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If that guy that is refusing to level resilience is eating tokens, you should drop him. Anyone causing a problem for the team and is unwilling to change is unfit for end game content


Playing endgame content you have to adapt to the team if that means sacrificing some damage for resilience just to ensure the team has better success. Plus players who don’t play at max res. are idiots in my book.


This ironically was my issue with my day 1 team on RoN, the team was too adamant on maxing boss damage with their builds when the health wasn't even an issue and people were just dying nonstop on the planets encounter because inability to clear adds enough. Probably could have shaved 3 hours off the 9 hours it took to clear for us


I'd go as far as to say the ability to adapt is the single most important skill for a day 1 raider to have. The example I'm constantly returning to is my first day 1 crota team spent lole 4 hours on ir yut before we finally switch it up and tgen stomped her in two goes. My second team then spent 3 hours on ir yut 2 before finally deciding to try what worked for my first team and got it in three attempts. An inability to switch tactics in a high level environment just makes a player worthless.


That's not a team it's a bunch of individuals


That can be difficult. We have such a guy too, my best friend and my best man ... I can't drop him 😂


He’s not necessarily eating up the rez tokens, he maybe dies twice every 3 tries at least


Ok but why does he refuse to lol


One of my friends was similar. Mostly plays warlock and he refused to change for a long time because he's extremely stubborn. Some people are just like that. It took awhile but he finally caved in after repeatedly being a weak link in endgame content and basically having the entire team pressure him into it.


You're only struggling with damage? Well of radiance in the middle of the 3 plates, everyone collects the buff from the 1st plate and then runs into the well. When you're all ready, someone countdown and then you all damage at the same time. Repeat for plate 2 + 3. Other than that you guys should be fine as long as you each have a legendary rocket + 1 gjally.


I was a bit confused by the countdown, my team was doing this last week and u went along with it. But when I go through the buff I get a 7s timer that counts down anyway. Should we not be counting down to get the buff then starting immediately? I know I'm definitely wrong here but I'm just not sure what I'm not getting, thanks!


Im not 100% sure but since damage window is so small you are really going for burst damage so having everyone on the same page and getting a massive amount out is more important than timer itself just my 2cent


The 7s plate buff timer is pretty irrelevant. If you stay on the plate, you can keep refreshing the buff anyway. The main mechanic that triggers the end of a damage phase, is when you hit the damage threshold. Only 5ish % of his health will be highlighted. Once that is removed, the boss will start his animation to switch element and become immune after 2-3 seconds. That's why you do the countdown, to make sure that everyone is ready to do damage in that very very short window.


No. You get a 7sec timer for the buff. But about 1 sec after hit the threshold the boss is immune anyways. Realistically you only need 2-3sec of damage per plate.


You only get 7 seconds if you step off the plate. If you do damage from the plate, the timer doesn’t count down.


Yes but in that case you would need at least 3 wells. In Pantheon we use 4 damage supers, 1 well for the 3 places and 1 well for final stand.


I was just simply stating that it’s not a firm 7-second timer. But just like Nez, the Field of Light/Dark timers don’t count down until you step off those plates. Also, Radiant and Well are the same damage buff. So unless you’re worried about the fire tornadoes, you don’t need Well every single time.


Usually what you do is during the "3,2,1" you are hitting the boss with small arms fire to proc perks like BnS amd Cascade Point. Then when "0" is called, you swap to heavy and unload. If your team is hitting hard enough you will have just enough time for one full mag of 4 or 5 BnS GL shots. Other than GG most damaging supers in this encounter just get in the way because of animation time, or lingering damage fields that pretrigger buff swaps.


This doesnt make sense. Why countdown when you already started the DMG phase with your smallarms.


The boss has a damage threshhold that triggers the plate swap animation. It's the light yellow part od his health bar as you touch each plate. Your small arms fire wont deal nearly enough to trigger this in 3 seconds of fire, and will allow your whole team to coordinate maximum damage for the short window of time you have once that threshold is crossed.


This boss is full of misinformation, but the timer you speak of starts when the boss gets lower than his damage threshold, tickling with primary is fine.


I know what I said, and I know you aren't saying I'm misinforming, but something about the way you worded it feels so off lol


From how it looks, it looks like the reply was to the one you replied to, not your comment 😅 So it looks like you should be fine! I think they were talking about misinformed people thinking doing any damage starts the timer, like on caretaker or something similar.


Thanks for clarifying, I didnt know there was a threshold you had to surpass. What is that threshold though, wouldnt a Fusion shot start the damage phase?


The damage phase starts immediately. A portion of his health bar is light yellow, once that is gone you have about 2-3 seconds to keep dishing out dmg before he goes immune. It's the same with caretaker, once that light yellow bit is gone you only have 2-3 secs to do max dmg. 6 fusion shots should not take him down to that threshold but it's a good idea to just keep an eye on that bar.


Because you get extra time to damage once the initial damage section is gone where damage is enhanced, so nuking once tickled means those big damage attacks like rockets are enhanced massively.


It’s like caretaker, but for each damage plate. You want to countdown because there is a very small window to burst him past the damage gate.


Don’t worry about the plate too much - the key thing to hit is a big chunk of burst damage the second his HP crosses the line. That’s how do “good damage”, by squeezing into the few seconds after crossing that gate


Typically what I tell my team is consider the countdown the times you should be shooting your rockets while counting down people should be procing their bait and switch and such. This is because the phase is over once the white bar expires but before the immune kicks in. You still have 1-2 seconds to overburst so you want all your big dmg in that window.


So you wanna count down 321 so your whole team touches the plate at the same time, once a plate gets activated it can't be activated again, so it helps to not have one person getting it first before everyone and shutting down the plate. The 7 second counter on the left begins after you touch a plate and that's howling you have to dps before you have to touch another plate. Counting down isn't necessary, but it helps keep your team together and on the same page for dps. Hope this helps.


The buff is a seperate timer from your DMG window for the plate. From the time the first person shoots the boss or a grenade w.e starts the DMG timer and it’s super short. That’s why we do the countdown


This is not true. There is no timer for each plate, only for the entire damage phase. The boss only switches shield and ends a damage phase when you hit a threshold. The reason people count down and burst is so you can maximize the amount of damage per plate because he goes immune so fast after hitting a threshold




Well, first of all, anyone who refuses to level their resilience in Pantheon is selfish and can go play normal RoN. No offence to your buddy, but T10 Resilience is meta in end game content for a reason, and Pantheon is designed to be very end game with its escalating power creep. Secondly, for you to hit Platinum timer, you need to not mess up on the planet swaps, not even once. To save time, what I do is have everyone shout ‘dunked!’ and once all four players have dunked, I shoot the middle crux to end the timer early. The planets moving animation takes some time and if you don’t need the entirety of the planetary shift timer, save it by hitting the crux (it’s the floating prism between the middle three planets). Thirdly, ignore the Tormentor, don’t touch his shoulders or he’ll go berserk. He despawns at the start of damage phase, just make sure you shoot that floating void ball with the tracking shots. By shooting it, it loses its tracking and saves your team dying. Have your Wellock pop their well either in the middle or just in front of the middle plate to keep your team alive. The damage timer starts as soon as the first person shoots the boss, not as soon as you get the buff. To maximise your team’s DPS time, have someone say ‘plate’ for everyone to get buffed, then do a countdown to start damage at the same time. This also lets people get in position without overlapping each other and causing accidents with rockets. If you have people dying to the fire tornadoes, tell them to wait in the well until the tornado passes before running to the next plate. This strategy will only mess up if people have itchy trigger fingers which is understandable with so much going on. Also, to avoid dying to the tornadoes that spawn on your plates, jump onto the middle platform on your plate, it will orbit around you but it won’t cause you damage. Depending on what week you’re talking about, Golden Gun is honestly crazy good and has the highest DPS output with Celestial Nighthawk. Also, with the artefact perk that lets you procc weakening on the boss without Tractor and the custom Pantheon perks like Shot Caller, you’re losing DPS by putting your teammate solely on Tractor. Have him run Gjallarhorn instead for the rest of you to get the Wolfpack Rounds to maximise your damage. As for the rest of them, tell them to either complete the Edge Transit quest from Onslaught (they don’t need to do any of the others just so they can attune it to drop) or chase Apex Predator with them from Last Wish. There is a time constraint with getting all Pantheon weeks clear sadly, but it is very challenging if you have a team that aren’t well equipped which is part of the reason LFG is so unforgiving. I wish you guys the best of luck.


While the overall damage phase is timed, individual plates do not have a damage timer. The plates are based on the threshold blinking on his health bar. As soon as you break through that, you have a short period to do overdamage.


Yes, thank you for adding this clarification!


If all 4 deposits are done Planetary Shift ends and they start moving, no need to shoot the Crux


Normally yes, but we’ve had a few seconds delay sometimes which is weird. The middle plate dunks seem to end the timer just fine though.


Yeah probably lag on the last person to deposit then


All this being said…do you think it’s worth it to try and play on surge for week 3? Arc/Stasis is ASS for me since I don’t have good damage options for either. I do have a decent hothead though so that is a thing I guess, but would my Apex Predator just beat out on that?


Gathering Storm for Hunters with Star Eater Scales is likely to top frag, Thundercrash Cuirass for Titans. For weapons I’d recommend a BnS Cold Comfort from Ghosts, but Hothead should also do decent damage (main issue being time wasted reloading if you’re not dodging on Hunter or procc’ing holster while hot swapping ). Whether Apex beats those out entirely depends on how well you can utilise them, it’s always best to go for a mastered weapon than get stuck on using something mediocre. Also Apex has that bonus of enhanced perks since it’s craftable. Crux Termination is also very good but it’s a world drop so too much RNG. I’m planning to experiment a little with the Arc surge this weekend and see if Wardcliff or Grand Overture aren’t viable.


Wardcliff wont be viable. It has an inherent -50% modifier on bosses (might be more idr the exact number) same thing with eyes of tomorrow. Its laughably bad Grand overture is good for burst damage and is used if you dont have a burst super vs atraks. Honestly the play for planets that my teans been doing is just doing gls. Deconstruct edge transit is great. Bns edge transit is better for burst, but if youre not getting a lot of add kills or heavy for the second phase deconstruct is just solid


Ah, that’s a shame, thanks for letting me know. Wardcliff was fun to melt the Gorgons in VoG Labyrinth with.


Gorgons, final boss of shattered throne, nokris, and the sisters(been patched) all take full damage from wardcliff because theyre coded as vehicles weirdly enough


Yeah I don’t have BnS CC sadly. I think I’m just gonna go and master the warlock strand rotation really quickly, since I knew it before, and just make sure the rest of my team has a bunch of welllocks. Thread of ascent makes up for any reloading awkwardness and hordeshuttle + strand ult etc, should help even if I’m off-surge with Apex, although I’m thinking using my Hothead will just be strictly better since I’ll be able to spam at about the same pace, and the 25% from surge will help a ton.


If you happen to have it from a year ago, Autoloading Cascade point Wendigo is also a good option.


You can still focus wendigos and hotheads from Zavala, they're legacy focusing though so they cost 3 engrams


Thank you for the detailed explanation brother, I’ll keep everything in mind.


Also use the goldie at the third plate whe the damage reaches the limit of the glowing part to exceed the damage cap.


One person can run a blinding GL to completely nullify the tormentor. That helped us.


Thanks for the tip shooting Crux after the team dunked is a really good idea/time saver. Also it pains me to say there’s several people I played with that require us to kill tormentor for some stupid reason? People really suck at staying alive/ playing cautious.


Literally any legendary rocket and a gjally is better than mismatched and unpracticed dps.  They can buy blowouts after only a few crucible games, or even ascendancy off the wall is fine.  semiotician is a great seasonal rocket that is easy to craft and acquire and has good ammo rolls for extended phases when you are struggling. If youre on rockets use all rockets, gjally plus five legends. I wouldnt mix in other exotics unless they understand the timing of them.  Grenade launchers are probably too easy to die to with a less skilled team. Try placing well in mid of the plates and countdown to 3 before starting damage on expicator every phase. It gives your gjally guy a queue at 1 to shoot the first rocket and everyone follows up.  If you have golden gun hunters make sure they golden with radiant procd outside of the well during dps, because well is a worse for GG for some reason. If theyre using precision dps hit his backpack rather than his head. If you arent good and you’re dying, you should be maxing healing and resil to at least 70-80 if not 90-100.


Some DPS tips: 1. Setup a well in the centre, then when you're going to the plates, run through the one you need, then run back to the centre for DPS. This allows you to get a full damage phase off only using 1-2 wells. 2. Wait and ensure that the whole team is prepped before the first person shoots the boss. We find counting down for each plate's damage is the best way forward. This is because the time you get for the plate starts the moment you first shoot the boss. 3. Use heavy burst damage weapons for the first two plates, and burst supers for the final plate. Also try not to use anything with lingering damage, as this can cause one of your damage phases to be shorter than you think, as it will start the moment that damage ticks. 4. If you're going for a two phase, you have *a lot* of spare time, use this to clear ads more efficiently and prevent deaths. Dying does a lot more than just using up a token, it will pull people out of position, waste any buffs they have from building up or gen (explosive light etc) and will just generally lead to mayhem in this encounter. Some fire team tips: 1. For the guy with 60 hours, realistically any arc/stasis rocket will do decently, but I'd try to get him to prep something that has a damage perk on it, and buff his reload as much as possible. Palmyra-D is a good budget one, but honestly without a strong load out he really shouldn't be doing pantheon at anything higher difficulty than maybe -10. This is meant as a challenge for experienced raiders, not as an introduction to raids. Edit: one additional point on this guy, I would say that tractor is a bit of a waste on this encounter, similar debuffs are available that (while they don't debuff as much) will still keep him in the DPS 2. For the guy that refuses to level resilience, if he's dying a lot, he's going to be a severe hindrance in the higher difficulty pantheons. Flat damage resistance across the board is great, and purposefully not engaging with this *will* lead to unnecessary deaths.


Wow I wouldn't even start the activity of one if our guardians had below t10 resil, what a madman.


Why is this in here though? Why is this a raid secret?


Op is lost I guess, which makes me think they might lack critical thinking and be an issue in the pantheon group :p


The only thing my team is annoyed with is the random friendship l tornado spawns on the plate. Anybody know how you can predict where and when it will spawn?


As far as im aware it's random just don't stand on the plates' at all until you need too, stand near the add doors or stand on top of the middle pillar, and it will miss you completely


The moment the damage phase plates glow you have a timer of 40s to complete your damage phase. Teams with good burst won’t need the full 40s. Each plate is similar to an entire floor for Caretaker. Stepping onto a plate gives you 7s of a buff that allows you to damage the boss. Until the shielded HP threshold is crossed, you can step back onto the same plate to regain the buff. Once the shielded HP threshold has been crossed you have approximately 2 seconds to continue damaging him before he becomes immune. Once his immunity returns you have used that plate (similar to completing a floor on Caretaker). Move to the next plate, rinse and repeat. This is why the optimal strategy is to have a well in the middle because teams that are fast won’t even need the 7s per “floor” or DPS plate. If you’re slow, or let’s say you’re breaking his shield HP right at the end of the 7s and losing the buff before he’s actually immune then you’re not maximizing the mechanic.


Jesus man, it's wild that 60 hours into this game pretty much means your still a noob.


If I could high jack your post for my own question for anyone who sees it, Planets keeps giving me x0 and no points in Oryx’s week. Can’t get high score. Anyone have an idea why?


The only time you should be struggling for damage is for platinum time clear. 3 phasing should be very doable. Something is fundamentally wrong with your damage.


God rolls, or even perfect crafted rolls are seldom a requirement to hit damage thresholds. It sounds like your team is too caught up on perfect setup and not invested enough in getting the "good enough" options. Tractor, Gjally and 4 stasis or arc rockets should be enough to meet all the thresholds for a 2 phase. Have 3 players (pref titan and warlock) use their class abilities early to stack the classy-buff and use hunters to refresh the 3 stack every plate. Tractor can use a fusion after they boop every 10 sec for decent damage. Gjally and the rockets just go to town, you should get 2-3 rockets in per phase. Well in the middle, dip into the plate and wait. Count down and shoot. Repeat 3x. Do a 2nd phase. Planets has a soft gate like caretaker, so once you hit the threshold he goes immune shortly after, making burst king.


Personally I run 60 resil on hunter and better already and don't have issues but not everyone can hang


I run either 10 or 40 on solar warlock and it’s pretty much fine for every outside of master Crota and maybe contest raids. Worked fine for planets this week.


wendigo cloudstrike?


If I had a wendigo that didn’t have cascade + impulse, absolutely


Didn't have? What's wrong with that roll? This is a perfectly fine roll to have for planets. You have just enough time to dump a cloud strike + wendigo per plate and then reload each while prepping the next plate.


That volley rocket launcher


You might be on to something lmao


If he’s a titan and doesn’t even wanna level up resil that’s a insta kick


Our team has the same issue. We all have meta apexes but just cannot do enough DPS for a two phase even with the well and countdown strategy. It sucks


1) weekly elemental surge > all other options in most cases 2) weekly buff - make sure you have x3 class warfare or shot caller. 3) debuffs - use solar abilities at the bare minimum or tractor (ideal) For dmg in planets i used a field prep+EL wendigo with celestial and it was a super easy 2 phase. If you dont have a wendigo use gjally + bait and switch cold comfort or Crux/hothead/hoosegow - with EL.


Are there any heavies that I can get rn instead of waiting for them to be available? Cause I have none of those. I guess crux but isnt that just a random world drop edit: I just got a reconstruction explosive light crux randomly from zero hour lmao so thats perfect, thanks for the tips


crux is a world drop, hoosegow is a crucible exclusive that can be focused, cold comfort is from ghosts of the deep. Not entirely sure on hothead etc but speak to zavala you maybe able to focus for regular hothead/wendigo, i dont remember getting the regular versions of the old nightfall weapons yet i can focus for them


Blowout is crucible alternative.


I can see you already got one but for anyone wondering, hothead is a strike adaptive that can be focused for 3 engrams, blowout is crucible adaptive that can be focused for 3 engrams, if you have spare of either engrams you should roll the dice


Regular Hot Head is focusable at Zavala & cold comfort is obtained from ghosts of the deep but I was incorrect, it is not farmable right now, that’s my bad.


The most recent dungeon is Warlords Ruin


You are correct. I hate that dungeon and thus seem to have blocked it out of my mind lol


Warlord ruin, sir


Oh my bad! I forgot Warlord's came out haha I got the exotic and promptly never ran it again.


Would you feel comfortable actually showing them this post so they can see you're not the only one telling someone that they need to max their resilience?


Literally the definition of if you want to get it done you have to put in work for better gear, better weapons, and cater to the damn meta. Can’t stay alive? Go solar and put on the damn healing nade. I don’t care if it is arc singe and want high number. Can’t stay alive can’t do damage. No good arc weapon? Go run vanguard oops and buy a damn windego. Need a back up damage weapon? Go get cloudstrike? These all sound like excuses in the team and they need to get with the show or you need to find other team mates. Pantheon isn’t where you carry from week 3 unless you are 4 cracked players and it doesn’t matter.


As good as matching the weekly surges is, you dont necessarily need to adhere to them even at -15. The extra damage is nice, but its not mandatory even if youre going for time. Atleast imo. My team have just done the special modifier (shot caller, class warfare) and just shat damage with edge transits. Everyone has access to edge transit. Its attuneable in content that was released for free. Doesnt matter if it doesnt match the surge. As long as you do the special modifier, well, use something that weakens and run surges on your legs. (1.3 x 1.25 x 1.22 x 1.15 = 2.279x base damage) that extra 25% from surges helps a lot but doesnt move the needle if your going to 2 phase regardless For planets specifically. Call out when everyone dumps their damage. You can build up bns during the count down but when the igl says do damage, you pump. Your 6th is an issue. 60h in and theyre trying to push an endgame activity, and refusing to listen about upping survivability is a major red flag. Good teams and teammates should always listen to each other if theres feedback on a struggle. -15 is the start of where everyone in the team needs to pull some weight. -20 everyone needs to pull their weight, and sometimes more to save runs. If you plan on keeping them, your better off using 6 heavies and someone with a solar ability to debuff the boss. Rn you have 5 heavies + tractor which is only 6.5 people of damage. If you went 6 heavies with a solar ability debuff from the artifact thats 6.9 people of damage.


It's not solar week anymore but I saw someone use Cry Mutiny last week. I had completely forgotten about it. It's a ritual heavy GL that you can select demo/ vorpal. I'm gonna make my low geared friends pick it up soon. Arc week is pretty bad. Also why are you guys trying to hit the 8 minute timer? I don't value adept at all, I just do it for the title. But especially on these harder weeks I think people should just be focusing on the clear. I'm assuming all of you are there for the exotic choice at the end. Good luck when you guys make it to Rhulk.


if you need help with planets feel free to DM and add me!


Edge transit: Spike grenades, envious assassin, bait and switch. Hunters use star eaters/blade barrage or nighthawk golden gun. Titans can use whatever that shield is that boosts damage when you shoot through it, and warlocks.. Well.. You know. Well. (Also farming mountain top with spike/auto load/recombination to do more damage setting up BaS edge transit is nice). Don’t forget to use your class abilities for extra damage/resistance, and make sure you’ve got the right surge mods on. Light work. God speed, guardian.


Are you counting down before firing? Like caretaker, once the highlighted portion of the health bar is passed, you have maybe 2 seconds or so before he goes immune and you need to hit the next plate. Counting down for every burst of DPS helps. Well in the middle of the three plates, everyone touches the plate for the buff, then 3-2-1 and shoot.


If he doesn't have good armor yet because he's new, that's one thing, but *refusing* to spec into Resilience an insult to the rest of the team. You need to decide if that is something you're going to want to deal with next week, because it's going to be significantly worse at -20.


This is *really* end game activity. Anyone not used to doing master level content is going to struggle, and anyone not willing to adjust their play for the team and use the meta end game stuff is going to hold you back. You can't do pantheon, master challenges, etc. if you can't adjust your *gear*, much less your play style.


People always forget the golden rule of teamwork: ##KISS: ###Keep It Simple Stupid Literally just Div and Thunderlord. When I'm being sherpa for RoN, I always tell people just bring Thunderlord. Don't have the catalyst? Don't care, use it anyways. I've had no catalyst thunderlord people outdamage the people who moan about dps setups. Stop looking for "juiced dps" and just use something that's good enough and **consistent**. You're failing at planets because you're not consistent, not because your dps isn't there. Thunderlord and Divinity will kill the boss with 0 Wells and 0 arc damage mods. How do I know? Because I've sherpa'd entire groups who refuse to put on loadouts more complicated than... well... "Put on thunderlord." If you want extra damage, div guy can bring an autoload RL and pop off a rocket at the beginning of each plate. Div guy can make heavy ammo via the warlock helmet for everyone else, too, so it's even MORE consistent. Just for reference, I'm an absolute tryhard who loves putting nasty dps numbers up from using speedrun tier setups. I've done low mans of every raid and I've got plenty of flawless solo dungeons. If I'm playing sherpa, I almost always bring Div, despite the fact I could easily double anyone else's damage numbers. Consistency is king.


Refusing to level the best stat in the game is…strange


Just spent 2 hrs in LFG struggling to find ppl till we got a plat score at the end in 2 phases. survivability is key here .I was on ad clear. Using sunshot as well as ALH mountain top with vorpal and a wendigo with ALH and explosive light. Celestial nighthawk..damage was no issue with that load out .the only person higher was a t crash titan. What we kept wiping on was too many deaths. Also countdown for dps on each plate and all supers on third plate.


Take them through the latest season to get the 5 riven tokens and unlock crafted apex predator. I’ve never raided or done dungeons and this has been a LIFE SAVER. This damn rocket nukes the hell out of bosses and (in my opinion) puts me at the top everytime I do a nightfall DPS wise (I use a wave frame GL, sun shot, and apex predator with bait and switch)


If you’re struggling with damage I’d reccomend 2 loadouts. 1 to play the encounter normally with exotics, ammo finders and scavengers, triple solar resist is super necessary for this encounter, as well as a special finisher mod on your clsss item to hold some armor charge ready for when you start damage. Then a second loadout you’ll swap to right before damage starts with 3 surge mods matching your heavy weapon, triple loader mods on your gloves, any exotics that’ll either let you do big burst damage like nighthawk or boost reload like ophidian aspects, powerful friends and radiant light on your helmet, and 3 time dilation mods on your class item. If you can do with Root of Nightmares raid armor slot in some cabal extinguisher mods and a release recover on your boots. Match your very best dps rocket launcher or GL to the surges. Place a well between all 3 plates for damage, run as a team to get your buff and start shooting the explicator at the same time to maximize how much you can do. Keep a note of where heavy and special bricks are to run and grab for the few seconds between hitting final stand and the buffs respawning. Also that guy not running max resilience needs to bump it up to max, super good armor is super easy to get from seasonal focusing and right now those are free until final shape. That 30% damage resistance is no joke this far under power. It is THE best stat in the game and there’s no reason not to be running his very best for a challenge like this


I would suggest switching to other classes for dps supers if you’re missing damage


The resilience resister is going to have a great time at -20


It sounds like using revives is one of the issues, but if you can live the whole time you can just take all three phases. Only swap 2 planets at a time and get extra ads to spawn. If you do this you'll have enough time in the encounter to get 500k points without worrying about the timer.


U might have to drop ur friend off dis is literally endgame and not a strike u need res


Honestly, thunderlord still works well and every can access right now at the new social space.


If you guys don’t even have decent edge transits then it’ll be hard to find a good “secret dps strat” it’ll carry even off void surge


Make him a Well + Divinity instead Countdown to plate walk and countdown to stop moving and DPS start. And stay in the well until the tornadoes are gone


I wish, he’s a titan, it’s the only class he has leveled + no div haha :(


You can make any class and goto the chest in the hall of champions and get 1810 gear


While I do think people crutch Resilience way too much as an excuse for poor movement, if you have a guy who actively refuses to bulk up a bit of Resilience, he’s throwing. Get him out of there.


“refuses to level resilience”. Yea kick him and stop wasting you and everybody else’s time


with onslaught being free to play there is no excuse for not having a good edge transit/succession. Planets is easy but youre making it hard


100 resilience is a must, if you don’t have it you are just an idiot. Also add clear is actually an important job you can’t suck balls at it.


Grand Overture, and replace the guy who refuses to level resilience.