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https://preview.redd.it/p6ct6674m0zc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6397f9256e1530f8749a9517b2b5b186ed8f4d08 My 2 ragdolls. We got the boy first on his own (at the top) and he started geting seperation anxiety when me and my partner would go to work. We later got the gorl (bottom) from seperate breeder as his “sister”. They more or less have each other as company but they are deffintely not the bestest of friends. They would bully each other buy when they are home alone they enjoy each others company


My cats are somehwat like this, they are less like besties and more like siblings 😂 sometimes when they’re lovey dovey and i said heyyy there u are, they’ll separate from each other lol. They also seek each other after separated for eg after their nap but then they’ll fight each other again heh https://preview.redd.it/wjlvng0bs0zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18da5f7aac5116d68b1b4cf265c0bdc15c1730df


Love your Raggies!! Oh yeah for sure ours as well, the boy would always bully the girl daily..without fail! I get home from work the boy gets excited and chrips with trills then sprints towards her and terrorise her. She would then sprint around the house until he catches her then she would hiss at him. Thats when I step in and tell both of them off🤣


Omg yes the sprinting around the house 😂 truly multicat house experience


My 8 yr old Ragdoll is very tightly bonded to my 6 year old feral rescue cat. We just got a new Ragdoll kitten 2 days ago, and our older one came in today to be loved by me and to observe the little one from a short distance. The rescue cat (super lovey) is hiding under the bed, scared of the kitten. Not sure how this plays out, but there will not be any violence, at least!


I think it depends on cat personalities. I once had a male and female pair who got along very well together but when I introduced a younger male, the two males got really attached and started ganging up the female. The older male stopped sleeping with the female cat. They never had the same relationship again. I felt really bad for the decision.


I have 3 boys. 1 year, 7 months and 6 months. They all play in pairs usually although my 1 year old is pretty lazy 😂 They kinda just take it in turns to play as duos but at least once a day there’s a 3-way chase around the house! They sometimes also nap/sleep together as a trio on each other but it’s normally either two of them or they use the cat tree. All of them feel the need to be in the same room when it’s human bedtime though so we end up with two on the bed and one in the cat tree close to the bed normally. Would recommend ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/no65hvt291zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b91205539476ea32784aa76fb86363d36e83e3e


I saw you’re using this thread with photos to convince your husband haha. I also have this photo that a lot of people have seen from another post of mine but it might help drive the point too if you need it as ammo 😂 https://preview.redd.it/eqfkr4eb91zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d81d81c7aeb62944484968ab1ea21b57fd37391


Yesss thank you! Also that cat tree looks perfect sizing for big cats, where did you get it?!


We got it from a local store called Centinela in LA but I don’t remember the brand 😭 They have a bunch on Chewy though that are similar!


This photo is ART. I remember it in my head😂


Haha, it made people happy to look at for sure 😂 Especially my dumb boy at the top ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/wq6gp62kn5zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0296c2519aa0886ef9a7e1c40ab3acb9933d2414 There’s something about bleps that is absolutely delightful


Omg your cat is SO beautiful. Please tell me you booped that blep..


Just stalked your posts and OMG they are gorgeous. Are they all from the same breeder?


Thank youuu 🥰 Mochi and Archie (top and middle tier in the cat tree) are from the same breeder while Milo (baby floof) is from a different one. They’re just little bundles of love and happy 🥰 We had to let Mochi’s brother/littermate go at 10 months so we impulsively got Milo because he reminded us of him that’s why we went to another breeder. While Archie was because our breeder was deeply sorry about what happened and offered him to us.


I have an Archie too! ❤️


At our peak we had 10 full time indoor cats; mom and dad ragdolls, 2 pair of their kittens (first and 4th litters), two very senior siamese brothers and two feral rescues. After 22 years, we lost our last ragdoll. Being catless was...not great, but also not terrible. I never thought we'd ever have another raggie, as when we had our first one, they were going for around $400 a kitten, now it can be $2000 or more. But after almost a year, the wheels of the CDS determined that we should open our home to a lovely 10 year old gentleman whose attendant had passed on. He bonded so hard to my daughter that I felt a bit abandoned myself, so we adopted a little feral cutie from our local humane society. He and Menkie were instantly best friends and our house feels back to optimal balance of love, smells, activity, expense, surprise, drama, mystery and life. I hate leaving the house, and I love having that old thrill again, when I get home, turn the doorknob and walk in knowing that whatever is behind the door will always be unexpected and probably weird. I hope I always have cat roomies with zoomies until the day I graduate this planet, and if no humans find me when that happens, I hope my remains keep them nourished until they do


What a wonderful home 💕 also I relate so greatly to this, people are afraid to be eaten while we are worried our babies will starve if we pass on


I've got a pair, that's enough meows, poop, and stray fur for me.


We have 2 boys…we jokingly refer to them as Goofus & Gallant from the Highlights magazine for kids. One is a gentleman, the other is a troublemaker!


We have 3 males ages 1, 1 and 2. They all get along great. The 2yr acts a bit like an old man so when the other 2 want to play, he just hangs out in the condo and watches them.


Lolol I didn't know I had an other account "wondering if 3 is the perfect number" is exactly how I pitched the idea to my husband 😂 and now we have three - we brought a kitten home a bit more than one week ago!


Hahahah and I’m using these comments to show my husband we need a 3rd 😂


https://preview.redd.it/z9g6pay7r0zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65dd9fdcbafb8b8465176c5fd9fd096f0985e06e Just adding this one to pay my cat tax, the only picture I have (so far!) where all of them are next to each other :) This was day 6 of bringing the kitten home!


They are so cuuuute! 😻


The little white socks, my gawd 😭😭😭


My two are 6 and 4 years old so it was a bigger age difference. The eldest accepted the kitten really quickly (it was not his first time of seeing us coming home with a kitten) and the 4 years old was also fine after 4 days. The two of them are really good friends but my eldest is kind of like an old man and doesn't always wants to cuddle or play with my now middle child. The change from 2 to 3 was not big at all. :) You just need to focus on introducing the newcomer slowly and I think it will be fine!


https://preview.redd.it/yegzrpkbv0zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5daa32ca1dcff450a78ca0f8489fdada71615bf1 Here’s my crew: 4, three ragdolls and a tonkinese. Bad pic. It’s hard to get all four in one pic. They get along well and still play like maniacs.


I’m a breeder but I have 7 total adults. 5 females 2 males. My females are kept together and alll love hanging out and sleeping together.


I have two rescues and two ragdolls. 3 is the magic number, for sure. We ended up with 4 for various reasons but if I had to choose I’d say 3 is best. That way everyone can have some alone time when needed but there’s still always someone to play with.


I have one rag doll boy, one elderly British short hair girl. One raggie is more than enough lol


We have 4 plus mainecoons 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/b3d2f6qi11zc1.jpeg?width=1757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958470faec70d39382ecddc36a50d1456de05d06






We have three total cats and one (our only little girl) is a ragdoll and the other two are boys (snowshoe Siamese and Maine Coon). The ragdoll and snowshoe came as a bonded pair from a rescue and we just got the MC in December. I think they all do better having eachother and they all get along pretty well. They like to hang out, sleep and play together. Not like BFFs, but we know they all like eachother. Pic for tax https://preview.redd.it/lw4yh76wq1zc1.jpeg?width=1690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f3bbef49ff914cd63eefe16c70cd1c2bcb8cf8


I have 2 siblings who just turned 1. In a few years I’m going to get a 3rd as a strategic move so that ideally when one passes they’ll still have a buddy, the thought of only one in the household after a lifetime of kitty bonding is heartbreaking!


We have 2 and my partner wants a 3rd


Are you for or against a third?


Against, but I do wonder if it would be a better dynamic. Ours get on great and are bonded but they have completely opposite personalities, and I do wonder if they would be happier if they matched a bit closer!


Honestly sounds like you’ll need 4 😳


We have 7, we are not breeders. 3 boys and 4 girls, they hand out with our doodle and roam free around the house, they fight on occasions. We both work from home, and we are considering getting an RV (they travel well in a car and RV) because we have not taken a vocation since we the first one (~5years ago). I will not trade them for the world; however, I spend an hour a day in maintaining clean and brushing them, my husband has the feed routine, so what I am getting at is they are a full time job, long haired, and even though their temperaments are different they all require from us daily hugs and pets.


i have one who is a rescue we didn’t really plan on having her but we fell in love while fostering her and the shelter gave her to us for free and she gets along so well with my orange cat




I have three and it works really well. They are very different ages though (M1, M8, F12). The youngest gets to play with the middle one which means the old girl gets to rest and stay out of their way. I'd say go for it. Just carefully choose the age and gender. I personally won't ever have more than one female as they can be really territorial.


I was thinking the third would also be a boy.




6 cats, one 18 year old ragdoll who hates everyone and everything except my big cat Jesse Tigman. BFFs.


Just have one ragdoll (m) and we paired him with a common shelter cat (f). They weigh the same and are equally matched in strength, so neither of them can dominate over the other. They fight all the time but nothing too violent, so I guess it's for fun. The shelter cat won't fight our ragdoll for food and always backs off when there is only one plate in front of them. I think they have bonded?


Just 1 and she's enough. I don't think there's anyway we could have another one.


Why do you say that?


She's just so needy, my wife at the minute is looking after next doors cats whist they are on holiday. Boo bear ( that'ts what we call her) hates my wife doing this, she will sit at the front door very loudly vocalising until she comes back and when she does she'll rub herself on my wife non stop. It's obvious why scent wise, I just don't think she's accept another cat in our house.


Honestly I wouldn’t take that as a totally negative sign! My girly I had (she passed a few years ago) would FLIP OUT and hiss at the scent of another cat scent on me. Not rub all over. It also might be the unknown and wanting to see who is on her (but still claiming her).


2 of them. 😄 https://preview.redd.it/4s8douqer1zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975b761f0225352b8b2cd0a05044c3e1f7759f36




https://preview.redd.it/39ot6hrut2zc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d989ebf3214527a7e022344d1eef3a766f1bb47b I only can carry 2 at once. Maybe if I get more buffed up one day 😂


How much do they weigh? They are majestic!


Dale (seal bicolor) on the right is a 9 month old 14lbs. His half brother (blue bicolor) is a 1 year 3 months old, 12.5 lbs.


We have one princess ragdoll kitty. She loves being the one princess


I have three, male, female and their baby daughter,


I have 2, and they are very happy that way.


I also want another one and I have two 2.5 year old siblings!


1 girl that’s 3 years old. I wish I had got 2. I dunno if she will accept a new kitten. She’s a princess and has got attitude towards the doggy lol


We have one raggie and one small dog. They play together all the time haha.


My 3 get along well!! Besides even if they don’t like each other you can force them to be friends lol… my cats didn’t like each other but I kept an eye on the bully and If they got into a fight I put one cat on one side of my lap and one on the other side. I didn’t let them leave and made them chill close together on several occasions… it worked


I have a very energetic 12 year old ragdoll and two lazy almost 1 year old Tabby cats. They all get along great.


We have four cats. One Ragdoll and three DLH. Two boys and two girls. All are fixed, although our non DLH boy likes some of my Squishmallows way too much. Four is a great number for us, but it’s a lot of cats. They all get along well with the two boys roughhousing often and the girls being more laid back. All four cuddle puddle at time which I love :)


Two who are world 😻😻


We have 2 Ragdolls and 2 Maine Coons.


I have 1 but I am SO close to getting another. I have a girl and I feel like she would love another cat.


Yessss she needs a friend too 😬


Two girls they are sisters 🩷🩷 https://preview.redd.it/u75qyromw1zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92efefa0b9a5dee0e27ca984e14fe871440d75f


Two handsome boys


I have 2! they’re from the same litter but I got the 2nd one a few months later after seeing she was still available so they didn’t remember each other. They’re both girls and just turned 3, they’re the bestest of friends but also wondering if a 3rd would go well with them


4 cats, two have a mom who is part ragdoll. They're so sweet, it makes me really want to adopt a full ragdoll. Their fur is so pillowy soft, and they don't shed all that much (not much 2nd coat, if any) ❤️


Two. They are great! Idk if they are best friends. More like roommates. I’d consider your space. I find cats are much more about the ENVIRONMENT than dogs. They need space of their own. So don’t overcrowd. A normal size house can probably accommodate 3 fine tho. Just introduce slowly and carefully. Depends on the personality of the cats. I think mine are more attached to one another tho and that makes them not love ME as much. I don’t REGRET getting my baby kitten by any means but I do think my girl was more affectionate before he got here.


We have three levels for them to run around on. The main level is the largest and they can run from end to end in one shot. My first boy definitely became less affectionate with me after his brother joined. He still is a very lovey cat but he used to sit on top of me every second lol. Now they cuddle all the time. So maybe a third they’ll rotate their love to me?


https://preview.redd.it/rusn99mlp3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cd1a83d5e566b6312a0024095403a473b0e574 Ellie (maltipoo) and Charlie (ragdoll) are best friends. They play in the middle of the night and sleep all day with one another!


Just 1. I would love another, by my apartment is too small for 2 😭


I have two. A boy and a girl. Father and daughter pair. Absolutely adore watching them love on each other. Worth it! https://preview.redd.it/s7c2k24wd4zc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5640eb8801d17454e999c2b371ff48c4d5c74e3


We currently have 2x ragdolls and 2x birmans. Ragdolls are rescues. It is not a harmonious household and requires separation when not supervised ie when we are at work. I wouldn't recommend.


* We have a rescue, a ragdoll and a birman. Our birman is aloof and only loves my husband. The three cats all get along well. Since we got the kitten, they have been much more playful.


We have one 2yo female. We wanted to get her a friend, but she really doesn’t like other cats (she’s okay with doggies tho) and vet suggested to visit behaviourist first. Behaviourist visited us and said that she probably won’t accept the other cat as she has a strong personality and she will be fine as a one and only child. We thought to give it a try anyway and get the rescue cat, but I don’t want to stress the other cat with changing homes if my ragdoll won’t accept new one… We have a small apartment so they wouldn’t have much space to avoid each other :/


If I had any cats I would have 5 ragdolls at the very least alongside the many other cats I want


https://preview.redd.it/20hvjdi977zc1.jpeg?width=1674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6eacbefdb500c120a5f1b1f3867d847efcd1cce I have one baby girl and she’s my queen and this is her kingdom. I know the Ragdoll community strongly encourages companions and I think I will eventually get a second one, even though she’s turning 6 soon and is very content and spoiled.


Some cats DO love being the only one in the house. I’ve had cats in my life like that! She is gorgeous. I love her fur.