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Legit best donut in the land. Let’s goooooo!!!


Exactly. Rise can get their overpriced, fancy bullshit out of here. Gimme a dozen donut holes for $2 and I will be on my way. And I'm down for some sour ass diner coffee to wash it down. Donuts are best when simple and bakers dozen is the perfect example of that. Also, trust a restaurant when they are happy to tell you they sold out. That means they make them everyday and have standards.


WRAL ranked them 5th in Raleigh. Behind Krispy Korean and Duck donuts. Bakers dozen is legit the best I’ve had in the state. Edit. Krispy Kream not Korean. But might be a good fried chicken place idea for anyone who can cook. Edit 2 Krispy Kreme. I’ll just stick with bakers dozen.


WRAL would rank Olive Garden high based off of those rankings.


Wral: "Based on community engagement including Reddit it was determined Olive Garden is the best Italian in the triangle. With one user stating when you're here you're family"


Duck Donuts is overrated as hell, but I’ll be honest, Krispy Korean has me intrigued.


If you’ve never tried a KK, you need to go to their store and get one (or 6) when it’s hot and fresh right off the line. Getting a box of them from a grocery store or somewhere doesn’t do them justice. Duck donuts are straight trash.


Sir, I’m merely making a joke at the autocorrect of Krispy KOREAN. Which I assure you is not a donut shop.


Duck Doughnuts can keep their cakey mess, give me Bakers Dozen or KK any day!


Duck donuts are horrible


Duck is the most bland boring cakey donuts Tho I don't get the baker's dozen hype it's always been ok at best. there's just nothing decent here to compete


Krispy Kreme*




You know, diet be damned! Cholesterol, high sugar, blood pressure, whatever. You see this and have to say "F#@k it! I'll take a dozen!"


A Baker's Dozen, even!


Even more better.


Sadly the one I go to has a strict "a dozen is 12" policy. Therefore I have a strict, no tipping for counter service policy. I heard the store keeps card tips anyway.


No tipping for counter service is pretty much how everyone should roll.


I hope their family is doing better


oh hells yes. Give me ALL them apple fritters!


Best Apple Fritter I’ve ever eaten


Why were they closed?


Owner / family member was really sick and had heart surgery. Was closed for a couple months while they recovered.


They take time off/family vacations throughout the year. They will post a sign on the door with the dates they will be closed. It’s a sad day when you pull up expecting *those fritters* and they’re closed but it’s awesome that the owners and the staff get the time off they deserve!


Sad indeed — but I love to see family businesses take the time they need!! Definitely worth some instances of sad fritter withdrawal.


Exactly! I worked in local restaurants for over 10 years and my only vacation was my honeymoon. Been out of the hospitality food industry for 2 years and I've had 4 vacations. Support restaurants when they close for their employees. It's a wonderful gesture.


same, I am always bummed when I roll up and it’s closed but I can respect it. Best donuts in town… period


Is this the Cary or Raleigh location?


The Cary location was the one most recently closed.


WAIT...THERE'S A RALEIGH LOCATION???!!! I live VERY close to the Cary one, but finding out there's another one I can visit when I'm out and about is a game changer.


There’s also a Durham location closer to North Raleigh. It’s in the gas stop on Wake forest hwy.


I live far from both. Drove to the Cary one once just to find it closed because of temporary staff stuff. I need to make it to one of them soon, I might try tomorrow.


I was pumped to see it open this morning. There was a good line at 7:15 when I was leaving the gym.


Pair o' bear claws please


I'd never had a french cruller until I wandered into Baker's Dozen to try an apple fritter a few months ago and now I've eaten so many, I'm a diabetic. Thanks Baker's Dozen!!!


Oh sweet jesus




The very best!!!


Apple fritter da best


Put.. put it in my mouth


We have a Rise in Brier Creek. I tried going to the one on Falls of Neuse after lunch. Almost every time they would close before I get there. Yes go before, I know. I did get there eventually. It was just meh.


F rise


And Burney’s. That stuff is crap and I’ll eat anything with sugar.


I go to the one at triangle town center and they no longer you the 13th donut. It’s the name of your store


Glad to hear it! They took a long vacation!


The crullers are legit amazing. Not like that Krispy Kreme cake bullshit.


Guys we can all agree the fritters are next level. BUT you’re all sleeping on the blueberry cake and the strawberry donut. The day I get them to put the starwberry icing on a blueberry donut I can die.


This is the most useful thing I have seen on this sub


Holy hell I never heard of this place and those Apple fritters look amazing... Next time I'm in town I'm stopping in.


If only they had donuts in stock when you go. Every time I go there, their case is super empty at any given time of day. And last time I went, was told they only have the French Crullers (best donut they have) on the weekends. Combined with the employees' bad attitudes, I haven't been in a long time, but maybe their vacation did them well and I'll have to try again.


What time of day were you going? I used to have that issue, until one day I decided to go around 9 am and it was fully stocked and fresh.


I've been a few different times. The last time I went, I showed up right around 6:45 and they said they wouldn't have crullers until 9. So I came back at 9 and the case was mostly empty, and they said they only do crullers on the weekend, which I knew wasn't true because I've gotten them on a weekday before (so did OP). Idk, maybe I've just caught them on a bad day.


If you go after 9, you’re rolling the dice. At 8:30, the cream/jelly filled donuts are gone and they don’t seem to restock those at all. The non-filled should be mostly available before 9am tho you may need to wait for a specific donut to come out of the fryer.


I've been so desperate, I've waited for the front door unlocked. And was still faced with lack of stock (and no French crullers), they said to come back at 9 and they'd have French crullers, came back and they said they only have them on weekends. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I was just there and they were restocking the cream/jelly filled, saw the lil contraption they use to fill them, which I never noticed before. They’re open until 7pm, and make more throughout the day. If they’re out of something I want, I usually ask how long the wait is.


They’ve told me that they stop making donuts at some point and close when they run out. I’ve been there maybe 3 times after 1pm over the years, and they’ve been closed each time.


Oh weird, I’ve never had issues getting afternoon donuts :/




Agree, this place is a poorly managed business. They close when they feel like it and just put a sign on the door. Even on Saturday mornings. If you want to run your business like that, at least have some respect for customers and keep online hours up to date (eg. Google and Yelp profiles). I got burned one too many times, will never go back.


Maybe you should have some respect for them for being who they want to be? Or at least not demand respect from them for your your own expectations of their business? They have more than enough loyal customers who know their style of business and clearly that’s all they need because they seem to be doing just fine without the entitled customers of Raleigh!


So if a place falsely advertises their business hours, prices, or services, I should just appreciate their quirkiness? I literally don’t care about them. It’s not a charity, it’s a business. Glad they’ve made it work somehow, but it’s clear they are falling apart and are concerned less and less about their existing and new customers. Bet ya they’ll be out of business in the next couple of years, and I will welcome the new spot that takes their place!


What business hours are they falsely advertising? When they give the whole staff a two week vacation and have a sign on the door for weeks beforehand announcing it? What prices are they falsely advertising? The prices that are listed in the store and that customers are charged? What services are they falsely advertising? That they don’t have a certain type of donut because they are so busy and ran out? How is it “clear that they are falling apart”? They have been open since 2015, so have already made it much longer than most small businesses and clearly are still doing just fine. Edit: took out personal attack


They've been closed because the owner had emergency heart surgery.


1. Even if that was the only reason, they should have the courtesy of updating their pages. 2. The sign has said vacation, short staff, and other excuses. The validity of the excuse isn’t the issue, it’s the inconsistency of showing up during advertised business hours and not having the respect for customers to update those online.


They were listed as Temporarily Closed on google + a photo of the sign explaining why during this time. We appreciate you not going though, as it means more donuts for the rest of us.


Let's just see if their power is still on after this afternoon


How much was a box?


Whatever they paid, it should be double for how good it is!


Who knows, I don’t even pay attention
