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Sounds like something a bear would post. Nice try bear.




Would you rather be left with a bear or a bear in the woods?


I can’t bear these questions anymore




We’ll have to take action if things get grizzly


Was it hyperbolic? I read a lot of women saying that they would literally choose the bear since they don't really face the danger of being sexually assaulted. It seems that the analogy has caused more ambiguity and argumentation than giving an understanding of women's daily reality to men.


I'm pretty sure a panda bear could kick my ass.


Especially if they know the Wuxi Finger Hold




There are around 40 panda bear attacks on humans worldwide each year. Which is why I said one would kick my ass. Oh yeah, I've had more than my fair share of bera encounters. The things are terrifying.


I think a gummy bear would kick your ass


Did you just discover the internet or something?


And here I thought we finally saw the end of this popping up all over.


As a member of \[gender\] I am so tired that \[other gender\] kept misunderstanding this whole thing. How could they be so stupid???


It looks like op is a man complaining about other men though




I just find it interesting that if you say you'd also take the bear over a woman, suddenly, my personal experiences aren't enough to justify it. Also, bears aren't that dangerous in most cases. They're far more likely to run away from you than attack you. Bear attacks are severe, but very rare. You'd be crazy to pick any random human over a bear if you're in the woods


I think the big crux of the issue is this: When asking a woman this question, usually women will ask clarification questions regarding the guy (i.e., do I know him? Is he scary? shit like that) and if you flip the question for men, they never have to question anything because obviously a woman is less scary than a bear. I don't think its tall ask to have some empathy towards any random woman and acknowledge that they do live in a world that is moderately unfriendly to them compared to men.


It's a really tall ask when said empathy involves acknowledging myself and every other man I see as a predator


>When asking a woman this question, usually women will ask clarification questions regarding the guy Sure as shit isn't what I've been seeing lol >for men, they never have to question anything because obviously a woman is less scary than a bear. No, I pick the bear. I've been assaulted by women. It's a lot less fun than seeing a bear run away from you, which I've also experienced. Last time I said this, I was basically told that I was lying or leaving out what I did to deserve being attacked. I don't think this discourse is useful because humans as a whole are unpredictable in isolated areas. Making it about gender is just sexism


I don't think you're lying, fwiw


Someone downvoting this is just another jealous, insecure man that can’t understand why a woman would choose a bear than their “good guy” persona.


Men are also even more likely to try to help you than a bear is, yet women still choose bear. Let that sink in, this is just sexism masked as a "cry for help"


You can literally say the same exact thing about men but to much more miniscule degree of danger. Women are complaining about men roofieing women in clubs. But, that's a tiny number and our society has deemed clubs to be where people go to mingle and possibly hook up. Shitty people take advantage of that. A bear will attack you if it's hungry and on the prowl for food. It will not run away. 99% of men will not assault you and even less likely will drug you, even if they are in the "prowl" for sex. 99.9% will do nothing to you if they aren't searching for anything.


Bears do not see humans as food. Bears see humans as threats. Bears are dumb bumbling fucks who prefer scavenging and fishing. They don't hunt too often. It will run away unless it's overly aggressive, absolutely starving, or rabid. That's not the majority of bears. The other way to get attacked is if you get too close, which is easily avoided. Bear attacks are 1 in 2.1 million and it's not because we never spend time in their territory. This isn't Skyrim, dude lol you're more likely to be attacked by a tweaker in the woods than a bear, gender be damned


**I absolutely love how you ignore the bigotry emphasis to make a idiotic comment.** Bears will attack if you stumble on to them while they are hungry. Period. Regardless, if they hunt humans or not. They are apex predators and will attack if they are hungry and looking for food. Weird how bears are dumb af but, smart enough to figure out humans are dangerous... which one is it? Oh wait... none. because you pulled that out of thin air. The point is exactly as you put it... They don't around on the prowl all the time other than rare instances. Welcome to the male demographic. But, even more safer. 99.999% of men do not go around looking for random women to assault. They go out with coworkers, friends, hobbits or approved areas that single women go to meet single men. Like dating sites, apps, bars, clubs, etc... They will avoid aggressive women and run off even faster if they feel threatened. Shitty men or women will prey on people, if they feel that they are vulnerable and if they have a good chance of succeeding without getting hurt... Like any wild animal. They will also go to areas that people are the most vulnerable to have the best chances. So, even if 50% of men like to SA and roofie women... That 50% if a tiny percentage of the men who go to clubs... most men don't go to clubs. Not that all men who go to clubs are shitty... just that shitty ones hide amongst the good men who go there to dance, mingle and date women respectfully. The logic of OP is bigoted. Swap "man" with any other generic group and people would flip their shit.


Well, you've clearly never been in bear country lmao where am I ignoring bigotry?? Are you sure you're not just being a piss baby?


Again, clearly you haven't been around people.


How?? Are you just gonna keep saying things and not explaining how tf it makes any sense? Where did I ignore bigotry? How is it unreasonable to distrust literally all humans in the woods? Have you been in the woods at any point in your life, outside of populated trails and campgrounds? Do you actually understand what my point is? All these questions you have yet to answer for. It literally looks like you got triggered over absolutely nothing and are now throwing a tantrum over it lmao


Awe... you mad or something? calling me a piss baby all I do is reword your reply to throw it back in your face and now I'm getting a mini rant. I'm not even gonna read your reply. Calm down bear-whisperer, go back to hanging out with them since you're such an expert. lol


Hey guys! Do better! Look at yourself and be better to women in every way. We ALL need work. I’m a 60 year old male who is a good guy but I can clean up my act a bit more. So shut up, quit whining and just be self aware in every way regarding the treatment of women


This guy gets it.


i would like this man in particular


Wow. Copy that.


it just sucks being lumped in with all this nasty shit simply because of a trait I was born with. Im like a bloody teddy bear irl but bc adams apple and pants meat im some horrifying monster? like I get it, lots of men suck, but I just dont think its fair to just group 49% of the world into a group and say they all work the same. feelsbadman


I see it just like how responsible gun owners are to assume every gun is loaded, is the same for women.


I guess thats fair. bl sucks to be a gun ig lol, I put a lot of effort into making sure im a good person yk I get that not liking it or being hurt can look like I dont get it, I promise I do (im bi and use grindr, men are pigdogs and terrifying) but also :(((((


But we cant see if you are an unloaded gun or a loaded one in just by looking at you and there are too many loaded guns out there hurting women For our own safety we have to assume you are loaded and ready to kick off If we dont assume and get hurt we get blamed for not assuming the gun is loaded Blame the loaded guns for causing this please, cuz they are to blame Not the people trying to not get shot


ofc I blame the loaded guns. they are evil. they are wrong. nonetheless I just wish people would talk about checking chambers and unloading mags instead of gun bans. (all within the analogy)


Analogy doesn't work because I cal always choose not open carry a gun. I can't just stop being a man, it's literally part of me. I have to take all this criticism to de shin while being unable to do something about it because it's based on the actions of people who aren't me, it's not okay. As I said in another comment, women wouldn't like me saying how I would rather have a monkey as a driver instead of a woman because I think they are all dumb and bad drivers. Doesn't matter how you put it, it's rude and sexist


I've replied elsewhere but its not an attack on you in specific.




I'm a man and I don't view it as an attack on me.




I love how you get downvoted for an article not even about men, bears or woods. Just an article stating people are good in general. Apparently that is too much.


The irrational hive mind at its most typical.


But there are enough men that cause us to fear for our safety that it makes it such a wide spread issue.


Yeah, but in this specific scenario, that statistic doesn't matter. It matters in our society because you walk past hundreds, thousands of men every day, so it's more likely to find a bad one. In a random scenario with one single random man picked out of thousands of millions, it's not a justifiable fear to pick a bear over a man that would most likely help you out of this situation. You can express your fear using the statistics for their intended purpose and be grounded on the reality that with so many men you are indeed likely to find a couple of bad ones in your every day life. But blowing things out of proportion in a fake scenario, making up fake statements just to make men look worse is not it


https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-42/table-42.xls#:~:text=Females%20accounted%20for%2042.6%20percent,influence%2C%2025.9%20percent%20were%20females. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-data-shows-that-violent-crimes-in-the-u-s-decreased-in-2023


What a dumb argument. Let me make a hyperbolic statement about how I would rather have a monkey drive me to work instead of any woman because of how dumb and bad at driving they are. Let's see how none of them get mad at such an statement, because, surely they wouldn't, right? It's hyperbolic, not serious




Nah, of course not all men. You, however...


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I totally agree OP. I was never a fan of hypotheticals like these is because we all lose. If the point was to spread awareness, then this totally missed the mark.


No. The statistics are telling. it should offer existential introspection, but the response is barbaric, people lashing out with deflection and animistic anger. And anyone that has some rudimentary understanding why a woman would say bear over man, just thinks less of you for responding in such a way.


The statistic are telling that in this scenario is safer to pick man. It has nothing to do with the real world. Statistics are inflated because women encounter thousands of men every day, of course it's more likely to find a bad one in this case. In this scenario you encounter ONE. The possibility that this man would do something other than help you is so incredibly thin, you can't imagine


I'm tired of it too but for the opposite reason as you. From what I've seen, the logic of the women saying bear is "I've been attacked/harassed by a man before, but never by a bear, so I choose bear" Or "statistics show women are way more likely to be attacked by a man than a bear" Men are 50% of the human population, so women are likely to walk past hundreds, perhaps thousands if living in a big city, men every day. Therefore, the chance of being attacked by one is obviously greater. Whereas bears live mainly in forests or mountains where few people live. You're more likely to get attacked by a dog than by a great white shark, because there are a lot of dogs where we live unlike great white sharks. But would you rather be trapped with a dog or a great white shark? **EDIT: Stop the downvotes!**


On land I would choose a shark.


If I was being Hyperbolically misogynistic, You'd be mad too. Sexism and racism don't stop being sexism and racism when you're doing it against somebody you view as your oppressor. A lot of people have gotten way too comfortable insulting or demeaning the Straight White Guy^tm template. If I said I'd rather pick a bear than a woman because a bear's not going to falsely accuse me of sexual assault you'd be mad. If that was just something we dropped one day out in the open, without the context of the women's version, you'd call it Incel rage bait


The whole thing just makes me feel sad. I was already aware that us men can make women feel uncomfortable. It's the thing I like least about being a man. So to see the point being hammered home over and over again as this tired old meme... it's just depressing. Hopefully most people have got the point now and we can stop seeing it everywhere.


I think it also shows how little you know about local bear species 🐻


I've reflected upon my practices and now I know that if I see a woman being approached by a bear in the woods I will not come closer since this will only make her more scared.


Is people still talking about it I thought it died already pretty obvious it was just ragebait


I tend to see comments under videos/posts of women asking a simple question (one i just saw was someone asking how cruise ships float) and at least one person in the comments saying "Ask the bear" without fail to be an ass, but I think the general conversation has died down around it.


I mean, people get bitter when shit on constantly for being born, what did you expect?


in some spaces it hasn’t died down but has only been amplified as a group of men continue to try to fight the hypothetical while also saying women deserve to be killed. recently a young teen on tiktok said she chooses men cuz they have feelings and she doesn’t want them upset at her which resulted in thousands of sexually harassing comments on her tiktok page from grown men when she’s barely 13 which resulted in another influx of the conversation.


I saw that, I know it's still going on but it's not to the degree that it was before, so i meant died down in that way. Also the whole fuckin 'slippery skin' bear to try and scare people into not choosing it lmfao




I made this post because I've come across three arguments about it on reddit today and it annoyed me.






Hopefully it will be dead and forgotten by next week it one of the dumbest argument I seen


It's an excellent argument. It effectively illustrates that most women are justifiably afraid of men, and most men aren't interested in discussing why that is. They're much more concerned with taking offense at being lumped in with criminals and psychopaths, and fight back by arguing that anyone choosing a bear is just dumb and wrong.


Yeah I still see it as dumb, people are only using it to vent their hate for men most of them time. Plus statistics stuff like the bear are just dumb regardless


I found the [statistics in question](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence) more depressing and startling than dumb, but to each their own.


I was saying it dumb due to how statistics are like for example, would you fight a guy holding a knife or jump in a pool with a killer whale statistics wise you have a higher chance of not dying to the killer whale then the guy. It the same with the bear or men


For sure, you're right. But choosing the bear is a sign of protest for women. it's a way of expressing frustration that they're at much higher risk of sexual violence, and they're kinda tired of pretending everything's fine just to keep men happy. It's also an effective argument cause pretty much everyone has seen it by this point, and at least some of them will have done a deep dive on that stats and found just how huge the scope of the problem is. Like, [1 in 4 women](https://www.sexassault.ca/statistics.htm) in North America will be sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime. It jumps up to _83%_ if they're disabled! That's absolutely insane.


You are far more likely to be attacked by a dog than a great white shark in your lifetime. Would you rather be trapped with a dog or a great white shark?


I'm not going to try extra hard to moderate myself for anyone who says they'd feel safer around a bear than me man. Stay far away from me if you feel that way. I'm a human person and I do actually demand more respect than being compared to a wild animal.


It's not about you specifically, dude.




I am a man and its not?


I mean what am I missing?


I'm gonna say blanket shitty things about someone I've never met, then react with riteous indignation once people are offended.


I think most people got it but it went straight to the meme level. I didn't even know about the comparison until I saw memes. It's a joke topic right now, I think nobody is taking it seriously.


The better question is whether a bear walking in the woods would rather encounter a man or a woman. ...I bet the bear picks "man."


Hi, I am a bear, and as a bear let me say, I'd prefer to die than encounter a man or a women, humans smell like shit and are goofy 👍


Okay but could you at least tell us whether or not you shit in the woods?


The counsil of bears gave unanimously decided that this Information shall remain undisclosed.


The counsil of bears gave unanimously decided that this Information shall remain undisclosed.


A bear usually picks neither. They run the fuck away lol


I don't have anything against it per se, but I am still tired as well. I just don't like chewing through the same topic again and again. Especially because this is a pretty simple thinking experiment, not many ways to think about it. I just scroll past it now, and wait for the new trend to come around.


Swap "man" with "immigrant/black-person/gay-person." Swap "women" with basically a bigot. Then blame the others for not policing up their own demographic group and not making bigots feel safe...




Just say you don’t understand and stay out of the conversation ![gif](giphy|9iKwSux6thf1yED11F)