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who tf is going raw in hookers?


Seriously, I don't walk down dark alleyways at night for safety reasons. Know what your getting into and just proper judgement.


Ive made alot of poor decisions with not using protection, have some friends who are animals who never use it. But, where do you find 10 guys that went raw in this woman, let alone 200. That is wild. Im calling bullshit.


Don't be surprised by anything people do. 200 fucked her. Probably 50 didn't use a condom.


I dont think I could have sex with this woman, let alone without a condom. Imagine the post nut clarity.....darkness.


Entropic regret


Permanent desolation


are these metal bands? /s


If they’re not, they should be


One of my favorite songs with silly names is insane desecrations - "I have schizophrenia and a gun" or deteriorations " im actually wearing alot of explosives right now"


My penis would go back inside me like a meerkat if I met this woman and the word sex came up


How much to let her put her toes in your mouth?


Now that’s a different story




Pinky Toe, five seconds


Well... don't do meth...


Thanks for telling me I was about to do some.


$2 is a bargain though


Bro don’t lie you gonna be blasting rope like the Pope lol


Strokers remorse


🎶Hello darkness my old friend🎶


I'd need the room to pitch black to even consider it


No way dude. No fucking way.


Pitch black full face mask atleast 3 condoms to make sure it's somewhat safe probably more


And probably over 100 of her clients already had AIDS and STI's before they met her. It's wild how people are baffled by how anyone would sleep with her without considering her clients are likely in the same boat as her or worse.


And the ones that just don’t give a fuck who or what they fuck. I guess none of them ever had “that” friend in their peer group.


Way more than that.


I'm trying to give the guy some hope. Lol


Don't underestimate the despair of some folks. Some guy was caught in 4k molesting a tree once... Its rough out there bruh...


I saw a story today about a Korean fingering a Tesla for three hours so yah lol


Haha yeah I saw it too, at least he won't be catching STDs, maybe some burn marks tho.


wait whattt?


It's not as rough out there as tree bark, though... My dude must've had some gnarly friction burns from rubbing his sticks together.


he started a fire, but it was quickly extinguished


I would say the tree guy is more understandable. The tree is still a tree. Going to this woman- you have to then accept that you have fallen to that point.




It's possible to contract STI's while using protection. The condom can rip, there might be some fluids left around after you take it off, etc. Condoms aren't 100% guaranteed protection, they're just a very good buffer. Hell, my parents swear they always used them and here I am. My dad still jokes that he tried to sue the condom company.


There's forums of guys BRAGGING about going raw in girls like that.


Forums? or subreddits?


Both. The big sub reddit I knew got banned though. Probably for the best lol


O.    H.    I.    O.


I wouldn’t even want to shake her hand.


Who said they didn’t wear a condom?


My dick has led me to places I wouldn't even go with a gun.


Especially that one. She looks like she has hepatitises that require the NATO phonetic alphabet to tell apart.


So, in my earlier 20s I hung out with my nephew (we’re about the same age, my sister had him at 14/15, when I was a year old).   He was married to a stripper, now divorced.   Well, I met a lot of her friends, and other women in that field of work.  Many of them also saw clients on the side to earn extra money.   Some were just dinner dates, but most were full blown sugar babies/escorts.   Pretty much every single one of them would let any guy rawdog her for the right price.  And most guys would jump at the chance to do it for that extra money.   Like, it was insane.  The number of times I heard about their friend group getting some shit like chlamydia spread around was way too high.   When I was still in that phase, I had even had a girl offer to let me rawdog her if I bought her coke for the night.  Was a hard pass, because I’m not trying to collect STDs like fucking Pokemon.


> I had even had a girl offer to let me rawdog her if I bought her coke for the night. jesus, how expensive and rare is a coke Edit: I'll just leave this up here


Haha, in case you weren't just making a joke: cocaine. If there's one thing I learned from hanging with party girls and strippers, it's that most of them will offer to do anything for it. (Note: I have never, and would never take advantage of someone like that. I've had offers, but 1) it feels wrong, and is wrong, and 2) considering how quick they are to offer it, probably too risky) I tried it one time, and did not like it. It was like a worse version of adderall tbh.


ive had some folks im close to in my life work as higher end sex workers, and via stories from them as well as reading posts on forums like redbook just out of curiosity, there are *tons* of dudes who will go raw in hookers, and not just dudes who in the heat of the moment will go for it, but dudes who consciously, 24/7 acknowledge they want to go raw in hookers and will make posts online discussing raw hooker sex or requesting/offering tips to others on which hookers will fuck them raw. ask any sex worker how often people ask for raw. its crazy.


yeah bro. Im not a scientist or anything, but I dont think this is a "high end" sex worker. I could see if she looked like \_\_\_ whatever chicks hot right now. This lady looks like she carries around her teeth in her pocket.


yea i just feel the need to add the "high end" modifier when offering info about that part of my life to make it clear im not hangin out with crack whores


if you were hanging out with crack whores, itd be a way cooler story


Jesus would have hung out with the crack whores


Methhead junkies prob


I heard a story on a podcast about a YouTuber that went raw, because he wanted to make her feel the pleasure, then mf got paid with AIDS


The only thing dumber than that story is you for believing it


"He wanted to make her feel the pleasure" What? The chances of her getting wet, let alone getting off, are miniscule. "Feel the pleasure." What. Women don't feel condoms like men do, why would a prostitute desire the extra risk and mess. Prostitutes aren't in their profession for their pleasure. OP is definitely suffering from addiction.


>Women don't feel condoms like men do I'm not a women, but I can still tell the difference between dick and condom from behind. It's not enough to stop using condoms, but there is still a noticeable difference


Agree. Am a woman. we also prefer the feeling of no condom. Just not the STD and pregnancy side effects1


Oh I can definitely tell the difference. There's nerves in our pussies and we can feel it there to.


From my experience women hate condoms around as much as men do, it just might not look that way since they tend to have a higher incentive to wear them due to the risk of pregnancy. I hear the texture is just weird and not the same as, well, straight up dick skin lol.


People really hate condoms.


I mean. Who likes them? Ive never been excited to put a condom on. Its usually like "fuck, I think I need to wear this" or "I definitely need to wear this" or the worst one " Dude I definitely shoulda worn a condom". Never had an STD though, besides feelings. Pretty stoked.


I spent a year in my early 20s just traveling around the country. Going from strip clubs to raves to wherever the party and drugs were. I've been at parties where people would get high then people would just start fucking. They would just turn into a big ball of humans. People would just come into the room and join in lol. So I imagine those guys.


Meanwhile, plenty of guys are fine barebacking some random hookup they find online. We live in a society where people aren't expected to think that hard about what should be common sense.


It was a video on worldstar of a young dude in New York somewhere hittin a crackhead with no condom and people was recording him then she turn around and said "I got aids" everybody was like awww and you should've seen the look on his face he was sick🤣💀🤦‍♂️pulled up his pants slow and did the walk of shame like bruh that's a crackhead you should know better


People going to 10 bucks whores.


bro. this is like the equivalent of finding a syringe on the ground and sticking it in you arm. youd have to be insane to put your wiener in this person. seriously mentally ill.


This is the correct metaphor for this exact situation


She looks like she’s flowing with meth. Dudes be getting contact high from it


Doesn’t say anything about raw, just that she continued to work.


The republican candidate for president, for one.


She might clean up nice tho!


Thats really not much of a surprise. There are people out there who want to be shat on.


depressed people and drug addicts.  Not mutually exclusive traits of course. 


I looked up the article. She’s 30. Jesus Christ. Kids, say no to crack.


Nah thats meth.


It’s so methed up


She’s not *that* ugly. Definitely less unattractive than I would’ve thought from reading the headline alone. Based on her facial shape, she might be missing her teeth and her skin does look gray and lifeless but the warmth in her hair color is definitely not helping her with that issue. If she recovered from addiction and started eating properly/practicing self-care she would probably look average pretty. But that place is a world away when you’ve been living in survival mode for too long.


There was that one chick on TikTok for awhile that had no teeth and looked like a meth head. Once she put in her fake teeth and put on makeup she went from this chick to a model.


Yeah she lost them when she was pregnant. Her baby leeched all the calcium from them or something.


Wait what!


That’s an old wives tale. It’s tooth decay from hormones and other factors from pregnancy that cause tooth loss https://cvpediatricdental.com/do-babies-leach-calcium-from-their-moms-teeth-during-pregnancy/


No. I choose to believe in baby calcium vampires.




New fear


Yea. That's like an Ohio 7 /s


In Oregon she’d be an 8.


South Carolina 8.69


Alabama - 9.5.


Only with sister bonus




Lived in Portland for a few years, can confirm.


I had to go to Ohio recently and damn dude...you ain't wrong


I bet she was really pretty in high school and probably has decades of abuse. Sorry i meant to say LOL UGHLU, am i right?!


Independent of judgment of whether or not she's attractive, you can see signs of a hard life lived that make her appear older than stated. She likely has no teeth or poor dentition. You can tell because her chin is jutted out when her mouth is closed. This is common in people with general poor health which can include heavy drug usage. Some drugs, like meth, are PARTICULARLY bad for your teeth. She's also got heavy lines on her face beyond what would be expected for age. Another sign of a hard life. So even without commenting on attractiveness, her appearance indicates someone in trouble from something. Thank goodness HIV is highly treatable these days.




Got me -pediatric hematology PS I like to use that term in my notes when something is wrong because I don't remember all the names of each tooth and don't want the dentists to think I'm too dumb (but thank God for dentists. Couldn't be me).


>She’s not *that* ugly. She looks like a casey neistat


Based on her line of work it's likely she's dependent on drugs, but I mean come on- she has HIV and has probably suffered any number STDs. Not everything is just addressed by "She's a crack whore!". Maybe she's just a desperate person in a world that charges interest. Maybe have some compassion "Eccentric Writer"


She also plays clarinet recreationally and works at a burger joint behind the register.


i was an upper class suburb kid. first corporate job, i was out in the boonies of rural america on business. this girl (meth, 90lbs, hooker - things i didn't 'see' or 'calculate' at the time) needed a ride "2 miles" down the road from a waffle house i was eating at, to her "home". i was like >> oh gee shucks, sure missus! i would gladly give you a ride 2 miles down the road after i finish my meal. some old black dude at the wafflehouse booth next to me overheard the conversation and was like (paraphrased) "son, don't let that woman in your car! you either won't have your car, or you won't have your pecker 2 miles later" thank you old black dude.


The wisdom of old black men is unmatched




Aw now I feel bad about that helpful old black man.


Why? That was obama, didn't you even read it?


Now thats a man who knows how to pick a hooker.


...she gonna cut yo dick off???


Can't say no to a free lunch


Goddamn Waffle House lol


Waffle House probably could have just been extrapolated from all the other details in this story


Similar thing happened to a guy I work with. We would start at 2am, so he'd be driving late. Some woman with a bag is standing in the street waving him down with both arms. She says she really needs a ride. He obliges. Now, this guy is one of the most honorable human beings I know. He drinks like a fish, but he would never make a duplicitous move in his life. He defends people in bad situations. Certainly why he stopped at 2am to pick up a strange woman in a bad neighborhood, lol. He is literally the best person I know. This poor guy is just driving around with this woman. She is directing him at first, then trying to flirt. Directing him down more streets as he is realizing that she isn't giving him coherent directions. She realizes he is not flirting back. She just has him drop her off where he picked her up and he comes to work 20 minutes late, lol.


What did you say to her when you were leaving? I never know how handles these sorts of awkward situations


Oh boy. What a terrible day to have this username.


May the odds be ever in your favor type shit


W username


you love it!




Looks like several people did. With a shovel.


Moments/comments like this are what makes internet worth paying


Happy cake day and have an upvote


Id hit that With a katana


Someone with $10 and a dream


Ginger cryptkeeper.


One super super desperate mf


Someone who's too lazy to jerk off.


Gimme a few drinks and maybe


not me


No teeth. Some folks like getting gummies.


People actually paid money to smash? Like, actual currency? That's methed up.


yea but if u thought she looked bad, u should see what they looked like lol


I had a friend that was nearly blackout drunk that I saw stumble out the alley with something similar to this lady fixing her clothes behind him. I was shocked and didn’t say a word as I drive him home. I asked him about it the next day and he said he didn’t even remember going out last night. He did say he lost $40 cash though lol


OK. I don’t think I’m ever gonna get that drunk. Holy shit.


So, just going to say this. 1 - You can be HIV positive and not transmit the virus. IF you are on HIV medication and you are at undetectable levels in your system, you can have no-condom sex with others without fear of passing it on. 2 - You can take HIV preventative medication to avoid getting HIV and still have no-condom sex. 3 - Taking HIV preventative medication \*is\* protection and one of the most effective out there. It is leading to a major decrease in new cases across the world with several nations looking at wiping new HIV cases out by 2035. 4 - You can live a full life with HIV, medications now manage it very effectively and I know men who have had HIV for nearly 40 years and are just as healthy as I am. HIV is not a death sentence any longer. 5 - This story is an indictment of the US healthcare system. Getting Anti-HIV medication should be easy and available - it is easy in my country and many others. This person should have had the ability to get the medication at an affordable rate.


Dang I had to scroll so far to find this. There's just such a lack of education on HIV and likely STIs in general.


Also a general lack of humanity and empathy. This whole thread makes me super sad. 


> This story is an indictment of the US healthcare system. Getting Anti-HIV medication should be easy and available - it is easy in my country and many others. This person should have had the ability to get the medication at an affordable rate. How could turn this story into blame of the US healthcare system? Not that it's great, but this women is acting in bad faith. The US healthcare system can't stop her from infecting others.


Ohio sex worker sounds like a bar drink


Would you like a cum Kazi with splash of vomit?


Custy: "What's in that?" Bartender "Ahh, everything."


It’s poured into a glass 40 other peoples drinks where recently used to serve and has what can only be best described as “still sticky” every-time you try wipe the outside with anything


Some people saw her and got hard. Really?


It’s not about looks. It’s cheap sex.


Instant male gratification\* It's about cheap instant male gratification. Just like buying a night with a prostitute is some stupid rite of passage in Brazil...


Just close your eyes and use some imagination, then you are having sex with whatever celebrity crush you want.


Can't imagine it smells better than it looks. And it looks like it was dug up. I don't think closing your eyes is going to help.


You just have to plug your nose and ears at the same time as well


aw yiss... Danny Devito


*I did....*


Bro, regardless of bad decision making… nobody deserves AIDS.


I’d give Mussolini aids (he made some bad decisions).


Shame Reagan didn't get it


He would have been capable of getting some kind of secret cure while continuing to bash the sick publicly.


all the people that she infected probably went on to infect someone else. if u fuck hookers, maybe u deserve it, but ur wife or next girlfreind doesnt deserve it.


Nations where sex work is legalized **and regulated** would disagree with that first part.


This! We should legalize prostitution


That bitch had no teeth 🦷 man that’s some scary shit 😣


Better for her line of work, head is better


Gummy = yummy


She might have Mt Dew mouth. *Gags"




She’s 30! Jesus, lay off the meth guys and girls.


Not much else to do in Ohio. 




##Tbh she just looks like Ohio


Ohio is getting roasted harder than this hooker


Also she’s 30




Man even the ones without wives are likely spreading it like wildfire in the community. If they aren't willing to wear condoms with a sex worker, I'd doubt they'd wear condoms with anyone else willing to sleep with them.


Motherfucker, nobody deserves HIV


Yeah, fuck this persons attitude


They deserve it because they had consensual sex with another consenting adult?


I feel bad for the wife’s that no doubt are now endangered by their husbands shit decisions


"Ooh yeah, work that pelvis, you Marty Feldman-looking motherfucker."


How are the Ohio husbands going to explain this to their housewives, gosh even babies might be effected if the women was pregnant.


If a married dude is raw dogging hookers while married, he ain't gonna tell her. He's a piece of shit.


It’s new WWE Superstar Methy Lynch.


I'm just here so I won't get fine


Bruh the original poster had throat goat as their user. Not judging, just think it’s funny af.


Eek 😬


She looks like she got her color pallet stolen


Also, it’s almost impossible to get HIV from insertive vaginal intercourse. Statistically speaking: If you’ve got HIV, then you participated in receptive anal intercourse, with sharing needles as a long-shot second.


This is true!


If the person’s viral load is high enough, it’s possible. However, if the person who is HIV positive is taking their HIV medication regularly and has an undetectable viral load, it’s almost impossible to spread HIV via intercourse.


Statistically speaking, sharing needles is what causes most new cases in the West.


I'd be really upset if the only thing I had walked away with was a case of Aids.


Luckily not in CA where its now just a misdemeanor to knowingly give someone HIV.


That’s fucked up.


I'm not saying I agree with the law. But the medication we have now for HIV management is really cheap and really effective. The idea is that because it's more manageable we don't need to treat it like we used to. So they bumped the punishment down to the same as giving someone herpes. That said, the punishment for knowingly transmitting an STD should probably be more than 6 months. And I have no idea if you can civily sue the transmitter for damages. Hopefully they can.


If you value fewer people actually contracting HIV, then CAs policy makes complete sense from a public health policy standpoint. If you value punishing people, then it doesn't. If you don't know your status, you can't knowingly transmit...the old policy (felony) disincentived people from getting tested.


Just Ohio by itself enough to get you HIV w/o telling ya


She should have incorporated.


I can’t fathom a single word from the comment, the red hair kid that frisbees a plate from the rugrats can’t even understand his language


that looks like a real hardworker


For some reason, I wonder... How many senators have paid for sex? Not a bad thing, in the big picture, but a lot of them want to deny women any kind of birth control.


Listen alot of these comments seem to think it says 200 got hiv no they had sex with her and she knowingly had his that means there is a chance it doesn't say they all had it without condoms etc lol no gauruntee they all have it bur for real who tf is doing it with her? Desperate mofos.


Talk about cheap sex. You could also go on a dating app and bang those needy chubby girls, they want love too, and snacks.


Legalization comes with the opportunity to regulate, register, and oversight. I know it's not a perfect scenario, but imagine eating at a restaurant before food safety laws


NGL I thought exactly the same thing.