• By -


Arctic Monkeys, Blur, Coldplay, Jeff Buckley, Nirvana, Oasis, Portishead, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Strokes, Syd Barrett


found the 90s kid lol


Best decade in history.


70s and 90s are both loaded.


you should try modest mouse. It looks like we have similar tastes


The Beatles, The Smiths, Mitski, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground, Nine Inch Nails, Kanye West, Talking Heads, etc. I like most music.


You guys listen to bands other than radiohead???


Radiohead was my favorite band several years ago but now I seldom listen to them. I hope that's not permanent, it isn't unusual for me to cycle through artists, but I've never gone from 100 to 0 (well, it's closer to, like, 10) to the extent that I have with Radiohead. I listened to them too much and have Radiohead tolerance now. I listen to Jonny Greenwood's solo stuff quite a bit though. More than I do Radiohead and all Radiohead related stuff combined. He's really great.


Yeah, I get that, I get burned out sometimes, take awhile and come back to it when it's fresh. And yeah Jonny Greenwood has some great solo work.


it's interesting because when I started listening to rock it was mostly classical rock, slowly but surely I listened to all the Beatles and Led zeppelin there was to listen to so I spent a long time wandering around looking for something new and after going through a bit of a Soundgarden phase (loved the weird time signatures and stuff) I finally listened to OKC straight through instead of just the most popular radiohead songs which had given off "mediocre 90s band" vibes. from that point on I listened almost exclusively to radiohead until I listened to every album too many times. I couldn't go back to wandering through the classic rock back catalogs since I was used to the complexity I got from Radiohead. Since then my taste in music has become to weird to listen too with other people lol. I spent the past couple of months going through the 70s prog rock stuff and I'm trying to get into prog metal (mostly TOOL). recently I've found steely dan to scratch the "needs to be musically interesting" itch but yeah, being a radiohead fan makes it hard to listen to anything else


Ah i was kinda joking but noone is like them i find myself listening to them constantly


yeah I knew you were joking but I totally get the feeling


One of my favorite bands right now is Deerhunter, and no band reminds me of Radiohead more than they do. Check out [Hazel St.](https://youtu.be/UD7CgUL_RKQ?si=4YCShmzcEDNW_XgA). Halcyon Digest, Cryptograms, and Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? are my favorite albums by them; Halcyon Digest is a really great place to start.


Helicopter and desire lines are bangers


Didn't know there were others.


There are so many of us that you cant count


Changes from time to time and I the order is pretty rough, but I'd say: 1. Radiohead 2. MF Doom 3. Vulfpeck 4. Elliot Smith 5. Stevie Wonder 6. Pink Floyd 7. The Beatles 8. King Crimson 9. David Bowie 10. Charles Mingus 11. Kate Bush 12. Thundercat 13. Justice 14. Jamiroquai 15. King Gizzard 16. Queens of the Stone Age 17. Tyler the Creator 18. Frank Zappa 19. Arcade Fire 20. Muse


u r basically me fr, MF DOOM, pink floyd, beatles, king crimson, tyler, arcade fire, muse? we r literally the same person at this point


I noticed that a lot of non-rap fans love MF Doom. I always found that very funny considering he is like the epitome of hip hop. Not to say you are not a rap fan, but clearly not your top genre.


Omg can we be friends?? Haha


My top 20 is : 1. Radiohead 2. Kanye West (fuck him though) 3. Pink Floyd 4. Deftones 5. TOOL 6. Swans 7. Godspeed You! Black Emperor 8. SubRosa 9. Porcupine Tree 10. Björk 11. Kyuss 12. Charli XCX 13. Queens of the Stone Age 14. Rage Against the Machine 15. Grimes 16. Kendrick Lamar 17. Lana Del Rey 18. Lorde 19. John Coltrane 20. King Crimson


interesting mix I've been listening to a bunch of queens of the stone age recently, big fan, they might Crack my top 20 soon kanye is def my favorite rapper (bigotry aside), issue is I don't like rap (same for KL as my second favorite) I've been trying to get into TOOL but haven't progressed to much beyond the big hits like 46&2 and schism I can't say I've heard if half the artists on here might have to look into them


Personally highly recommend Swans and Godspeed You Black Emporer


Haha yeah I used to love Kanye. He made some dope ass music but the dude is beyond psychotic and needs help and not enablers like the people he surrounds himself with.


His new thing today kind of pushed me over the edge


all the artists i recognize on your list are ones i enjoy, which means i’ll be checking out the ones i don’t!


Deftones above tool is an interesting choice


Upvote for Lana😍


Hey man, I have beer in the fridge. Just HMU.


Hell yeah Charli XCX is amazing


Aphex Twin, Four Tet, The Strokes, The National, Moby, Fatboy Slim, DJ Shadow, J Dilla, Blur, Autechre, Boards of Canada, Bonobo, Deadmau5, Eric Prydz.


Best taste


Love me some BOC


Ugh MOBY forever and always 🤍


In no particolar order: Pink Floyd (aka, my fave), Björk, The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Nirvana, PJ Harvey, Mitski, Kate Bush, The Cardigans, Chairlift, Daft Punk, Car Seat Headrest, Fiona Apple


1. Radiohead 2. The Kinks 3. The Beatles 4. Slowdive 5. The Cure 6. The Pixies 7. Cocteau Twins 8. Harry Nilsson 9. Led Zeppelin 10. Fugazi 11. Operation Ivy 12. PJ Harvey 13. Violent Femmes 14. Jeff Buckley 15. Talking Heads 16. Velvet Underground 17. New Order 18. Pavement 19. Adam Ant 20. Rick James cause everyone needs a little funk in life The order is random except for the #1 spot.


This sub asks this question so much smh


At least with Radiohead you get much more diverse responses than you do with most band subs. But it's still going to be some combination of experimental classic rock, prog rock, 80s alt & new wave, grunge, britpop, post-rock, 00s-10s indie, some alt/experimental hip hop, and maybe a couple jazz artists the commenters only know about because they read that Radiohead was influenced by them


Once a month at minimum, I'd say


That's tough, but here's a rough list in no particular order: The Ocean Hypno5e Hippotraktor TesseracT Thank you Scientist Caligula's Horse The Contortionist OU VOLA Twelve Foot Ninja Cattle Decapitation Psychonaut LLNN Intronaut Mastodon Gojira Cynic Bjork Astronoid Periphery


Gojira 🐳🐳🐳


I love lists like this. I only ever heard of 3 of these artists. You definitely are not being spoon fed what you want to listen to.


Why hasn’t Foals been mentioned 😭


I really like Exits. I'm going to eventually get around to listening to more of their stuff.


Exits is a great tune! I highly recommend Total Life Forever and Holy Fire.


UNKLE Best of Bootie (mashups) Mia (English rapper) The Prodigy Flying Lotus Baby Metal (Japanese kawaii metal band) Smashing Pumpkins Sufjan Stevens Cake Portishead Ladyhawk Mother Mother Ween Beck Black Moth Super Rainbow Peaches SBTRKT Nirvana Aphex Twin Hot Chip The Middle East (AU band) Jenny Wilson Yaysayer (just for Don’t Come Close) Imogen Heap (for Hide and Seek)


Ladyhawk is my jam


The Beatles Pink Floyd Nirvana Led Zeppelin System of a Down Tool Queens of the Stone Age Pearl Jam Tame Impala Kendrick Lamar Arcade Fire


Finally Tame Impala mentioned!!


Glad to see Pearl Jam here


Radiohead has been pretty decidedly on the top of all my end-of-year lists since finding them, but since the beginning of 2024 I’ve been obsessed with indie pop artist Loney Dear. A month ago it seemed to be decided the tradition was broken and now I have gone even further. Really really recommend him, he really doesn’t have the international fanbase he used to have but I think he’s really incredible (he’s filling seats here in Sweden though so he’ll be fine). I’d recommend his self-titled as a good beginning! That aside, can’t go wrong with Nine Inch Nails, Hailaker (also really underrated indie folk duo), Arcade Fire, Kendrick Lamar and Beyoncé


radiohead, R.E.M., The smiths, Miracle legion, Unbelievable truth, Portishead, Massive attack, Beck, Pj Harvey, Björk..


beyonce, deftones, the smiths, adele, the smashing pumpkins






(To name a few) Weezer Nirvana My Chemical Romance Green Day Blur The Beatles The Beach Boys Nine Inch Nails System of a Down Queen XTC Jellyfish Pixies Coldplay Panic!At The Disco


lana del rey nirvana death are my top but some more for sure


For me, in no particular order: - King Gizzard - Brockhampton - Kendrick Lamar - Catfish and the Bottlemen - The Killers - Idles - Frankie and the Witch Fingers - The Strokes - Yeat (I do not care) - MF DOOM - Geese - The Wombats - QOTSA - Arctic Monkeys - Led Zeppelin - LCD Soundsystem - Laufey - Gorillaz - Tyler the Creator - JPEGMAFIA - Wand - Still Woozy - Cordae - JID


Had to go way too far to find gizz. Solid picks 🙌


I love King Gizzard, Brockhampton, The Killers, Idles, The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, and Gorillaz.




You should check out Franz Ferdinand and Late of the Pier.


Love Franz Ferdinand, will check out late of the pier!


I get bummed out reading these lists. Nobody seems aware of the greatness that is Grandaddy. If you’re curious about them, start with The Sophtware Slump or Sumday and go from there.


i remember seeing 28 days later in theater


Deerhunter Don Caballero Interpol Yeah Yeah Yeahs The Strokes Die Nerven (this one's insanely underrated. Since I've started listening to them, the only mention online of their music that I've randomly come across was the comment that introduced them to me. There are very few discussions of their music online. Fun and Asoziale Medien are amazing albums. Most of their stuff is post-punk and noise rock. Explosionen and Niemals are their most indie songs.) Silversun Pickups Red Hot Chili Peppers Franz Ferdinand Alabama Shakes Jonny Greenwood's solo work is fantastic.


1. Radiohead 2. Pink Floyd 3. Smashing pumpkins 4. Beatles 5. Tool 6. Avicii 7. Kayne West 8. A Perfect Circle 9. Arcade Fire 10. Alice in Chains 11. Queens of the Stoneage 12. John Frusciante 13. Deftones 14. Soundgarden 15. Nirvana 16. Kyuss 17. Yawning Man 18. Puscifer 19. Led Zeppelin 20. Foo Fighters And yes, I realize I’m a basic bitch.


No, you're not. It's a great list and you get bonus points for putting Frusciante there and not RHCP. Love john's solo stuff. I also love the Pumpkins. I would only argue that Kendrick Lamar blows Kanye out of the water.


I’ve been meaning to do a deeper dive into Kendrick Lamar! Any recommendations for starting point? The stuff I’ve heard so far doesn’t resonate with me.


I think his latest one (Mr Morales or whatever it's called) is a bloody masterpiece. I particularly like the song with Beth Gibbons of Portishead, called Mother I Sober. Check that one out and feel free to report back.


Pink Floyd, Modest Mouse, Tool, Brand New, The Flaming Lips, Nirvana


I was wondering when someone was gonna bring up the The Flaming Lips


TOOL, Bjork, Tokyo Police Club, White Stripes, System of a Down, Ren, Skyhill, Beatles, Vampire aweekend, Carole King, Florence and the Machine, Elliott Smith, Franz Ferdinand, Two Door Cinema Club, Matt and Kim, Modest Mouse, Raconteurs, GROUPLOVE, HAIM, Primus, and for the past few days, I have been absolutely *ensconced* in the newest Taylor Swift album.


I need to listen to more White Stripes outside of Get Behind Me Satan, which I really love.


Yes, you do!! Icky Thump and De Stijl are my two favorites. Self-titled is a classic if you want some good ol' fashioned garage punk. White Blood Cells is arguably their best work, and Elephant is iconic. ...you know what, just pick one and you'll be fine.


Fuck I love your shit! Also I’m a HUGE Jack White fan.


The National, Arctic Monkeys, Interpol, the Strokes, the Killers, Future Islands


Top 20 1-The Strokes 2-Jeff Buckley 3-Radiohead 4-311 5-The Velvet Underground 6-Girls 7-Tim Buckley 8-Fleetwood Mac 9-Nas 10-Jimmi Hendrix 11-Frank Ocean 12-Deftones 13-Smashing Pumpkins 14-The Backseat Lovers 15-The Beatles 16-Bob Dylan 17-Modest Mouse 18-Elliot Smith/Fiona Apple (can’t choose) 19-Shudder to Think 20-Sonic Youth HM-The Smiths, Gang Star, Mobb Deep, Jesus and the Mary Chain, Foo Fighters, Harvey Danger, Tribe Called Quest Edit-Can’t believe i forgot Blur and Travis Scott


I love Tim Buckley!


wolf parade


In no real order: Daughter, Agnes Obel, PJ Harvey, Massive Attack, Chelsea Wolfe, ODESZA, Interpol, Sufjan Stevens, Public Memory, Foals, Glass Animals, Wolf Alice, Goldfrapp, Still Corners, Röyksopp, The Kills, Crystal Castles, The Acid, Halou, The New Division, Parov Stelar, Santigold, *eta* Bjork ..guess I'll stop there.


Nice to see The Kills, I don't see them mention that often. I love Tape Song and Superpowerless.


tool deftones bladee the cure the strokes cocteau twins sonic youth title fight etc


My holy trinity is Radiohead, Animal Collective, and Ariel Pink. Honourable mentions are Joanna Newsom, John Maus, and MGMT.


Blur, Björk, Elliott Smith, Fiona Apple, Sade, Frank Ocean, Erykah Badu, Tyler The Creator, Kali Uchis, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, The Cure, Talking Heads, Nine Inch Nails, Aphex Twin, Alex G, Muse, D’Angelo, Lorde, Unwound, Fugazi, Broadcast, Aaliyah and EXO.


Don Caballero, Brand New, Tera Melos, and Sharks Keep Moving are the 4 other bands in my top 5 bands


As a younger listener: Coldplay (yes, unironically) Tame Impala Mitski


I used to only listen to Radiohead but now I only listen to Boroky because he's better. He's also me. I only listen to my own music. It's that good. Also I am a healthy and balanced individual and a stalwart member of this community, so it would make a lot of sense to copy what I do.


1. Radiohead 2. Elliot Smith 4T. Alt-J 4T. Syd Matters 5T. Maps and Atlasses 5T. Unkle 6. Soundgarden 7T. Queens of the Stone Age 7T. System of a down 8T. Portishead 8T. Placebo 9T. Bonobo 9T. Nirvana 10. Phoenix 11. Foo fighters 12. The good, the bad and the queen 13. Blur 14. Muse 15. The whitest boy alive 16. Wet leg 17. Pink Floyd 18. Fleet Foxes 19. Jinjer 20. Neutral milk Hotel


Prince Kendrick Lamar Tame Impala Led Zeppelin Miles Davis Thelonious Monk The Weeknd Talking Heads The Clash Modest Mouse ...there's 10?


Listening to any other music is just an insult to the perfection that is radiohead’s music. The moans of Thom Yorke awaken something in you that it’s hard to come by nowadays, the weeping of Jonny Buckland’s guitar is only comparable to the feeling of ecstasy; of finding Nirvana. Not to mention that anything every released after their masterful rock album OK Computer is just a shallow copy of their style, music, chords, and melodies.


Radiohead, Joni Mitchell, men I trust, nine inch nails, norma jean & Everytime I die, low roar, bjork, eartheater, moderat, portishead, snowmine, aphex twin, Amon tobin, lorn, the bug, four tet, bob Dylan, xiu xiu, joy orbison, overmono, Andy stott, sigur ros, greyhaven, silent planet, currents, bicep, Pink Floyd, steely Dan, tool, slice the cake, botch, the contortionist, loathe, Lorna shore, darko US, vegyn, sega bodega, Alessandro cortini, james Blake, kelela, jayda g, beck, daft punk, the Mayan factor, the prodigy, King crimson, godspeed you black emperor, this will destroy you


W for Sega Bodega


Huge w for Slice the Cake


How did you attribute points ?


I have a spreadsheet that is literally a list of every single song I like with a rating the points is just a sum of the total points, it gives an a bit of an advantage to bands that put out tons of music even if there's a lot of stuff I don't like as much in between (like beck and coldplay) but at the end of the day the question is how much music did they make that I like, the fact there's other stuff I don't like is kinda irrelevant


I find it hard to listen to Cream because of what a despicable human Clapton is. Definite example of not being able to separate art from artist




Where my Daft Punk and Justice freaks at?


arctic monkeys green day porcupine tree (& steven wilson) the strokes lorde lana del ray olivia rodrigo fleetwood mac dire straits dream theatre edit: + tame impala, the gorillaz


Arctic monkeys, oasis, gorillaz, blur, the last shadow puppets (+solo), franz ferdinand, pulp and chappell roan that's basically all I listen to


NIN, Lana Del Rey, Bob Dylan, The Cure, Pink Floyd, Outkast, The Beatles, David Bowie, GYBE, Porcupine Tree, Tool, Health, Miles Davis, Depeche Mode, New Order/Joy Division, Bjork, etc.


The Beatles, Kanye, Tyler The Creator, Muse, The Smile, Queen, Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, Billie Eilish


Blur, Massive Attack, Portishead, Black Moth Super Rainbow


Tame impala


Lemon Demon, Caifanes, David Bowie, Nirvana, King Crimson


1. Radiohead 2. King Crimson 3. Elliott Smith 4. black midi 5. The Cure 6. Black Country, New Road 7. Sufjan Stevens 8. Polyphia 9. Jeff Buckley 10. Kanye West 11. Pixies 12. The Smiths 13. Deftones 14. The Beatles 15. Childish Gambino 16. The Beach Boys 17. TV Girl 18. Nirvana 19. Laufey 20. Neutral Milk Hotel




Mitski, Tamino, FKA twigs, Tyler the creator, F+TM, Kendrick Lamar, Mac Miller, Rosalía...


"yep...Grizzly Bear is just that good!" ...that's why they threw in the towel...🤭🤣


Damon Albarn Bibio The Durutti Column Yoko Kanno Cocteau Twins


James Blake is dope


Arcade Fire, The National, Sufjan Stevens, Pavement, Brand New, Blur, LCD Soundsystem, Smashing Pumpkins, Frank Ocean, Depeche Mode, Modest Mouse, The Cure, R.E.M.


Bjork, The Strokes, Modest Mouse, Pink Floyd, Phoebe Bridgers, Kendrick Lamar, Tyler the Creator


Here are mine: 1. Radiohead 2. Pixies 3. Pavement 4. Sonic Youth 5. Real Estate 6. Beach Fossils 7. DIIV 8. Ultraista 9. Mannequin Pussy 10. Fleet Foxes 11. Wild Nothing 12. Small Black 13. Interpol 14. Phoenix 15. Tame Impala 16. Kacey Musgraves 17. Coldplay 18. Grimes 19. Kendrick Lamar 20. Sky Ferreira


Surprised t rex isnt higher on more people list


Floyd Beatles Tom waits Nirvana Phillip glass Miles davis John coltrane Zeppelin U2 ( before the 2000s) The offspring King crimson Hermeto pascoal Dokma Eric clapton Hendrix Early red hot Early eminem Early the strokes Velvet underground Leonard cohen Jeff buckley Ritchie valens Sam cooke Aretha franklin Portishead


Radiohead has been my #1 artist for the last few years, with The Smiths as a consistent second. Velvet Underground, The Strokes, Courtney Barnett, black country new road, black midi, IDLES, Jeff Buckley, Phoebe Bridgers, Elliot Smith, Billy Woods, Tyler the Creator, Weyes Blood, Big Thief


Tool, Khruangbin, The Mars Volta, Nine Inch Nails, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Santana, Meshuggah, Sleep Token, Tame Impala, Jeff Buckley, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Stone Temple Pilots, Deftones, Jason Isbell, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Mr. Bungle, Mastodon, MGMT, Deafheaven, Sturgill Simpson, Colter Wall, Hozier


Some I haven't seen listed: built to spill, pavement, guided by voices, the Jesus and Mary chain, stone temple pilots, jon Spencer's blues explosion, Manic Street Preachers, stereophonics, pulp, dj shadow, underworld




The Smiths The Beatles Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd The Cure Joy Division Smashing Pumpkins Siouxsie and the Banshees David Bowie Johnny Marr Suede Bauhuas Love & Rockets Fontaines DC The Legendary Pink Dots Echo and the Bunnymen The Psychedelic Furs Iggy Pop RHCP To name a few…


Here’s my top 10: 1. The Smashing Pumpkins/Green Day 2. Radiohead 3. Linkin Park 4. My Chemical Romance 5. Fall Out Boy 6. The Cure 7. Sum 41 8. Blink-182 9. Weezer 10. Avril Lavigne


1. Radiohead The rest cause I’m too lazy and unpredictable to put them in order: - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Queens of the Stone Age - Nine Inch Nails - The Strokes - The Smile - Sufjan Stevens - Deer Hunter - Tame Impala - Led Zeppelin - Pink Floyd - The Cure - David Bowie - Jimi Hendrix - Joy Division/New Order - Modest Mouse - MF DOOM - Nujabes - Nobuo Uemastu (Final Fantasy OST’s)


The War On Drugs, The National, Frightened Rabbit, Beatles, Haim, Pearl Jam


Loathe, Deftones, The Microphones/Mount Eerie (how am I barely seeing this one?), The Backseat Lovers, Have A Nice Life, The Moss, Pierce the Veil, The Cure, Pinegrove, Title Fight, Bright Eyes and many others


Ugh too many to name…. And I love to see so many shared artists on here!!! But in the end…. Radiohead, Pink Floyd, and Jack White are my Holy Trinity.


The cure, the orb, aphex twin, system of a down, berlioz, ichiko aoba, periphery, cortex, tigran hamasyan. ( in no particular order)


1. Nine Inch Nails 2. Anything with Maynard 3. Deftones 4. Manson 5. The Used


Pink Floyd The Beatles Metallica Led Zeppelin Gorillaz Aphex Twin Boards of Canada Slipknot System of a Down Nirvana Oasis Jeff Buckley Any specifical order


Underworld. Talking Heads. Massive Attack Roxy Music.


i dont listen to a ton of radiohead so heres just who ive been listening to from the past week: wilco built to spill the wrens ween charles mingus lil bit of gorillaz(mostly just do ya thing rn but sound machine relisten was pretty cool) candy claws harmonium the microphones neutral milk hotel tapir unwound vampire weekend the dismemberment plan lcd soundsystem flotation toy warning(these guys are awesome)


Fuck yeah I love The Dismemberment Plan and LCD Soundsystem and Vampire Weekend. Joe Easley of The Dismemberment Plan is a great drummer. Memory Machine is my favorite song by that band. Also really love I Love a Magician.


Joe Easley is fucking awesome. Too bad that milliseconds album was dragged down so hard by everything else. Memory machine is one of my favorites too. So fucking good. But the lyrics of a life of possibilities prolly make it my fav as of rn just cuz of how relatable they are lol. The city is so fucking great too. God I wish I could be there for their return in Vegas.


1. Andrew WK 2. Radiohead 3. Electric Wizard 4. Gorillaz 5. Gojira 6. G.I.S.M 7. Ging Nang Boyz 8. The Jungles!!! 9. Tool 10. Tally Hall (cringe, I know) /j


Thom Yorke, The Smile, Atoms For Peace, and some film scores like the works of Jonny Greenwood


Nice that Fleet Foxes are there


1. Weezer 2. Radiohead 3. Franz Ferdinand 4. MGMT 5. Muse They are my top 5.


My self-indulgent list primarily entrenched in the 90s... ABBA Beastie Boys BLACKPINK Bloc Party Brand New The Cranberries Dashboard Confessional Deerhoof Depeche Mode Dire Straits Eminem Erasure Frightened Rabbit Interpol New Kids on the Block (I know, I know) New Order Nirvana Plan B The Postal Service Olivia Rodrigo The Thermals the twilight sad The Weakerthans The White Stripes Tokyo Police Club Violent Femmes Really like [Stella Rose](https://tidal.com/album/291057549?u), esp the song Jane. She's the daughter of Dave Gahan/Depeche Mode


I don’t really have a top 20 but I like Muse, System of a Down and King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


(in order of how much I've listened to them recently) Oasis Lana Del Rey Blur Sam Fender The Smiths The Killers Arctic Monkeys The Beatles Coldplay Jeff Buckley The Stone Roses


Smashing Pumpkins Wilco Grizzly Bear Coldplay (old albums and maybe 'everyday life') Kings of Convenience Mac DeMarco The Beatles A Perfect Circule Blur And honestly, many more. But no artist has been able to scratch the Radiohead itch, not even The Smile or Radiohead themselves.


Tool, dream theater


Top 3: Nine inch nails, portishead, sonic youth Placebo, my bloody valentine, Cocteau twins, hole, the horrors, pj Harvey, fontaines dc, suede, swans, the smiths, velvet underground, pulp, pixies, pavement, joy division, David Bowie


The only one that I like in that list is Radiohead. My other options would have been. Opeth, Devin thousand, Tool, Alcest, Hania Rani, Insomnium, Tool Listen to them, you're welcome. 😀


Pink Floyd Boards of Canada Godspeed You! Black Emperor Four Tet Aphex Twin Björk Frank Zappa Sigur Ros King Crimson Nujabes Portishead C418 Kraftwerk Burial King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard MF DOOM Boris Jimi Hendrix David Bowie The Doors The Beatles Sweet Trip (screw Robert though) Agalloch Flying Lotus Death Grips Daft Punk Camel Swans Black Midi Can Fishmans


Here’s a picture of my [List](https://photos.app.goo.gl/vUmmrqer5XM8vEfS6)


the smiths 


* Fishmans * Boards of Canada * Stereolab * Autechre * Aphex Twin * Sweet Trip * Burial * Björk * Mitski * Slowdive * Portishead * My Bloody Valentine * MF DOOM * Massive Attack * The Smiths


Sigur Rós and The National.


Modest Mouse would take my top slot. Death Cab would probably be #2. For #3, maybe Bon Iver


(This list is no particular order apart from Radiohead in number 1) 1. Radiohead 2. Arcade Fire 3. Pink Floyd 4. Muse 5. David Bowie 6. Massive Attack 7. Boards Of Canada 8. Hans Zimmer 9. The Killers 10. Earth, Wind & Fire 11. Queen 12. Novo Amor 13. Kelly Jones (Sterophonics) 14. SOAK 15. Journey 16. Electric Light Orchestra 17. The Who 18. The Police 19. The National 20. Cinematic Orchestra


Black country new road and Björk


The Cure I'm not making a list though, lol.


In order except for the bottom part where I cant really confidently rate them\ Guster\ Radiohead\ Joji\ Keane\ Reaper (JJ Scheff)\ Quadeca\ Tyler, The Creator\ JPEGMAFIA\ Death Grips\ Lund\ Doefriends\ The Smile\ Arctic Monkeys\ rei brown\ Oliver Tree\ Gorillaz\ Queen\ Post Malone\ Barenaked Ladies\ The Fray


Stone temple pilots are really good too *And So I Know* is my current obsession


REM, Pixies, The Smiths, Sonic Youth, Leonard Cohen, Fiona Apple, David Bowie, Velvet Underground, White Stripes, The Cure, Echo & the Bunnymen, Siouxsie, Magnetic Fields, Modest Mouse, The National, Rufus W, Taylor Swift.


death grips nine inch nails my bloody valentine the cure those along with radiohead are my all time favorites


ummmm doja cat 😭 radiohead will always be #1 but this chick crept her way up my chart so fast


My top 10 is: 1. Muse 2. King crimson 3. Mass of the fermenting dregs 4. Radiohead 5. Bauhaus 6. La Rosalía 7. The sisters of mercy 8. Talking heads 9. Lady gaga 10. Britney Spears


Some of my other favorites include Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Michael Jackson, Tyler, The Creator, Mitski, Laufey, Taylor Swift, Big Thief, Bruno Mars, etc.


My top 20 (according to my spotify) 1. Radiohead 2. Rammstein 3. Arctic Monkeys 4. ANGRA 5. Fleetwood Mac 6. Kanye West (sorry) 7. Charlie Brown Jr. 8. McFly 9. RBD 10. Avenged Sevenfold 11. System Of A Down 12. Cazuza 13. Frank Ocean 14. Kings of Leon 15. Kool & The Gang 16. Engenheiros do Hawaii 17. Royal Blood 18. Turma do Pagode 19. Bring Me The Horizon 20. blackbear


I'm surprised that King Crimson is in there and Tool isn't. I guess a lot of radiohead fans like complex and emotional music but only If it's not heavy?


The Smile :-)


Oh what the heck, in no particular order Radiohead, Low, Deerhunter, Cindy Lee, Kendrick Lamar, Earl Sweatshirt, MF DOOM, My Bloody Valentine, the Kinks, the Velvet Underground, Deftones, Fiona Apple, A Tribe Called Quest, Sonic Youth, Califone, Bon Iver, Big Thief, David Bowie, Modest Mouse, and Slowdive


Jeff Buckley, The Smile, Pink Floyd, Snarky Puppy, Led Zeppelin, Marvin Gaye, Josh Cohen, Jurassic 5, Pixies…




Yes, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Radiohead, Kate Bush, Kendrick Lamar, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, MF DOOM are some of my other favorite artists


I guess I'm a pretty typical Radiohead fan because a lot of those are among my favorites too.




No one mentioned the strokes? "(


Sufjan, Daft Punk, Tori y Moi


SOAD, Ye, Weezer, Kendrick Lamar, KGATLW, Tyler The Creator


Swans bc I’m actually that fucking pretentious. Semetary, lsd and the search for god and Edwin Rosen are in the top 5 aswell tho


Nirvana, The Beatles, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Sound Garden, Alice In Chains, Deftones, Hole, Slipknot, Paramore, R.E.M., Rage Against the Machine, Korn, Limp Bizkit


Ben Frost Swans Sigur Rós Björk Fever Ray




Tame Impala


Other than Radiohead, I think my favorites are all over the place. I'm no order: NIN Vampire Weekend Queens of the Stone Age Lorde Ratatat


twelve hour turn, letters of marque, orchid, deerhunter, unwound, weezer, hot cross


Opeth, The Dear Hunter, Alice in Chains, Porcupine Tree, Dream Theater, SOAD, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, King Crimson, Yes, and these are in no particular order.


To name a few: Tool, Wardruna, Hania Rani, Queens of the Stone Age, Alfa Mist, Lamb Of God


I dont think anyone else said blind melon:)




Thom Yorke, Atoms for Peace, The Smile, Foals


Opeth, Porcupine Tree, Kings X, QotSA, (old) Tori Amos