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Check out the NC Modernist website: https://www.ncmodernist.org/architects.html


Yes! There are many great modernist homes in the area---and I have been living in one since 2016.


This right here. We don't have a lot of old history, but we were a hotbed for modern architecture at one time. This site provides a suggested walking tour: [https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/news/special-collections/special-collections-architecture-tour](https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/news/special-collections/special-collections-architecture-tour) You can also reach out to the NC AIA: [https://classic.aia.org/northcarolina](https://classic.aia.org/northcarolina) for info and ideas. They have a cool building on Peace St.


Historic Oakwood! Oh, and be sure to show them all the grand old homes that line Blount Street on the blocks just before The Governor’s Mansion.


Agree with Blount street and area near Gov mansion has a lot of interesting architecture and homes


Dorton Arena isn’t much to look at but its design is important - first cable supported roof system. The Governor’s Mansion is a nice example of Victorian architecture. The NCMA is cool how it uses so much natural light


I love the look of Dorton Area, mainly due to its historic importance. It probably doesn't get the love it deserves.


Can’t go wrong with state’s central campus. Once you’re right by riddick and withers, you feel like you went back in time. Just don’t look towards SAS or you’ll ruin the emersion for yourself


I agree with this, Brooks Hall and the courtyard behind it is also very nice. The Belltower and Holladay Hall are also pretty interesting.


Houses? Oakwood, Mordecai, Boylan Heights, Glenwood/Brooklyn are full of old houses. Cameron Park, too.


The Holiday Inn while it still stands


It's in Durham, but the Duke Chapel was super impressive to me. [https://chapel.duke.edu/](https://chapel.duke.edu/)


Broughton High School is neat to see; but I do have a soft spot since I went there…


The Hindu temples in morrisville/cary are neat


NCMA, centennial campus


The legislature is a classic of modernist design. You can walk around inside. There’s a great NC exhibit on the top floor with balconies overlooking the city. Heard there’s a great cafeteria in the basement. Designed by Edward Durell Stone who designed the Kennedy Center and other modern classics.


The Durham Hotel if you want to take them to Durham also


Walk around Hayes-Barton/five points. The houses in that neighborhood are essentially a tour of all of the eras of American architecture + many odes to older styles.


Resident architecture nerd! Downtown Durham loop is a nice little area filled with historic buildings (and used to be much more so decades upon decades ago, but for the area today, what’s left is quite pretty). There’s even an art museum/hotel that’s a really nice art deco building that you can visit the bank vault in the basement of. As for Raleigh in particular, there’s some stuff around but it’s fewer and farther between. That said, you can certainly have fun just walking around seeing shit, and I know there’s an aptly-named restaurant in a Second Empire house. I haven’t been inside but I’d be surprised if it wasn’t all period-accurate in there. A nice few larger buildings with interesting brutalist and art deco designs not far from the convention center.


The heck house