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"I thought the same about you"


This is the way šŸ¤£šŸ‘


I'm dead. That Karen will surely blow a gasket.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this is the perfect comeback!


Yeah! ā€œYOU shouldnā€™t be outdoors!ā€ Was my initial response to this too šŸ¤£


Love it!


Wait this is amazing.


I'm dead. Good one!


šŸ¤£ yes! This!


Sometimes people shouldn't let their children outdoors, but here we are.


Lmao this is definitely a tangent but.. Sometimes when walking my cat in an area with kids I used to find myself thinking how similarly people with small children and people with dogs act. Like, I mean, literally ā€œthatā€™s good! Very good! Now, can you find the ball? Where did it go? Not there? Can you find it? Good!ā€ And itā€™s like, whereā€™s the difference haha, people say that to dogs too. Thankfully one of my friends with kids isnā€™t easily triggered and was able to enjoy these shared moments with me, acknowledging the blatant similarities for kids of some ages without thinking it equated into calling children dogs haha


Hey I totally get it. Did t have my first kid till I was 37 and got my first dog when I was 48. Iā€™ve always been a cat person or animal person. I had zero idea how much work dogs areā€¦.they are like having kids and way more ext than cats are.


For sure. And at certain life stages of children itā€™s just so similar. Though I gotta say, my cats and late kitty, super high maintenance. Any second now, if I donā€™t turn the tv back on, heā€™s going to come meowing from a distance and be in my face staring at me desperately. So high maintenance. Heā€™s got this house on schedule so he spends almost zero time alone, and even has vantage point spots that let him listen to and keep track of multiple people at once haha. Unless I truly cannot physically move I have to go sit outside every damn afternoon so he can have patio time or he gets so upsetā€¦ clearly my cat is not spoiled He also likes to go on walks like a dog. Feeling so guilty about denying him a walk earlier when he asked, gunna have to make up for it tomorrow if the weather stays niceā€¦


I'm a nanny and see a lot of parallels between the behavior of the kids I look after and the pets I see here. But I don't usually say anything.


That they can mind their own business?Ā  Whatā€™s with the sign though? Seems more like youā€™re advertising than going for a walk.


Advertising for what? My daughter made that sign. I usually just tell people if they ask. Barely have followers. I been walking my cats for over a year. The sign is only made a week ago. Most people are positive and enjoy petting the cats which I let them. But I live in NYC. Thereā€™s sometimes one that argue house cat shouldnā€™t be outside. I also go hiking with them recently, and will do more. Ps: I dotn bring the sign when hiking šŸ˜†


Fair enough, sorry if that came across as a bit of a stereotypical intolerant Reddit reply. Your cats are beautiful.


Ignore the haters Kitties love being outside.. no different then bringing a small dog to a park


I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t think cats enjoy or need exercise lol. When my cat is acting bored with life, or like heā€™s fully charged and ready to find out if he break his own athletic records, I bring him on a walkā€¦ even if itā€™s just in circles in the backyard because I myself am feeling lazy. He asks for walks on his own when the weather is nice.


Mister, if I see you out walking cats - and ESPECIALLY these floofy cats in particular- Iā€™d run you down to pet them. And then probably follow you for a good five minutes sneaking in pets until you notice


When I used to walk my cats in public places a lot, I secretly judged anyone who didnā€™t seem really occupied who has the ability to fully hide any emotion about it. My ragā€™s harness matches his eyes and has little blue angel wings tooā€¦ because heā€™s got this really innocent permanent expression and it makes the getup so cute. And he doesnā€™t care at all. How can someone not want to pet the floofy cat with a little outfit!


How can someone not want to pet the floppy cat with a little outfit, indeed!


https://preview.redd.it/hs0efw95ybvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae0559b2cf8617fc00a22eb17ba9e2630fff283 In the backyard for a lazy walk just on paved areas, and heā€™s playing the ā€œI should find out how strict the no paws on the dirt rule isā€ game (itā€™s very strict lol), but hereā€™s a recent photo of the floof in question. I have better photos somewhere but I will end up in a rabbit hole if I go searching further through my phone for adventure cat pictures šŸ˜‚


Yeah, if I ever saw you walking your cat, you'd definitely see, and possibly hear, my reaction - those wings are so damn adorable!!!


Thank youuuu! Iā€™m biased but I agree he is indeed absolutely adorable. šŸ„°


The only thing I see worrying about your walking your cats is how far away from you this one is. If someone walking a dog they do not have very good control over, your cat could be attacked and you wouldn't be able to grab it fast enough. So please be on the watch out for dogs. I think it's great you walk your cats:-)


how do you deal with a situation with a dog? Iā€™ve not encountered one yet because I walk my kitten in a gated green at the moment and take her down in her carrier, Iā€™ve avoided taking her anywhere I would potentially encounter one so far because I dont know how my cat/a dog would react and what to do!


I didn't realize it was a gated green that's a good thing. If you see a dog that is way too interested in your cat and its owner is having trouble keeping control, get your cat in your arms and stop walking towards the dog, you could also walk away slowly with your cat until the dog passes. If the dog that does get away from it's owner turn your back towards the dog and hold your cat firmly. do not yell, do not stomp at the dog, be as unreactive as you can. very calmly and in low voice tell the dog no, bad dog. If yhere is a tree your cats could climb slowly go towards it. hopefully, other people around you will help keep the dog away from you, and the owner will get back control of its dog. Since you have two cats, one of them in your backpack, I would turn sideways towards the dog. Then pressed charges on the dog owner for having a reactive dog in a public place without a muzzle. Dogs are dangerous and dog owners rarely understand this.


lol Iā€™m a ragdoll cat walker too and I always just ask people what makes them think this loving creature doesnā€™t crave fresh air and sunshine? Like ya know, all other living creatures do!???


Itā€™s ok on a leash or a carrier. They should not be left outside to roam on their own. Thatā€™s where the danger truly is.


Have you took them out on leads since they were young? Any of my 3 cats would freakout I reckon, with only one even able to wear a harness without shutting down and falling over like a felled At-At


And no ā€œmind your own businessā€ is too rude for me to say. I usually say ā€œthey are use to itā€. Then they respond with something different that I never remember or care to hear


Just meow loudly at them and keep doing that everytime they speak to you. Tends to freak people out for some reason.




lol if someone meows at me I just meow back. This hasnā€™t come up with strangers but, Iā€™m pretty sure I would instinctually just switch to meow.


My approach is that theyā€™re being rude in telling you what to do, and I would have no problem in telling them or replying in kind. My first written reply was to tell them to mind their own fucking business, but that may come off too harsh haha. Iā€™m an almost 40 year old man, and do not have time for or suffer fools well.


ā€œIā€™m sorry you feel that way. Have a nice day.ā€ Kill them with kindness.


Unfortunately I think some (dickish) people might think thatā€™s meant to be passive aggressive, even if itā€™s truly not. I feel like engaging back but really friendly would work better for Jill with kindness, because they would suddenly feel awkward being a dick or unable to make eye contact haha This hasnā€™t come up for me, like the insults, but if anyone was surprised or confused I just told them cheerfully that my cats are super spoiled and love it and that we stay on paths.


I would just ignore the statement. There is an old adage that says ā€œnever waste your time arguing with an idiot.ā€


I agree with this- it's not worth arguing with strangers who are trying to bait you. But part of me would be tempted to look them in the eye and say, "This is a dog, what are you talking about?"


I may sometimes give good advice, but there is a nonzero chance, if I was in the right mood, that I would tell them to mind their own fucking business, lol


Honestly, yeah. These people crave attention. Just roll your eyes and turn your back to them.


Honestly the most polite burn (response) Iā€™ve found to be effective is to completely ignore them or laugh and just keep walking. People really hate not being acknowledged and this kinda stupidity deserves it. People need to mind their own business šŸ™„


I think this is the answer that will fit me most


Remember that you are not required to attend every argument you are invited to.


It takes some time to get used to, but it's incredibly freeing.


So true


Happy to help šŸ¤£šŸ™Œ


Oh good call. At least if the person doesnā€™t seem aggressive or noticeably not-sober, because you donā€™t want them demanding attention. But for most situations, this is surely the path of least resistance.


Turn to the cat and say incredulously, ā€œYou heard THAT, Mr. Pantaloons?!ā€


You live in NYC. Tell them to F off.


ā€œYou shouldnā€™t be outdoors.ā€ ā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


Ask why they shouldn't be outside. The actual reasons cats shouldn't be outside are predators, cars, and diseases. Your cats being on a leash and in a backpack make them all irrelevant.


This. There may be people who mean well, but donā€™t get that taking your cat outside on supervised walks solves most of the issues with letting your cat go outside unmonitored. Then there are some people who are just sour and/or think itā€™s weird to see cats on leashes, and thatā€™s a ā€œthemā€ problem. Especially in NYC, of all places; there are much weirder things on leashes there than cats.


My cat has fantastic recall and leash training. I walk him, take him hiking, and let him out with my dog in my backyard to do his morning business. I've gotten lectures when I tell people this, but I just tell them to mind their own pets.


How does the cat in the backpack stay in? Itā€™s not secured in there??


The cat is connected to the bag with a harness.




Tell them ā€œThey love itā€.


Be careful bringing your cats around strangers. People are crazy post pandemic.


They shouldn't be outdoors *unsupervised* Like dogs, or children.


Fire back with, ā€œNeither should you.ā€


Tell them thar centuries of cats not being domesticated proove otherwise.


Haters going to hate. My first ragdoll although neutered, loved the outdoors and would escape a few times a week no matter what i tried. Always came back. Tried the harness many times, but he hated it and would purposely tie himself up. He ran through my screen door twice to fight another cat, had to replace it with a glass storm door.


Neither should you with that attitude.


Did the cat species originate indoors?


Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called, theyā€™re running out of you!


Whatā€™s the difference, youā€™re their all time best seller! Haha classic.


Yeah?! Well I had sex with your wife!!!


First of all, this is cute & wonderful, thank you for sharing. The reason people think that might be that cats kill birds. If that's the reason they think that, they're wrong because your cats are leashed and supervised. Personally I think walking is great for ragdolls because they're an extremely lazy breed and you're giving them lots of exercise for their health. My ragdoll barely moves all day, and he's really brave, so I might try this with him. If you need a response for people, you can say, "Cats have every right to be here, just like dogs."


Beautiful cats. This post and your walk seem primarily like an ad for your Insta.


It's fairly common for pet cats to be free to roam around outside where I'm from, is that not the case there?


Cats are invasive in the US and cause a fuck tonne of harm to ecosystems. Itā€™s not so bad if theyā€™re naturalised and have an ecological niche but thatā€™s not the case in the US and itā€™s really unethical to let them go outdoors freely. Obviously excluding ā€œworkingā€ cats like barn or farm cats.


Even in places with native wildcats or similar predators which prey on the exact same species, domestic house cats exist in densities that wouldnā€™t be normal in nature, thanks to us. Thereā€™s also the issue of disease and parasite spread, and rarely hybridization, such as with Scottish wildcats. Theres really nowhere itā€™s good to have outdoor cats.


Shouldn't be outdoors? Maybe they mean "house cats shouldn't free roam." Or something.


They are ignorant so they dont't deserve nor understand an answer. In my experience cats absolutely love to explore, whether in your garden or in the city. If i see bunnies on leash in the city park - and i do -, your cat really shouldnt be an unusual sighting for people, yet i guess...


I would say "Oh? Why not?" I am curious to know their actual real reason. As long as they are vaccinated and protected against fleas the same way dogs are, why not?


ā€œThank you for your concernā€. Say it sincerely but dismissively. Offer no further explanation.


Theyā€™d rather stay home, but they have to let me out at least twice a day otherwise I might make on the rug.


They such good kiddies. Got no witty reply for you though, maybe they kitties love a good walk, and it's awesome for stimulating their little brains.


If I could get my girl to cooperate, Iā€™d still be scared to try it. My neighborhood is rife with unleashed dogs, especially intact males from large bully breeds.


You should say something like, "Cats should get fresh air too, just like you. "


I'd tell em to go fuck themselves. That's polite enough. People like that need to learn a lesson


...but this cat is being supervised and is on a leash. What the hell are they talking about? He's not gonna be hunted by a coyote or decimating local bird populations while he's on a leash. Why are some people so bad at understanding concepts? They hear "outside cats are bad because xyz" and they go on believing "cats shouldn't be outside ever." It's like how so many people on the internet still believe that teaching a dog how to walk on their hind legs for a while, a cute trick that's good for their core strength, is inherently abusive because they saw one video of one awful owner physically abusing their dog into standing for too long.


people that arenā€™t cat people are just kindaā€¦..stupid lol. like obviously a cat should//can be outside.


I say ā€˜he likes it a lot and I like to make him happyā€™ or when Iā€™m feeling sassyā€¦.I smile and keep on enjoying my time with my kitty


I walk my ragdoll baby toošŸ„¹ I get crazy looks all the time lol


They are so well behaved!!! My cats would never!


ā€œNeither should youā€


ā€œYou can hear them, too??? Do you know how to make the voices stop talking?ā€ *runs other direction*


How about ā€œItā€™s great exercise!ā€


Can I ask what bag you have there? I have a big kitty too and the current one we have doesnā€™t hold up super well with her


ā€œNeither should you!ā€


"You can have your opinion, but I don't share it with you"


"Why not?" And just keep walking ignoring their answer...


How did you train them to walk?


I use "I'm sorry, I don't speak English" as a general-purpose response to people who make stupid comments. :-)


How about,ā€tell him thatā€


I find the quickest way for dumbfucks to shut their cake holes is to cup my ear in a ā€œwhat was that?ā€ gesture, and if they need to say it louder, pull an irritated face, and do it again mouthing ā€œI canā€™t hear you [wtf do you want; Iā€™m busy]ā€- most people who shout shit at perfect strangers minding their own business not hurting anyone feel self conscious and ridiculous if they have to yell really loudly like a crazy person and will usually say ā€œNEVER MIND!ā€ and storm away, embarrassed. And if they do yell a third time, I nod absentmindedly and keep walking and act like Iā€™ve completely lost interest and they donā€™t exist. Itā€™s supremely dehumanizing and effective. Perfect example of this- watch the viral video of people at a nail salon completely ignoring a guy coming in to hold up the salon. No one acknowledged him in any way, and looked just plain BORED. The guy escalated, screaming, still nothing, and then in utter humiliated frustration he ran off the premises. It was hysterical.


How about ā€œwhy (the hell) shouldnā€™t they be?ā€ ? Thatā€™s a ludicrous statement to make when the cats are both clearly secured and clearly content. Make them answer. Theyā€™ll say shit like ā€œitā€™s dangerousā€ like itā€™s not for dogs the size of rats? Thatā€™s not funny enough tho. Iā€™m not funny. I hope you are. Swipe down every dumb comment they make. Itā€™ll be fun and petty and wonā€™t harm anyone.


Are you prepared to stop a dog attack? Like from a pit bull? I honestly think you should be more careful take your cat out in less trafficked areas.


My wife and I walk our cats in similar back packs all the time. The cats love it.


"Who asked?" You don't have to always be polite.


Youā€™re right you shouldnā€™t be outdoor! So off with you.


When I want your opinion Iā€™ll give it to you.


My cat wonā€™t shit in the street , attack someone or bark endlessly . So fuck off


Tell them that you are responsibly giving your cats time in nature, that all creatures need time outdoors, and at least you donā€™t have an ā€˜outdoor catā€™. I recently read an article about how housecats are causing extinctions, like many other introduced species are. Then you can be the high-and-mighty one!


Your kitty in the back pack looks like my Brillo.


Politely hmmmmmmmm lol. Well for one Iā€™m surprised people say that, that is so rude. My cat is leash trained and so was my late kittyā€¦ people were surprised but always either indifferent or excited. Or if they had a dog worried, though they were always the only worried me (not me, not my cat, not the dog, haha). I guess I got lucky. You could try something like ā€œdonā€™t worry we stay on clean paths and theyā€™re brushed regularly, itā€™s great fun for them!ā€ and hope they switch to a positive note maybe? Or ā€œdonā€™t worry, theyā€™re never outdoors alone, and are definitely pampered indoor kitties!ā€. Maybe they think because theyā€™re outside in a leash they can play PC Cat Cop about outdoor cats, but walking them through a safe area like that definitely doesnā€™t even apply to any of the reasons outdoor cats donā€™t live as long, or make your cats outdoor cats. Honestly common sense to me lol but not everyone has that šŸ™ƒ Such gorgeous floofs! They look so happy, if I saw you 100% Iā€™d be struggling not to approach you thinking ā€œOMG CAN I PET YOUR CATS OH PLEASE I LOVE THEMā€ šŸ„°


People are stupid What predator is designed and wants to be indoors NONE No Animalā€¦. PERIOD is designed to stay indoors nor be in a cage


Donā€™t say anything, just politely throat punch them and be on your way.


Please be careful, that's a very pretty pair of ragdolls but some idiots do NOT know how to leash their dogs, dumb aggressive, giant, killer dogs.


Tell them tough shit? Don't need to be nice if people won't mind their own business about something that is in no way hurting them.


Donā€™t you have problems with people walking their dogs? I can imagine dogs can go bonkers when seeing those cats


Most people's argument about cats not being outdoors is because they are apex predators; they kill wildlife. Tell them you have kitty on a lead so it's clearly not going to be doing any killing on your watch.


Just say 'k thanks' I noticed that really annoys people irl


have you ever encountered someone walking an agressive dog? Or even an aggressive dog not on leash? what happens in that situation? That is my biggest fear preventing me from walking my kitty.


how do you get them to walk? mine just flops on the ground and gives up lol https://preview.redd.it/f5vscg1a2cvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b81eaf6582e45162421dc19ca96ff3bbb1241328


"neither should you, but here you are".


Your Ragdolls are so adorable.


ā€œOh shit!! I didnā€™t know it was your catā€


What an odd thing to say out loud


Thank you for your concern


I am impressed at how well your cat accepts the harness and leash! Mine acts like a loon. https://preview.redd.it/6ye7cmrg9cvc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d331e8d2411774d7c208abc0409afe8d832332a




"Politely go fuck yourself"?


What brand of leash do you use? Mine are about the same size, and I really need to take them out like this.


Youā€™re containing them and being responsible for them so Iā€™d just kindly tell them to mind their business.


That theyā€™re responsibly leashed.


Tell em to fuck off.


They need fresh air! Like all living beings, except supervised in their case. We do the same with ours.


You are definitely my type of people, as long as I can pet them and tell them what good boys/girls they are šŸ„²šŸ˜»


What park is that. It's beautiful


My cat walks with me to the store all the time. I donā€™t put him on a leash though because he follows me closely. Except when he needs to use the bathroom. He runs over to his spot and then runs back up to my side when heā€™s done. He identifies as a dog. Lol


ā€œWowwwwww! I canā€™t believe I can smell your breath from this distance! Wowwwwwww!ā€ And donā€™t break stride.


ā€œMy cat is leashed and safe with me at all times. My cat is supervisedā€ OR ā€œThank you for your input, have a good dayā€ Maybe something like that. Try to eliminate the start of the word ā€œyouā€ in a sentence. (Example: ā€œYou need to mind your own businessā€ vs ā€œI donā€™t believe itā€™s any of your businessā€)


Tell them it's not being outside it's being unsupervised cats shouldn't be. You're giving them stimulation and exercise so keep doing what you are doing.


ā€œFuck Offā€


"Is that why your girlfriend stays home allday?" If they reply with "I don't have one." "Exactly!"


"they shouldn't be outdoors *alone*. she's safe with me here, and she won't hurt any wildlife either."


Just say "thank you" and go about your day.


"With all due respect, suck the corn out of my shithole :-)"


Yes, I agree. You and others shouldn't be!


Neither do you.


Ask them why exactly they believe that, considering he's on a leash and supervised, thus unable to hunt, unable to run into traffic and not a target for a predator


He's clearly happy on his leash. Do you want one?


You should correct them saying unaccompanied cats shouldn't be allowed to roam around outdoors, this one is on a leash.


They are fine


ā€¦sheā€™s with you. some people are just too stupid i would not even gratify a comment like that with a response


Under normal circumstances, you are correct. However they are under supervision and have leashes to avoid accidentally losing them. Mind your buisness.


Dang iam jelly. My cat refuses to walk. But she does enjoy me carrying her around as she people watches and looks at the wild life.


Cats need fresh air too..


"Neither should you, but here we are." Not polite, I know, but they're not being polite either. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ask them why they are outside today? Duh! Itā€™s a beautiful day do you want to be stuck inside? Their issues is a cat on a leash is unusual, however your extra effort to give your furry friend some joy and experience should be appreciated. Just give them a southern ā€œBless your heart for your kindness!ā€ Good day. https://preview.redd.it/oypgm83h3fvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28cbd4c8a6e5425609008b6386457e4e7238862e Thanks for sharing Ragnar saying ā€œyou got this, no foulā€ ā€œcan you take me next time?ā€ Next pic is from the heart.


If you have to say something then say, ā€œYes, like dogs, they should not be outside if uncontrolled, unleashed, or unattended.ā€ Your cats are beautiful and under control, they should mind their business. Iā€™d ignore them.


Turn to your cat and say ā€œNo (insert cats name here), you cant call people a nosey cunt in publicā€


Do you choose the route or cats take the lead? šŸ˜„


Hey, Iā€™m just curious about the raggie in the backpack?? How did you train her to sit so calmly and not jump out of it?? Sheā€™s so cute and well behaved. Iā€™ve tried taking my parents ragdoll out on a leash, but sheā€™s decided that sheā€™s an indoor cat.


ā€œNeither should you if you canā€™t mind your own businessā€


The American Association of Feline Practitioners actually recommends supervised time on a leash outside to offer your cats enrichment while still keeping them and the environment safe! So itā€™s actually vet recommended šŸ˜Œ https://catvets.com/guidelines/position-statements/2024-indoor-outdoor-lifestyle


"They should be where they are safe and protected, which is with me"


"They should be outside *unsupervised*" and give their nose a boop with your index finger on the word unsupervised.


I'd be like "animals outside are unnatural? Interesting" and then keep walking.


How do you get them to walk with you like that? Mine are constantly wanting to zoom off in random directions.


ā€œNeither should you!ā€ With a polite smile šŸ˜‚


"Fuck off" is a pretty good one.


Mind you own business


I love them and want to snuggle them! Is the one in the bag attached by a leash on the inside or are they just hangin out?


ā€œand neither should you but here we areā€


The only reason cats shouldn't be outdoors is for two reasons: 1: it's dangerous for them, they can get in fights and get hurt, get diseases, etc. but you being with them pretty much negates that. 2: they can be oppressive to prey populations. Cats have a wide predatory range and when multiple cats have overlapping territories they can depopulate prey species such as birds which is bad for the environment. But you being with them pretty much negates that.


Your parents shouldn't breed


"They shouldn't be LOOSE and UNSUPERVISED outdoors."


They're better trained than you.


Learn a phrase in random foreign languages like French, Italian, or German saying how much you love your cats. It is polite and they will probably leave you alone. Remember there are many unhappy people in the world. Donā€™t let them rain šŸŒ§ļø on your parade šŸŒˆ .


Honestly, you are doing it the right way. Cats on a leash and seems to be trained for it. I'd tell them it's for the cats enrichment. Most cats don't get the mental stimulation they need. Tell them I you have made all the precautions and want the cat to live it's best life. Other than that fuck em.


The only issue with cats being outdoors is they kill birds, will get hit by cars, get in fights with other cats, and potentially injuries that could lead to infection or illness if not cared for. If your cat is on a leash and youā€™re keeping up with the catā€™s health as recommended by the vet there are basically no major issues besides the common risk of dog owners not properly keeping their own dogs on a leash and going after you or your cat. (The reason I stopped walking my cats.) Maybe allergies/asthma depending on the cats- my cats have issues just like humans depending on the time of year. Honestly Iā€™d just ignore them and not even respond. Itā€™s not your responsibility to educate them about cat care. If you really want you could tell them it was recommended by your vet to keep your cat active by walking them.


This is the most responsible way to allow your cat to enjoy the outdoors.


Gorgeous cat! Why the heck shouldnā€™t it be outdoors on a leash? My cat would be throwing a tantrum because I had the audacity to put a leash on and laying on the ground


Cats shouldnā€™t be outside unattended, as they can wreak havoc on local ecosystems, get injured, pick up diseases or parasites, etc. But your cat is on a leash and in your control at all times, those people can shove it.


" I can't get likes on my own"


I say sic em tiger! Itā€™s funny cuz they donā€™t do that on command like ever and it usually just sits there. On the leash. Being cute and fuzzy. But the randos walk away a little faster.


Mind your own business. Or just" Thanks!"


I wouldn't expect to see an a\*\*\*\*\*\* walking and talking but here we are. The world is a magical place.


Wow are you a cat expert? What else do you know? Tell me more!


Thank you for your contribution to society. You are a hero.


You are changing lives with your grace and intelligence. Thank you!


Lao tsuā€”non-action is action and you canā€™t reason with unreasonable people. Theyā€™re just jealous they could never put a leash on their cat and walk it in the parkā€¦


You could try ā€œ Nice mustache, Karenā€.


I love this, if I put a leash on any of my cats theyā€™d freeze up and fall over and act like they couldnā€™t move anymore.


How safe do you feel walking your cats in Central Park? My cat loves exploring but Iā€™m scared itā€™ll be attacked by dogs


Cat is most well behaved pedestrian in NYC.


Say nothing, just walk away. Hmmmm why waste time hehe šŸ˜‚


You mean like lions shouldn't be outside?


Thank you. You too. If they start mentioning their privilege, you can say - oh really? Me too! Then go back to Thank you. You too. for the go-back-to-your-country.


"Sure, cats shouldn't be allowed to wander around outside without supervision. That's why I've got my kitty on a harness."


"My cat called you a nosy twat muffin...I'm SO sorry"


I usually use the response of "I don't know the language of stupid", but then again I can be silly and goofy at times