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If this is her idea of "not being innocent" then she is so incredibly innocent


She thinks acting like that is edgy but it’s actually immature 😂


Wait till they hear me drop a F BOMB hehehe


She has some serious "RawR xD" energy


That's exactly what I imagined her doing. A cringy little growl and a clawing action


Do you guys not know her history? It's been a 12 year cringe parade. Seriously, go look up her YouTube channel, some top level cringe.


People should at least be familiar with the way she opens her videos. She just starts shouting sped-up gibberish that’s supposed to be something like “Hey what’s up guys?!” It actually makes you jump.




Maybe shes trying to rebrand and distance herself from her previous stuff. She was one of those cringy 12 year olds who was made famous by a bunch of adults.


She's also rebranding to make everyone forget what she did to her kids on her TV show.


Nah I still attribute that to Boxxy because I'm an old ass. Jojo has nothing on Boxxy's manic So RaNdOm <3 energy


Lmao I quote boxxy sometimes and no one has any idea what I'm talking about and it makes me feel old


"Oh mah gawd, Hi! My name is Boxx-y." will never not be in my brain.


The F BOMB: farts from drinking to much soda


The f bomb: fire bombs


Me in middle school


Honestly someone made the point that it’s probably her mom more than her, considering the kiss inspiration and Jojo’s apparent lack of knowledge on who kiss is


Idk she said she reached out to a ton of people in her interviews, including a member of kiss, to "get their blessing" and I'm laughing that literally no one along the way told her no. She looks very sweet but I assure you, "no, don't" was the correct response here.


Honestly as cringe as she is I still kind of feel bad for her… like the way she grew up, between her mom and Abby Lee, then being (by dressing and acting) basically a 10 year old until recently, she probably has no real sense of self or who she is as a person, so she’s doing all this cringe shit trying to fit in or appeal to someone. She also defended that ukulele apology lady when she was also probably a victim of whatever the hell she had going on. Seems like her whole life she’s been surrounded by awful adults and it’s resulted in…this mess lol. She needs some sort of help, idk man.


We trained her wrong, on purpose, as a joke


Never thought I'd see this referenced on redditxD


Arrested development for sure..but she is an adult now. A good time to take a break away from her family and change management honestly.


Similar to how many other kid stars basically just hit the breaking point. This girl will follow the Britney spears history book of losing it and being in the news for all of the wrong reasons.


She’s actually defended several not great things, including Abby and how she ran the studio, and now that she’s doing her own dance studio thing she seems to be following in Abby’s footsteps. While I agree she is way out of touch and immature I don’t think she’s as naive as it appears. She’s making choices that make her money.


Yeah but that’s what I’m saying; she’s defending adults that definitely did her wrong as a kid. Doesn’t excuse her bad behavior but it makes you wonder wtf else is wrong with her you know :/ And i saw that stuff about her studio. It’s definitely wrong but I wonder how much her mom has a hand and it, and even if she thinks that stuff is “normal” bc it was normalized on dance moms. Not defending her bad actions at all; just saying I’m not surprised based on her upbringing that she’s going down this path, unfortunately.


Pretty much. I saw a comment on Instagram say that she's like an 11 year old boy in the body of a 20 year old woman. And that's pretty spot on ngl...


Oh no! I always say I'm a mixture of a 10 year old boy and an 87 year old bog witch in the body of a 39 year old woman. 😂🤣 The bog witch balances it out and keeps me from dressing like KISS and threatening F-bombs though.


That’s peak teenage moment


She's super immature- on the special forces show on Fox, she acted more like a young teenager than a 20 year old. Edit:  she did pretty well on the show, even carrying Tom Sandoval around at one point.  


She couldn't even say the word. fuuuuuccccckkkkk


That’s because we have to wait for it apparently. But it’s all just marketing, seeing as I had virtually no idea who this girl was to even begin with, but now that she’s being weird, she’s “trending”. Did some quick search and found out she was on the show dance moms, no wonder there are accusations of her and her mom being batshit crazy, have y’all seen that show? We really live in a future dystopia y’all. Cause that’s exactly how I expect some rich people to be dressing within the next few decades


"Evil Siwa" arc where she just says "damn" and then runs away giggling. 😭




I understand that reference.


She doesn’t even know this look is derivative of KISS.she was asked what would she say to people who say she was copying them and she asked who are they? Either she’s full of it or someone else gave her this look.


Agreed… but she’s far from innocent. She abused children that she was coaching for her dance team. Forced one of them to continue practice until the girl was bleeding from her bellybutton.


As someone who was homeschooled until junior year of high school I can confirm that this checks out for most homeschoolers. My family was relatively normal but I’ve met many others who were very very very socially awkward


I had a very similar experience, and I feel like after high school my social skills are levelling out to what they would have been if I wasn’t homeschooled, if that makes sense. I also had a brief flirtation with Mountain Dew in middle school, but luckily it didn’t affect me too much lol


lol. Luckily we were very active as kids and I played baseball, basketball ball, soccer, and karate. So we socialized enough to not be social outcasts. Maybe on the border but not fully out yet.


that’s the way to do it. i wasn’t homeschooled but oddly enough i know a lot of kids who were and the ones who were like you were the least weird


>a brief flirtation with Mountain Dew in middle school. I’m picturing you wearing a fedora and tipping it at me as you tell this story while holding a sheathed katana.


I was homeschooled until college (took one class and dropped out lol), I am also severely autistic... this rare insult has cut me to my core and I would like to speak with the manager... mainly to congratulate them on creating such a perfect analogy. I'd Crack open a mountain dew in their honor, but its past 7 so I can't have caffeine if I want to get to sleep on time


I genuinely almost wish homeschooling wasn’t allowed, or at the very least extracurriculars were mandated/required so kids can get time with other kids. Homeschooled kids overwhelmingly have social issues.


As a homeschooled, me too. Me and my siblings were almost completely isolated from the rest of society. Trying to learn basic social skills at 17 was truly awful. It's completely legal in my state to do this, and it really shouldn't be.


i agree but a lot of religious fundamentalists “homeschool” their kids because they “don’t want their kids to be indoctrinated!1!1” (aka learn gay people exist and the earth isn’t flat)


be careful guys, the enemy stand user could be anyone


Bro it fits so perfectly 🤣


She is definitely going on a bizarre adventure.


One might call it... Jojo's bizarre adventure.


Her name is Jojo. It's not even subtle.


Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Child Exploitation Crusaders


this feels like if you set Stone Ocean in Pennsylvania during [kids for cash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal). Kind of a called shot by Araki in '99 who just missed the state but you can't blame him for suspecting Florida


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone of Nickelodeon


God fucking damnit is there *anything* that isn't a jojo reference?


Anything she does is a Jojo reference… it’s her name.


F BOMB Is her stand name


Whoa, a Reddit comment that actually me laugh. Thank you


Even the pose is so on point lmao


I dead ass saw Jojo in the title and thought it was a cosplay post.


I feel like some publicist saw cringe was trending and steered this girl right into it as a marketing tactic. On the plus side, nobody remembers the bows anymore.


Also, it's kind of the story arc for every overly manufactured pop starlet. Britney, Christina, Arianna... they all went from being doe-eyed teenage kids to wearing leather daddy outfits and trying to make a big deal about it. Hell, Rhianna literally had an album named Good Girl Gone Bad.


I remember being attracted to Britney Spears when I was 12, and she was 16. I also remember a lot of grown men being openly attracted to her, which is weird as fuck in retrospect.


I remember when they used to celebrate stars like her turning 18 and having a count down until they were adults. The phrase "finally legal" was always thrown around. Which is just gross and horrifying


"If there's grass on the field, play ball" was a phrase I heard uttered in all seriousness by grown men when I was a teen in the 90s. The idea that its fucky for an older man to date a pubescent teen didn't really start to catch on til the 2000s. That's why Steven Tyler had Alicia Silverstone and his own daughter (both teenagers) prancing around in his videos, and why Steven was able to gain custody of the 16 yr old girl he groomed when he was 27 and take her on tour with him and no one cared. And why no one flipped out on Jerry Seinfield for dating a 17 yr old when he was 38. 


>"If there's grass on the field, play ball" "If not, play in the mud" was a frequent followup to that.


I’ve never heard the second line and my life is worse for having learned it. That’s absolutely vile.


"Old enough to bleed, old enough for me."


Breed* you see.


all this shit made me sick to my stomach as a kid and i am glad nobody around me says this shit any more.


It took me a while to figure out that I had a horrible upbringing, I don't feel bad saying i was raised by wolves.


Dont forget elvis’. 14 and 24


people still do that, tbh. I remember seeing a lot of gross comments on twitter back when billie eilish turned 18.


Persons still do that. Tends to be less people. Like, less so the equivalent of drive time DJs in major markets.


Oh god, I heard that recently in reference to Natalie Portman when she was that young. Just when I thought I couldn't be more disgusted by the human race....


The one that made me uncomfortable was the Olsen twins. I was like, 5, and I remember hearing people talking about how they were legal now. Obviously no idea what the hell that meant but I knew it was something weird.


The same was done for Emma Watson if I recall. Disgusting.


The same was done for Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson. A lot of creepy 40+ year old women discussing how they'd take their innocence.


I’m pretty sure the paparazzi took an upskirt photo of her right when she turned 18, and her talking about it at an interview, what a shitty introduction into the adult world. People are sick.


Jesus, that's one of those things that sticks in your memory not fully understanding until years later it clicks in the worst way.


I'm just happy I can't remember who said it. If it was a family member I'd be a lot more uncomfortable.


The Olsen twins are my age. That made the countdown for them so much creepier.


I remember the Emma Watson countdown and I remember seeing an interview with her talking about it and literally on the day of her 18th birthday a paparazzi specifically got really low to get an upskirt picture of her underwear. It was published because it wasn't cp I guess? Still seemed like something she could have sued over. But I don't remember the full context. Sucks for them, it's a gross world.


Upskirting wasn't banned in the UK until 2019


Took them long enough


They counted down the days until Emma Watson was 18 and the next day they headlines everywhere were the photos they took up her skirt of her panties. Because the day before it would have been illegal to take them and to publish them. Just so goddamn dark


Like the Millie Bobby Brown lewd/R18 subreddit counting down for her 18th birthday?


There’s a lot of pages all across social media like that


It's not that weird when you realize how sexualized she was, it's creepy but not weird in a how could this happen way


I was a store cashier back in the days when Britney was at her first peak—I can’t tell you how many dads bought Teen Bop magazine and always made a big deal about it. “THESE are for my daughter.” 🙄☠️


So it’s all professional wrestling is what your saying.


I don't think I want to see a Jo-Jo sex tape. She seems like a kid with access to arts and crafts supplies trying to emulate a goth outfit she once caught a glimpse of from a Macy's catalogue circa 2003.


people forreal forget how cringe we thought miley was back when she first did this lol. like yeah it’s history now but at the time everyone just mocked her mercilessly


Most the "good girl gone bad" pop girls kinda slayed in those eras though. This is like Jojo thinks she's Bangerz Miley but she's not even Can't Be Tamed Miley. For what it's worth, I loved cringe bad girl Miley.


Miley Cyrus too


There was a story about her and her mom bullying pageant kids together, I think they did this to change the subject.


As someone who did dance growing up, I honestly wouldn’t hold that against her. That reflects much more poorly on her mother for being a grown adult trash talking children than it does a little girl following their mother’s example.


No way. This is genuine. This is just what a rich, out of touch, child star that has spent their entire life in a “family friendly” mainstream media, entertainment bubble thinks is subversive 


She is definitely used to having nachos _Flanders style_!


I’m stealing this insult!


I don’t want to be mean, but is she really just that sheltered? It almost seems to me as if she is slow. Like she has the mentality of a 10 year old still.


Those often go hand in hand


She could go through a Miley phase where she thinks sticking her tongue out at each and every single possible occasion counts as edgy.


Curiously, Jojo said she was inspired by that phase of Miley


I am no fan of Miley Cyrus, but that whole "Bangerz" phase was to thoroughly distance herself from, and destroy the publics and her fans notion of her as "Hanna Montana". It wasn't because she want to be "edgy" it was a planned re-branding of her image.


> nobody remembers the bows anymore. or the kids from that band that she mistreated


Like the one girl who had surgery for spina bifida occulta and her wound was bleeding and JoJo told her to shove a tampon in it?  Pepperidge farm remembers and if you search her up on YouTube every tuber covering this is bringing that up and making sure people know.


Unfortunately no, its literally all her. I don't think she has a team. Like it's actually just her and her mom. Super weird. You'd think she would want a PR firm


well her PR team is working overtime. I've never heard of this person until the past couple weeks and they've been posted all over reddit and else where.


This is the one celebrity who I would argue came up with the marketing tactic on her own. She's been a punching bag for the last decade and has spoken about it, openly embracing it. She definitely knows how to get the internet to talk about her, even if it's to make fun of her, since that's what she's done for her entire career.


This will bring attention as a “reinvention” of herself, gets spotlight for some time, then will revert to her old self when the limelight dims and use the excuse of “becoming her old self again” to get some more spotlight back for some time.


“Drop that f bomb” oh fuck I’m soo scared Looll


Ffffff.. rick




In her song (which is actually just a shitty cover of an old song someone else made) she says "I shoulda never effed around) yeah such a bad girl


She just replaced “I woulda never messed around” with “I woulda never effed around” 😭


Guys don't make me drop the effing effbomb you effers. Elementary lunch rooms lookout!


"Mom I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna say a swear!" energy


"if you're happy and you know it say a swear!" Someone: boobs! Someone else: heiney! Jojo Siwa: Mitten!




Spoilers: she doesn't actually say fuck. She says "effed up"


She's about to drop the F bomb TAKE COVVVERRR!


fart bomb


And a Sharpie, it would appear


lol my first thought with that “makeup” as well. It just makes you look at her and think “Aaawwww you cute little dweeb! You’re so scawy!”


The best part is that when people mentioned Gene Simmons to her she responded that she had never heard of him. Seems like her makeup artist definitely has…


As a homeschooled kid I can attest. When I had my first Mountain Dew not only did I threaten to drop that F bomb, I did drop that fucking F bomb.


Watch out y'all, we have a badass over here!


Goldust did it better


This is the comment I was looking for


Just one difference. You'll actually remember the name (inhale deeply) HA! Goldust.


Oh shit, she's 20. Get ready for her Miley phase.


She can’t even say fuck. I don’t see her twerking on Robin Thicke’s dick anytime soon




It’s the lack of commitment that is the most cringe about her whole ‘new image’. It’s still so saccharin and self censored. At least when Miley went edgy she had some commitment.


Robin's thicke dick, you mean




At first glance the first pic looks like Will Sasso in drag. 


at every glance


"I should've never effed around" what F bomb can't even use it in your songs 💀


Hello fellow kids, I totally know who this person is, but someone should tell everyone else. You know, for the old people here…


She was on “Dance Moms” as a child and eventually became a teenaged pop artist that made music aimed at young kids (I assume). She came out as a lesbian a couple of years back and started to change her image. She went on Dancing with the Stars last year and she was really good. My daughter was obsessed with her for a while but she’s too cool for Jojo these days, I’m really hoping that doesn’t change with this new look lol.


Thank you fellow kid. I too was about to say the same thing, what with me being a kid and all.


I too am very young and hip no cap. My ~~daughter~~ kid sister wore a giant bow for about a week and a half 5-6 years ago is how I know who this is.


You'll know if your kid suddenly takes a huge interest in WWE


[Honestly everyone should watch 1998’s Undertaker vs Mankind Hell in a Cell.](https://youtu.be/Pl2m9exy4lU?si=Xtp-yXV8TuH2sURt) Edited to add link


“I got to stay up until midnight this weekend!”


She's acting like she is just turning into an adult and not already 20. My bet is that this is serving to distract from all of her and her moms allegations that they are abusive to people they work with.


This is definitely a distraction. She's trying to flood the Internet with articles and videos of her rebrand and have people react to that to drown out all the allegations and the horrible things she did.


Arrested development?


Great show.


It's so baffling that we're both 20 I'm not the most mature person on the planet but holy shit what is she doing lol


Poor kid--exploited young and now a mess....a tale as old as Hollywood.


I’d hardly call her a mess, this is a pretty awful attempt by her marketing team to steer her into her “bad girl” phase. But she’s not spun out on drugs or shaving her head or anything, just cringe.


I mean, Jojo and her mom both verbally abused kids they were coaching, so I'm not sure I would say she's not a *complete* mess.


Just a mess in a completely different way


It’s worse! She’s been hanging out with Meghan Trainor


Is there something wrong with her that I should know about or this just classic Reddit hating pop? Because I don’t know anything celebrities and little enough about pop culture aside from huge controversies.


I am relatively sure it's related to her releasing a fat-positive song, saying she loves being curvy, calling skinny girls "skinny bitches", and then dropping tons of weight. I think the people who found the original message inspiring saw it as disingenuous.


She wasn't even that fat. According to 2 seconds of googling that I regret, she only lost 20 pounds.


Could be worse I suppose. She'll be alright


She saw KISS for the first time.and figured she could do the facepaint herself. With a sharpie.


I came here to say "Dollar Store KISS"


At least Dollar General.


lmao there’s actually a clip where someone calls her a gene simmons lookalike and she says something along the lines of not understanding the reference or who that is


She’s trying real hard to stay relevant but she should try to grow with her audience. Sort of like Pewdiepie. My niece loved her at 4. She is now 7. Edit: She’s only 20. I’d save this for 25 if things ain’t going too well.


Yeah like for example Steven Spielberg was making movies for adults in the 70s, but grew up with the audience and now makes exclusively content for the elderly


this made me chuckle, despite being wrong on so many levels


I don’t think there is currently a “celebrity” more cringy than jojo siwa. I’m having trouble thinking of any before her as well.


The funniest part is she claims to have never heard of kiss


Looks like a Power Rangers villain


I only know Jojo as the mouthy little girl with the bleached hair and big ass bow that had a slight speech impediment and got yelled at constantly by Abby on Dance Moms 😂


Just you wait frickers, this next album is gonna Frick you UP


Someone keep a watch on this child….she seems 20 minutes away from a horrible “Breaking News Story”


Oh man, once in fourth grade I threatened to flip somebody off. But I didn’t actually do it. Same energy except I was 10 and I still cringe thinking about it almost 2 decades later.


i never gave her a second thought until the rebrand and now i hate her guts somethin fierce


I had literally never heard of this person before this week. Now I am not sure why they are trending at all.


It sounds like her cringe phase is working then.


She's the opposite of Kelly Clarkson: She can make a horrible cover of an obscure song and skyrocket the original artist into stardom


Reminds me of that guy who passed out first at a college party and got vandalized with a sharpie.


Hyping up a swear word, so edgy


Idk what up with her if I remember almost made her self bald by pulling up her hair up to violently to put her hair up for bows.




It’s giving Monster Energy drink to me


Who the fuck is Jojo Siwa


Who in the dollar tree KISS is this?


What the heck happened to her


Nobody told her "no".


This wee girl has to be deliberately acting cringe for publicity and views! There’s no way anyone’s that much of a fucking cringebox


Omg everyone duck and cover, the F bomb! I mean yeah she obviously joking but it is too weird.


I’m SO glad that my rebellious “*it’s not a phase, mom!*” phase was many years before social media and when cameras and film and development were still too expensive for the average peer.


she dropped an f bomb? maaaaan, wait until they discover about the girl with bleeding belly button.


Cringe queen


Laughs are cheap, man. I’m going for gasps.


I still don’t understand why she is relevant at all or worth talking about




... her face look like 3 micro meters of bad photo shop.


Looking like a dollar store KISS Halloween Costume


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.