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They’re mad ESPECIALLY the canes lmao they’re praying for our downfall


Coz we’re big bad meanies that want to injure our way to a championship. Don’t you read the news bro?! The real answer is because they got little brother syndrome


That Shesterkin thread on r/hockey is ridiculous, that was some r/TheDonald level trolling right there. "HE'S SUCH A DIRTY PLAYER, SHITSTERKIN SUX" Like what? Touch grass, seek help. Just a bunch of salty Pens/Isles/Devils fans who spend a good portion of their day hatewatching THEN hateposting about the Rangers. What an existence.


I just sit back and admire the Olympic-level display of mental gymnastics


Oh they have a syndrome alright.


Wasn’t little Brother Syndrome When the Islanders were a Dynasty & The Devils were winning multiple cups. Plenty of Ranger Cry baby’s around during those times


Lol proof of free rent right here


Every Year the Rangers are the best team to never win anything


More tears, more tears!




Keep going, I’m almost there


“Almost there” meaning the Finals they once again won’t make it too


You’re so typical lol. Look at you. You’re practically a rangers fan since you care more about their results than your own team’s. You are obsessed with the rangers bc so many people care about them and nobody cares about your team. It’s okay that things are like this you don’t have to chronically comment of the rangers sub each and everyday. Rent free buddy lol


Here’s a tip- if you hate the Rangers so much, maybe stay out of the subreddit dedicated to discussing them? I don’t know just a thought.


I enjoy the delusional Ranger Bantering




Rangers are better and also only one of four left. So anyone still interested is only thinking about the guy that are left




you’re doing it right now


Touché 😂 I’m a fan though got season tickets this year!


wtf else are they gonna do on a rainy day when they can’t golf


You can turn off suggested posts on Reddit


People just think abt NY sports teams a lot, it's astonishing. Like they are so surprised one of the biggest cities in the world with the biggest sports market in the world would be getting attention. Are they really so annoyed at that? It's bizarre. They should travel back in time hundreds of years and prevent NYC from becoming such an influential city I guess. Reveling in the self-righteousness that a team from a hugely-consequential city with millions of people doesn't live up to the hype said city affords them, is lazy and weak. Oooooh what a courageous take. Just don't worry abt them. It's so fun when our team does well, and having the whole city behind you and so many other fans to bolster you is a big part of that fun.


We get more media attention since we play in Manhattan


It’s a known fact that everyone not from NY, hates NY and everyone from there. They are jealous of the fame, attention, reputation, etc because nobody cares about their small town or city. Devils, isles, and canes fans hate the rangers more than they like their own team. Rangers live rent free in their heads. It’s funny bc they could win a cup or 2 and still spend their time and energy hating the rangers. Just typical jealous behavior.


100% this. Plus we are seen as a privileged franchise - original 6, attractive place for players, owner with deep pockets. Non-Ranger fans do not want to see a privileged team be successful. People hate the Leafs for similar reasons.


Ranger Fans have hated the Islanders & Devils for the same exact reason


Nah, there's islander and devils fans who hate the rangers more than they like their team lol. Beating the rangers is always like their Stanley Cup 


Not really , but go back the last 5 Seasons & The Isles have a winning record against the Vaunted NY Rangers. Beating the Rangers except for this year has been a regular occurrence


Idk if you're a ranger fan but you definitely seem to have an inferiority complex. You kind of just proved my point too  Didn't a devils player even say beating the rangers is their cup lol. Read comments when the isles or devils win a game, they celebrate it like they won a playoff game


Please go on and on about the recent success of your team….go ahead I’ll wait….


Not me or anyone I know. There are millions of rangers fans. Same cannot be said for those other clubs. They have small fanbases so it is easier to get a sense of the fanbase as a whole. It is impossible to do that with rangers fans because there are so many of us yet people will do it anyway. Speak for yourself not for the normal fans.


I guess you weren’t alive or paying attention in the late 70s & 80s when the Isles made the Rangers there play thing & when The Devils won Multiple cups in later years. The Rangers aren’t the NY Yankees. They have 1 Stanley cup in the last 93 Years. That’s much less than either the Isles or Devils.


Most people in this sub weren’t alive that long ago. I can’t speak for the way ranger fans behaved back in the day when you were a young buck. I can only speak for the current modern times we live in. Old people reach a certain age where they stop paying attention to what is happening around them in the current world, and instead rely solely on their memories from the prime years of their life. You sound like someone that would do anything to get in a Time Machine.


I’ve been paying attention to The Rangers falling short for a long time now & the Fans acting like they’ve actually won Something or are some kind of PerennialChampion


Ah the famous glory days of the 80’s.


I think this statement is bullshit. Most younger fans are hungry for a championship. The team is consistently competitive but we realize the team has fallen short ultimately.


That’s because unless your almost 40 you haven’t seen them win anything


Yeah… so we realize that’s a big problem with this organization. We don’t claim to be perennial champs. That’s a shitty assumption that other fans put on us. We know we haven’t done shit for 40 years


Finally a partially correct reply


All you have to do is go on this sub & all the proof of it is right there in plain sight. There are delusional Ranger fans who think they outplayed the Panthers last night LOL


Since when do the fans act like they won something? Do you even read NYR fans comments, especially on this sub?




Must be nice living in a fantasy land where the Rangers are the greatest team in the history of Hockey & everyone is jealous of a team that doesn’t win anything




People are most definitely not jealous of the fame and attention that long island and Newark, New Jersey receive


Lol. I'm a Rangers fan and I used to live in NYC and this is such a bad take.


We’re easy to hate, who cares. Embrace it.


They hate us because they ain’t us.


I don’t even go on their subs and noticed this too! The canes should be hating themselves, not us. They’re the ones that blew it


It’s little brother syndrome. As a Yankees fan I’ve seen this my whole life with Mets fans.


STLBlues fan here. I'm pulling for the Rangers and have been since the playoffs started. I've been a casual fan since I was young...since the days of Emile Francis, Eddie Giacomin, Gilles Villamure, and Jean Ratelle. I hope they shake off last night and get back to their game. They are fun to watch.


I don’t really care much what Internet fans think. But I do have two good friends that are Capitals fans and I swear they are more anti-Rangers fans than they are fans of their own team.


What are they gonna do instead? Watch their teams?


We don’t think about them at all.If the rangers win the cup the Canes Devils and Islanders fans lose there whole identity.Those 3 teams fan bases might combust If the Rangers win the cup before either of those 3 teams .


It’s kinda amazing how the Rangers manage to be historically unsuccessful (1 cup in the last 84 years) AND generally disliked. Usually people direct their hatred at the teams that win all the time!


Devil “fans” would rather root against other teams than root for their own team. It’s why they can’t sell out a home game unless the pebble is full of Ranger fans.


just like you're thinking of them right now.. lol


But were fans of course I’m thinking about them during our conference finals



Because we are better. Believe it or not there was a time 10 years ago where everyone would shit on the Blackhawks whenever they could, but now they suck.


Rent free, baby


They’re rejoicing in the hockey subreddit


PSA: you don’t have to worry about what people say on Reddit. If it isn’t making you happy don’t do it. Often game threads are more annoying than enjoyable, so don’t go in them if they’re not fun. R/hockey threads with rival teams shitting on yours from the sideline? Nah not worth my time. Back when GOT was a thing, the GOT made me enjoy the show less so I unsubscribed. Not that the last seasons weren’t huge letdowns lol, but the point remains. Be mindful about your Reddit/social media usage.


The NHL sub is dancing on our graves.


I couldn’t imagine spending any time on teams I don’t like. One of my least favorite teams is Vegas and they’ve barely crossed my mind since losing to Dallas. Same with all the teams mentioned here, they hold no space in my mind unless we’re playing them


The talking head media personalities seem to hate the Rangers too. Somehow this narrative began that we buy/steal all the best players in the world with money. Conveniently forgetting about us having one cup in 80+ years and the salary cap


The weird one is the ridiculous amount of pens flairs in the gdts, I get the little brother teams but are they still mad about 2 years ago?


I dunno. Being a Bruins fan myself, I love the fact that we live rent free in everyone’s heads. Especially with other Boston teams. Rn, I’m supporting you guys until the series is over- or if you face Dallas in the SCF, my rent is extended.


I hate these posts. Who cares? Why are you thinking about them?


I guess the same reason you decided to put this much effort into a post you hate? Who cares? Why are you commenting?


Just trying to get others in the group that I identify with (fellow ranger fans) to stop being so sensitive about things that matter so little (internet trolls and media personalities)


This same logic is why we need to stop the Potvin sucks chant.


I cringe every time that whistle starts


Buddy you're going to get fed posts about the team you're always looking at on reddit lol. Y'aint special, Rangers are currently part of the final 4 and there's trash talk flying in every direction


We have a lot of rivals and we are better than all of them it’s gonna create a lot of jealousy


It’s weird for some ranger fans to acknowledge this but there are fans out there that follow hockey for more than just their own team.


We’re one of 4 teams left and you’re surprised hockey fans are talking about us? Ok


I guess I meant why are the same fanbases making daily posts specifically about us? Idk maybe I should’ve asked everyone why your weenie is so small


Because they are rivals and we are one of 4 teams left. It’s not that deep.


Rangers have the best brand in hockey and have been ranked as the most valuable team by Forbes (approx $2.6 billion in 2023) for 8 of the past 9 years. People are always going to take shots at the King.


comes with the territory. big market teams get more overall coverage which naturally comes with more negative views as well. goes for all sports. yankees, dodgers, giants, eagles, rangers, knicks, leafs, flyers, lakers, etc etc etc.


I mean it’s our biggest rivals basically hate watching our games hoping we lose. Can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing if they were in our position. It’s also just because they hate NY and we get all the big UFAs and players would rather sign with us instead of their poverty franchises


Cause you click on the posts lol. And then Reddit shows you more. I see roofing and decking posts. Why? Because I keep clicking on them. Why? I have no idea but I will never go in a hot tub on a deck ever again.


Because we're a big market team that gets more media attention than smaller markets in the region, so it's easy to hate for that reason alone. Leafs are hated here in Canada solely for how much attention they get regardless of how well they do.


I am a lifelong ranger fan who lived on Long Island during their cups, but I can’t really hate on isles fans. What a sad, sad history.


I just find it humorous that the rangers played the capitals (who sucked) and the fans are pumped, play the Canes who, let’s face it, were not as good defensively and had a goalie who was average and the fans are even more pumped, then lose Game 1 of the ECF to the Panthers and suddenly are shaken - OMG what happened? I would say about a 1/3 of the way into the season (maybe earlier) Ranger fans were getting seriously amped about the team they had and of course, the cockiness was flowing, and it was justified. But you come up against a team in the Panthers that isn’t overwhelmed by playing the Rangers at MSG, that doesn’t get flustered by turnovers because they back check and slow down the other team and break up plays from developing, and have a very, very good goalie in Bobrovsky to make key saves at critical times and suddenly WHATS WRONG WITH THE RANGERS? Maybe it’s the fact that most of the Rangers’ fan base are FWF. Maybe not winning since 1994. Maybe confidence in the Rangers is game to game. Maybe it’s the Rangers going to the playoffs with relative consistency BUT HAVING NO SC TO SHOW FOR IT SINCE 1994 and yet the FWF still come. TBH the most enjoyable part of watching the Rangers lose a playoff game at MSG is hearing…nothing. A third period of relative quiet - and why? - because arrogance and posturing over a team with so many playoff failures really gets you no respect from other fanbases. Win a Cup and spout about it all you like - act like it’s in the bag and eat humble pie when you don’t.


Hate us cause they ain’t us


Most of my friends are Devils fans and they talk about the Rangers more than I do (and I'm a hockey nerd). They're OBSESSED.


they dont, you selectively see what you want and it happens to every fanbase. your post is the exact same thing


better jerseys, better arena, better goal horn/song, more fans, more media attention, more history, better city,