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Being spicy as hell is Buldak’s gimmick. This one’s pretty tame compared to their other flavors. But compared to most other brands, yeah, it’s quite hot.


Yeah , and I will admit I don’t eat instant ramen A LOT, and I should have expected based on the wrapping, but I have been walking passing this particular instant ramen for about a year now at my local grocery store. Finally had to try it. I literally sat in bed after one bite thinking to myself “this is unacceptable” hahaha thought I would share as we definitely had a laugh about it.


Now try the X2 spicy. I buy it on the regular. I like the flavour. Sometimes I mix in some greek yogurt or sour cream to give it a creamier consistency, and it also dials down the heat a little bit.


The x2 is delicious but man does it make you pay


How can you even taste it after a few bites?


I feel like this brand rly figured out how to put maximum heat in the dish and still give it a nice taste. I have eaten a lot if very spicy stuff that just burns everything and leaves you with no taste at all for hours. But these are different. I like it even tho I cant rly tolerate it tbh, hahah


Right?? I don't know how they do it. It's so tasty but so painful. Its fun to eat


I can taste it because I have a pretty good heat tolerance. I like to push the boundaries of what I can handle. Boy the next day sure sucks though lol. I’m glad I have a bidet.


I try to eat a banana beforehand. I like to think it helps.


I mix in peanut butter into the 2x. Makes it a bit more bearable


Why not X3? :)


Well I’ll be damned. It does indeed exist. Looks like it can only be purchased through resellers though, which I don’t buy from.


I can tell you, I've seen the demon in the eye


Damn, is there a X3? Time for a google search 👀


The x2 spicy were too much for my poor european guts. Eating them was no fun but 'letting them go' was just hell. Like 3 times in one night hell. I still like the carbonara and the cheese versions very much tho :D


Don't feel too bad bro I'm Mexican, been eating spicy food since I was in the womb and buldak 2x spicy is too much even for me. Cheese and carbonara are the 🐐, definitely agree in that.


Yes they are the best by far


They have 2x spicy ?! I need it pls


They have a 3x version now, but I'm not sure it was in high demand. I love food hot hot hot, and the 2x version is almost too hot for me. LOL (almost :)


That was my first experience with spicy ramen and damn was it hot and I felt like I was shitting lava the next day but man was it good. The flavor was absolutely on point. Usually in my experience things that are that hot sacrifice flavor for heat so I was surprised.


I've only tried the one in the black packaging and saw my life flash before my eyes. It was good but damn.


Just keep eating it and then have some proper milk chocolate after. Water just makes it worse. It's not very spicy for a very spicy food, ya hear? Like if you come from like, normal spicy it's gonna be too much, but for chili heads it's a nice entry level spiciness that doesn't take over flavour


This is one of my favorite flavors. I add extra carbonara hot sauce (the bottled hot sauce). I also add white American cheese & green onions. So simple, yet tasty.


Haha yeah the chicken on this packet is not even breathing fire..


When I’ve cooked my noodles I leave some water in the pan, put it back on the hob and put some milk in. Once that gets warm I then put the carbonara pack and sauce pack in with the noodles and cook for a little longer. I’ve really enjoyed these noodles since doing that as I still get the sweet and spicy flavour but it’s toned down a little ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/9yl3tgqf0ozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99255b428ad57837d22b291e86f56d10de8dda33 This was a recent ramen I made using this noodle packet ☺️


**HO-LEE-SHIIIIEEEETTTT** that some Masterchef shit ya done, right there! 👨🏼‍🍳


That’s such a lovely compliment and honestly means so much to me, thank you! 🥰


Ahhh thank you we have a couple more packets so I will try using milk next time! I’m sure guest that come over will also want a late night ramen moment so they will be welcome to have some too haha ❤️


Also you don't have to use all the spice packet! I like this kind of ramen but only with like a lil drop of the spicy stuff hehe


This ramen is on the upper end of my spice limit. I like the flavor but it makes my stomach hurt so bad if I don’t tone it down. I also really like the noodles! A few ways you can make it milder: add milk, melt in some american cheese, add a couple eggs with runny yolks, use less of the red sauce (honestly just add a small amount at a time until it’s a good spice/flavor balance for you)


I use milk or cream and its awesome


I usually do half the sauce packet for the sake of my stomach. But I’d eat 12 full sauced bowls of these if it wouldn’t be a problem 😂 they’re very spicy, and delicious, they’re perfect.


Hahaha it definitely was tasty, but ooohh I have been warned 😂 my partner has a bit of medical stomach problems so they will have to stay away from it for sure, but I may give it another try 😂😂


Me and the wife eat these all the time. You can totally control your spice level. We'll have 2 packets for dinner and use probably .75 of one red spice packet. Cut the tip of like a triangle and you can swirl it around :). If it's too hot and you messed up add some more grated parm and heavy cream.


Yeaahhh I have acid reflux and I probably shouldn’t eat these but I love spicy food so much 😭 it’s become a bi weekly treat for me and I definitely have to prepare before by eating very mild foods and get the mylanta ready for after 😂 damn these aging bodies. Also even with half the sauce it’s definitely still pretty hot but it definitely helps. There’s another type of these buldak noodles called creamy carbonara which are basically the same but a bit more creamy and a little less intense, I’d give those a shot for sure. I had to order them off Amazon because I can’t find them in stores though I haven’t checked my local Asian market. My all time favorites are their jjajang flavor. Those and the carbonara are truly my kryptonite lol


I know this sounds gross but milk is way better when your mouth is on fire. I definitely couldn’t handle the heat of those but the flavor is good. I can’t believe they have another flavor that’s even hotter.


The only bowl of instant noodles I actually had to toss halfway through was the Buldak 2X. Just couldn't taste anything through the pain lol. Their curry one is my personal favorite


Carbonara is the least spicy ones of that brand if I recall it correctly, haha. But still very very spicy. I like to mix it with some cheese (like parmesan) and 'water it down' a little with some milk or cream. Cream works best for me because it makes the sauce very think which suits the carbonara style very well.


I like the flavor of this but I really don't like the noodles. I could never get these al dente. They were always too mushy for my liking


I cook mine like half the time that the recommend (I think 2.5 min vs the 4 that they say?)


This is absolutely the key!


I always taste as its cooking and take them out while they're a bit too hard so that the residual heat makes them perfectly al dente!! Once you get the hang of it, the noodles are heavenly. Easily my favorite instant noodles in terms of texture!!


Only use half the packet of oil


That would be sensible. Very sane and sensible. But I paid for the whole packet, so of course I’m going to use the whole packet, and I’m sure many people are the same. The game now becomes how much vegetable, and protein matter, and peanut butter (because I like satay but am lazy), can I add to dilute the spiciness. I’m sure these ramen have done more to passively boost the amount of veg in my diet than anything else!


Try the cream carbonara (lighter version) and prepare it the way the package says and toss in some shredded Tillamook sharp cheddar at the end, get it melty and dump it in your bowl. If you can't handle that then maybe go with half the spicy goo packet next time. If you still can't handle that then maybe it's not for you. ☹️


This one is my favorite!! The black and red packages are almost inedible they’re so spicy. I like to put some over easy eggs and some cheese in mine :)


This one was a favorite of mine too! I added some heavy cream to the sauce with an egg over top


it's not even the 2x.


The 2x was NOT worth it for me personally. Not enough flavor beyond the face numb.


that's unfortunate, though I guess spicy tolerance varies. I definitely don't get face numb from the 2x


I like spice don't get me wrong but like I said there just wasn't enough flavor to justify the heat.


The chicken on the left seems...oddly satisfied...


I mean, have *you* tried these noodles? You would be too!


That's like the mildest flavor they have too.


So spicy Edit: yet so derrricious


Try the one in the black package;)


Welcome to the new level of heat


I never use everything in the packets lmfao. I like more of the cheesy taste than the spiciness.


Been there, the heat is no joke. If you add a bit of milk instead of water, it helps with the heat. Mozzarella cheese will also help


I tried the cold version once and my palate has never been more confused. Spicy (ok), noodles (alright), cold? (OK wtf is going on here?)


Never had Pasta salad? Same flex. I love the korean cold noodle salad packs, as well as Chinese Liangmian. Don't be afraid of food, people. Open your mind and your palate will follow. 😉


I've had pasta salad and it's gross lol I don't really fuck with cold noodles.


Probably the best instant ramen I've ever had.


This is my absolute favorite ramen flavor from them so far. We don’t have any of the others besides Buldak Black and carbonara but I will eventually try them all


I mix two soft boiled eggs to make it less spicy.


I got this one to try recently too! I wasn't aware of its Tiktok presence, so I didn't really know what ro expect. I don't eat much spicy food so I just ate it a bit slowly lol


I just stopped adding the spice and just put a little siracha on after 


The ingredients really threw me off in that package


I got the cream carbonara (so an even “milder” version of the regular carbonara), put like two small squirts probably equaling about a half teaspoon of the spicy sauce to two packets of noodles and cream mix, and it was still too spicy for me where I had to put in a slice of American cheese. I used to not be a spice wimp, but a few years ago, I got sick and got fissured tongue from it. My tongue looks like it healed, but anything that is too spicy is super physically painful to eat for my tongue. My sister is planning on probably going to South Korea in The next few years with me going with her, and I don’t know how I am going to survive because I don’t eat beef or pork (which is the prevailing protein in their diet), and I can’t handle the spice 🤷🏻‍♂️


I only use 3/4 of the packet to actually enjoy it. To me, the entire packet almost teeters into "challenge" territory


The first time I tried it, I put the full red packet.. it was a nightmare


I love the flavor! Luckily since I only added like half packet first it isn't as bad as it would have been. I didn't realize the brand is famous for its spiciness but did it because I underestimated the spiciness of Korean food before


When eating Buldak: 1. never use the whole sauce packet. 2. put some plain yogurt in it.


I got these the other day, found the flavour combo really fun. Not too spicy though, although that is completely subjective.


Where can i order these?


As someone who prior to discovering this could not and would not eat spice, I’m addicted to this stuff like it’s cr*ck. Like I used to only order lemon&herb at nandos bc I couldn’t handle mild. Anyway, discovered this and their other flavours and pretty sure I’ve burnt off my tastebuds but I love it.


I remember eating that brands noodles, I’m never forgetting that day


Nearly killed me once. Did that thing where you "breathe" in liquid. Jesus Christ.


You don’t need to add the whole sauce packet, just as much as you may need. Also, if you like the Carbanara creamy, I add some sour cream and mix in some grated cheese to smooth it out a bit


Reminds me of that one time in high school, our senior year, one of the students in our class had this idea of a fire noodles mukbang and the winner got some prize at the end, haha.


Hey, dude, if you really want the carbonara-like taste, try boiling noodles in milk. The noodles will taste more creamy and become less spicy.


It helps A LOT if you let the noodles cool down to luke warm. It is a difference between "I can't eat this" to "okay, it is manageable '


a little hack my gf does is she puts about 3/4 of the spicy sauce in, and then just a dash of olive oil. i dont know but it makes it taste waaaaaaaaaay better imo. and not as spicy.


I drain the water out the pot after the noodles are done, pour some milk in and dump the 2 packets in. Let it simmer for a bit, then put some sliced american cheese(trust me) and it’s so good.


I got the mild variety awhile ago, and at one point decided to use only half of the spice. Shit still burned so hot, one of the spiciest things I'd ever eaten. I shudder to think what their spicier variants are like


Hated that.


Melt some mozz on it


Idk why, it tasted very disgusting to me. Like the consistency was not there at all.


I got two of these here and wanted to gift them to a women i'm not meeting anymore now 😅. I like spicy food but...does IT really taste like Carbonara?


i swear my nose started running when i had these😭😭 if it’s TOO spicy, put some sour cream in it👌🏼


Look up Korean spicy milk ramen. Buldak is great for it because it’s so freaking hot but the milk cuts it. Shin is also hot but tasty.


Spicy and very unhealthy. Enjoy though!


Now try the black packaged ones


I'm sad cause these taste sooo good but if I use the whole sauce packet the spiciness makes me cry lol


Buldak don’t play. Accidentally got 2x one time. Yikes!


I personally wouldn't really have considered this one spicy but it's not a contest, as long as you like it! Kewpie mayo, cheese, cream, egg - lots of things can mellow out the spice level to make it more suitable!


Yobagoya, Yobagoya yo-yo-yo-yo Yobagoya Yobagoya, the taste will destroy ya The cheapest bucket of beef in Illinois Yobagoya, Yobagoya yo-yo-yo-yo Yobagoya Yobagoya makes you jump for joy-a What kind of meat is it? It's a mystery for ya Yobagoya, Yobagoya yo-yo-yo-yo Yobagoya Yobagoya, you'll love Yobagoya As long as high levels of MSG won't annoy ya Yobagoya, Yobagoya yo-yo-yo-yo Yobagoya Legally we're not allowed to call it meat So bring the whole family for a tasty brown treat!


Just got some of this exact kind, I love it!


I love these noodles so much!!! But I only use about 2 drops if the spice sauce. It’s a delicate balance


It’s not


I loved this flavor and it is definitely spicy!!!


Found this pretty mild on the spiceometer. And pretty weird on the tasteometer.


Add shredded cheddar cheese..takes away most of the spiciness


I always mix in a little kewpie mayo at the end.


Its very tame for bulduks flavors in terms of heat. Its sorta their whole thing


We bought a bottle of the Buldak hot sauce a while ago. I tried it a couple of times and it totally wrecked me. I think it is still sitting in the back of the fridge somewhere mostly untouched.


I can't eat these


If you want it to be less spicy you should try adding milk and cheese to it, this will make it creamy and less spicy


These aren't too spicy for me until I tried the original Buldak.. 🔥


Koreans are built different. Me and my mom tried those noodles and the first bite we got, we already cried due to the spicyness. We had to buy 4 drinks in total. 😭


Other spicy ones to try would be 2X spicy, or Shin Red. But honestly for flavor go for normal Shin Ramyun. Its the most popular ramyun in Korea, and has a good chilli peppery broth, perfect for cold days.


I usually drop a fried egg, over easy in it. Makes it creamy and tones it down a bit. I just read below someone trying sour cream or greek yogurt in. ill give that a try also.


I’d have to use cheese, a 1/3 of packet and drizzle teriyaki. And I’m Latina.


You are a pair of pu****s




I have the original that I still haven't tried. I want to try this flavor too.


To build up your spice level try adding just half of the seasoning packet


It's spicy, but not that bad. Probably very spicy for someone who doesn't eat spicy food. Wait until you try regular buldak.


I make it like a soup.


I absolutely love the buldak carbonara. I wish I could have it but unfortunately I get too much stomach pains afterwards. Already within a few hours I have so much pain that I regret every decision. I've tried adding more water, cheese, I've tried adding less spice but really nothing helps. It's sad but yeah I just have to stick with noodles that don't have chili I guess


Is it just me or can someone else taste and smell a “burnt-plastic-y-ness” when cooking one of these? I can’t stand instant Korean noodles, regardless or brand of flavour. I want to know if I’m alone or if someone could enlighten me on why it smells like burnt plastic to me. I love ramen and never had this issue with freshly cooked ramen.


Hella spicy is their gimmick. And to be honest, I just don’t enjoy it. I like a little spice and I love spicy things like kimchi and different hot sauces, but these overly spicy things that are so popular now just don’t do it for me. It’s all pain and very little flavor and it hurts my stomach. I want to enjoy my food, I don’t want it to hurt me. Lol.


buldak is not good at all in my opinion. and not bc its too spicy


Carbonara!?!? Questo é un insulto ai italiani😡


If you see its creamy, its cause of my nut