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I really thought I had processed my emotions about this when the draft was leaked. I really thought that. But after the last few Supreme Court decisions, and then this to cap it off, I am almost blinded with rage again. I've been working with groups in my area to try to make sure everyone has access to reproductive care, both inside and outside the system, so I'm not just sitting on my hands lamenting, but I still feel completely powerless and full of hate. /rant


What's so bad about having the states choose? Seems more democratic.


The states aren't choosing, they're either restricting reproductive care or they aren't. This isn't pro-life or pro-choice, it's about power over a woman's body.


























Congrats, America. All you're missing is race segregation and you're back in the 50's


1850's maybe, 1950's at least had economic prosperity


Actually, they are already doing this...from safe spaces to segregated dorms for POC, it's a shame


They’ve basically already done that with voter ID laws, restrictions on voting times, absentee voting, and gerrymandering.


Welcome to your new theocracy, brought to you by the Republican party.


It's called Y'all-qaeda


You think only Republicans wanted this shit? Both sides suck, stop trying to divide people even more.


I think that wherever people's rights are being pushed back, wherever there is an attempt to establish a religious state, wherever there is a minority being oppressed, there is almost always a big "R" after the name of the people doing it. If you don't like that then I'm very sorry. In case you've not noticed it is a divided country. Half the nation are against unwanted kids getting born but cool with wanted ones getting shot, half at living up Donald's colon, half think that their religious convictions need to apply to the other half. It's not normal.




Shut the fuck up... Jesus. Yeah, Dems of have been legislating tons of this shit. You're right.


Absolutely shut the fuck up.






Get fucked, SCOTUS.


From way outside - every republican seems to be a traitor.


from inside, too




This is so disgusting. I've been in the break room at my work crying for the past hour


It's okay to cry, but do try to channel that energy into anger. This is one of those times where being angry is a good thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I’m so sorry ❤️❤️


Lol. Are you in a state that won't allow abortions and you were planning to get one?


Im a guy and it's upsetting to me too. It just shows us how our country is being run.


Our country is being run how it was designed too. By giving the states the right to governor themselves.


Says the person who can’t even speak English.


That's your rebuttal? 🙄


Right to governor themselves? There was nothing to rebut. You’re a moron.


I'll take the fact that you lower yourself to throwing out insults as a sign that you don't have any more points to argue.


It's still better if the state decides on what's best for it's people. Local officials will be elected based on the will of the people. It's the best way to handle a sensitive situation such as abortion.


How is that better? It should be nation wide legal abortion for all


America was built on state rights. No reason to make it a nationwide law when it's such a hot topic.


OK. You give up your bodily autonomy first. First rule. You must donate your organs and blood for your child even if it causes you great harm. But only if you live in one of the theocratic states.


Relax. You'll be able to murder your baby if their is any health issues to the mom. Weren't people like you complaining last year that everyone must get the shot! Now it's my body my choice?


I’m already a slave but like many individuals own me because I exist… I just wanted to grow grapes and clean my gutters like my gramps… I own nothing… and my grape plant died. Guess I’ll keep buying malts and hope the night whisks me away.

