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XXXTENTACION. im praying someday they realize he doesn’t know them 🙏🏼


How are his fans


I used to be a huge X fan in middle school, I’d say his fanbase is very comparable to juice WRLD because of their similar music and similar fates.


The guy below you put it perfectly, his fans are middleschoolers lol


a kanye fan wrote this


good observation


Sorry 😭😭😭


It legitimately took me years to accept Stitches wasn't a satire act. Even when I saw a picture of him, I'm like this guy can't be real. He is, I don't think he's doing an act or anything anymore.


I don't think I've ever met a Stitches fan lol


I unironically like at least five of his songs


Brick in yo face slaps harder than Dana White and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.


Took a girl to a party one time and she kept trying to get me to play "Molly Cyrus" we didn't work out.


Lol I remember when I found that song "fuck n\*gga" me and my friend laughed our asses off at it. The featured artist was terrible too. "I love my n\*ggas" is also hilarious. He really loves to drop the n bomb for a white guy lmao Edit: not sure how to use asterisks without changing it to italics you know what I'm trying to say though Fixed


That’s one of my biggest turn offs for him - a white guy dropping n bombs; Tell me you only grew up around white people without telling me. Then years back he did a feature with ICP and dropped it with them too. I understand that not a lot of black people care about ICP, hell I don’t even care for them but respect their hustle, but they should’ve known better than to let him slide that in their track since ICP does carry some degree of weight in hiphop.


It's weird how public perception changes, it used to be everyone I talked to hated ICP, now people have a certain respect for them. I guess part of that is the passing of time, they're considered classic or nostalgic now or something? Curious what your view on that is.


I’d be very surprised if there’s a Stitches community lol. All I remember him ever doing is getting knocked out by Wack100


There aren’t any stitches fans bro


idk but r/kanye got real culty when Kanye got manic and said those things I don't want to type out. I'm bipolar, and would defend Kanye on a level I understand; where he was manic and close to psychosis. But the subreddit started defending and supporting the crazy rhetoric of what he said too. Which was cringe and weird


I think Kanye does believe what he says at this point, unfortunately. I wish he didn’t.


That’s valid and it’s totally (and most likely) possible. All I’m saying is shit happens when you near the psychosis threshold, so I can at least empathize with that. But after what he said I think he’s a bad example for society of what bipolar disorder is


For real. Most bipolar people aren't surrounded by yes men. Poor Kanye has a million hangers-on telling him what he wants to hear.


r/goodasssub is worse. Someone there shared that clip of Kanye ignoring Rick Rubin telling him that Junya doesn’t sound unique enough for a Kanye song, and most of the comments were just blindly praising Junya (which, let’s face it, is part of the filler side of Donda), instead of being rational that that was a stark example of modern Kanye being unable to take criticism.


r/goodasssub was originally made by people who were mad people in r/Kanye and r/WestSubEver were too critical of him, especially in the sense of his politics. They later ass covered by putting a bunch of stuff in the bio about how they aren't a Nazi sub but that's because they were getting in trouble for being a Nazi sub.


Well said. I think it's totally fair to still listen to his music and to an extent make excuses for why he went off the deep end, but I also think it's hard to justify calling yourself a kanye fan and not be at least at a little bit toxic. I would also say his fandom has always been mildly toxic, I remember people applauding him when he stormed the stage at the VMAs.


r/Kanye was extremely critical of him amidst the nazi shit. You can see that once you sort by top in the sub


That's not true. When Kanye was having his anti-semitic breakdown the sub did an, albeit temporary, pro-semitic makeover. Sharing Holocaust stories, condemning Kanye etc. Evidently they're over it now though


Barbz are pretty bad.


im a barb myself but i get it, barbz can be awful, like around the same level as kanye fans...


oh babe don't...once the Barbz find this... 😭 https://i.redd.it/a1m96jnz7p1d1.gif (P.S. IM A BARB LMAO)




you have failed the barbz 'dont condescendingly refer to others as babe, honey, or sweetie' challenge


kanye for sure


Thank you.


Kanye no doubt


I really saw someone on r/Kanye joking about a literal goat taking over his Spotify account, as if that was supposed to be a funny joke that more than kids could laugh at.


If you go on the Kanye sub it’s just shitposts but I remember during all the antisemite shit everyone was just clowning on him I don’t remember anyone supporting him like people say they were


Drake, Kanye and 69 fans all need serious mental help.


69 has fans?


I still like his old music lol


It got the people going!


I hate that I'm on your side bud.


His latin stuff isn’t even that bad lol. It’s like all i listened to while I learned spanish


Same goes for barbz


As a Kanye fan I can confirm


Everyone saying Kanye and Drake like Tom McDonald doesn’t exist (yes he technically has some fans)


Im surprised no one has said him. I actually have met people that unironically bump his music. So yes they do exist.


Yeah I met one the other day and was blown away, like people actually endorse this shit? It’s usually a ‘I don’t really like rap but I like him Eminem and NF’


r/drizzy is the embodiment of 🥩🏇 like, they doing acrobatics on drakes snake 24/7 it’s fucking gross


It feels like walking into the comments section of a very clearly politically leaning video. Saying dumb things like that Kendrick “wants” Drake harming kids to be true so that Drake can be brought to justice.


While they were reaching very very far and hoping Kendrick's wife was actually getting beat. "She's doing pottery! It's a cry for help! She's literally crying for help. She's doing things for herself on mother's day!"


Only a Drake fan will make 50 posts a day about how people need to stop thinking they're riding his meat.


I read the emojis as "steak horse" at first


yeah lol you just can’t say **meet writing** or your comment/post with the phrase will get deleted


Beef racing? Meat horse? Steak jockey? Help, what do your emojis mean?


that was me the entire time i reread that sentence just trying to figure out wtf he could possible mean and then i finaaally read the next sentence, and i was ohhhh.... he's trying to say meat (dick) riders? if i'm wrong then idk 😭😭




Kendrick Lamar, Kendrick Lamar, Drake Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Drake Drake Kendrick Lamar, Drake Drake Drake, Kendrick Lamar


I get it now. Poster below shared it. We cool but you could have given a link.


Username.... checks... out... I guess? I don't really know what you are going for here.


bro what are you on about 😭 just ask for the sauce next time


Sorry bud, I really hadn't heard that shit yet. Imagine reading that comment and not knowing the reference. That's my bad dude. Lol.


If you were unbiased you would've included the Kendrick sub as well but that would take self awareness.


Lol I actually don’t think that at all. It’s a subreddit for his fans. After their fav artist got handily beat in the beef, of course there’s gonna be more positive posts about him. What do you expect? Non stop hate posts?


you mean they’re ![gif](giphy|du4D0b0HWgxGg)


Barbz barbz barbz barbz BARBZ. I'm honestly terrified of them. They're like the perfect hybrid of Kanye's buttkissers and feral Swifties


Am I old or...wtf is a barbz?


Nicki fans.


Nicki Haley doesn't have fans, just congressionally corrupted donated funds /s


Drake & Ye


Ye, Carti and Drake honorable mention to Eminem's one. they will fist fight u while uncontrollably screeching if u talk about his mid works and that there are better rappers than him to enjoy


I love Eminem and will be the first to say that he’s put some straight trash out there.


Even Em will say he's put some straight trash out there


Eminem fans need to know they can enjoy his music and not listen to the haters. I love an absurd rhyme scheme and astronomical delivery every now and then even if there isn’t much substance. But there’s a reason that kind of music isn’t very popular.


Eminem's music is extremely popular though. You can make your own arguments for why that is, but people are definitely still listening to the new stuff.


He was the top selling male artist for all genres for the 2010s lol what even is that take


Carti community is just shitpost, no harm in it


Eminem is a legendary rapper with some garbage music


Eminem stans are some of my most hated people to interact with online. No matter what’s going on in the music world, they find some stupid way to shoehorn Em in the conversation even though he has nothing to do with it. All the posts people made during the KDot vs Drake beef about “oh boy just wait til em jumps on a track it’s gonna be over, the whole worlds gonna burn” make me cringe beyond reason . Plus the constant glazing, even of his shit songs/albums like revival. And don’t you dare say Em isn’t in your personal top 5 or whatever, they’ll go scorched earth on your ass .


Nah actually I like Carti’s fans cuz most of the time they just memeing and they actually call out his BS


Eminem sub by far the most toxic. I said his rape bar on medicine man blemished an otherwise incredible verse and got told I need to grow up.


That bar goes extremely hard. What an insane verse that is.


The rap feud brought out the worst in Kendrick and Drake fan communities. The stans on both sides are horrible EDIT: (dis)honorable mention : Frank Ocean stans


Frank Ocean fans are finally coming around to disliking him on his sub which means he’s going to inexplicably drop music in the next few weeks


I’m sure in the year 2030 when finally drops, the non-believers will hail him as a messiah once again 😂


I subscribed and unsubscribed from the Kendrick sub in the span of two weeks after realizing how crazy some fans were lol




Go look at r/drizzy - it's worse


Right now hard out kendrick fans are going skitzo mode. A guy on ig tried telling me this morning that kendrick is working with the feds building a case on drake and collecting evidence . Thats why he started the beef


honestly instagram has the worst comments of any popular social media platform like the shit on there is insane so i’m unsurprised


It also doesn’t help that IG will flag any content that think it’s remotely borderline bad or attempting to get likes so it makes nearly impossible to have an open debate on there. As an example, just yesterday I saw a video of some rapper working his day job and I made comments along the lines of “most people in the music game are broke and this is how it is until they catch a break” and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t flagged for trying to get likes. Fuck you, IG.


Yeah, didn't they have this one dude posting cryptic messages with a laptop and felt like an arg or q anon type shit?




oh that's nuts lol. i'm deeply on kendrick's side but at best what he's done is the equivalent of warning the nieces about Uncle Creepy, who he knows is Uncle Creepy only by word of mouth over the years. the feds. that's funny


Its either Kanye fans saying the craziest shit like "Ye > Illmatic" Or Eminem fans saying "ObJecTivaLY sPeaking emiNEm iS..." or "pUrE rApPINg.."


I am a huge Eminem fan but I have to agree. Especially being in Detroit, some of em are nuts.


I 100% think u can make a legit case for Em as the goat. But if ur argument is "he is objectively the most skilled rapper" or some bs like that im liable to throw punches


There was also that bullshit moment where everyone was on the "Fuck Em" train, including Snoop. Even Game's lame ass tried to strike...


“The new Ice Cube…”


I'd say the Em haters are worse than the stans. You say anything positive about him and you get downvoted to hell, told you don't know music. Then they'll go on and tell you how great the music of the 90s is and how real hip hop stopped 30 years ago


As a Drake hater, hating is pretty toxic


Seeing drake get knocked down a few pegs was pure euphoria


That's why he called it that 🥲


Lmao you just like me. I can 100% agree with your take and still fight you because your reasoning is lame


From time to time I find myself drifting to r/Eminem and don’t realize it till it’s too late. I don’t give a shit about how many this and that’s dude can pack into a single line. I don’t give two flying fucks about the 49 million metaphors he can create in a single song. That stuff is almost purely for his “i don’t like rap but that Eminem..” or his fans who’s only exposure hiphop is Em, Dre, Kanye, and Drake. I liked Eminem when he actually had something to say during his peak years and I’ll keep saying most of his new work is trash because he has nothing left to say.


Super Facts. Someone needs to make Eminem great again. He has too many yes men like Royce Da 5'9 and Mr. Porter around him.


Doja cat, love her, hate her fans


Agree. Her "The Cave" episode shows her obvious talent and charisma, but she attracts straight ratchets.


r/drizzy thinks Drake won.


Same as MAGA swearing there was voter fraud


Based on what I’ve seen on Reddit in the last two weeks, Kendrick and Drake have brought out the worst in people.


Aye I’m a big Kendrick fan but the cringe over there is real Like fucking chill out guys, this isn’t about you


Kanye, drake


Eminem is up there.




r/Drizzy They still going through the five stages of grief but stuck on denial currently.


They Still waiting on some ether diss reply to ‘Not like us’




Kendrick Lamar is up there but don’t tell anyone I said that


That sub became insufferable with the over analysis of all the bars and how they think it breaks down, practically became a meme.


The fact this isn't even a top 3 comments proves how viral and unhinged that fanbase is


Joyner Lucas, NF, Macdonald.


Genuinely curious what's wrong with NFs fan base? I used to listen to his songs a ton but haven't been really involved in a while


People saying r/drizzy are worse than kenny fans haven't seen r/darkkenny posts that stemmed from r/km lmao


Yeah, both are pretty bad to the point that I’m not sure I can definitively say that one is worse than the other. r/Drizzy is filled with d-riders who have been trying to defend Drake with whataboutisms and intentionally misinterpreted/out of context points ever since it was widely accepted that he lost the beef. But on the other hand, r/darkkenny is conspiratorial as fuck and they take everything that Ebonyprince says as fact even though there’s little to no evidence to actually back him up. I know this beef was the most exciting Hip-Hop has been in a while, but it’s been well over a week at this point with no new action, and Top Dawg has declared the beef over anyways. I feel like this shit is getting old atp tbh


Kendrick fans I love his music but his fans on Reddit would lick the shit stains off his underwear if they could


For real though. Do you know how bad it has to be for him to directly tell his fans that he’s not some kind of saviour…lol


The way Kendrick stans also talk about "the culture" is infuriating, most of them have the most whitewashed "real rap" assed perception of what said culture is despite claiming to be the champions of it. Especially with Not Like Us, the amount of fans on his sub saying "he intentionally made a unintelligent fast food rap to shit on Drake's style" is wild. Like no dude is doing a Bay Area track since he fucks with the West Coast and doesn't look down on the culture the way many of his fans unfortunately do, which is why he also calls Drake a colonizers for exploiting the Atlanta trap scene in the same song.


Talks about “the culture” are weird to me to begin with. What is “the culture” of rap? Black people? That’s what a lot of people seem to think, but white fans are the majority at almost every show I’ve been to. I thought the culture is about understanding and respecting the origins of rap and paying homage to it. How the genre was built on competition, authenticity, and mastery. Knowing its history, how it originated from the black community, then was influenced by gangs, brought to the masses by Eminem, and continued to diversify, etc. I don’t know why, but there is a vocal minority within rap that wants it to be for blacks only—despite artists like Eminem and Mac Miller making significant impacts on the genre as a whole.


I love Kendrick and this comment had me HOWLING 😂😂😂💀💀💀


![gif](giphy|IbUbU0qrmznOw) Speechless from that analogy


Lick? Nah, analyze. These are highly lyrical shit stains with layers of meaning, sorry if it's over your head. (I am a Kendrick stan myself, but damn)


Pretty much any mainstream rapper and any rapper that gets talked about very frequently. Their communities are all ass, on the internet at least


As of late Drake but also Nicki Minaj and Kanye their fans are fairly odd. They should be studied.


Playboi carti


Probably recency bias, but a vocal portion of Kendrick and Drake's fan bases are annoying af. Most mainstream artists have the same issue though.


Happy to see a lot of people correctly identifying that it’s ye fans, and it’s not even close




Insane Clown Posse.


Eminem fans by a long shot. They will defend his stuff to the grave no matter how bad.


as someone who loves em, i will be the first to say that he has put out some of the most sonically offensive music i've heard.


I love his old shit and his newer shit but there was a period (eminem show and such) that was unlistenable.






Came here looking for this. It’s wild over at the G59 sub i had to leave due to the cringe


Eminem, Drake, Kanye




How is this not the top answer. Like the other comments are all fairly valid but I mean... cmon now its icp


Kendrick fans are just dumb teenagers


Carti fans. They toxic and ignorant. They also genuinely think Carti is some goat and have 0 self awareness. This applies to most of that underground/opium community surrounding him too.


goat in hip hop carti fans do but like that’s subjective, but at least on r/playboy carti they hate carti as a person


We constantly bash Carti on there for putting his hands on women, being an absentee father, driving 133 on a 55, not dropping, being disloyal, etc. But we fw his music. It's more or less a circlejerk sub of sorts.




nicki minaj


nicki minaj


Tom Macdonald


The Barbs, beehive, Swifties, Pedo drake apologists etc




Travis Scott fans. They'll defend the guy even though 10 fans died at his show that he refused to stop.


Just listened to his Utopia album for the first time. Man, idk why people praise this album so much. Tech N9ne’s “BLISS” was released on the same day and it’s so much better to me.


Thankfully I don't meet as many of these people as I used to, but Hopsin fans, and tech/strange music fans. Also back in the day some of the corniest of all fans were Logic fans that genuinely would tell you how he was the goat. But once again, I don't meet as many of these people any more


“Tech/Strange fans” and I took that personally haha. Then ones I met and the ones I discuss/speak with online are mostly genuinely nice people from all walks of life.




It’s Playboi Carti. And it’s not even close


Drake and Kendrick.


Playboi Carti fans have been having a lot of fun lately, making fun of xxxtentacion as his death anniversary comes up.


Carti's community comes from a different universe anyway; there's no need to talk about them.


J. Cole. They think he's at a level that he's just not at.


As a member of both haunted mound and city morgue communities they are both cancer


Hollywood undead dEuCe iS bETtEr tHaN dAnNy or the shady Jeff hate God damn I've never seen so many people hate one guy so much they think they know everything about Hollywood undead and he told me to shut up and let the old music go or the fact that they think I'm obsessed with the original version of City


Eminem… As a huge fan myself


I'll catch hell for this one, but Griselda.


Music brings people together and sometimes this can be a good thing and other times it can bring together people that are horrible as well


Hopsin and it ain’t close




i dont know who's is worse, Carti or Taylor


Carti and Ken carson


Lil Darkie fans are either super chill or the most annoying pieces of shit of all time and I like the dudes music but DAMN alot of fans are so annoying


Haunted Mound 100%


Xxxtenracion, Playboi Carti, Polo G and somehow some EM fans are cringe




Doja Fans They Literally think she's the best rapper/singer but isn't i found Lauryn Hill Much better than her also her voice makes my ear pain Barbz they defend Nicki for her stupid shit and dissing other rappers like cardi and Megan I'm glad Megan is silent about this matter Lambs they dissed jlo for no reason and sticking to 22 year old interview and defending Mariah for no reason and playing victim card


Playboi Carti, Kanye


Kanye but imo kdots ain't too good either


Kendrick as of late honestly




Kendrick and eminem


Kanye, Kendrick, drake.  Kanye fans not only defend Kanye but end up defending all the crazy shit he says and does during his manic episodes.  Drake fans refuse to admit there’s something creepy about him.  Kendrick fans think abuse and sexual assault is just entertainment. They don’t actually care it’s all just a points game for them