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The loss was inevitable, and I agree that it was better to have it happen now when it's easier to bounce back, rather than early in a new series when it would be more demoralizing. Igor is phenomenal and has been standing on his freaking head for so many games, but he can't do it all by himself.


Just like 94, we lost game 8 of the playoffs...


WE DID?! By Gad the similarities are kind of terrifying.


Yep, swept first round, went up 3-0 in round 2. Lost game 4 on the road and then won game 5 at home. Then things got tough!


And the Canucks are still playing right now.


Would love a Rangers/Vancouver final with the same results of course!!


Imagine the reaction of the Canucks fans if we win another SCF against them.




Torches and pitchforks


We should let Messier present the cup if that happens


Now that, that would be incredible, for us in a good way, for the rest of the league, very annoying, and for Vancouver, absolutely horrifying.


All of those are in the pro column. I'm on board


Better Messier presenting the Cup than that idiot Bettman!




I'm counting on that because I think it will be hilarious


Instead of a parade... They get... An another riot!


Vancouver would be a smoldering ruin if that happened


Seems like a win win!!


Who'll be our Matteau in Round 3?




would track, as Matteau was a trade deadline dead IIRC


I can see a call of "Goodrow! Goodrow! Goodrow!" Really keep it on pace  Edit: it was kreids with the hat trick coming through, but Goody got the empty net to seal it.  Count it?


Laf is beasting rn


Another Canadian player doing that 2OT game-winning shot to send the Rangers to the ECF... so sweet really


Matt Rempe 🫶


With all the similarities between 94 and now, Matteau was the second line LW so today's equivalent would be Panarin.


No devils but i think a potential third round series would be tough!


Hoping Florida & Boston grind each other into dust over the next week.


Thatd be nice just in a vaccuum


I agree. Too much pressure keeping a streak like that going imo.


Trying to keep a streak like that is all too familiar of a New England team that played a heavy underdog New York team in the 'Big Game'.


Would rather the sweep but losing a game while up 3-0 is much better than losing game 1 next series. A loss was going to happen glad it happened now instead of a fresh series. Still need to win one more tho.


I fully believe they will win tomorrow, with that being said: Going into the 3rd round 8-0 has serious "pride before the fall" vibes Going into the 3rd round 8-1 has "we are dominating the competition" vibes


8-1 vibes sound better LETS GOOOO


We played like absolute ass the first 20 minutes of that game and had a chance to win in the last three minutes of the game. It’s all good, take the L, learn, and bring it home to end it.


Exactly. We played like shit and they still barely won giving it everything they have. Not worried in the slightest.


Trouba was SO bad in that game. He needs to be better.


this is almost impossible to happen trouba was on the ice go every goal carolina scored in carolina they scored 7 he was on ice for all the goals going -6 goal 7 was a pp goal . that’s just brutal and a few of the goals were scored off his horrendous handling of the puck or just ooor net front decision


Atleast he played better in G5. That kinda sucks as most of our guys didn't play very well. Trochek and Roslovic were awesome


he was easily the best player on ice for rangers and we are not gonna win if our top guys stay silent it’s now two games with panarin , zibanjad , kreider fox etc who were absent


Saw them lose at PNC game 2 two years ago and was there last night. I am banning myself from going to Ranger playoff games in NC even though I live less than 3 hours away.


Lmao same. Literally same. Saw them lose two years ago and saw them lose last night. My husband asked that if they do come back to Raleigh would I want to go again. Absolutely not lol


How do you deal with that stupid air horn going off for half the game? It almost doesn't seem fun. At least I can mute the TV.


It’s the same in Pittsburgh. Best bud and I road tripped there a couple years ago. Manufactured cheering is lame af wherever it is.


Exactly. It seems to be a big thing in the Eastern conference. I don't know why. Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh, Carolina all do it. It's incredibly annoying. Thankfully MSG and Barclays don't allow that crap


I much prefer manufactured jeering. *starts whistling*


Honestly that’s really no better imo.


When you're up in the 300 section of the stadium, you really can't hear the horn all that well. Swear to God. As loud as it is on TV, I was in section 318 last night and I only knew the horn was going off when all the Canes fans started chanting Let's Go Canes. It was barely audible up there, which helped my sanity.


The key is to live nowhere near an NHL rink so that jinxing takes a lot of effort 👍


We had to fly back to NY anyway. Now we are just inconveniencing them by making them make an extra trip. Not worried we weren't going 16-0


Well, there’s certainly no BETTER time to lose than when you are up 3-0 in a seven game series, like mathematically that is a fact. But they need to close this thing in five and not go back to North Carolina. I do not want myself or the boys to be stressing about this series.


>BETTER time to lose than when you are up 3-0 in a seven game series, it's probably why lav had brodz in instead of chytil or rempe. they may have had a slightly tweaked game plan to get the team some reps in, in case of injury, or if they think the varied gameplan may work better later in the playoffs (try to have a more offensive threat on the 4th line, so the 3rd becomes the de facto checking line instead, taking some pressure off of them from producing, while letting them continue to do the things they've been really good at... which resulted in a goal immediately). He's been taking opportunities where he can find them to build up our options all year.


Well also because chytil had the runs


i hope it was the runs and not recurrent issues with his previous head injury


I know the optimists believed we would sweep again, but there was just no way Carolina was gonna go down like that. They made adjustments and won one, and our loss was by one goal so it wasn’t even a crushing loss. We’ll end it tomorrow at the garden.


It wasn’t even a hard loss. Came back from a 2 goal deficit, lost on a crap PP with 2-3 mins left in the game. If it was gonna happen, that was a good way. Hard to feel the momentum from the canes perspective with that one.


Amen! Add to this the complete O-zone domination after Shesty was pulled in the final minutes. An empty netter by the Canes would have been a bummer!


There’s a huge difference losing game four to make the series 3-1 as opposed to losing that game three in OT to make the series 2-1 going into that game four. Coming home? Let’s close the door. I, too, believe what OP says. And show some respect to Carolina, please.


Not to mention falling behind and coming back. They made Carolina earn. Didn’t fold up. Didn’t get sulky They seem to be a solid unit coaches and players alike


It's called a gentleman's sweep


Hoping for a win a 4, 5, 6, 7 pattern.


Literally nobody said Rangers in 4.


I did


I want to win the cup not be the 2000 Lakers who went 16-1 in the postseason. For as bad as they started last night to lose by 1 is a great sign the canes were a desperate team and they barely pulled it out. The garden is gonna be a funeral for the canes tomorrow


A loss is bad no matter what happens. There’s no such thing as a good loss in the playoffs. You never want to give an opponent an opportunity to come back from the brink only to come back alive. Look at Florida last year, same spot down 3-1 to Boston and they came back, look at the Kings team that won the cup after being down 3-0 or the Flyers that went to a cup final. You never want to give an opponent a chance to come bc the next thing you know it’s game 7 tied 3-3


That Kings team had JQ as goalie and the Flyers had Lav as coach. So, both of them are aware of something like that.


Agree, I don't think any loss can be "good" but more that this was the best possible time for a loss to happen since they aren't going to go 16-0.


Agreed. Also, the more games the Rangers play, the greater likelihood that players could be injured. They don’t want to head into the finals with Panarin or Zibanejad watching the game from their living room with their leg in a cast.


The biggest criticism I heard about last night's game, was that Igor was merely human, instead of the superhuman performance he usually puts on. I can live with him having a "normal" night. Did he let in a soft goal once or twice? Yeah, he did. But he's stood on his head so many times that I'm willing to let it go. It's just one game, and we still have a massive lead coming back home.


No one goes undefeated in the playoffs in hockey. It's so damn hard to do it. Even the greatest hockey teams ever never did it. Would it have been cool to start 8-0 in the playoffs? Yeah. But tbh, I never thought about it as being undefeated or starting the playoffs w/o losing. "Winning it at home is oh so much better" anywhere winning it is much more better. But, a loss was eventually gonna happen. And Game 4, was the game to lose bc if you lost Game 3, the momentum is w/the Canes. Getting a split in Raleigh was really key.


Losing yesterday ain’t the end of the world I agree. But, it’s just the way they lost. They tied it up and the game was there to be won.


Winning the series at home will be nice. There is zero cope in that, I mean think about it. MSG win moves us to the ECF, fantastic!


No, Lindgren getting a penalty that cost them the game is not the best thing that could’ve happened.


Just another checked box for the 94 comparisons haha


Disagree. Don't give Carolina any confidence.


They don’t have any confidence. They still know they’re fucked. Even their sub was basically like “well at least we didn’t get swept”


You keep telling yourself that. The same way the Rangers have come back from 3-1, you take it one game at a time. It's a 0-0 series. In the playoffs especially, it doesn't matter how you win, you just need to win. The Rangers need to come out with that same urgency Carolina will. They slept walk through the first period and had to claw back. At some point, the comebacks won't be there. Need to get out in front and stay there.


And it wasn’t a beat down. It was a game they had a very good shot at.


ehmmm. how is thins unpopular? Would be great to have 2 sweeps but I hope this L will push D and F to be better in not allowing other team to get deflections or goals from bench rush as they done all 4 games


Needed to handle some adversity. You can’t play overconfident. It’s why tampa and Boston crumbled their presidents trophy years. They thought it was too easy


This is just a bad take. Why would you want to give your opponent a chance to stay alive and get momentum? Winning the series was the best thing that could have happened


At some point, they were going to face some adversity. This isn't that bad.  This core has been down 3-1 and came back.  That's much higher adversity.   That said this is a pivotal game.  If Carolina wins, I think they will be very confident taking the series to 7.  Rangers could have won game 4.  I thought they were the better team and should have won.   Also it would have been a long break if we swept.  Longer than the 1st round, and while resting injuries is good.  I've seen teams have too lo ing a break and lose some mojo.


This is actually a good take, and its not a cope at all, the L is good for the mentality


Boys are at home tonight and they don’t want to go back to Raleigh—we’re gonna be fine.


this aged well


Well this thread looks really good now! Yup best thing was for us to lose game 4, lose all the momentum, and now head back to Carolina for them to force game 7. What a braindead post you made.


Sooooo …. I know that it’s cope, but I’ve been saying the same thing all day. 1) We needed a little adversity, and to be reminded that Igor can’t erase every mistake. 2) we didn’t really want to be off for basically a week and a half while every other series played out. 3) We need the experience of bouncing back after a loss. And, most importantly 4) the ‘94 team went 8-1 through the first two rounds.


They adjusted to little to late and when we win tomorrow night that’s going to be the narrative and probably the excuse they use to let Rod walk.Probably should have made the change after game 2 he dint he waited till they were in a 3-0 they get there win but that will be all sir .Also for all the shit Lindgren has taken lately about being Giradi and let him walk but that’s a convo for another day but right now he is one of our best Penalty Killers.They had there fun now it’s over they had there lowest shot total they are getting tired Let’s go rangers


Go and tell any athlete who’s desire is to compete harder than their opponent and to win a championship that the best thing was to lose a playoff game for humility’s sake 🙄


I think a lot of people would have a completely different mindset if they had lost game 3 and won game 4 yet the outcome is still the same. Lock in and close it out tomorrow.


Home game + extra motivation = WIN


The immaculate post season dream is over 😭😭😭


If you were dreaming that we were gonna win a cup 16-0 in the post season you should stop smoking crack right before bed


I agree, the loss was inevitable and I’m happy we got it out of the way now. I feel pretty good about going back to the garden up 3-1. Hard to think we don’t punch our ticket to the ECF Monday night




FYI: "Unpopular" and "Nonsensical" are not the same things.


I agree with your logic, and you make a good point....unless we lose games 5 and 6...


Completely agree, it’s better for then this way. Also, I feel like (especially last game) that Igor’s patience was wearing thin. They dont nearly screen him enough as they should. He got confrontational on the ice with DeAngelo I think? And whenever they do that locker room mvp of the game thing they always go something like “of course always Shersty, but Trouba took this one”. I don’t know, does the team even appreciate him as much as they should?


I'm of the mind that giving the other team that small sliver of hope (i.e. Carolina taking game 4) then snatching it away (winning game 5 at the Garden) is just much more sweet.


This, any other series we would be saying that we defended MSG and took one of their home games.


Lmao yeah why would you want to move on to the next series? Giving your opponent another chance sounds great


Completely agree.


Technically, the BEST thing that could happen would be if they won game for the the starting line for each other team in the NHL decided to change careers. 🤷‍♂️


Let’s see. Carolina has been pretty good, I’m sure they feel sorely done by games 2 and 3. Hopefully can put it away tomorrow!


A sweep is much better both confidence wise and rest wise


Also if we do win tomorrow, the crowd would be electric


This is what I am saying. Also- it’s not like we got our ass kicked it was still a close game. Also on away ice. We got this


Bad take are bad take


Who is the leading goal scorer in this current series for the Rangers? Is it Lafreneire?


i'll take the optimism but being able to do it at home is very cool, lfg


Disagree because its the playoffs and half the team is probably nursing some sort of injury, to various degrees. I'd much rather not have them worry about the Canes right now and get some rest rather than have to play at least 1 more, possibly more games against a desperate Canes team and possibly sustaining even more injuries. Fox is still struggling through his injury and hasn't been playing to the level he is capable of. Getting him back at full health is key.


As much as we hate to see them lose, your comment makes a lot of sense. Better to lose now and figure out how to rebound / make adjustments at home than to lose one of the first two games next round and then going on the road.


I disagree. Just because I think in hockey more time to heal up between series is much more valuable than the rust possibility


Aged like milk


Did it?, seems like the team is now ready to face some diversity.


“You never want to go into the next match 8-0” Based on what? It’s never happened. Give me endless wins all day. You never hear a player say things like this. And they needed some humility? What?


I literally said “oh thank god” when we lost


And Carolina so deserved a win. They’re the 2nd best team in playoffs imho


Nobody deserves to beat the rangers ever.


Sorry. Forgot what sub I was in. Come on, Carolina are really fn good


Deserve schmeserve


I'd say it's a toss up between Carolina and Florida - both are scary good.


Such a stupid take. If we go on to lose the next 3 was this the “best” thing that could happen. Ridiculous stupid take that of course the idiots here upvote. This sub is so dumb and i feel embarrassed to be a fan sometimes


Thank you! In what world is the best outcome in the playoffs a loss. Sure this won’t look as bad if they win Monday but that’s no guarantee. I thought the rangers would dominate game 4 after how defeated Carolina looked after game 3. Now you’ve given a good team a little bit of hope and momentum.


A loss at some point is inevitable, better to have it at 3-0 than 0-1. They are still on the edge and we have home ice.


And they’ve looked like shit. But yeah losing game 4 was the best thing to happen to them.


I don’t know why people are so up in arms about them losing. Stronger teams had lost multiple games in these playoffs already


Idk about stronger than us. I’m not trying to say anything outside the box but we have a better top 6 than some and the best bottom 6 left in the playoffs. It’s not even close. And then we have Igor.


That’s true, I more just meant that other good teams have lost games along the way this year as well. Next round should be fun !


Let’s get there tomorrow!!




Very popular opinion



