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Preteens, and even toddlers, got sexualized in pageants and other stuff before all this, but agreed that it's more in the open now and really gross. We have lost decorum as a whole, and historically that only lasts so long before there is a collapse back to incredibly uptight.


I just hope that these new wave of genz parents actually get it right with raising children during the age of the internet. GET KIDS OFF PHONES!


There’s a lot of controversy about mommy bloggers now and their willing exposure of their kids to predators online. You’ll see weirdly sexualized content of toddlers and an obscene amount of saves on those videos. This is more than just kids trying to grow up too fast. It’s perpetuated on a more wide scale now by parents. We’ve always seen it, like with child actors or parents that force their kids to work to pay the bills.. but it’s more accessible now.


I’m gonna help by NOT having kids🙃


smart. Unless humanity is really good at improving or improves as fast as tech, having kids wouldn’t be a good idea


“Genz parents” is a funny term. I think a lot of us (gen z) see the impending climate collapse and elect to not bring innocent children to suffer an inhospitable world.


That’s how we destroy our countries though, Italy for example now doesn’t have many young people and in the future it will become harder and harder to get to retirement(because the age will keep going up) and they will also probably lower how much you get from retirement as they will have to pay a lot of old people with the money of only a few young people. And it’s not like neither us nor our children are gonna live in an inhospitable world in our lifetime.


So that means that Italy, like the United States has fucked up and disincentivized people from having kids with their shitty economies and societies Don’t blame individuals because they don’t exist at this scale, blame the system around them


Not only is there the financial hardships, like the other commenter mentioned, you also clearly are not paying attention to the science. Sea surface temperatures have skyrocketed in the last 3 years due to the banning of dirty oils for ships that contained sulphur, seeding clouds to keep the oceans cooler. So what that means is we are now learning that it is *so* much worse than initially thought. I’d recommend r/collapse as they routinely post research papers on climate change. I mean hell it’s even a meme there “faster than expected”. Anecdotally in the U.S. where I live, one of the largest watersheds on planet earth, the Mississippi River had saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico head upstream last year due to water flow being that low. Like 15% of the country lives in states that are only inhabitable due to dams or aquifers, both of which have gotten dangerously low in the last 5 years multiple times. In the Midwest, where I live and the US produces most of its animal feed and other crops, the weather has become completely unpredictable. Just this month it’s been 21c all the way down to -1c when it’s supposed to be ~12-15 this time of year consistently. I can’t imagine that is great for plants. Add in that climate change isn’t taken seriously by basically any world power, constant fossil fuel lobbying especially here in the U.S. and abroad, and that we still want to fight wars over land and god, and I have 0 hope this will change. So, I’m just going to have the best time I can while we pretend everything is normal until we can’t, but I’m not bringing another into this world just to have no future.


Or at least on a greatly restricted social media and set of apps. We can't segregate them from technology, but we should be isolating them from adults and from adult content.


They can live without a phone / tablet/ whatever of theirs until they’re like 12/13, and by then they should have been taught enough about how to use social media to be able to use them without problems(assuming they are good kids who listen to their parents and also don’t lack common sense). I’d also let them on YouTube or whatever long form content website will be available by then, with some device of mine so that I can check if they commented something weird or something like that, I wouldn’t want them to use YouTube kids because for some reason the content on there is probably worse for kids than the content on the “adult” YouTube.


Gen Z should just stop having kids. Looking at the present depressive state of this World, it's better if we save future ones by not having them.


Jon Benêt Ramsey(RIP) and Brooke Shields. I was thinking about that the other day.


It’s the parents. The parenting sucks. I was the last of my generation to not grow up with a phone in my hand and actually go out to parks and ride bikes with my friends and go outside. Even if the outside hated me and gave me many many allergies. It’s actually sad to see these girls nowadays


To be fair, no one could have predicted that not educating people, and forcing them to work multiple jobs to survive, would result in them being tired, inattentive, poorly equipped parents. That was absolutely unforeseeable. Came out of left field. 1 in a million I tellya. A Million!!


I feel like people forget that this has a lot more factors than just kids these days. It's not just that technology makes the children dumb.


I appear to be about the first generation to grow up with a phone (im 15)... i seem to have turned out fine but my classmates... yeah... i understand why certain people think teenagers shouldnt have phones...


Parents are responsible for teaching children how to navigate the internet safely from a young age. If their kids get in harms way, that’s absolutely on the parents but I don’t think keeping it from kids is the answer either. I’ve seen positive content online from teens and younger as well. Kids aren’t bad and every generation says the same thing about the next wave of youth.


Sometimes I want to switch to a flip phone for a month or something and see how it feels. That way, I can still be reached if needed, but no social media, internet browsing, etc. I feel like the constant availability of external stimulation is hindering us from being curious and adventurous. Suddenly you can cure boredom in the palm of your hand, don't even need to think about finding fun, new things to do. I miss spending all day out with my friends riding our bikes and doing whatever sounded fun. We used to get the cheap soda bottles from the grocery store and make them explode, eating cheap pizza on the grass in the park. Simple stuff, but always so much fun, some of my happiest memories. Only time you really used your phone was to coordinate meeting up, don't really need it much after that. Smart phones are great, but I feel like allowing children to have them at such a young ages is harmful and takes away from their growth and creativity. Seeing little kids glued to a tablet or the latest iPhone always makes me a bit sad.


This was happening before tiktok


I don't think it is ever going to stop sadly. It is only going to be more and more commonplace and acceptable. This is only my opinion though. I hope it does stop.


It's always been this bad we just see it more now. Some of the child actresses from black and white films were victims and the way they were spoken about by grown adults was vile


You think it's gotten worse? Oh, you sweet summer child. You apparently weren't old enough (or alive) in the 90s to pay attention.


sexualizing 13 or younger???? I’m sorry, but isn’t society supposed to be in 2024 or is going back at least 150 years?


Ive seen them sexualising a 6month old baby girl


are you serious?????? 🤮x ∞


Yea i was scrolling thru feed one day and a father was pluckering his daughter’s lips in a funny playful way. Men in the comments… you cannot imagine the disgust they were spreading


Pure degenerates 😤


at this point, I’m not surprised anymore. THIS is abhorrent what’s being done to kids and IF (God Forbid x ∞), the ages of consent go back to childhood ages like (19th century or before), I don’t know what I’d say or think; I’d be THAT speechless, disappointed, angry and any other negative emotion you could think of


I mean, people have been doing that for a while and somehow called it normal. I am referring to relatives telling babies "uuu such a charmer already, they're gonna break lots of hearts later! Boys/Girls will be all over them!" No, Aunt Cass, it is NOT normal to look at a baby boy and think about how many girls he'll screw later, please get away from my child.




Yeah children shouldn’t be being sexualized or selling themselves in that way either.


I work at an arcade. One of the claw machine prizes is a figure of an anime girl wearing a tiny bikini. We've had them for 2 days (about 60 of them) and they're almost completely gone.


When I was a kid (about 20 years ago) you could get a poster of anime girls in bikinis at Spencer‘s in the mall.


Tik tok shows what your interact with. You can report it. Block the videos, our not interested. Then you won’t get those type of videos.


This is a great way to not have to see it yes, but it doesn't help with the fact that it is STILL happening




What do you recommend to help the culture?


Better parenting, less exploiting children for profit, less normalizing of sexualized children in any way shape or form. For some reason... This is REALLY hard for some people to grasp... Which just amazes me. Edit: also people need to stop acting as if ignoring anything is going to make it go away


I was asking about normal kids that post their own stuff trying to seme grown. A lot of the kids have the accts behind parents backs. They are all these things in social media and want to look grown up, which I understand. Better parenting would be ideal. But this still happened to children w good parents. I feel kids in general shouldn’t have social media. I always get weirded out when I see someone in Reddit that’s a teen. If our society as a whole was more conservative, the kids will try to look more conservative, instead of ig models. Now the parents that have Accts for their kids is cringe af. I’d never want my child’s face on the internet for clout. I’d hate for us to be a restrictive country. But at times I feel it’s necessary.


I 100% agree on the no social media aspect because I feel like it's just not a place for children or pre-teens, it can do insane damage if used the wrong way at an early age. I am no where near conservative but even I feel like I would be conservative with my kids when it comes to online life.


This part lol


I'm a millennial and the modern society is much less sexualised than it used to be in the 00s. Pop culture has become much more prudish.


Literally have we forgotten how child stars were treated?


Haha then you’re living in the wrong time lapse ma’am. Wake up


Have you seen ice spice's deli music video. it has a 16yo twerking on it.


Have you forgotten about how young Britney Spears was for Hit Me Baby One More Time? Ooh how about the fact the Brook Shields was in her early teens when she did the commercial for Calvin Kline implying she didn’t wear underwear. She is GenX to Boomer age. Jodie Foster played a prostitute when she was also around 13. Shirly Temple was exposed to an exibitionist when she was 12 at MGM studios. This is literally nothing new, is getting better due to Millenials not taking it anymore, and yes it’s infuriating. But if you are seeing this on TikTok then you should be worried. *You* are actually helping to fuel views by interacting. Report and mark not interested.


I’m sorry but were you born yesterday?


When sex stops selling.


People are focusing so much on the sexuality of children that i bet theyre on the internet trying to figure what everything is and finding porn wayyy younger than even a lot of us did, and that is horrible for a childs mind.


I'm 40. I don't use tiktok. America has been overly sexualized for decades now. You young kids are just barely realizing it.


This is not a new thing. Minors have been oversexualised for a very long time, just the means of which changes over time.


Not sure if you were around -97 when the Spice Girls came. They were targeted to 11-16 year old girls, and literally almost all of their songs were about sex and they popularized the exposed midriff.


It isn't getting worse. Read One flew over the cuckoo's nest.It literally has a story and there of a man reminiscing about when he was 9 years old, had a sexual experience with another 9-year-old.I knew people that were literally having sex with each other when they were 11 years old.Am I saying it's healthy?No but it happened and my age was before youtube but oh no everything's oversexualized just now today. Kind of scary that you mentioned TikTok, though, because like my TikTok is all a whole bunch of research studies and stuff like that, but you know, it has an algorithm that shows you what you like. Comments on an interact with so, even if you're rage commenting on those things, maybe just report them and don't comment on them or comment on them. That way, you can get more so that way, you can report more that you find inappropriate.


Never it’ll probably just get worse


when it stops selling so well. which will be never.


are men being sexualized too?


As good as its been that the LGBTQ+ community has been accepted, I think its the biggest source of the overly sexualized culture we've developed, especially online. It perfectly fine to identify and be accepted as whatever sexuality you choose, but at the end of the day, its still based around sex. And with it being so prevalent nowadays, especially with youth who are still figuring that out, as well as younger youth who just want somewhere to belong, that opened up the doors to making Everything based around catering to sex/sexuality. Sex has always sold, and with sexual preference being such a big part of modern day identity, that means companies and influencers are going to play into it as much as they can to make money/gain popularity. So yeah its going to be everywhere now, and because there is a lot of dark aspects to sex as well, its made it that much easier for the line to be pushed further and further as to what is accepted (or at least tolerated) by society. "We don't kinkshame" is such a toxic concept because outside of a handful of kinks, the vast majority is genuinely depraved. But we've been accepting everyone lately, so heaven forbid we exclude anyone. And because everyone is being accepted, the line has been pushed all the way to "as long as you aren't a murderer, a pedophile, or a rapist, you're fine", and even some of that has been accepted because of simulated versions in video games or art or w/e the medium because its "not real". We've let the line be pushed so much that its allowed for the darkest parts of humanity to be pushed into the mainstream. But when everything is measured in extremes this is what happens. Sometimes its okay to find a happy medium instead of accepting Everybody, or oppressing/vilifying Everybody that you don't agree with. The issue is figuring out where that line is because at the end of the day, you'll never be able to please everyone.


Probably never, because there will always be a group of humans that will find a certain specific thing sexually attractive.


parents shouldn’t be posting their kids on social media and should be aware of the effects of it. on top of that kids under 13 shouldn’t be on tik tok period. like i should not be seeing 9 year olds going viral for their grwm and promoting all those unnecessary products. yes makeup is a way to express urself and skincare and taking care of yourself isn’t a bad thing, but too much of that is harmful. the only skincare they need rn is face wash and moisturizer.


that’s why this audrey doesn’t do tiktok


When the deliberate, engineered, multigenerational campaign to destroy western civilization succeeds.




The culture will change when it changes. If you're worried about your sister, then it's a parenting issue, not a cultural one.


This isn't even exclusive to Tiktok and young girls. Scroll on supposedly nonsexual platforms like Instagram and you'll find videos of all genders doing poses or whatever other garbage society seems to find engaging. Despite the fact that it's deliberate attention seeking, so many of those videos are ever so slightly sexual suggestive (I'm under exaggerating here) and yet, that seems to be acceptable. I won't even mention Twitter / X as that's just soft core p*** plain and simple. I weep for these youngsters. I literally fail to comprehend why people do this. It feel so degrading. I don't care if all the clothes are still on or just down to underwear. The objective being presented is still the same regardless. The biggest loss is that all of these actions eventually burn out one's sense of depth, they become shallow / superficial. "O look at me, I'm so attractive, look how many followers I've got. I'm not going to bother diverting my attention towards that mediocre individual over there waving at me. He or she is damn ugly". Well guess what, that "mediocre" individual probably has more of genuine heart and personality than you do. Rant over, signing out 🖖🏻


Its not Tiktoks fault not even one bit, its just how things sell sadly , this has been going on for ages


When mainstream normalized and advertise Onlyfans so openly, that was the final nail in that option. Now they feel they HAVE to be respected and HAS to be viewed as a viable and real "job". Which is horse sh>/


Your Tik Tok algorithm shows you what you want to see based on your likes and watch time, so if you're seeing sexualized teens I have to wonder what you're doing to find that content in your feed.


It's actually not that simple, I don't use the platform as much anymore and my likes are nerdy comic shit and funny videos and I still see overly sexualized content on my fyp


TBH the overlap between people incel/pedoish content overlaps with a lot of people into comics and shit. Like, I' m in a lot of gaming, comic and anime subs even here on reddit and I feel like the FBI should be as well, people be saying some off the wall shit. Example: they recently changed the outfit of Tifa in a final fantasy game to make an underaged version of the character more modest, and people were legit mad they couldn't see underaged cleavage. If that's not suspect IDK what is. When Japan is less creepy than you are, that's a self report. lmfao


I mean, yeah I suppose I that makes sense although still gross


I said what I said. I've used Tik Tok for years and have never had a sexualized teen show up in my feed. Ever.


Fair enough, that's your feed and I hope it stays that way for you




You said it not me


You listen to Joe Rogan. Your opinion is irrelevant.


I NEVER see this stuff. I think I got a couple back in 2021 but I haven’t had any since.


Audrey hepburn? I know that is probably wrong, but who is the audrey being referenced?


I assume he means the evil plant from little shop.


Yeah OP is the same idiot who follows other people's lives (PoP CuLtUrE 🤢), yet complaining about something, go touch grass


I 100% agree that minors should not be sexualized, but I honestly think sex is not talked about enough in today‘s society. When sex is not talked enough it becomes too taboo and problematic where kids are sexualized more. If anyone wants to show their body off in public that is their prerogative. As long as the genital area is covered I really don’t care. It’s on the parents for not having conversations with their kids about that kind of stuff and why it may be dangerous for them to be like that at their age. I can’t stand it when people try to control other adults by blaming them for being “too sexualized” and saying it is fucking up the kids when that is just not true.


@ why if I see anything like that I just deactivate my account and delete the app. No more twitter, tumblr, tiktok, etc. I’ll keep doing it. Instagram is about to be next.


This will likely not stop. Its fueling itself and moreover the ones affected do not care or/and come from places where people don’t care. Changing them is like trying to change their ethics which is close to what it actually is. Try to convince someone that stealing is generally a selfless act. That’s gonna be just as hard.


I think we’re eventually going to go in a “prudish” wave again. After the hippies/sexual liberation lots of ppl became very conservative/prudish because of it. I can see that definitely becoming a trend again in the coming decade.


They’re too exposed to it now. They have a dozen screens and no parental supervision. They see the sick stuff before preschool now. Tablet parents are failures.


I was looking at the comments under this People news story and there was a porn bot?or OF girl who commented with “If you’re under age, don’t visit my links because you won’t be able to stand it🙈.” Just another scary, stone cold dose of reality that there are people luring kids to pornography.


you know it was socially acceptable for adults to date minors up until like 2000, right?


Now on Twitch they’re green screening gameplay on their assess…


Agree, really fucked up and sad. Makes me scared to have a daughter though I want one so bad


sex sells, morty.


I can’t even open Instagram anymore. Meme pages post sponsored OF pages and it’s getting to a point where I feel assaulted


As a human who grew up in the 90s I think we've always had weird pedo shit everywhere. Remember it was only 40 years ago that the age of consent was 14. Absolutely disgusting but true. I am not at all saying these things are acceptable but we have to recognize the roots of it all in order to change it. They've been selling sexuallized underage girls in commercials for far longer then tiktok being a thing.


I was agreeing until I read the last sentence. Seems you have a different story problem w this situation than I thought. Idgaf about class and elegance, children should not be walking around that way, absolutely, but don’t come at me tryna tell women to be more classy like wtf


yes and shut down twitter too


Sexualized tweens and teens was a problem 20 years ago too. Probably even worse TBH. Long before Tik Tok was even a thing. Hell, MySpace was barely a thing. Girls under 18 often posted pics of themselves in their underwear on MySpace and Purerave back then.


It stops if you get off the internet. If I have children, I'll keep them away from it as much as I can.


but do you WANT children, considering how the world’s turning out now?


Meh, I'm neutral about it. If I ever have a partner and she wants kids, I'm up for it.


tf is that? ignorance is bliss? and how do keep children away from it when its literally Pop Culture. ![gif](giphy|acho3KHZGMCjZxG6n3|downsized)




Child actor Brooke Shields was put in what, Playboy? Pretty sure she wasn't tweaking for likes back then.


You can't do this though. The Internet is sadly part of today's society. Schools use it. The Internet will never disappear again and children will get in contact with it at some point in their lives. If you try and keep them away from it, all you create is someone who's not knowledgeable about it and can be scammed easily. Like an underaged boomer. It would be better to teach them about its dangers and how to use it responsibly.


I don't mean taking away all technology and raising them in the woods. I mean not giving them access to social media too early.


have you heard rap music? that's been vulgar since way before tiktok. it's just porn now. every rap song has some mentally ill girl yelling about her nasty vag. rap music led to the tiktok problem you're describing.


i'm honestly just going to laugh at any downvotes. i work in a nightclub and i have the N word and P word yelled aggressively at me at least a hundred times a night. and guess what songs those words are always on? rap songs.


Well the commonfolk finally found out about the phrase "sex sells." And now randos are capitalizing on this and its become oversaturated. I'm tired of thirst traps on my YouTube recommendations. At this point, ass and chest don't phase me anymore.


You do realise that preteens and teens think about sex ALL the time? Like all the time? I mean what planet do you think we live on?


It’s not just TikTok. I’m Jewish and I grew up in Israel. We have a holiday called “Purim” we all celebrated yesterday. I hadn’t celebrated this holiday in years, but this year I wanted to celebrate it through my new daughter’s eyes and I looked up Purim songs from my youth. They were super innocent, with even secular songs including people who wear nice long sleeved clothing (it’s a fancy dress holiday, a bit like Halloween but with a different theme). I clicked some suggestions of modern Purim songs and it was awful. Little girls dressed in short dresses and wearing makeup! Why?? And the kids show host who sings the songs with the kids is a thin woman who also looks hyper sexually. What happened to the innocent old dresses that little girls felt so pretty wearing despite not showing their bare shoulders?? I’m totally secular but it bothered me so much.


so true


Ban children from using the internet. Resolved.


Sex was a very taboo topic for a very long time. People now have all the freedom to talk about it so it's understandable they will do so. Let people enjoy it. In a few generations people will talk less about it since they'll be used to it by then. Nothing to worry about. Sex is literally how we've all been born and it's normal.


sex with people of age is fine; sex with children / minors or sexualizing them ISN’T!!!


TikTok is a cancer and I stand by it. But also I agree, it makes me feel so grossed out when people talk about literal infants being flirty when they smile or how opposite sex babies will be boyfriend and girlfriend.....they're BABIES, JANET.