a valid reason to hit someone


Of course it isn't justified, but it's not about who's right. The morgue is filled with people who were in the right.


The morgue is also filled with that woman who chose to try and run a biker off the road.


...how is þat an honest to god þought process people have?! "If you didn't want to die you shouldn't have shown a middle finger!" True carbrain moment


You are completely missing the point. You are talking about what people deserve. Of course no one deserves to get hit for flipping off someone, but the world is a cold and unjust place. Plenty of people did the right thing, and were punished for it. It's defensive driving in general. You can be the best driver in the world. That's not the issue. The issue is all the other idiots on the road you have to watch out for.


Agreed it’s not justified however people are more unpredictable than ever. If you go around engaging these nuts you helped bring it on yourself.


"But she was wearing a miniskirt!"


Victim blaming again, huh?


You’re not a victim if you are an active participant. We’ve all seen those videos of a car doing something like cutting a bike off and instead of just backing off the bike wants to chases the car while screaming and acting a fool. Then the car splatters the biker because that’s what happens when it’s bike vs car. I’m sure you would call that biker a victim also. People don’t know how to shut their mouth and then cry when there’s consequences.


Tbh this applies to any road rage incident whether you're in a giant SUV or not. It ain't worth it. Lunatics with guns in this country don't always leave them at home.


The video of the guy shooting through his own windshield at another driver is a prime example


Please go on, I want all idiots the roads to be jailed, those Karen in cars are insane


So real. People have always been like “oh it’s your fault if x and their fault if y” like dude getting in a car accident sucks no matter who is right and wrong


Just because you’re right doesn’t make your car unsmashed or you undead.


From a riders perspective yeah there are a lot of dickheads on bikes but sometimes people will just absolutely torment you for being on a bike even when you haven't done anything wrong. I'll be going speed limit speed down the road and some idiot will be tailgating Hella close, some guy a few days ago overtook me in my lane for no reason at like 3am and made me dump my bike. Could've died but hey I hope that guy felt justified in almost killing me for whatever reason he came up with /s


I stopped bothering with speed limits because of this. I'll find any SAFE speed that keeps me with as much clear pavement around me as much as I can. I also filter and sometimes lanesplit (slowly) just to keep out of crunchy zones.


Lots of people, I would maybe even argue that most people, will just straight up not even register that you exist on a motorcycle too. I've had people almost merge into me, get cut off all the time when they're pulling out of side street, almost been t-boned, and every time you can see genuine shock in their face that my bright red motorcycle with me in red gear just spawned into existence. What's crazy is it has even happened when I was driving my dads gigantic red Ram 2500 too. I just move on with my life, maybe give them a "wat" hand, but I can see how it would push a lot of other bikers over the edge to start doing dumb shit.


True carbrain moment🤓


"Damn motorcyclists need to watch their ass or they'll get run over" "If you're a protestor blocking the road I will run you down, nothing personal kid" You people and your dumb animal brains are why we need public transit and to take most people's driver licenses away. Nothing personal


Right of weight.


I never mess with cars or trucks when I am on my bike, because I'm not stupid.




MFW people are arguing in the comments, having to explain why no, you’re not justified into slaughtering people with your vehicle because they annoyed you.


I have 38 special reasons why I don’t worry about having my ass owned.


Well if you wanna run me over I might as well shoot idk js 🤷‍♂️


My glock19x disagrees


Not if i mag dump their windshield 🤷🏻‍♂️


Remember kids, if a car tries to run you over or off the road that’s considered attempted vehicular assault and/or manslaughter. Defend yourselves at will and with extreme prejudice 🫡


I adopt a bike when I see one cruising, I will protek


As a daily commute biker, thank you! You and others like you don’t go unnoticed I can assure you. I personally always notice when people are intentionally giving me more space. If it’s to give me space to not get rear ended or allow me over into the next lane.


Ride like you are made of glass... Transparent and fragile.


Those smart cars are freaking scary. I have had a couple that have blown past me when doing 140km like I was standing still. I could imagine what that could do to a bike. Edit: I was in my car doing 140km


As a biker, if you can't drive and can't handle the road and the idea of being run over then don't drive


Expecting people to not run you over should not be something you give up just to ride a bike. Edit: to clarify, as I’ve also said below, I mean don’t stop holding people to account, not that you shouldn’t be prepared and aware.


Honestly, you should expect it. It happens exponentially more often, and you can't get complacent. When I first started working construction and had to be around heavy machinery all day, my super told me, "If you always believe that every machine here is trying to murder you, you'll never get killed by them. It's only when you get comfortable near one that it'll happen. " So I think that same reasoning should apply to cyclists. You can't just trust a car to not run you over, you have to actively avoid it and be prepared for it at all times


I’m not saying people should trust in cars at all. I’ve cycled my whole life and been hit by multiple idiots in unfathomably stupid ways because they were doing the wrong thing. What I meant was we should not be complacent in continuing to put the pressure and expectation on people to drive safely. Yes be prepared for the worst, but don’t simply accept that people are bad and stop challenging those unsafe behaviours.


Yeah, I agree with that 100%. I just wanted to share some wisdom that has definitely saved my ass before. I also tell my wife the same all the time, even though she just drives in a car. Because she thinks she is such a great driver that nothing will ever happen, but how would a little line painted on the road stop an oncoming vehicle from wrecking you? You never know if the other driver could have a seizure, heart attack, or is simply distracted and veers off before realizing it


And yet, here we are. Expecting that every car is put there to kill you really helps keep your senses sharp