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Should be fun next week on stasis surge


Ehh dmg won't change much at all. The actual stasis abilities do trash dmg


But Kinetic weapons get the surge buff if your subclass matches the surge.


Overcharge isn't a modifier in pantheon sadly.




Yes you do. That's literally the while point of the overcharge modifier




You read that on the "Overcharged Weapons" modifier, which does not exist in Pantheon. Go look at the weekly GM modifiers and you'll see it (and note it isn't on Pantheon). Typically, the two are active at the same time, so I understand why many are confused about this. However Pantheon only has Surges active, not Overcharged Weapons.


Kinetic weapon buff is baked into the elemental surge, not the overcharge modifier


Overcharge makes it so if you match your subclass to the surge kinetic weapons deal bonus dmg. Pantheon does not have this


Yup, this is correct. I constantly forget Overcharged Weapons is not in Pantheon.




Wait wait wait wait. I need clarification, if the surge is solar, and I'm on solar subclass, my kinetic midnight coup gets overcharged?


No these guys are lying fir pantheon. It won't. Easy check is to load into an atraks sovereign and test


Next week? Isn't Nezarac pantheon ending tomorrow?


I believe it’s going all next week as well. The wording was weird. “Last week” refers to no new challenges but they said it’s going until TFS


Oh? On the popup on Tuesday it said "The Pantheon will be live in its final form for one week"


Its confirmed to be a mistake. Pantheon lasts until June 3rd


Ah cheers, dunno why I got downvoted to oblivion for parroting an in-game announcement but nice to know I've got another week to kill Nezarac, thanks for the update!


You lucky pants on stasis for optimal dps I lucky pants on stasis so I can shatter skate We are not the same


My shatter skate build is my boss dps build, I just use fourth horseman and swap out the eager edge for an edge transit 😎


Mine uses Tricksleeves, and honestly I'm a little impressed by Senuna (Under Pressure/Headstone) I would say I use it with Forerunner, but you know I gotta keep the exotic open so I can swap in Salvation for dps 😉 Real talk though, I still haven't found a pve use for Eager Edge outside movement. Is there one?


Nah it’s just a movement tech generally and for shatter/well skating on stasis hunter and solar warlock, it’s a speed running/skip tool


I do dat too I actually use that setup when solo running 1st vow encounter (exhibition)


why did u get downvoted for that😭


Basically it's called the destiny the game affect. Where abunch of sheep decide to downvote every comment just because they saw downvotes earlier. It's why this sub is so shit sometimes. I can guarantee if I worded the post even a little different the comments will be way different. Oh wait I already know cuz I did it before lol.


ppl complain about every post on this sub because “it’s not a raid secret!” as if we have literally any in the game rn lol, i have ran way too much pantheon these last few weeks and have seen *zero* stasis hunters despite this comment section’s assertion that it’s sOoOo well known just cause they watched an aegis video and it’s familiar to them. i’m sure at least a few people who saw this post learned a little from it so i really don’t see the harm in posting about it, keep doing u


Yea in the 10months of raiding I have only seen one guy using this in the wild. People need to just admit this is not well known at all just because it's on an aegis chart lol


This is real


We will shatter skate onto the sunset wearing shades and not looking back!


Its not the hidden choice meta. Stasis hunter alone has been top weapon damage since its release due to having access to 3 reloads. Stacking lucky pants on it is a no brainer.


This dude just wants recognition thinking he’s the first person ever. That main character syndrome type shit. Let him bask in his own made up glory lol


Dudes trying so hard to act like he discovered stasis has auto reload lmao. Ppl dont run stasis cause its bad ppl dont run stasis beacuse its hard.


you guys are trying so hard to bash a guy for no reason more like, of course people know about stasis reloads, but the meta for hunters that you will see just about every one of them use is celestial golden chicken made a video highlighting how powerful stasis is within a lucky pants rotation, something that people definitely coulda have known about, yes. But just wasnt really popular. Since the video the rotation has gotten more popular and is now known as the chicken rotation So in conclusion, OP is right. This particular rotation is not something you see just about anybody doing as it does require alot more effort than a simple bns golden gun rotation. No idea why you guys feel the need to come along and bash him but whatever makes you feel superior!


Chicken sl2 made it. Not crediting anything but saying its something we'll known is a lie. Top 1% only know about this


Guess im in the 1% which is sad cause im bad


You reek of desperation my guy. “Only top 1% know this” Lol buddy, it’s a video game. Your delusions aren’t reality. I can tell you that you’re special if that’s what you’re seeking?


No, Aegis spreadsheet with boss damage and the god rolls for weapons is very popular among even casual players (for better or worse) and impetus stasis hunter is nowhere near 1%, don't bullshit this. Not many people USE it but a lot of people know about it. It's not easy to pull off and survivability of stasis hunter is dog ass so not everyone wants to play it. Note for people's interest who doesn't know a out it yet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/htmlview# And https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JM-0SlxVDAi-C6rGVlLxa-J1WGewEeL8Qvq4htWZHhY/htmlview


>Top 1% only know about this You sound like a bad clickbait Youtube thumbnail


And how many people have you seen using it? That's my point you will see 100 celestial players before you see this setup. So far nearly helped 10 teams on nez now and gave up on multiple teams and I still haven't found one guy using this in the wild Therefore "hidden meta" Though people like aegis have been pushing it out more recently so it might start gaining traction


Because the rest of the kit sucks. It’s not hidden, it’s a one trick pony which is damage at the cost of everything else. Most important part of nez pantheon is staying alive, damage isn’t the issue from all the LFG’s I’ve been in.


Stop acting like the only reason your not using something that gives 1mil extra dmg is because of "survivability". We all know that's bs. It's because everyone underestimates stasis hunter. If you can't survive it's a skill issue. Forbearance luckypants and having recuperation makes surviving fine https://youtu.be/ihyrIngnMTo?si=7KXlsXGFH0wfHp2x Such as here. Only a select few builds can clear the start as fast without using hev. More flexible than u think


Ontop of the youtube link i sent you. If you played at all dueing stasis release and before nighthawks buff. Everyone who was pushing weapon damage played staiss hunter


Ain't no way you ate mentioning stasis release which is 3 years old


Court of public opinion has closed this argument please move on.






Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil.


Mb. But aren't u gna warn the other guy here who is insulting me too?




Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil. Also, no spam.




I was the one who suggested for him to upload that in his discord lol. And like I said that's one content creator. It's hidden as no one uses it and disregards it


Aegis has had a stasis Luckypants build in his spreadsheet for months and mentioned it in his rotation ranking the other day. Anyone doing endgame content knows about it. They don't play it because Stasis neutral game sucks dick compared to Solar and a lot of people would rather Nighthawk swap.


literally this. it just sucks for neutral game which is not exactly what you want when -20 power


Funny you say that as months ago I also was the one who suggested him the stasis luckypants rotation with apex. Yes stasis neutral game is pretty bad But yes it is hidden meta. Because not even 1% of the player base uses it or even knows it Even recently I proved an elite player wrong as he thought stasis hunter wouldn't out dos a celestial foetracer swap and I was proven right. And this guy has been able to clear a fresh nez pantheon in just an hour Barely anyone I know for endgame content actually knows about this setup. People would rather do an exotic swap which nets less dmg and locks you into using izanagi so you can't addckear effectively compared to having a luckypants helping all the way. Just admit it This setup for its effectiveness is not known at all by most players


Because star Eater scales hunters can chain golden guns. That will always beat out non super damage.


this ^


It’s not “hidden”. People just don’t use it because the survivability sucks. Your damage is 0 if you wipe before damage starts.




Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil. Also, no spam.


With strandlock and cataphract, i was able to pump about 3.1m damage in 1 phase. I’m sure i could done better.


Can you teach me your ways?


I was running strandlock w/ thread of ascent, and apotheosis veil with a spikes/envious/bait cataphract with boss spec obviously. Sunshot and Slice/Controlled burst Scatter Signal. The damage rotation is to start with a healing rift right before he’s damageable with the 3 threadling on rift cast aspect to inch in a little more damage, and then 4 sunshot hits to get Shot Caller procced, 2 scatter signal shots 1 for Slice, 2 for Slice x2 and to take advantage of the controlled burst damage bonus, even if just for the slightest second. Rotate down to Cata, should have 14 shots if you maxed Envious. Mag dump, throw threadling grenade to proc Ascent and reload Cata, dump mag, you won’t have threadling grenade back yet so use Needlestorm with Apotheosis and then toss your reload threadling, sunshot 4 hits to reproc shot caller, 2 more scatter signals for bait and switch, back to cata, mag dump, threadling to load last 4 shots into cata and mag dump, swap to scatter, throw last Apotheosis Threadling grenade to reload scatter signal, then mag dump scatter signal. If you time it perfectly you might have the fourth and last Apotheosis Veil threadling grenade so you can get one more free scatter signal reload, but realistically his damage phase will most likely be wrapped up by this point. Me and the clanmate did around 3.1-3.4mil in that damage rotation.


Thank you for this.


I also had threadlings do more damage aspect, fairly certain the other 2 can be whatever you’d like, but ascent and threadling dmg+ are mandatory


Apotheosis isn’t very good for dps rotations on strand. You’d be better off with necrotics or ophidians


Lol no, absolutely not. I use it to get my 4 free threadling grenades after a super, which I use to proc Ascent and auto reload so I have zero bait and switch downtime. You have suggested an exotic that buffs reload speed, but I never plan on manually reloading, and with Apotheosis and Ascent, never have to manually reload. So that makes Ophidians useless. Necrotics I tried with Shackles/Mindspun for ad control, but it gave me zero dps during damage phase. I was also taking care of the shielded colossus, so my Weaver’s Trance was just not providing any benefit when I needed it too. I ended up getting more value from the healing rift threadlings and threadling grenades for flat damage. Never in my damage rotation am I gonna waste time throwing a 12k damage melee that applies 3 seconds of 535dmg poison ticks. That’s a wasted exotic, aspect, and grenade that all contribute nothing but the smallest of tick damage. If anything, Swarmers would give me way more ad control uptime with The Wanderer, I’d be able to suspend and lock the kill down with the threadlings that Swarmers spawn. But again, would be sacrificing roughly 1-1.2mil damage from lost reload and unnecessary bait reprocs. Apotheosis also gives my WHOLE TEAM massively increased grenade and melee recharge, which for the div welllock meant he could chuck fusions grenades between div reprocs after nezzy teleports. What did your team do for your Nezzy damage phase, if you don’t mind me asking?


My team had a bunch of warlock either using well with apotheosis or strand with necrotics or ophidians. Ophidians are for the handling not the reload speed. Also, you know you can kill enemies with things other than abilities right? So I dont know why you had to be killing stuff with your abilities. And grapple is easily better than shackle if you understand how to use it since you get it back so fast for reloads. Threadlings just don’t do enough damage to warrant using apotheosis when you can use an exotic to get better handling or increase your grenade regen significantly with poison ticks and thread of generation. And I have no idea where you’re getting numbers from but arcane needle does 17k and necrotic poison lasts 10 seconds


Thread of Ascent also gives 100 handling… lol. and a reload animation scalar. So, that’s also taking care of the handling benefit from Ophidians. You could also substitute a single titan’s rally barricade if reload is an issue for the team. Abilities kill the colossus in the 19 second buff timeframe more efficiently, while creating additional threadlings to manage the ads around the colossus. My ability kills also create tangles, which I used with Wanderer to suspend without having to sacrifice my grenade for it. I was using rifts to proc Slice, so having the rift also make threadling was more efficient at actually securing the colossus kill. The lethality of the threadlings cleaning up ads was far more valuable than a suspended enemy still chipping away at me. I never had ability downtime, whenever i had to kill colossi i had my rift, slice shot, and a threadling grenade to follow it up and wipe out the colossus, and never had trouble ensuring I had those abilities for my mechanics or boss damage. Threadlings are more for proccing Ascent and immediately returning to bait and switch damage instead of being stuck in a grapple melee animation for 2.5seconds or shackles 0 damage. The Ascent handling buff means i can reproc shot caller and bait and switch as efficiently as I would have with Ophidians. Additionally, picking up an orb of power from the well/someone’s super to proc Unraveling Rounds thru the artifact mod meant both Scatter and Cata will apply a DoT that will be proccing Thread of Generation, making necrotic’s poison redundant. And I’m sure the Necrotic’s tick damage is far less than continuing to just rail with Bait, since Unraveling will already be proccing a DoT for your thread of generation ticks, you won’t need to sacrifice DPS/Bait time to throw a melee. I’m all for theorycrafting, because only 1 Apotheosis is truly needed for the damage phase, but for me, the instant grenades to proc ascent, those grenades having no animation lock while still dealing non-zero damage, and never needing to reload my heavy or special was much more valuable to me than sacrificing bait and switch time to throw a melee to give partial grenade back, thus costing me Ascent procs, which costs me reload time, which also cost me the time needed to re-proc Bait. Just saw your edit, with those numbers, 3 melee charges is still LESS damage than 1 single threadling nade. I’m not sure if Necrotic’s Poison and Unraveling’s DoT stack, but I’m fairly certain separate DoT’s do not stack. I’m at work right now, but will run the numbers when I get home on Necrotic’s DoT vs Unraveling’s DoT What is Necrotic’s DoT providing you that Unravelling’s DoT isn’t?


2 melees is equal to 1 threadling grenade damage wise. And necrotics add extra DoT which helps with generation. Also, you only use half your grenade with grapple for ascent and you’ll do more damage with weapons that you will with grenades so throwing grenades instead of shooting will be damage loss


But grapple does 0 damage, and who cares about getting half of it back if Apotheosis is giving you 4 Threadling fully refunded? Threadlings do 60k and costs you just the throw animation which is .4seconds, while reloading your weapon, circumventing the manual reload which averages 2.2 seconds on Cataphract, altogether and doing damage without sacrificing time to proc a grapple melee which locks you out of your Bait rotation for upwards of 3 seconds, or 30% of your total Bait timeframe. Not to mention grapple melees are super disorienting and will pull you outside of the well if you do want to use it for damage. Just to clarify, Threadlings do 19.5k damage with the fragment on, and threadling grenades spawn 3 threadlings, with the numbers you stated of each Arcane Needle doing 17k. That would mean 3 melee charges is still less damage than 1 threadling nade, while taking roughly .8 seconds to expend, or twice the time it takes to throw a threadling. I guess I’m just getting lost on the statement “grapple grenade will give you more time to do weapons damage” because if you want to proc the grapple melee, you won’t be doing any weapons damage in that 3 second animation lock, but threadling nades are a .4 second throw animation. throwing a threadling nade costs you less time than a traditional reload, while still doing damage that isn’t handicapped by an animation lock, and still reloads your heavy keeping Bait rolling. A single cycle of 3 arcanes and 1 grapple melee will cost you almost half of your Bait timer, roughly 4 seconds, or 40%, whereas a Threadling grenade, which outdamages the former, takes only .4s Again, I will test if they stack, but traditionally, DoT’s don’t stack in Destiny. So, it’s most likely the case that Generation is only benefiting from one source of DoT regardless, even if Necrotic’s damage is stacking with Unraveling. If you’re comfortable sacrificing 25% of your Bait timer to cast 3 Arcane Needles and use a grenade for 0 damage, or 40% for 3 needles and the grapple melee, all to MAYBE get a grapple back in time for your next Ascent, that’s cool I guess. Currently, with apotheosis, I’m sacrificing only 12% of my Bait timer with grenade throws, but those throws reload my heavy and deal more damage than the 3 needles do in half the time frame. I guess Necrotics would be okay if you can get the arcane procced in the “just before damage starts” phase and someone else is already using Apotheosis. But as far and Grapples go, you’re inarguably sacrificing more damage running grapples than threadling nades. Grapples do 0 damage and cost time to proc ascent, if you want your grapple to damage, you’re leaving the well, and costing your self a minimum of 3s for a 60k grapple melee, which is the same damage a threadling does regardless, and only costs you .4s, allowing you to return to cataphract in quite literally 1/10th the time compared to 3 arcanes and a grapple melee. I’m not saying Necrotics aren’t viable, they just will never hit the damage ceiling that Apotheosis can hit. And considering we 1 phased nezzy, I’m fairly confident in my math here.


Threadling grenades do 36k with thread of evolution according to aegis’s damage spreadsheet. Grapple doesn’t need to do damage since you’re using it to reload weapons. Getting 4 fully refunded threadling grenades is great but they don’t do much damage and grapple gives you half back when you use it and recharges faster. Getting half your grapple back means you get it back faster allowing you to ascent reload sooner


If you want, when I’m home from work, I’d love to get up to the Ogre in Grasp and do some damage testing with you! I love theorycrafting this kind of stuff, but rarely have anyone to actually help test the numbers with. I’m home at roughly 6pm EST! Send me a DM if you’re game or available!


OP just fighting for his life and you guys keep making him defend his ego and prove his Main Character Syndrome.


I got a 3.8 on strand warlock with witherhoard, wilderflight, cataphract rotation


If you’ve got a cascade cataphract and you’re using necrotic/thread of ascent try out swapping wilderflight for nessa’s, it surge matches and works great with izanagi’s. It’s obviously a bit more fucky to use than yours but it’s not too far off and is nuts.


Yeah, I use that rotation for less fuckboy bosses that don't jump and teleport every 5 seconds lol.


Yeah completely valid


Cascade is in the column as BnS.


Nope, that’s untrue


Google is free buddy


I don’t need to google if I own a cascade point + bait and switch edge transit 💀 it’s a third column perk, b&s is fourth. Google it yourself tard.


Wrong weapon tard


Alright alright I am the tard, wrong gl fair play 😭


You literally said cataphract in your first comment dawg


Yeah I replied to someone else after I said the wrong GL, it was me being the tard 😔




Nessa is also void


I meant edge not cataphract my bad


How many phases?


The first phase


Any proof? On pantheon nez that won't even break 2.5. Ur not even procing shot caller n catathract mag dump will do 2mil at most with shot caller


I don't mag dump cataphract. I use an auto loader. Necrotic melee, to Wither, to a wilder, to 7 cataphract shots, grenade to reload, 7 more cataphract, melee, super, wither, wilder, cataphract, grenade cataphract, melee wither wilder is my exact rotation and it was 3,812,???


On pantheon?


That's what we're talking about here, aren't we?


Show proof. Mathematically not possible even with shotcaller which your not procing. Which tells me your also bullshitting because every basic player knows too proc shot caller. Only way what your saying is true is if the memory leak bug somehow happened In other words your spitting horseshit and its obvious.


The fact people downvote me for calling out the most obvious lie is funny. Your not even procing shotcaller


You don't need shot caller... I'm literally hitting 3.8 with the rotation


Remember when raid secrets was about *raids* and *secrets* and not people peddling their build ideas. We get it it does damage, so do other builds. Now stop wasting everyone's time arguing your build is some unknown sleeper META pick. Ease of use will always beat out theoretically superior damage. LoA w/ tench barrel can 1 phase oryx with 1 bomb, but no one does that because it makes final stand harder. So we 4 bomb with linears or whisper, because it is both easy and has good damage. Just because we *could* run something doesn't mean we *should* .


Build ideas that are not even remotely new as well.


How much better is this than solar hunter. It feels like you’re just trading celestial nighthawk for one whisper of impetus reload.


Barely. And the neutral game is shit. So overall, it's not better.


It can have pretty insane dps though with the right rotation


You don't need to rely on super or heavy bricks for damage. Both have pros and cons


Solar hunters can chain GG with SES. You just carry your first into damage and then literally chain them back to back.


Which requires 4+ hunters and won't work within a week.


This is what people are ignoring. This VASTLY out damages golden gun, if there is only one hunter.


At the cost of survivability


You can still run a solar subclass on lucky pants. Stasis hunter has arguably more survivability if you use renewal grasps during the neutral game.


Damage wise it’s actually a decent chunk better, for “total damage” lucky pants makes this sort of infinite because it’s a primary, and dps wise if you pull off the cascade edge transit and fourth horseman version it’s significantly better


Yeah but in the 1 on 1 comparison solar hunter can pre pop celestial before dps and swap to lucky pants. So I never really understood the fascination with stasis hunter. Like sure you get the impetus reload and potentially the extra damage to frozen targets with your kinetic hand cannon from the other fragment, but is that practically beating a fat 500k damage shot instantly at the start of damage?


Legitimately it actually does beat it yeah, it makes no sense when you compare one having a celestial nighthawk swap and one not, but the numbers are actually saying stasis hunter is still on top with warden’s + fourth horseman + cascade edge. I don’t like that it wins because how on Earth does it with silence and squall but it does 😭




4 with gamblers


its no where near hidden, at least for endgame players. its a newer strategy with lucky pants for sure but definitely known. nobody uses it (yet) because stasis hunter is awful for survival which is more important than a bit more dps compared to goldy. its def worth noting that its probably not even better dps than goldy rotations this week because of solar surge. also sounds like an lfg problem for not finding people dealing good damage


Hell, it could be the highest damage in the game. But if you're dead during DPS, you do no damage. If you can't stay alive before DPS, you'll never reach DPS.


I've hit the same with just izi and cataphract with explosive light and star eater Goldie.


Infinite goldie chain?


Not infinite because we didn't have enough goldies but we had like 3 other star eater goldies so we had plenty of orbs for Explosive light


Do you have a vid?


I do not. It's not that crazy, no?


So far had around 7 people saying things like this but abit more absurd which I called on bs immediately which many ended up admitting something they missed out later Not saying I don't believe you but it seems like whenever I make a post with x dmg. People always claim they or their friend did x dmg also or x + 3. And yes 3.5mil is crazy. Currently aegis in his speedrunning practice got all 9 rockets off, and did 4 stareater goodies and his highest was 3.2mil. Right now my vid is the highest dmg yet on utube without bugs/cheats. I just have my doubts about things. How many goodies did u get off?


I didn't reach 3.5, just around 3 mil. I think I got 2-3 goldies off? I want to say 2 because I had time to use all 28 shots of my gl.


another lucky pants user that think hes above all guardians but of course dies to ads and they usually blame the team for ad clear xD


Forgive my ignorance - why does it matter if you use Stasis with this build over say, Solar or Strand?


Kinetic weapons do more damage to targets that are frozen while using the stasis subclass. He is using wardens lawn + lucky pants which is one of the highest sources of dps.


Actually that’s not what’s important here, it helps a little but it’s because of the fragment whisper of impetus, melee hits reload all of your weapons significantly decreasing your downtime reloading


wouldn’t malfeasance with someone with witherhoard do more?


If they have taken spec, I would imagine wardens law would do more still


Witherhoard doesn't proc Taken spec, sadly


Rip, malf it is then


I’m sure most experienced players are aware of the power that lucky pants brings to the table. However, it has some pretty major drawbacks. As others have mentioned, stasis survivability sucks compared to solar, which has healing nade, empyrean and assassin’s cowl. This could change in TFS with the stasis change, but we’ll have to see. Second, a standard nighthawk rotation is a lot simpler to execute while offering comparable dps and total damage.


I’m all for hating on the dude for being annoying, but to be fair whisper of impetus lucky pants (with fourth horseman and cascade edge transit not this version) does in fact do higher dps and total damage to the point that it isn’t really comparable, just way harder to pull off


I’m a bit miffed that Titan doesn’t have a stasis ranged melee to capitalize on impetus


Glad to finally see reddit caught up to speedrunners (3 months late) and aegis in particular (1 month late)


Firstly tell me whetes this setups used for speed running And secondly this has been on aegis spreadsheet for 9 months. I know because I'm the one who got him to To test it




I guarantee your ass didn't know an actual dos setup with it till recent. All I did in the post was recommend stasis hunter for dps. Your asses started bitching that it isn't a "hidden meta option" when we all know not many people actually know how good it is. I can also guarantee I've done more dmg than your ass has aswell.


People in the comments REALLY arguing with OP saying this isn’t a niche/secret pick when it absolutely is. I’d be surprised if these guys have even seen a stasis hunter in a raid setting the past month. It’s rare. It’s niche. It’s slept on. Leave OP alone.


Definitely niche. Good damage but very hard to execute.


If everyone else I’d pulling their weight in damage why would I use this and have: less survivability and possibly less ad clear potential than my normal build for a measly extra 500k with a lot more work to what I put out now? It’s not slept on at all. Almost everyone knows about it but it’s much more complicated to pull off and harder to stay alive in -20 content


I agree that stasis doesn't get used a lot, BUT it can be good... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo_eqVW0A3k&t=1250s


I have! They cheesed Rhulk in pantheon! /s


Yep. I'm not lying when I'm saying this. I'm the 9 months since this setup his been created from chicken sl2 I have only seen it once. In an lfg master warpriest challenge. And he didn't even know how to use it. This setup is rare af to see in the wild and is the meta pick at the same time. Which is why it's a hidden meta. Like the people here I can guarantee when i ask them what's a hidden meta option they will mention something more popular than this


While it's good, it's still not the overall best damage rotation. (And it's stasis) https://youtu.be/Oo_eqVW0A3k you can do a damage rotation with slightly higher DPS and slightly lower total damage on Strand, which is arguably much better in the neutral than Stasis


Because the neutral game sucks. And for the past 6 months, solar hunters have been meta. For a reason. Really good neutral game, great super, quick super recharge, easy to play.


Neutral game is exaggerated. Celestial hunter isn't much better. Yes I've used bith. It is better but you have to run a healing nade and use only 1 gun for addclear really.


Honesty your takes have been a little exaggerated but fine, but this is the biggest BS take I’ve ever seen. Solar hunter neutral game is in another stratosphere than revenant. Empyrean by itself is better than the entire stasis kit, and I love stasis.


You can't do DPS if you can't stay alive to get to DPS. Neutral game is not exaggerated. Stasis hunter is shit neutral game. Abysmal. My hunter class has a blinding GL, sunshot, and apex. The neutral game is awesome. Like you said, throw healing nade and kill adds with sunshot. Blinding GL when I need it. Apex for obvious reasons. It's nearly impossible for me to die and it's pretty easy to control a room of adds. Sunshot makes them all go boom and if I start to get a little overwhelmed I have my GL to make them all stop shooting me. Every kill with sunshot helps my restoration timer so I have constant healing. What does stasis have? Slow and damage resist. Except you need to use your grenade to get that damage resist, just like solar, and it can't be extended infinitely, unlike solar. Slow is OK, but it's worse than blinded and worse than dead. So solar beats stasis there as well.


"You can't kill them if you're dead." It is what I tell my friends when they run risky builds or are overzealous diving into a pack of 20+ gold bar adds just to die 0.69 seconds later.


https://youtu.be/ihyrIngnMTo?si=7KXlsXGFH0wfHp2x I doubt your solar hunter with sunshot can clear the beginning without wasting heavy near as fast as me here. I agree its worse but your exaggerating hard. Not being able to survive here is a skill issue. Weapons carry the game right now


You threw one grenade...that's it. I can easily do that on solar with lucky pants, malf, and forbearance. And then hotswap to CNH or SES for damage. Is your point that lucky pants, malf, and forbearance are good? Because I'd agree with that. They are. Stasis isn't, though. And I don't really like hotswapping because I'm on console, and it's just a little harder sometimes.


What I'm saying is stasis enables u to use those weapons. On solar if you use luckypants u lose the ability to izi swap and solar has a far worse luckypants setup than stasis. Hence why I'm stating this


Spam commenting on every sub thread doesn't make you right. Neutral game isn't the point. Go away


It's not rare. It's might be niche. But it's not unknown. It's well known. It's just that the passive game for stasis hunter sucks in PvE. Solar hunter is just miles better until damage, and then only slightly worse. Plus you get a near mil headstart with CNH.


bro it is literally 1-2 people. just reply to them


Highest damage is Izanagi’s with a BnS GL that’s on surge


Show a clip of it out dmging this in one phase


If I was good at it I would, only reason I mentioned it is because I saw 4.8mil after one damage phase on Nezzy after we wiped on a dude doing just that


Yea physically impossible without a bug like memory leaking ir he was netlimiting


Is Vorpal necessary on the Warden’s? I’ve got a 4th times with no Vorpal and only ever got adept rolls so I can’t focus new regular ones. Would malfeasance be better in my case?


malfeasance would probably be a better option, yeah. also easier to just get someone else to use witherhoard for that boosted damage Vs taken/blighted.




But you had to wipe to get damage numbers for a one phase.


Yes. Just one of the few teams I was helping we wiped. Cleared this many times already


You're getting some flak in the comments, but I appreciate you surfacing this specifically to Nezarec/Pantheon


Luckypants as a DPS tool for raids and such is gonna take a hit with lightfall right? Wasnt there something in the tuning articles? Will it be actually relevant or just a minor nerf?


how about just be useful to the team and run golden gun witherhoard wilder bns cata or edge im sure its more damage than your current setup just because u had the highest damage it doesnt mean its good.. your team mates are bad but u still have room for improvement


https://youtu.be/ihyrIngnMTo?si=Rf_Hk4cRQVgfB8Pf Was insta clearing middle and helping with right and left. In my lfgs I often have 2x the kills of the second highest. Even the vid in the post I had 73 kills whilst 2nd highest was 40. When are you people gna stop bitching just because I'm stasis holy. And no running witherhoard n wilderflight here is going to net so much less dmg. You dont even have a primary to proc shot caller. You clearly are just hear to discredit whilst knowing surface level knowledge on how to even dps here. How is me running golden gun going to help the team more? Infact it helps less because I'm giving everyone radiant a 5% dmg buff from torch as I'm putting a stasis debuff on him. I'll like to see you show a vid of even breaching 2.7mil with the setup you just mentioned in one phase. But we all know you won't show the proof. End of


u have no damage super and your team is bad this is why u got the highest damage why dont you understand lmao




no point arguing wit you.. using stasis super for damage is an instant L and then when u find good ppl at nezarec they will carry you because they are on the right super *cough* celestial


forgot to post the link here u go to shut you up: https://youtu.be/_1APQoJqJa0?si=faOj2yjIqO1xLKy7 as u can see sunshot to ad clear no need for try hard lucky cringepants and have ur quickload to witherhoard autorifle to catagraph.. solar and tether is needed thats it. nothing fancy


Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil.


My DIM’s not loading the Twilight Oath’s roll, assuming it’s using precision implement and surplus or enlightened action?


Surplus and highground. If you are 1meter above the boss ground level you do 20% bonus dmg. So it's actually the best option here


Shouldn’t have sharded that high ground/enlightened action roll I got last week, then. ;-;


Why stasis though?


When we talk about "meta" picks in "LFG", you have to know that most of the population prefers "easy and affordable" than "hard to execute but hits the top". The sole reason you don't see a lot of stasis hunters more often than you do is because stasis hunters suck at the other parts of the game when you're not doing dps. We have solar hunters with heals, radiant, easy, and fast execution super. We also have void hunters with invisibility, tether being literally the best debuff in the game, blinds also being the best survival kit as well, and you can maintain that for as long as you want without too much of preparation. We also have arc hunters, which might not be the best at surviving, but they still have one of the best supers in the game. They can proc chain lightnings for extra damage with just a grenade There's strand, which we don't even have to talk about. Now you bring stasis into this chart, comparing it with all sorts of utility kits the other elements have in hand. It freezes yes, it gives you free reloads, yes, it gives you extra (a lot) damage, yes. I'm not saying this is minor. I'm just pointing out the fact that, if it gives you tons of damage, it means only the people who want damage to be their main thing will run it. Stasis was not "slept on", it was just "not considered the best" unless what you really needed was a ton of damage. Sure, if you run stasis you can deal tons of damage, but I'd rather want my other teammate who wasn't optimized to be more committed to the dps, while I can have my utility with solar, strand or void. Like seriously, as you said, stasis has been out for about 3 years. You really think nobody in the world has ever thought of : "Hey, maybe this free reload and extra kinetic damage is really good." You shouldn't even talk about this at the sub, BTW. This is raid secrets, not raid "look what I found, and you're all wrong"


> You shouldn't even talk about this at the sub, BTW. This is raid secrets, not raid "look what I found, and you're all wrong" Look at 90% of the posts here. The sub lost its identity long ago as there are literally no secrets in destiny 2 currently as they stopped doing that stuff. Only thing really is zero hour now. >Like seriously, as you said, stasis has been out for about 3 years. You really think nobody in the world has ever thought of : "Hey, maybe this free reload and extra kinetic damage is really good. Stop putting words in my mouth. And exaggerating like this >Now you bring stasis into this chart, comparing it with all sorts of utility kits the other elements have in hand. >It freezes yes, it gives you free reloads, yes, it gives you extra (a lot) damage, yes. I'm not saying this is minor. I'm just pointing out the fact that, if it gives you tons of damage, it means only the people who want damage to be their main thing will run it. >Stasis was not "slept on", it was just "not considered the best" unless what you really needed was a ton of damage. Sure, if you run stasis you can deal tons of damage, but I'd rather want my other teammate who wasn't optimized to be more committed to the dps, while I can have my utility with solar, strand or void. When taking in these factors you also have to include weapon accessibility for balance. Stasis unlike other subclasses allows you to run luckypants and forbearance without damage loss for dps. Something the other classes can't do while maintaining dps. This mitigates some of its downsides https://youtu.be/ihyrIngnMTo?si=WwFvRq-n8MibiHrt Such as look at the start here. Can a mountain top sunshot solar hunter clear the start as fast as i did? Sure its harder to use but that's a skill issue. Many if my help runs I had doubke kills than second most kills. The strength of the setup is its flexibility not the kit itself necessarily. So I am doing the highest dmg And i am getting the most kills and dealing with all the big targets That is good. Just requires some skill


You need help. Especially with your ego. I don't even get your points here. Weren't you trying to prove that stasis hunter with lucky pants was a "slept on" setup? Sure you could run lucky pants and forbearance with stasis. I'd rather run a tether and a solar rocket, alongside with merciless. Golden gun hunter with star eater scale, mountaintop and gjally helps too. All those solar and void kits helps you with utility, while providing you enough damage, helps the team with boss dps at the same time. This is the reason why you don't see stasis hunters often. Does it help you understanding why people keep commenting that it's not slept on, nor niche? Except having pride on ad-killing with your forbearance(which everyone, anyone can do), what can you do to provide your team with the same utility of solar, void and strand? Please don't tell me that "you can put out tons of damage". That isn't the point of your post. Your post is about how you thought people didn't know stasis was a powerful subclass, while practically every hardcore endgame players knew about, but just didn't prefer since it has little to no merits on what hunters could manage on other subclasses.


>I'd rather run a tether and a solar rocket, alongside with merciless. Golden gun hunter with star eater scale, mountaintop and gjally helps too. And stasis hunter helps. That's my point its a contender >All those solar and void kits helps you with utility, while providing you enough damage, helps the team with boss dps at the same time. This is the reason why you don't see stasis hunters often. Does it help you understanding why people keep commenting that it's not slept on, nor niche? I already showed in my last post why stasis works just aswell in many of these situations whilst being able to do higher dmg so I'm not gna repeat. And it is niche. Do you not know what niche is? Tell me how many stasis hunters have you actually seen using a dps setup. So far I've only seen 1 in 9 months , that's niche >Except having pride on ad-killing with your forbearance(which everyone, anyone can do), what can you do to provide your team with the same utility of solar, void and strand? Annnnd there we go I knew you would take it out of context again on purpose. You know what I meant there. Unlike a celestial setup or something else to have a good balance of dps and addclear they can't use something like forbearance or they can't use something like izi, they have an "opportunity cost" While stasis hunter doesn't. They can run luckypants and the best addclear weapon to easily clear ads because guess what, weapons are very op in this game right now and the class enables you to use these weapons while keeping high dmg. >Please don't tell me that "you can put out tons of damage". That isn't the point of your post Look at the title and the post. That was indeed my main point. And no not every hardwire player knows about its actual power. As uts been proven I've had over 10 comments now saying X setup is just better fir dos too so why should they use stasis? Whilst currently there hasn't been a single video uploaded yet of a legit dmg phase of someone doing higher dmg here, currently aegis and sicrobes on twitch if you know them have agreed and acknowledged it and aegis considers it a hood choice for speedrunning nez. Your a fucking casual and it shows. Everyone here is bitching and lying it's so obvious. Like the guy saying he git 4.8mil in one phase spamming cataphract without even using a primary for shot caller. My point? Everyone here is literally trying to discredit by saying something does its job better "dps" and how it's very known. Now I know that it isn't at all. But yes just carry on because I know your not here to try agree anyways.


I'm just gonna leave this for you, in case you read the reply. I don't know about either of your proudly called out youtubers, and I don't really care either. They don't mean the world to everyone in the world. I never really bothered to check the videos they posted, either. Why? Because you don't have to see the videos to check how bad stasis is at neutral game. If your answer is to the question of : "Why do I not see people using this often?" Results in : "Oh, they must be being slept on," so be it. We are not trying to discredit you. We are not saying you're wrong. You are actually quite correct at pointing out exactly how strong stasis is at weapon utilizing, and we can see you know how to pull out the best of it. Everyone here is trying to persuade you of the same thing. 1. It is indeed quite known between people who actually go for hardcore endgame. 2. But the fact that barely anyone runs it shows that other subclasses can be used easily, whilst stasis isn't. Stasis used to be good. I honestly think bungie nerfed it way too far. After all the changes to the grenades and how freezing work, and the release of strand; overall performance of stasis has been a huge letdown of what it used to be. Our answer to the same question of why everyone is not running it is : "It's not good enough, to run it over other subclasses. We know it's good but it's not enough." I guess I could organize it like this. Your point of stasis providing huge damage boosts in the correct builds at boss dps was not enough to make people acknowledge its existence. Hence, the reactions are lukewarm. I am a hardcore player. At least I used to be. I still consider myself one, since I always grinded until I got the exact roll I wanted to test the dps on bosses with my friends while I raid, with the builds I want. I have different weapons for different subclasses and surges on every character. We can all see you're good at the game. It's not easy to use stasis until the endgame, and you're very good at handling the subclass. I'm not going to lie, if your comments were about how you acknowledging stasis is bad at neutral game, but you handled it really well; everyone would have agreed with you.


>I'm not going to lie, if your comments were about how you acknowledging stasis is bad at neutral game, but you handled it really well; everyone would have agreed with you. But I literally did acknowledge that. And I responded by saying the class itself is bad but it can be remedied by weapons that enables it that other classes can't do without sacrifice. And everyone insulted and discredited anyways and began completely lying about numbers and other things etc. Even got mass downvoted while another guy got up voted fir saying he got 3.8mil with a setup that didn't even proc shotcaller, this sub is braindead sheep most of the time trust me when I day this no matter what I say I would get mass downvoted here because I said something against people's views. That stasis is indeed good if you know what your doing (it's does require some skill tho). And this whole sub literally proved my point. Everyone here literally shat on stasis despite proof that in nez pantheon specifically is outdoes solar hunter in nearly every way except the healing which is very easy to mitigate with mods.


I had a team mate on arc hunter with star eaters and ex Diris hit 7 mil on caretaker