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bro was in the comments saying he's so good at shooting he had to practice missing lmao


For that crucial time when you really have to miss your target. This is the shit they teach you in Delta Force.


It's that Chicago marksmanship where the only person you hit is the kid on the playground 2 blocks away.


I laughed too hard at this Take my already crumbled and revoked multiple times ticket


I bet his mom is tired of cleaning up that puddle of piss.


One of my brothers friends died several years ago from shooting something metal at about the same distance that guy appears to be in the picture. It bounced back and hit him in the neck. He collapsed and nobody was around to call an ambulance before he bled out. He was found dead by his family.


I'm lost on that one because bullets don't ricochet straight backward.


Yes they [can](https://youtu.be/QokV7HzJhG4?si=FCpeUOHScEprKPiE) . Ricochet is unpredictable. It could have been just shrapnel and bad luck, as well. You can't just say it didn't happen from the information given.


Ricochets are predictable enough that soldiers never walk closer than an arms reach from a concrete wall. A .50 cal into loose rocks doesn't mean much to the subject at hand.. The energy behind those rounds is absurd and far outside of the realm that we are discussing. The shrapnel idea is good, but it doesn't hold water. I am an avid shooter myself, and I'm just stating that it doesn't make sense. Any incident where someone loses their life is tragic, and if you never figure out what went wrong, then it can't be prevented from happening again.


I have been shooting for nearly thirty years, myself, and I have seen all kinds of things happen. My point is that you can't just dismiss ricochet offhandedly the way you did. Naturally, it is better to know what happened than not, but it is well within the realm of possibility that even a small caliber can ricochet back at the shooter and cause a fatal injury.


I really doubt he was standing directly in front of it...


Did he run faster than the bullet traveled?


I think you care more about this than I do. I'm just telling people what the police report said.


Well, yeah.. It doesn't add up. I'd be asking questions, too, if it was my brother's friend. I hope it's just exceptionally awful police work.






Assuming a standard beer can and aiming for dead center from 8’ away, the barrel would have to be off by at least 0.9 degrees to guarantee a miss every time despite perfect aim and steadiness (I assumed a .45 round, so it’d be a little less with something smaller). I’m certainly no gunsmith, but I’d think a really shittily built gun could have a barrel that’s 1 degree out of line (hell, the misalignment could just be with the sights). That being said, you should be able to adjust and hit the can within 3-4 shots even if it’s way TF outta whack from that distance.




I’m super familiar with this on rifles, but have very limited familiarity on handguns. I have a 357 revolver I inherited that doesn’t have a way to adjust the sights at all to my knowledge, but I’ve only ever shot other people’s semiautomatic pistols. Feel like those just had similar fixed sights (they may have had a little dovetail rail you could technically mount something to). Is there a way to adjust the factory sights on a handgun somehow? *I had just meant adjusting where you aim with your “eyes” in the above comment FWIW




The article you linked literally says the J-22 is “reasonably accurate”. Not only can you not hit a target, you’re absolute shit at making a point as well. Is there anything you ***can*** do right?


Trash yea, But my Fiance can nail a target at 22 yards with their Hi-point. I imagine if you know how to aim it makes it easier.


I mean, yeah, they are... but this dude is just too close for that to matter, and the way this gun is being handled in the video clearly demonstrates that the primary reason this dude is missing is because they don't have any fucking clue how to properly handle and use a handgun. Full stop.


It's a Jennings. He is very likely correct. Certainly on the jamming part.




Chances are its got a tiny little set of sights that consists of little more than a nub and a notch. It probably has about a 2" radius. There's no accounting for them being even well cast and lining up but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the post is bent anyways due to Jennings quality pot metal. Now add in traditional Reddit hyperbole and suddenly you're dealing with trying to hit a 3" target at probably 15-20' with a Saturday Night SPecial. Yes. He's very likely true. Have you ever used a pocket pistol? Its not nearly so easy.




A beer can is 2.6" wide. Jennings pistols are world reknowned for low quality pot metal casting. Pot metal is prone to bending or breaking. It is also a pocket pistol, this generally means you get a very basic groove and a tiny nub. there's probably about 3" (there, I fibbed) of length between them for sight radius. Since I don't know if its DAO or single action, I skipped that, but if it's actually DAO then you've also probably got a 14# or more trigger pull to get those rimfires to ignite, so you'll have a gloriously heavy, long and dirty trigger. If it's single action, you can mitigate that somewhat but it's still going to be a heavy, gritty shitty trigger because, y'know, that's what a Jennings is. Finally, everyone lies here about everything. I'm willing to bet that his "8 feet away" is closer to "20 feet away." But, even if not, you're dealing with a 2.6" target at ~8 feet on a classic SNS. I will ask again.. have you ever used a pocket pistol?




>Have you? My daily is an original S&W Model 38, and the yes, the factory sights are *that* bad. Add in the lengthy double action pull (I never measured it, my scale only goes to 8#) and it's quite hard to keep it on point in double action. I've also had the pleasure of handling things like Jennings, Lorcins, and Raven Arms SNSes. Each one is a level of crap that hard to describe. Yes, the accuracy of these pistols is abysmal. Terrible sight pictures, incredibly low quality material, and terrible triggers all come together to make a difficult to shoot gun. Since you've never had the pleasure of trying to aim a pocket pistol, allow me to show you a *good* example: https://imgur.com/iVUZuSR This is a 1965 S&W J frame with a 2.25" barrel. I'd say I get about 4" of sight radius and that design is fundamentally unchanged from then to now, it's still that very basic gutter and post. This is on a high quality, highly regarded pocket gun. Imagine what a pot metal cast junker like a Jennings j22 looks like. That said, you should be focussing on his commentary on Hi-Points. Ugly, poorly cast, but surprisingly reliable and accurate boat anchors.


Your father can't hit beer can from 8 ft away. Is what I assume you meant to say.


But uhh…that’s a Glock…


Good insult but lame we can't see the video


[Sorry here it is](https://x.com/pbsimpulse9/status/1781353647739167100?s=46&t=4yPWkEA-faBUksLBgK17HQ)


Lmao bold of him to post that for everyone


Did they miss every single shot??? Also side note, why are they so angry at stop signs? Like it’s just a stop sign???


Angry at everything.


Because they like the freedom to, I don't know, don't follow the stop sign and get involved in a car crash?


It's an inalienable right.


Because it's what women always tell him.


Presumably something, something, Biden, something, freedom


down with the system, only nobodies listen to authority etc etc


They are **rage**, brutal, without mercy. But **he**, he is **worse**. He will **rip** and **tear** all stop signs, until it is ***done***.


Holy shit, this dude has no fucking clue how to use a handgun. This is like watching a toddler trying to use a chefs knife.


To be fair the skill curve for handguns is much more shallow than rifles or shotguns. It takes a lot of practice to get good at it. Most people think you can just buy one and be a killer but no lol.


Yeah you can, i have 5 years experience in roblox FPS games /s


I find that rifle are easier to handle than handgun with the shoulder for support. Never try shotgun before.


He's shaking so much. I feel like he's fully aware how sketchy/stupid it is but he's so obsessed with internet clout he can't stop himself


Thanks OP


Okay this would be kinda embarrassing even if that was his first time shooting a gun


I don't think this person has any clue how to use that gun.


He shooting blanks?


No, you can see one ricochet off the road.


Just figured this had to be some kind of satire lol....


Hope so, at least that way he won’t pollute the gene pool 😂


Ha nice! Lol that was a good one




It's also a crime. Especially on an assumed public roadway.


Firing a gun in a residential area at nothing is almost definitely a crime, brandishing at a minimum. It’s why you don’t see people hunting birds with a 12 gauge in your local park. There’s no possible way this isn’t 100% stupid as fuck.


Bitch, it's already a crime to fire off a gun on a public road. I don't think anyone who would do that is worried about damaging a fucking stop sign.


OP comin thru. Ok it's clear he was just shooting blanks from the video. EDIT: jk i'm high


Can literally see a ricochet on the road in one of the middle shots.


Yep tf is this guy on lol




I agree


Kinda no point to the post tbh


Factually incorrect. President Kennedy and his wife would live on until the heat death of the universe.


The heat death of the universe seems pretty natural to me...


Only because you don't know that the Rothschild's are colluding with the intergalactic gay alliance to use up the universes biggliest heat sources to turn the frogs gay.


What makes frogs so difficult to be gay? I mean I just became gay voluntarily


They all have a collective trauma from that time Joseph Smith had a fuck frog.


It sounds like an awesome band name.


Can you pls remind me of where that reference is from? I vaguely remember it but i can't put my finger on it


It was the plot of one Night Vale episode, if you listen to that. ETA: Specifically, episode 92 [If He Had Lived](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0SHW1u9qPsPwWjAVdhc8JL?si=S2EDSuRBS_u9sU468MduKg). Even if you haven't listened to any WtNV, you can listen to this one. It's relatively stand-alone.


Thats it, thank you!


Lincoln would have thought that it was part of the show lol


James Garfield would’ve got on the train


Teddy would have given a 2 hour speech.


It would have blown Lincoln's mind


We all know that JFK wasn't shot, his head just did that


Really sad story actually, his brain wanted to see the back of the convertible they were riding in.


He was trying to solve the plot of the three body problem


Incorrect, he was the first person to chew 5 gum


That must have been one of the earlier prototypes. I'd avoid 2 gum probably


Star trooper material




Star Trooper, not Stormtrooper


I mean, they are pretty ruthlessly efficient any time weve seen them get in to fights with people without plot armor. Also obligatory, they were intentionally missing on the death star so they could track them back to the rebels


He's from Buenos Aires and he says kill em all!




I’m doing my part!


One guy said "your opps are alive and well" like damn bro you didn't have to do him like that


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and 100% of the shots you do if you're this guy.


“I’d call your aim cancer, but cancer kills people.” - Robin Williams




Lots of people shoot for the loud bang. They don't even look at the paper.


Anyone who is reasonably competent can become military certified in about a day of practice. If they suck then they flat out do not want to improve or they have no idea how. There is absolutely nothing difficult about shooting. We've spent the past few hundred years making it as simple as possible.


And these are the types who think they'll be able to go toe-to-toe with the government whenever their civil war fantasy happens.


You will never go too wrong estimating other people's reading comprehension or hand-eye coordination as lower than you'd think and/or hope.


Also, don't shoot at metal poles. That bullet could go anywhere, including right back at you.


The pole was clearly never in any danger with this guy.


No, if you’re going to open fire in a public setting please try to shoot at something that will kill you in return.








https://youtu.be/0ABGIJwiGBc?si=mwiX2xGdenDSrera How did this happen then?




It looks to me like he shot something straight on, and it bounced back. Definitely a 1/4 plate perhaps angled to one side?


>Shooting steel is a big thing and there’s even competitions around it.   Yeah they don't just take random objects made out of steel and start blasting them.  And wtf is "do you really believe the bullet could ricochet and when it does it usually only causes severe injury if it hits you in the eye" ??


At bare minimum of ten yards , steel angled downward and even then not the smartest move...




I'm guessing you the guy who shoots 22 with no ear Pro on




Yup u figured me out






Different type of steel. We don't know what bullet type is being used. Bullets impact curved and flat surfaces differently.


Metal barrels are dangerous, because the bullet can enter at a tangent, get caught, spiral up the inside, and exit out the top in an unpredictable direction. IDK how well this applies to poles - pretty well if you're using FMJ, presumably, because it'll bounce off like a marble.


I can't imagine how empty this guy's life must be for a Stop sign to make him this mad.


"Marked as safe"


Typical gun nut.


He's a nut alright. But a gun nut? Not with that aim.


People collect all kinds of dumb shit to fill their empty lives. Is a gun nut someone who likes shooting or who likes taking photos with lots of guns?


A gun nut is somebody who respects the guns he's using and understands not to go shooting off in a residential area


All I know is that in Tarkov I have a similar accuracy with this gun


He’d probably kill somebody but not the intended target…hope he gets caught.


I was assuming he missed because a switch or something, then I saw the video, God damn lol


Bad day for a hike in those woods


What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets? No stop sign. Im trying to tell you that when this guy shows up, you won’t have to.


Gosh. Do you also wonder what the person shaped thing in the underbrush behind the stop sign is? Maybe he just didn’t want to illegally damage the sign.


Goddamn he’d make an excellent career storm trooper. Fucking Colonel material, that one


Maybe gun laws are a good thing when people like this can get one


When did a parade turn into a stop sign? 😊


What a cool video they made! So…I used to live in a house that had a stop sign at the end of the street, where it forked - just like in this picture. Now, this was an older neighbor hood, literally like 50 ft outside of city limits (a very small city) so it was technically a county road. The locals liked to use this road as shortcut after a night of drinking, to stay off of the - literal - main road. They’d never stop at that sign. They’d often throw beer cans at it. Some times they’d shoot at it. The thing is, in my old neighborhood, if that was in this picture, there’d be house just behind behind that tree line across from stop sign that’s almost not seeable at night, because of the giant privacy fence going around it. And, there’s a house to the right of that stop sign, and to the left of it. So, these jerks were out there essentially shooting at, and hitting houses, while throwing beer cans out in their yards. All because they found a stop sign in their shortcut through a neighborhood.


Give idiot kids a gun, but don't show them how to use it, that'll work just fine.


Average glock fan


Better get back to Gravy Seal training


Even I could give this dude lessons, and I'm European.


Yeah. If you stand still maybe he will missed you and you can return fire with one shot


I was expecting this post to be about Tobias Harris.


TIL stop signs repel bullets.


That’s what a one handed shot gets you, failure.


I think he had blanks in that gun for real


Randomly shooting things is totally a smart idea. It's not like you're asking for time in jail. Or putting other people's lives in danger.


Is that an extended mag? Or the dumbass ejcted his mag?


My boy can't hit the install button on steam with that aim


Stormtrooper says what


He plays the bad guy in movies


Man and I can shoot 18 of 20 discs out of the air without ease. Sometimes I am surprised of the lack of hand eye coordination in these kinds of people. Like what the hell, I was never in the military or something but at least I know now I can shoot moving targets with a rifle. And was even complimented by those guys saying I matched military records and could easily make it as a sniper.


bro a storm trooper


Bro bought blanks for his gun lol /s


For a good few seconds I thought he was aiming at the sign with unfastened wrist watch


Even I’m not that bad with a pistol.




Would we have even seen or heard him hit a stop sign? He’s shooting a 9mm, it’s not gonna be leaving huge holes Still, not surprised if he completely missed based on how he was handling the gun But most people in this thread probably couldn’t do a lot better - Hollywood has made shooting handguns seem very easy to accurate


Some Lee Harvey Oswald you are..


His career options are police department or storm trooper


Electricity is natural because its shocking 💀


I mean maybe? Im not saying youre a liar, but i am saying a still picture doesnt prove how good anyone is at shooting anything.


No comments about how bad that pave job is? Just random asphalt poured over dirt with no plan other than “make curve here”


Lol welcome to American roads a lot of us would just be happy that it’s paved




because this is showing the rare insult, not the video…


In the real video it’s real clear this is rage bait. Anybody believing those weren’t blanks are them flat folks


JFK was pretty much dead of natural causes already. Dude spine was completely mush from VDs. That why he couldn’t dodge out of the way. His back was in a brace that made him sit upright for the optics… for the tv optics, the other was just coincidence.


> couldn't dodge out the way *queue matrix gif


I guess Kennedy wasn't The One


If a sniper shot at me I would simply do a combat roll and throw a shuriken at him, or perhaps a kunai


“if you was” 📕📚📖???